How did every 1 gain weight



  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    fertility drugs.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Puberty. That's how long I've been struggling with my weight. Not realizing that I cannot eat the way my brothers eat. Or realizing it but being defiant against dealing with it.
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    Beer and kid
  • adams4101
    adams4101 Posts: 44 Member
    Mine was a combination, I didn't learn to eat healthy as a child because I had such a high matabolism, I could eat anything. Going hungry as a child, caused me to later in life reward myself with food. Getting pregnant (listening to people tell me that I had to eat more and I couldn't exercise). Not eating good or exercising before during and after 4 babies. and portion control. In short EVERYTHING!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    born too light for my size, then doctors put me on some steriods.... after that it was mom's cooking... all so good cooking... *drools*

    But in all seriousness; being lazy, or depressed, and not caring cause my entire family was overweight. Parents got me into sports, but it was never my cup of tea... being the short fat kid, wasn't very helpful with speed or any thing you would count with sports. which only surved to dampen my mood, which caused me to eat more.... thous the cycle started over...

    now I am trying to break that cycle
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Eating too much, drinking too much alcohol, letting my emotions get in the way & just from being a slack b*tch :)
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    for me it wasn't anything "normal" i was never skinny or anything when i was in highschool i was at my heaviest then after my first kid i was actually 30lbs LIGHTER than i was beforehand....about the same after my second and third child....then stress made me loose another 20lbs and i was in the "underweight" category.....and that happened in a timespan of 3-4 weeks literally...major stress overload....after i started eating again and was able to keep everything down the weight just kept piling on and i never thought about it til i stepped on the scale and i was close to that weight i was in highschool.....then i knew i needed to do something
  • Spanntastic12
    Spanntastic12 Posts: 181
    Office job and I wasn't very active after work. That combined with unhealthy food and over eating.
  • jgilbey
    jgilbey Posts: 79
    Sitting in the hospital for 7 months with my baby and eating cafeteria food everyday..
  • navy1984
    navy1984 Posts: 57
    Combination of things. Stress, anxiety, bad relationship with food, emotional eating, not holding myself accountable for my actions, started going back to college with a 6month old and an 18 month old, loads of stress, laziness. I got super good at making excuesses after a while, and every semester I gained about 20-30 pounds and then some during the breaks! It got to a point that I felt it was hopeless and so out of controll I had no idea where to even begine to get healthy again. But I found this website and after having dinner with a friend who was full of excuesses for her weight I said enough is enough and got into the mind frame I needed to be. 90 days later I am down 65 pounds. I count calories, weigh and measure my food and work out. I have had a few days when I eat at a friends house and have to guess, but for the most part I controll what goes into my mouth. :smile: Health is my main focus.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Ha which time?

    1st time----Freshman 15 or 30----My first time away from home so fast food and my first heartbreak mixed together, horrid

    2nd time
    too much alcohol, and other party favors it was college!

    3rd -5th time too much alcohol, stress, depression, and food

    6th and better be last, 2nd baby with the combination to the worst antidepressant----Remeron. I could eat an entire pie in one setting.
  • SharmelleOlson
    SharmelleOlson Posts: 85 Member
    I first moved to another state and due to that I stopped walking to bus stops and etc. This is because I live in a very small town and now I get rides to every where I need to go. The other reason is due to I have been eating very large helpings of food.

    Since I found out that I am a diabetic I have started walking more again and I am eating smaller helpings of food. since before I came a member here... In 2010 I I think I weighed 290 lbs and now I am at 210.25 lbs, But I will find out tomorrow if I have lost anymore lol.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i was a alcoholic for four years and when i quite drinking i replaced the motion of lifting drink for food. and i was put on meds for depression and anxiety. i went from 130 to 250 over a ten year period. i'm down to 200 but i have been able to get as low as 163 just to put a lot back on. i'm an emotional eater
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    had 2 kids, slipped on some stairs when my youngest was 2 weeks old, held on to her for dear life as my back hit the stairs, went several years not being able to do much, then a few years of steroid shots and pain meds and finally back surgery this past November.. as soon as I hit my 6 weeks post surgery, I began physical therapy and as soon as that 6 weeks was up, I begged dr to let me start exercising and here I am doing the whole package!!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    I had full-term twins.
  • IamJacksColdSweat
    IamJacksColdSweat Posts: 106 Member
    Just not caring. Most days, I knew roughly how many calories I was eating (I've been obsessed with calories since my early teens, so I pretty much know the amount of calories in most foods) and I knew I wasn't eating the proper foods, or the proper amounts,but I simply didn't give a ****. Just kinda fell into a depression, complete with 5000 calorie binges, sometimes purging, and days without food.

    Gained about 90 pounds in 5 yrs, which is disgraceful :/ I feel like I have my diet and exercise together now and I'm slowly starting to lose it.
  • Ashekelle
    Ashekelle Posts: 13
    Student teaching. I gained 15 lb in 5 months! It turns out I have a problem with stress eating...
  • KettleBellHoe
    KettleBellHoe Posts: 161
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I stopped playing rugby and stopped working out and still thought i could eat and drink what i wanted i went from 224 to 260 in 10 months

    I'm down to 233 in 4 months

    I think due to age and the slow down of my metabolism. My timeline of weight gain in the link below