Students forced to give passwords...



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I dont have anything to hide either, but its the principle. What I do on FB and MFP is none of an employers business, period.
    Again, it depends on where you work.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I work at a Catholic school and we all have morality clauses. I would gladly open up my FB and MFP (the only 2 sites I use) and show them all my interactions, and I'd do this without hesitation.

    As would I and I don't work at a private institution.

    I work at a Catholic school too and I deleted my FB account a couple months ago. Not because of work, but I got bored with it, and realized it's a big, fat waste of time. But, that's just me.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Not that I agree with the school admins practice, but... ummm... What's a 13 year-old girl doing with a facebook page anyway? My daughter wasn't allowed to get one until she was 16, and then I monitored it (and her friends) regularly.

    Because her mother allowed it. I'm sure the mother monitors the page as well being a good parent. I'm almost 30 & my mother monitors my Facebook.. more like stalks it!. The age minimum on Facebook is 13, so your point is kind of invalid.

    Regardless of anything, her rights were infringed upon and they school district should be sued. Then the admin in the article said "They volunteer the information. We just ask is there something you want to show us. Bull!! That is entrapment!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    a school here has just recently decided any students with a facebook account will be expelled as it is a primary school and none of the students are 13 yet and would therefore be in violation of facebooks terms of use. Also my workplace includes in our code of conduct stuff about facebook we dont have to share our passwords but they manage to see what ever they want i dont know if its cuz people are too dumb to set privacy settings or if they have IT hacking it but people get fired all the time for bullying workmates or saying **** about the company on facebook.

    I don't really see how it is any of the schools business. Terms of use are in no way laws but once again schools think they are the ones who should make all decisions for the students, not the parents.

    I really hate this idea that employers think they should have total access to their employees lives. It more like employers are starting to no longer look at people as employees but rather indentured servants / slaves. They should be concerned with your actions during work hours not at home. Not to mention if a employee is bad mouthing the company they don't need to look at FB to find out, they always end up doing it at work too and it will get back to the employer.

    the school is trying to make its students do the right thing its not a law but its a rule that they are breaking and if the grow up thinking thats ok then maybe it will lead to breaking laws or maybe just breaking the schools rules i dont know how i feel about that but am leaning towards leave it to the parents to parent.

    about the workplaces looking into employees well thats just sensible and people need to realise that while they maybe safe at home whilst posting things on facebook the internet is not private. just because you treat it like your diary doesnt mean anyone shouldnt be allowed to look at it. Your sharing your thoughts an photos with the world if you dont want it seen dont put it on there. Also anything u delete is not gone forever never to be seen again anyone with a little skill can find it and bring it back to bite you. which also brings us back to keeping kids safe on there and if i had a kid they wouldnt be on facebook till they were at least 15

    i dont believe however anyone should have to hand over a password. you dont need a password to view there page and passwords are there for a reason id be afraid of what they might do while they are signed on under me also most people use the same password on most things so it would possible give them access to a whole range of things.

    The one thing you are missing about the school punishing the kids for FB accounts is the fact that this is something that is done on their own time not the schools and most of the time with the parents permission. I know a lot of parents that allow their children to have FB accounts but only if they add them as friends so they can monitor what they are doing. It is not the schools job to punish kids for what they do at home. Can you image if a kid got in trouble for stealing money from their mom's purse and then the school expelled them since stealing is against school policy. I look at it as the school saying "The hell with the parents, what we say matters more!".

    I will never agree that an employer needs to know what you do with your free time, as long as you are not breaking the law. Look at where this could lead. What if your employer has a difference religion and is offended by yours, or doesn't like how you dress when you go out on the weekends. The examples are endless not to mention if they are just some sicko that is coping all your pictures because they think they love you. I do not believe in a system that states you are only innocent until we dig deep enough to find something or that if you have nothing to hide then you will open your entire life to me. As long as I don't break the law what I do in my personal life is my damn business no theirs. I don't remember seeing "indentured servant" as a job description. The ONLY reason companies are starting to push this is because they feel they can get away with it and they have no respect for their employees. If they don't trust you then they shouldn't hire you. Think about it, what are they really looking for? Do they think you are going to post how you just stole from them or how you are plotting to come in and shoot everybody? I don't think so, this is about control and nothing more. They are wanting to find something they can hold over your head. I use to work for someone that always lent his employees money. Why? Not to be nice but to make sure he could always use it against them and he always did. Companies try to present this with the most honorable intentions about there is absolutely no honor and no justification for this kind of invasion.

    As far as posting on FB there is a big difference between using a site with privacy setting and a site with no settings. Privacy setting are they so I can control who sees what, in no way is it giving permission for everyone to view. It's not about using FB as a diary or just talking to friends. It's my account and no one should have the right to demand to see it.

    Insurance companies and some businesses are demanding that employees desiring to work there DO NOT SMOKE at all, ever, anywhere, including their homes. As abhorred as I am by smoking, and feel it is a filthy, disgusting habit, I don't believe they should have the right to deny employment over smoking at home. I DO, however, believe it should be illegal to smoke around children, especially in cars and tight spaces. Our new casino in the works here will ONLY hire non-smokers, and if the employee tests positive for nicotine, they will be fired immediately, regardless of where that smoker has been smoking.

    THAT is wrong.
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I dont have anything to hide either, but its the principle. What I do on FB and MFP is none of an employers business, period.
    Again, it depends on where you work.
    No, it doesn't. If anything about fb matters to an employer its how potential clients may view you if they google your name. So the only check should be, are you using appropriate privacy settings?

    I keep hoping that as more and more of us put it all out there that people will be less judgemental. We friended our son's daycare teacher on fb. She's 21 and did a great job, so when my wife pointed out pictures she was tagged in with a beer bong, I just reminded my wife that I did that when I was 21. Just because we aren't used to seeing people in responsible positions doing the irresponsible things they do in their personal time doesn't make it wrong. Unfortunately, it seems we are getting more judgemental.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Students threatening other students.
    Students posting on FB that they plan on shooting up a school.
    Students bullying.
    Students creating an unwelcome environment at school
    Student sexually assaulting another child

    These things, for example, ARE the schools business. However, if you feel that your "rights" are infringed upon by what they are asking, either don't comply or sue. I'm not exactly sure what you'll get in return, but go right ahead. It's the American way.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Students threatening other students.
    Students posting on FB that they plan on shooting up a school.
    Students bullying.
    Students creating an unwelcome environment at school
    Student sexually assaulting another child
    These things, for example, ARE the schools business. However, if you feel that your "rights" are infringed upon by what they are asking, either don't comply or sue. I'm not exactly sure what you'll get in return, but go right ahead. It's the American way.
    Employees of a bank post about robbing people.
    Employees in law enforcement post about doing drugs.
    Employees of a church post about strip clubs.
    Employees at hospitals posting about things patients do/say/have.........

    Sorry, but I think it DOES matter where you work and what you're posting.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    It's against FB terms of service to give out your password to anyone.

    It's not only an invasion of your privacy but of your friends and family. People set high privacy measures on their FB (like myself, I keep everything hidden to anyone I do not know) I would be hurt and disgusted if someone I didn't know had access to my personal information through someone's account that I trusted.

    I don't have kids but I know I would want them to NEVER give out any personal information or passwords. It's not their decision to risk the privacy of others.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I dont have anything to hide either, but its the principle. What I do on FB and MFP is none of an employers business, period.
    Again, it depends on where you work.
    No, it doesn't. If anything about fb matters to an employer its how potential clients may view you if they google your name. So the only check should be, are you using appropriate privacy settings?

    I keep hoping that as more and more of us put it all out there that people will be less judgemental. We friended our son's daycare teacher on fb. She's 21 and did a great job, so when my wife pointed out pictures she was tagged in with a beer bong, I just reminded my wife that I did that when I was 21. Just because we aren't used to seeing people in responsible positions doing the irresponsible things they do in their personal time doesn't make it wrong. Unfortunately, it seems we are getting more judgemental.

    My kids' middle school principal got arrested for drunk driving. What did he get as a punishment for blowing twice the legal limit, driving down the wrong way on a one way street, and being too drunk to differentiate between a drivers' license and a Blockbuster membership card? 10 days paid leave (a vacation). What did he assign my son for giggling during a lock down drill? Saturday school.

    If this had been my kids' teacher you're talking about, I would have removed my children from her care immediately. I am sorry, but teachers ARE required to maintain a sense of decorum and appropriate behavior. If they are stupid enough to put a picture like that on FB for others to see (especially parents of the students she teaches), she DESERVES to lose her job. And, sorry, but you should be more horrified by this behavior than "Oh, well, gee, I was 21 once myself."

    I think part of the problem with society today is the "anything goes" mentality of "hey, it's my OWN business". It becomes my business when someone who is paid to be a role model to my children is participating in illegal activities. Period.