When guys yell out the car and honk the horn at you..



  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    It's funny that you posted this. This evening I was out watering the yard. I bent over to hook the hose up and I hear WOOTS and a honk.....seriously, I could be their Mother....

    But yea, I was flattered. :happy:

    Hmmmmm.... that founds like s NSV, hahaha
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    it's strange to me women who enjoy that objectification. what goes through their heads?

    "i really really hope someone screams things at my body. that would flatter me lots"

    "maybe if i wear something slutty enough no one will expect me to have a personality"

    "my fitness routine would sure be made better if some strangers yelled things at me"


    I think its a lack of self esteem. If someone truly feels good about how they look they wouldn't look forward to crude situations like this. I've had some people yell crazy things or do obscene gestures out of cars and every single time it just makes me really uncomfortable cause I'm often walking alone when it happens.

    I live in a Latin/Norwegian/Irish neighborhood in Brooklyn.

    When the men in this neighborhood see a chick, they say 'excuse me you are beautiful oh my god' or 'good morning, god bless you, youre beautiful' or 'Lady, you own the world today, dont let anyone tell you different!' or 'Hi sunshine!' or 'oh my my my you should marry me!'

    Its great to know that the reason this makes me smile is because I hate myself, and not because Ive finally gotten past that part of changing your life where its rude to believe compliments or praise for your appearance.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I have never seen this happen in my entire life. I think it's just something that happens in the movies.

    Come visit nyc and walk near any pretty girl.

    LOL yea come to nyc and follow a random pretty girl around...creeper :laugh:

    How else would he notice unless he's being a little creepy haha.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I absolutely despise it. I don't find it at all flattering, I think it's obnoxious and I hate the idea that just because I'm walking down the street, I'm open to be yelled at :/

    Agree with this. It's not as if men that do that are in any way discerning so what's to be flattered about? Icky... :noway:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    it's strange to me women who enjoy that objectification. what goes through their heads?

    "i really really hope someone screams things at my body. that would flatter me lots"

    "maybe if i wear something slutty enough no one will expect me to have a personality"

    "my fitness routine would sure be made better if some strangers yelled things at me"


    I think its a lack of self esteem. If someone truly feels good about how they look they wouldn't look forward to crude situations like this. I've had some people yell crazy things or do obscene gestures out of cars and every single time it just makes me really uncomfortable cause I'm often walking alone when it happens.

    I live in a Latin/Norwegian/Irish neighborhood in Brooklyn.

    When the men in this neighborhood see a chick, they say 'excuse me you are beautiful oh my god' or 'good morning, god bless you, youre beautiful' or 'Lady, you own the world today, dont let anyone tell you different!' or 'Hi sunshine!' or 'oh my my my you should marry me!'

    Its great to know that the reason this makes me smile is because I hate myself.

    That sounds really lovely! :)

    Oops, guess I hate myself too *jumps off bridge*
  • iemcanadian
    iemcanadian Posts: 18
    I absolutely despise it. I don't find it at all flattering, I think it's obnoxious and I hate the idea that just because I'm walking down the street, I'm open to be yelled at :/

    Haha - There are those that just ignore it and move on and you can tell, but then there's you and your entire body tells us how you feel about it and that's like the smell of blood on the plains!! Not saying that its right, just saying that we know.

    That's creepy as hell. :/ It makes it extra creepy that you know it's creepy, and yet still do it. Guys like you are gross.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    Depends what they're yelling. :wink:
    So this. Whistles, ok. If I don't hear it, but the sentiment sounds ok, ok. :smile:

    NOT, the guy who waggled his tongue at me the other day :sick:
    But if he'd been hot, then, maybe ok :wink:

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have never seen this happen in my entire life. I think it's just something that happens in the movies.

    Come visit nyc and walk near any pretty girl.

    Or come visit NYC and walk next to normal me and someone's grandma.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    it's strange to me women who enjoy that objectification. what goes through their heads?

    "i really really hope someone screams things at my body. that would flatter me lots"

    "maybe if i wear something slutty enough no one will expect me to have a personality"

    "my fitness routine would sure be made better if some strangers yelled things at me"


    I think its a lack of self esteem. If someone truly feels good about how they look they wouldn't look forward to crude situations like this. I've had some people yell crazy things or do obscene gestures out of cars and every single time it just makes me really uncomfortable cause I'm often walking alone when it happens.

    I live in a Latin/Norwegian/Irish neighborhood in Brooklyn.

    When the men in this neighborhood see a chick, they say 'excuse me you are beautiful oh my god' or 'good morning, god bless you, youre beautiful' or 'Lady, you own the world today, dont let anyone tell you different!' or 'Hi sunshine!' or 'oh my my my you should marry me!'

    Its great to know that the reason this makes me smile is because I hate myself.

    I guess reading is not your strong suit. The original post was not about being complimented, it was about being honked at or having someone yell at you.

    Just to add I also live in brooklyn and men here do both. Some give nice compliments and I have no problem with that and others honk their car horns at you and make obscene gestures when you cross the street. Lets not forget the creepy guys who follow you when you're trying to get away from their creepy *kitten* also. Any woman who enjoys that is truly sick in the head.
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    it's f-ing annoying. to me at least. i usually yell back at them and tell them to F-off. this morning on my run a guy literally put on the breaks as he was crossing an intersection... seriously? i know it's supposed to be a form of flattery or something but when I'm running my bloods pumping and so is my testosterone so they usually get yelled back at or get flipped the bird. a lot of the words i use are too explicit for this thread lol but my favorite one is "F-off you fat F-er"

    when i see a hot buff man running i definitely take notice but i don't honk my horn, or yell at them. i just usually give them a nod as in "good work keep it up" cuz i know the work that goes into staying that shape. it just frustrates me so much because it's completely sexist and no class at all. now if a guy ran alongside me and complimented me while actually keeping up, then that would rock! but so far just the yells and cat calls from the dirty sweaty fat pieces of crap that can't help themselves from acting stupid.
  • lordsangel
    lordsangel Posts: 167
    It's really annoying and embarrassing. I usually try to pretend like I didn't hear them.
    me too. I dont like it. I think if they guys doing the yelling were hot it would be a whole 'nother story but the ones yelling out the window, usually on the passenger side (b/c they dont have a car) dont have any class. They do that b/c they probably cant get a woman in the real world so resort to drive-by comments
  • KwajSteve
    KwajSteve Posts: 5
    I think guys that do that have no class at all. Just my 2 cents.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Depends what they're yelling. :wink:
    So this. Whistles, ok. If I don't hear it, but the sentiment sounds ok, ok. :smile:

    NOT, the guy who waggled his tongue at me the other day :sick:
    But if he'd been hot, then, maybe ok :wink:


    See this is the thing lol...it's only creepy if they're old/unattractive! If it's a cute guy, THEN it's flattering. :tongue:
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I hate it because I turn red a feel embarrassed.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I absolutely despise it. I don't find it at all flattering, I think it's obnoxious and I hate the idea that just because I'm walking down the street, I'm open to be yelled at :/

    This, I've actually yelled/asked if that ever works for them, they looked puzzled. I may have made them think and hurt their brains.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    it's strange to me women who enjoy that objectification. what goes through their heads?

    "i really really hope someone screams things at my body. that would flatter me lots"

    "maybe if i wear something slutty enough no one will expect me to have a personality"

    "my fitness routine would sure be made better if some strangers yelled things at me"


    I think its a lack of self esteem. If someone truly feels good about how they look they wouldn't look forward to crude situations like this. I've had some people yell crazy things or do obscene gestures out of cars and every single time it just makes me really uncomfortable cause I'm often walking alone when it happens.

    I live in a Latin/Norwegian/Irish neighborhood in Brooklyn.

    When the men in this neighborhood see a chick, they say 'excuse me you are beautiful oh my god' or 'good morning, god bless you, youre beautiful' or 'Lady, you own the world today, dont let anyone tell you different!' or 'Hi sunshine!' or 'oh my my my you should marry me!'

    Its great to know that the reason this makes me smile is because I hate myself.

    I guess reading is not your strong suit. The original post was not about being complimented, it was about being honked at or having someone yell at you.

    Just to add I also live in brooklyn and men here do both. Some give nice compliments and I have no problem with that and other honk their car horns at you and make obscene gestures when you cross the street. Lets not forget the creepy guys who follow you when you're trying to get away from their creepy *kitten* also. Any women who enjoys that is truly sick in the head.

    I guess reading isnt your strong suit either as I never said they weren't yelling this at us from a car as they took a left on 4th ave.

    I dont think any woman trying to get away is also enjoying it - cause then she'd just be pretending to try to get away.

    I also dont think its cool to call an entire demographic 'sick in the head' simply because their sleeze tolerance is higher and their self-worth is based on external influences.
  • iemcanadian
    iemcanadian Posts: 18
    Is this some kind of American custom? I can honestly state that this is not something that is done in Canada.

    (and no, I don't mean just not at me, I mean at any woman...even the ones dressed like they are in a music video with Kanye)

    I'm Canadian, and this happens a lot to myself & my friends.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    I have never seen this happen in my entire life. I think it's just something that happens in the movies.

    Come visit nyc and walk near any pretty girl.

    In any city there are always horns going off. Doesn't mean it's for a girl.
  • Sksieger
    Sksieger Posts: 63
    I take no issue with a man complimenting me on my looks. Its how its done that I have the issue with. Honking or yelling as I walk down the street is like having a guy come up to me and say "i wanna do ya" as opposed to you are a beautiful or sexy women. I feel most men in the US dont know how to be tactful about these things anyways. European men are much better at it. :)
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I think it's culture in a lot of cases and just how you perceive it. I personally HATE it. I run for ME to get and stay in shape. Im not all dolled up trying to get your attention so leave me the eff alone! Of course earphones help :smile: