Daily Check In - SPRING 2012



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes until after dinner then I went over.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? 25 mins. Pilates and walked for a couple of hours slow pace.
    What would I have done differently? After dinner went over with ice cream and popcorn at the movies.
    What is today's personal goals? Pilates 25 mins. done, walking, and finish cleaning livingroom.
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/7/ - l hour Pilates session
    Tuesday - 5/8- 20 mins Pilates
    Wednesday - 5/9 - 20 mins. Pilates and 35 mins. walking
    Thursday - 5/10 - 25 mins. Pilates
    Friday - 5/11 - 25 mins. Pilates and walking
    Sat. - 5/12 - 25 mins. Pilates
    Sun. - 5/13 - Mothers Day - day off

    For all you who are mothers HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
  • arojas1227
    arojas1227 Posts: 56 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? A little low.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? YES
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I didn't eat or drink too much at a party! And I burned 996 calories :)
    What would I have done differently? eaten more.

    What is today's personal goals? eat enough, burn a lot, stay positive!

    •Mini goal - 5/2/12 229.1
    •Mini goal - 6/10/12 220
    •Mini goal - 7/15/12 208

    Exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) 6/7 days of exercise
    Week (so far) Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: 115 min
    Tue: 115 min
    Wed: 85 min
    Thur: 92 min
    Fri: 72 min
    Sun: none

    Total / min left: 479 / 0
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? OMG no!
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - NO
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Drank margaritas with my daughter. :tongue:
    What would I have done differently? Not eat out in restaurants all weekend.
    What is today's personal goals? One hour session of Pilates
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/14 - one hour Pilates
    Tuesday - 5/15 -
    Wednesday - 5/16 -
    Thursday - 5/17
    Friday - 5/18-
    Sun. - 5/19 -

    I am up 2.4 lbs. today after this restaurant eating extravaganza. Lots of water today and I hope
    next week goes better. I will try to push the exercise. :smile:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No. Over 250.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Went for a nice walk and logged my calories:happy:
    What would I have done differently? Watch the leftovers from Mother's Day - potato salad, hot dog, cole slaw. :grumble:
    What is today's personal goals? Log my calories, stay under and the elliptical

    Mini goal - 3/31/12 190
    Mini goal - 4/30/12 187
    Mini goal - 5/31/12 184

    Mon - 40 min walk
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of?Worked in the garden to get ready for planting
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? 25 mins. walking-done, Pilates exercises
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/14 - one hour Pilates
    Tuesday - 5/15 - 35 mins. walking, Pilates exercises
    Wednesday - 5/16 - 25 mins. walking, Pilates exercises
    Thursday - 5/17
    Friday - 5/18-
    Sun. - 5/19 -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Didn't track dinner
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Probably not
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? yoga
    What would I have done differently? should have gone for a walk before dinner
    What is today's personal goals? Log my calories, stay under and go for a walk (75 minutes - it was nice)

    Mini goal - 3/31/12 190
    Mini goal - 4/30/12 187
    Mini goal - 5/31/12 184

    Mon - 40 min walk
    Tues - 35 mins elliptical
    Wed - 60 mins yoga
    Thurs - 75 min walk
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Water all the plants with plant food
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals?35 mins walking and Pilates exercises
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/14 - one hour Pilates
    Tuesday - 5/15 - 35 mins. walking, Pilates exercises
    Wednesday - 5/16 - 25 mins. walking, Pilates exercises
    Thursday - 5/17 - walking while shopping, Pilates
    Friday - 5/18- 35 mins walking, Pilates
    Sat - 5/19 -
    Sun - 5/20 -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Didn't track
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Probably not
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? went for a 4 mile walk and didn't have cake (or sweets at the 1st communion I went to).
    What would I have done differently? track...track...track
    What is today's personal goals? Log my calories, stay under, and bootcamp tonight.

    Had a great exercise week last week but I am going back to my old eating\drinking habits. Didn't help being at the casino Sat. night. Really having a hard time getting back on track with food. I guess I will keep exercising and hopefully I will figure out the food part...:grumble:

    Mini goal - 3/31/12 190
    Mini goal - 4/30/12 187
    Mini goal - 5/31/12 184

    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Not much trying to get back at it after our
    long weekend.
    What would I have done differently? Missed my Pilates session, had the wrong time. :ohwell:
    Just did my exercises at home.
    What is today's personal goals? Cleaning the bathroom and kitchen.
    Not feeling great today I think I am getting a cold. :sick:
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/2l- Holiday weekend we enjoyed the boat no exercise.
    Tuesday - 5/22 - ?
    Wednesday - 5/23 - Pilates exercises and cleaning upstairs.
    Thursday - 5/24 -
    Friday - 5/25-
    Sat - 5/26- Visiting my daughter and there will be walking.
    Sun - 5/27 - Coming home

    Getting busy now that our boat is in the water. I will try and keep up during the week
    but on weekends I can't guarantee I will be here.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No didn't finish tracking (sick)
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Nothing
    What would I have done differently? Exercised if I felt better. :ohwell:
    What is today's personal goals? Rest and drink lots of fluids.
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/2l- Holiday weekend we enjoyed the boat no exercise.
    Tuesday - 5/22 - ?
    Wednesday - 5/23 - Pilates exercises and cleaning upstairs.
    Thursday - 5/24 - Nothing feeling sick
    Friday - 5/25- Went to Doctors today and have a sinus infection, cough, and feel like crap. :sick:
    Sat - 5/26- Not visiting my daughter and will rest this weekend.:ohwell:
    Sun - 5/27 - Rest

    We try for next week and see if I feel better for exercise.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No didn't track last night's dinner.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No still resting from being sick
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Rested and read my book
    What would I have done differently? Exercised and ate better
    What is today's personal goals? Walked 40 mins.- done and do Pilates exercises
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/28- 40 mins walking and Pilates exercises
    Tuesday - 5/29 -
    Wednesday - 5/30-
    Thursday - 5/31 -
    Friday - 6/1 -
    Sat - 6/2 -
    Sun - 6/3 -

    Feeling much better today. Back at exercise and eating right. :bigsmile:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? walked to my sister's house instead of taking the car... not that big of a deal... it is pretty close... LOL
    What would I have done differently? a longer walk
    What is today's personal goals? log my calories (on WW.com), elliptical, take my 15 year old lab to the vet :frown: We'll see what the vet has to say about his breathing.

    My company has exercise\health incentives, one is WW. If I log for 10 weeks they will reinburse me for 50% of the cost of the online program. I am tracking my calories there but checking in here. Love my MFP friends :heart:

    Mini goal - 3/31/12 190
    Mini goal - 4/30/12 187
    Mini goal - 5/31/12 184

    Mon - a short walk
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No didn't track last night's dinner.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Had lunch with a friend and ate well
    What would I have done differently? Exercised
    What is today's personal goals? 20 min Leslie Sasone and 17 min Pilates
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/28- 40 mins walking and Pilates exercises
    Tuesday - 5/29 - ?
    Wednesday - 5/30- 1 hour Pilates
    Thursday - 5/31 - Pilates
    Friday - 6/1 - 20 min Leslie Sasone and 17 mins Pilates
    Sat - 6/2 -
    Sun - 6/3 -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No, I had movie popcorn and Thai chicken after the movie
    I didn't count the calories.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Finished dusting downstairs and try to stay on track
    What would I have done differently? Exercised
    What is today's personal goals? Get a walk in today if possible. Awefully windy outside
    Exercise this week Sun-Sat -

    Monday - 5/28- 40 mins walking and Pilates exercises
    Tuesday - 5/29 - ?
    Wednesday - 5/30- 1 hour Pilates
    Thursday - 5/31 - Pilates
    Friday - 6/1 - 20 min Leslie Sasone and 17 mins Pilates
    Sat - 6/2 -
    Sun - 6/3 -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Sail Past at our sailing club.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing it was fun but no exercise that day just sailing.
    What is today's personal goals? Exercise. I will have my Pilates session today. But need to do
    some cardio

    Monday - 6/4 - l hour Pilates session
    Tuesday - 6/5
    Wednesday - 6/6
    Thursday - 6/7
    Friday - 6/8 - Leaving for our sailing cruise. A two hour cruise
    Sat - 6/9 -
    Sun - 6/10
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Sail Past at our sailing club.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing it was fun but no exercise that day just sailing.
    What is today's personal goals? Exercise. I will have my Pilates session today. But need to do
    some cardio

    Monday - 6/4 - l hour Pilates session
    Tuesday - 6/5
    Wednesday - 6/6
    Thursday - 6/7
    Friday - 6/8 - Leaving for our sailing cruise. A two hour cruise
    Sat - 6/9 -
    Sun - 6/10

    Shirley61 - You've been all by yourself :cry: Where did everyone go?

    Last week I was tracking on WW. This week I am tracking on both sites. I find MFP easier but I like some of the features of WW. Hum? We'll see how long I can keep this up. :bigsmile:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? donated blood, tracked my calories and stayed under
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? elliptical, track and stay under. When I posted a week ago I was bringing my sweet 16 year old black lab to the vet. Didn't go well... his breathing was bad and we put him down. :frown: I know we did the right thing but it is sure lonely around the house without him.

    Mini goal - 3/31/12 190 I am going to get here!!!!
    Mini goal - 4/30/12 187
    Mini goal - 5/31/12 184

    Mon - yoga
    Tues - elliptical
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No, didn't track dinner
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? One Hour Pilates session
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What is today's personal goals? Exercise but I have two appts so I hope to do something.
    some cardio

    Monday - 6/4 - l hour Pilates session
    Tuesday - 6/5 - something today but don't know yet.
    Wednesday - 6/6
    Thursday - 6/7
    Friday - 6/8 - Leaving for our sailing cruise. A two hour cruise
    Sat - 6/9 -
    Sun - 6/10

    :bigsmile: Yeah Gold, where is everyone. I am not going to continue if nobody comes back. Let me know if
    you are bowing out of this. Please

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No but I did track everything and went over calories.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? - No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I had two appts. chiropractor and dentist. Exercise
    went by the wayside.
    What would I have done differently? Exercised more.
    What is today's personal goals? Exercise
    some cardio

    Monday - 6/4 - l hour Pilates session
    Tuesday - 6/5 - something today but don't know yet.
    Wednesday - 6/6 - Cleaning upstairs
    Thursday - 6/7
    Friday - 6/8 - Leaving for our sailing cruise. A two hour cruise
    Sat - 6/9 -
    Sun - 6/10

    I went over calories but was under on the scale today. :bigsmile: Funny how that works. :drinker:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes - Woohoo!
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? tracked my calories and stayed under
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? stationary bike at the Y, track calories and stay under

    Mini goal - 3/31/12 190 I am going to get here!!!!
    Mini goal - 4/30/12 187
    Mini goal - 5/31/12 184

    Mon - yoga 60
    Tues - elliptical 35
    Wed - stationary bike 45
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -