When guys yell out the car and honk the horn at you..



  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    Absolutely hate it. I should be able to walk down a street in my own neighbourhood/city without being yelled at etc. It's rude, and you don't see me going round yelling out at strangers.

    If people working on sites (builders etc) do it it's actually illegal here and counted as harassment, so I don't see what the difference is.
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    Women tend to drive through puddles and splash me rather than hell? Maybe one day
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I usually assume they are making fun of me
  • CaoimheAine
    CaoimheAine Posts: 195
    I absolutely HATE it!!! Makes me anxious every time I'm walking around the streets :grumble:
  • Bellini500
    Bellini500 Posts: 60 Member
    I must be a right heifer because that has never ever happened to me. I think if it ever did, I would turn round to see who they were shouting at.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    It's an attack on your worth as a human being, and if they yell out of the car at you, all you are is a piece of meat that they feel they can judge.

    It's degrading, deplorable, and honestly, whenever I get cat-called at, I flip them the bird. They quickly change their tune to "YOU B*TCH/S*UT/W*ORE!" or whatever their feeble little minds can come up with.

    It's also called "rape culture." But if I start in on this, I'll be here for hours.


    It makes me feel worried, then paranoid, upset and really unsafe and then angry. And I'll think about if for the rest of the day. If I'm walking about on my own I'll always put earphones in so I don't have to hear it, unless there aren't many people about.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I hate this. Its pretty much the only reason I go out with my ipod to run errands. All the delivery truck drivers in the city hit on girls constantly and its just creepy. I even get honked at on my bike sometimes and its pretty scary.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    It's an attack on your worth as a human being, and if they yell out of the car at you, all you are is a piece of meat that they feel they can judge.

    It's degrading, deplorable, and honestly, whenever I get cat-called at, I flip them the bird. They quickly change their tune to "YOU B*TCH/S*UT/W*ORE!" or whatever their feeble little minds can come up with.

    It's also called "rape culture." But if I start in on this, I'll be here for hours.

    Here we go - another topic self righteous people can get all worked up about.

    It basically boils down to "hey I think you're attractive" and your response to that is to get offended. I'd hate to be the guy chatting you up in a bar. "What just cos I'm stood here you think you have the right to judge me as a piece of meat that you can just talk to...."

    I particularly love how the quoted poster says that it is rude, and her response is to flip them the bird...talk about ironic.

    Essentially in that scenario what is happening is -

    Guy: Hey I think you're attractive
    Girl: SCREW YOU *kitten*
    Guy: Well then, screw you for being a *****
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    I'm always flattered.
    i mean, it's not like i'm going to be like "YES, you honked/yelled/whistled at me! Take me now!"
    but hey, if someone finds me attractive enough to pay attention to, i'll take that.
    then again, i have low self-esteem.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    The one I usually get is:


    I cycle to work, gym & home and I always laugh out loud when I hear it.

    It may be a very unsubtle compliment but these guys are clearly bored and just entertaining themselves :laugh:
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Here we go - another topic self righteous people can get all worked up about.

    It basically boils down to "hey I think you're attractive" and your response to that is to get offended. I'd hate to be the guy chatting you up in a bar. "What just cos I'm stood here you think you have the right to judge me as a piece of meat that you can just talk to...."

    I particularly love how the quoted poster says that it is rude, and her response is to flip them the bird...talk about ironic.

    Essentially in that scenario what is happening is -

    Guy: Hey I think you're attractive
    Girl: SCREW YOU *kitten*
    Guy: Well then, screw you for being a *****

    It's not that someone's telling me I'm pretty, it's that someone's drawing everyone's attention to me, loudly, in public and it humiliates me. I don't do what the other person said and gesture at them, I ignore them because it makes me feel so unsafe. I realise that most of them don't intend to scare me (I don't think they actually know why they'd act like this anyway) but they do.

    I also hate people telling me to smile, make of that what you will.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I've had a few holler and yell out the car window and I act like it didn't faze me....but deep inside im like hell yeah!!! And think how awesome my butt was looking in my running tights!! Haha

    Only when it gets rude and offensive do I retaliate.
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    If this was done to you, how would you feel?

    I've heard countless people say it's trashy to enjoy that kind of thing, and not that it's ever happened to ME personally, but hell, I'd be flattered.

    I like it, I like doing it. A few years back I remember seeing a car with a bumper sticker that read "Honk to see my boobs" I honked like 4 times I drove up next to the car and all I can see is this SUPER FAT guy with extremely large titts just laughing and smiling at me....

    I was embarrassed...
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Ehhh, I guess at first I feel flattered, but then after I think about it for a while I feel sort of cheap.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    This has happened to me on many occasions. Usually it just scares the crap out of me and I jump mid-run so I look like a ninny. Then I scowl at them.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I haven't read all the responses...

    This has happened to me on a few occasions, and even though it's a nice gesture, it proves NOTHING! What, you're going to honk and hollar but not have enough balls to give me your phone number? Pfft...!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I haven't read all the responses...

    This has happened to me on a few occasions, and even though it's a nice gesture, it proves NOTHING! What, you're going to honk and hollar but not have enough balls to give me your phone number? Pfft...!

    I'd rather they throw money. Seriously, get paid to jog? Right on.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I haven't read all the responses...

    This has happened to me on a few occasions, and even though it's a nice gesture, it proves NOTHING! What, you're going to honk and hollar but not have enough balls to give me your phone number? Pfft...!

    I'd rather they throw money. Seriously, get paid to jog? Right on.

    haha yes!! :drinker:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    It's an attack on your worth as a human being, and if they yell out of the car at you, all you are is a piece of meat that they feel they can judge.

    It's degrading, deplorable, and honestly, whenever I get cat-called at, I flip them the bird. They quickly change their tune to "YOU B*TCH/S*UT/W*ORE!" or whatever their feeble little minds can come up with.

    It's also called "rape culture." But if I start in on this, I'll be here for hours.

    Here we go - another topic self righteous people can get all worked up about.

    It basically boils down to "hey I think you're attractive" and your response to that is to get offended. I'd hate to be the guy chatting you up in a bar. "What just cos I'm stood here you think you have the right to judge me as a piece of meat that you can just talk to...."

    I particularly love how the quoted poster says that it is rude, and her response is to flip them the bird...talk about ironic.

    Essentially in that scenario what is happening is -

    Guy: Hey I think you're attractive
    Girl: SCREW YOU *kitten*
    Guy: Well then, screw you for being a *****

    Men who yell out of windows are not suggesting that I'm attractive. How can they tell, when they are whizzing by at 40 mph and I'm in a big, poofy parka?

    There is a world of difference between telling a woman she's pretty and treating her like her point in life is to turn you on. Coming up to a woman at a bar and starting a conversation (shock! gasp! horror!) is different from yelling at a random stranger out of a car window.

    I zone out when people starting talking about rape culture, but if you think yelling out car windows is okay, then you have no class.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I just makes me feel cheap. What am I? A piece of meat? Sometimes I want to be appreciated for something besides my body. Just hold me.