

  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    I do eat bread on occasion, but not regularly, and I'm not going to say you can't eat it and lose weight. If you want to incorporate it into your weight loss then great for you, I just choose not to (most of the time).
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    seen a lot of posts lately regarding "whole grain/wheat" bread/brown rice.. and such.. I am not understand why alot of people choose to cut them out COMPLETELY... I have lost weight with still eating bread, at a deficit.. eating healthy and working out...

    please tell me I am not the only one? share YOUR success so we can put the "bad carbs" posts to rest!

    I seriously do not think anyone is advocating cutting them out "completely". However, if someone wanted to, they could because carbohydrates are not "Essential" meaning that you body can produce glucose WITHOUT consuming carbohydrates.

    That being said, what you see is people advocating cutting out grains and processed sugars. Aside from the high quantity of carbohydrates, grains offer nothing that cannot be found in vegetables and fruit (both of which have carbohydrates).

    These threads tend to twist the idea around to "No carbs" which is generally NOT what the OP is advocating. Often what is being advocated is eating fruits and veggies instead of large amounts of grains which in effect does reduce the amount of carbohydrates but does not eliminate them.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Here's the thing - if you can eat bread and grains in moderation and loose weight - great don't give it for you...

    BUT there are some people where cutting carbs from grain sources (bread, pasta, crackers, etc...) actually helps in weight loss...

    I spent a lot of time watching my calories and such...and I lost a little here and there - once I started watching my CARBS and cut out bread and other grain carb sources (I still eat carbs - just from fruits and veggies - I just keep it to under 100 grams a day) I actively lost weight...

    I get so freakin tired of god forbid someone posts about having slow weight loss and watching thier calories and not seeing really much of anything on the scale...and I suggest they might want to look at decreasing their intake of carbs and I get jumped on...I know what works for me and if it works for me - it may work for just because you can eat bread and pasta and loose weight doesn't mean everyone can...
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I get so freakin tired of god forbid someone posts about having slow weight loss and watching thier calories and not seeing really much of anything on the scale...and I suggest they might want to look at decreasing their intake of carbs and I get jumped on...I know what works for me and if it works for me - it may work for just because you can eat bread and pasta and loose weight doesn't mean everyone can...

    I would like to add that those that do lose while eating tons of breads and pasta tend to do chronic cardio to lose. Just an observation.
  • getfitbesexy
    Yes!!! Carbs are VERY IMPORTANT when it comes to weight loss!

    HOWEVER, you need to educate yourself with eating the RIGHT carbs :smile:

    Key Advice on Carbs:
    - Skip refined and processed foods altogether!!
    - Read the label to see if there is added sugar (be wary of the "oses")
    - Eat whole grains (oats, whole wheat and brown rice), beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables
    - Try to have 40% of your total caloric intake come from complex carbohydrates (google complex carbs :wink: )
    - Avoid low-fat foods, which contain a sizable amount of calories from sugar
    - Avoid low-carb foods, which sometimes have more calories from fat
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I get so freakin tired of god forbid someone posts about having slow weight loss and watching thier calories and not seeing really much of anything on the scale...and I suggest they might want to look at decreasing their intake of carbs and I get jumped on...I know what works for me and if it works for me - it may work for just because you can eat bread and pasta and loose weight doesn't mean everyone can...

    I would like to add that those that do lose while eating tons of breads and pasta tend to do chronic cardio to lose. Just an observation.
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I ate white bread yesterday. Also had some m&ms and an ice cream sandwich. Yeah.

    I weighed .2 lbs less today than I did yesterday. :) uh huh.

    You crack me up sarah! And yes losing weight is eating healthy with a balance of foods. Starving it of anything is never good.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.

    Yes, I know. :yawn: Oh, except when they cut up for a contest (to lose the fat in an effort to increase muscle definition).
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I get so freakin tired of god forbid someone posts about having slow weight loss and watching thier calories and not seeing really much of anything on the scale...and I suggest they might want to look at decreasing their intake of carbs and I get jumped on...I know what works for me and if it works for me - it may work for just because you can eat bread and pasta and loose weight doesn't mean everyone can...

    I would like to add that those that do lose while eating tons of breads and pasta tend to do chronic cardio to lose. Just an observation.
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.

    hummm most of the ones I know eat a lot of protiens and tons of veggie carbs but stay clear or breads and pastas

    now a lot of runners and swimmers I know eat a lot of pasta type carbs...when training...
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I get so freakin tired of god forbid someone posts about having slow weight loss and watching thier calories and not seeing really much of anything on the scale...and I suggest they might want to look at decreasing their intake of carbs and I get jumped on...I know what works for me and if it works for me - it may work for just because you can eat bread and pasta and loose weight doesn't mean everyone can...

    I would like to add that those that do lose while eating tons of breads and pasta tend to do chronic cardio to lose. Just an observation.
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.

    hummm most of the ones I know eat a lot of protiens and tons of veggie carbs but stay clear or breads and pastas

    now a lot of runners and swimmers I know eat a lot of pasta type carbs...when training...
    Maybe pre contest and cutting, but otherwise there looking to put on muscle. My brother was a BB'er and he loved his pasta as most of his friends did as well. bottom line, pasta aka carbs arn't going to hinder fat or weight loss. personally I've dropped 40 lbs in the last year and body fat from 18 to around 11 eating potatoes, pasta and bread....who knows maybe I'm a special snowflake where carbs don't make me fat. lol j/k
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.

    Yes, I know. :yawn: Oh, except when they cut up for a contest (to lose the fat in an effort to increase muscle definition).
    Most BB'ers have used the 40/40/20 macro breakdown for both cutting and bulking for years........maybe carbs make you fat "in a deficit", but you can't assume it does for everybody.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.

    Yes, I know. :yawn: Oh, except when they cut up for a contest (to lose the fat in an effort to increase muscle definition).
    Most BB'ers have used the 40/40/20 macro breakdown for both cutting and bulking for years........maybe carbs make you fat, but you can't assume it does for everybody.

    I didn't assume it would. I was agreeing with the poster that I quoted that if they are struggling to lose when following the rules, maybe it is time to cut out the grains and see what happens.

    Not everyone can process the grains so well. I didn't know I had issues with them until I dropped them. I ate oatmeal religiously, whole wheat breads, etc. I followed caloric restrictions and nothing seemed to help but minimally. I didn't see dramatic changes until I cut the grains out completely.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Most body builders eat lots of carbs including bread and pasta.

    Yes, I know. :yawn: Oh, except when they cut up for a contest (to lose the fat in an effort to increase muscle definition).
    Most BB'ers have used the 40/40/20 macro breakdown for both cutting and bulking for years........maybe carbs make you fat, but you can't assume it does for everybody.

    I didn't assume it would. I was agreeing with the poster that I quoted that if they are struggling to lose when following the rules, maybe it is time to cut out the grains and see what happens.

    Not everyone can process the grains so well. I didn't know I had issues with them until I dropped them. I ate oatmeal religiously, whole wheat breads, etc. I followed caloric restrictions and nothing seemed to help but minimally. I didn't see dramatic changes until I cut the grains out completely.
  • mzbehaven1
    mzbehaven1 Posts: 55 Member
    And I used to be able to lose weight and eat eat carbs too.... looking at your photos most of the posters on here are young. When you are over 50 (and particularly when you are female) you may well find that it is a very different story.

    Just bear that in mind for the next 20 years or so!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I ate white bread yesterday. Also had some m&ms and an ice cream sandwich. Yeah.

    I weighed .2 lbs less today than I did yesterday. :) uh huh.

    You crack me up sarah! And yes losing weight is eating healthy with a balance of foods. Starving it of anything is never good.
    Excellent point. And I don't eat white bread or candy. I would guess the last time I had white bread was in the 90s.
    Candy (other than the occasional dark chocolate) probably 2002. For me it's not about weight loss. This IS my lifestyle.
  • mzbehaven1
    mzbehaven1 Posts: 55 Member
    By the way, you can get carbs by not eating grains. They are not the be all and end all of carbohydrates. I don't judge people for eating bread or pasta or whatever (food, real food) so why judge others if NOT eating grains works for them.
    thank you for saying that...there are a lot of judgemental people here today.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member

    My bad, I did mention the chronic cardio. I guess that was about it.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    And I used to be able to lose weight and eat eat carbs too.... looking at your photos most of the posters on here are young. When you are over 50 (and particularly when you are female) you may well find that it is a very different story.

    Just bear that in mind for the next 20 years or so!

    Very good point! So true!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I eat whole wheat bread or english muffins or buns nearly every day.

    I think if you are one of the people who decide to go the diet-only route for losing weight, yes you do have to be careful with your carb intake, but if you workout pretty hard, they are absolutely necessary to have in decent amounts (although if you are insulin-resistant it is a whole 'nother story). It's all about knowing when to eat what kind of carbs, and how they work in your body.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Everyone has to do what works for them, I was a carb addict, and eating more than 30net carbs a day doesn't work for me.