Women 50+ for October



  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning EVERYONE....I am chanting "I am toooo blessed to be stressed"
    stress...... stress........ go away and don't come another day. Hold on to the positive and throw out the negative. A co-worker of mine died Monday. She was only 49 years old. She had a wonderful evening joking and watching movies with her daughter, went to bed and never woke up. Remember TODAY to tell the people you love or care about how you feel, tomorrow may be to late. I love you guys, thank you for being there, Rosemary
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning Rosemary;

    My BIL asked us to pray for one of his friends. The friends 30 yr old daughter was killed in a car accident over the weekend. (Her husband was driving them home from a dinner date and swerved to avoid hitting a deer). So you never know. Tragic things happen all around us so let's make the most of our time here on this earth.

    Make it a point to bless everyone you come into contact with today!

    I'm getting my mammogram this morning. My 85 yr old mother is a 30 year survivor! I hope each of you are getting your mammograms and doing self exams. Self exam should be one of the easiest things to do but I find myself not doing them regularly. So a goal of mine is to start doing this regularly.

    I hope you all have a good day.
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good morning welcome newpeople haven't been here in a bit lost lots of me time. what a hard time this can be. i haven't done anything i should have been doing for myself i have been way way over in eating not exercisein just did for everyone else but myself. last mth i hang up a pair of white jeans that i wanted to get into and last night i found myself looking at them and said tomorrow is a new day i am inportant and i am going to start again..this is good for me cause i usally let myself go for long times and start for a few weeks i have spent a lot of time on me and not giving up ... i am going to read how everyone has been doing of and on and see what i have miss i sere someone posted a meatloaf recipe and li love meatloaf have to go back and read that one for sure. ok everyone have a blessed day.. love debbie and family
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I'll pop back on here later and read up on everyone. I'm headed out the door with my MiL to an estate sale hoping they have some of my mother's china pattern.

    I'm thrilled to be able to report the scale is still on the move at my house. After 33 weeks of doing thisI am down a total of 28 pounds. :bigsmile: ALMOST halfway there!

    TTYL :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    There's another trick to quoting someone else's post. You can delete some of what is inside the quote so if you only want to respond to one sentence or paragraph in the middle of the quote you can highlight and delete the rest of the words.

    This is my weigh in day on another thread and I'm down another pound. I'm going to celebrate by getting some more "too big" clothes" off the shelves and put them in the give away box. :smile: :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Susan, congratulations on your further weight loss. You have been a shining example of someone who never gives up.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, I have missed your cheery posts. I'm so glad to hear from you again. I know you'll find the focus and resolve you need to move further on this journey and get into those white jeans.

    :flowerforyou: I spent an hour on the phone last night (20 minutes of it on the exercise bike) talking to my 86 year old cousin who is losing her sight. She says that there is nothing in the world worse than losing your sight and she is worse off than anyone else. She resists every suggestion I make and says she knows for a fact that blind people can't possibly be happy. It is such a pleasure to return to all of you and your positive attitudes. I believe that just waking up in the morning makes it a good day. I am grateful to be alive and grateful for the lives of those around me. Thank you Rosemary and Mamacindy for reminding me to reach out today to those I love.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I got my mammogram last week and all is well. I'll redouble my resolve to do self exam more frequently and I hope all the rest of you will do the same.

    I got up early hoping to get some chores done before line dance, so I'd better get busy.
    hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

    When I read this it always helps!!!!

    :heart: Kathy

    CHORES. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • Up early to weigh in....I am 170.2! Another few ounces and I will be in the 160's!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I take care of my mom who had a stroke. She lives with me and is completely bed bound. And I have a sister who also had a stroke. Between the two I run a lot of errands. Sometimes I dont have the time or energy to attend to myself. So in the past I have taken my stress out with food. I am so happy that I am not stress eating anymore. I am being a lot more CONCIOUS (TYPO) of how and why I am putting something in my mouth. Can anyone relate?
    Blessings, Ro
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    HEY LADIES......I DID IT.....I NOW HAVE A TICKER !! Not going to tell you what I did "stupid" but I figured it out. Didn't even have to ask my husband for his help. :laugh:

    Next question. I notice when someone is posting a reply to another person they copy the message they are replying to. How do you do that ? I assume it has something to do with the "quote" prompt at the bottom of the message but haven't figured out exactly how to do it.

    I've only been doing this for 6 days so I haven't weighed yet. It will be a week on Friday so I guess I'll get on the scale. Maybe my little frog will hop a few notches on my ticker.

    All you do is push the quote button. The quoted material will appear in a box that looks just the way it does when you do a post, except the quoted material appears at the top of the box, with the word "quote" surrounded by brackets appearing at the start and end of the quote. All you do after pushing the quote button is type your response UNDER all the quoted material. and when you are finished, click on the "post reply" button.


    I see people quoting "part" of another person's quote. How do you do that? :ohwell: The only way I've done it, is to delete the rest of the quote but when it appears in the post it appears as part of my quote not their's.
    So, Tech Barb, any ideas???
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning EVERYONE....I am chanting "I am toooo blessed to be stressed"
    stress...... stress........ go away and don't come another day. Hold on to the positive and throw out the negative. A co-worker of mine died Monday. She was only 49 years old. She had a wonderful evening joking and watching movies with her daughter, went to bed and never woke up. Remember TODAY to tell the people you love or care about how you feel, tomorrow may be to late. I love you guys, thank you for being there, Rosemary

    Amen! My first husband came home from working the 2nd shift (23 years ago) and died right next to me while we were watching TV:noway: I'm so glad I told him everyday that I loved him!!!:brokenheart: Sorry about your friend:frown: she was very young.:frown:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just back from getting my mammogram! Yeah!!!! I am looking forward to getting that nice little letter from the doc telling me nothing has changed.... report back next year!

    Robina: I'm also a full time caregiver for my MIL who has Alzheimer's. We have been with her for 14 years. She is only able to get out of bed with the help of my husband or son. We all try to work together. One thing I have always done is take care of me first. I have had feelings of guilt about that but then I know I am a better caregiver when I know I am doing what I need to do for myself. In the long run she gets better care.

    What is your mother's prognosis? Will she ever regain ability to care for herself?

    I'll say a prayer for you.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Welcome to all newcomers. This is a great thread. Congrats to those losing weight. Great job. For those who are stuck are back sliding just get back on the wagon. You can do it. I weigh in tomorrow after a 2 1/2 week time without weighing. I really think I have lost but we will see.
    I dropped the girls at preschool and went to the gym. Did 80 min and burned about 1000 cal.
    Now I am making a gumbo for supper. The girls asked me to make them one. Kind of warm here to make gumbo but that s what they wanted. Looking forward to a little break. Two of children I babysit have moms that are teachers and they are having a fall break, fri, mon, tues. So that will be nice. Hubby is not coming home till next week. It will be 2 weeks Mond. I really miss him. I talk to him on phone every day but still not the same. Making good money so cant complain.
    Need to go call the doctor. Still did not get my results from blood test. Have a great day.
    vicki M
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    HEY LADIES......I DID IT.....I NOW HAVE A TICKER !! Not going to tell you what I did "stupid" but I figured it out. Didn't even have to ask my husband for his help. :laugh:

    Next question. I notice when someone is posting a reply to another person they copy the message they are replying to. How do you do that ? I assume it has something to do with the "quote" prompt at the bottom of the message but haven't figured out exactly how to do it.

    I've only been doing this for 6 days so I haven't weighed yet. It will be a week on Friday so I guess I'll get on the scale. Maybe my little frog will hop a few notches on my ticker.

    All you do is push the quote button. The quoted material will appear in a box that looks just the way it does when you do a post, except the quoted material appears at the top of the box, with the word "quote" surrounded by brackets appearing at the start and end of the quote. All you do after pushing the quote button is type your response UNDER all the quoted material. and when you are finished, click on the "post reply" button.


    Thanks , I figured it was simple but since I had so many posts on my screw up with the Weight Loss Ticker, I figured I'd just ask for help first.

    Also thanks to all you ladies for your advice and supportive messages. I LOVE this group of women !! Good luck to you all.

    Tomorrow will be one week, so I have my first weigh-in. I feel like I've done well but I'm still scared my little froggie won't jump.:brokenheart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just back from getting my mammogram! Yeah!!!! I am looking forward to getting that nice little letter .


    OMG!!!! I forgot to go this morning and get my mammogram!!:noway: I called the office and they said I could go in tomorrow!!!:embarassed: Too much going on!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Ladies:flowerforyou:

    Got to the gym again. Did highest incline for 30 min. Then went back done to 0 level and upped the speed for another 30. Not bad, getting better. I bought the Biggest loser All Natural Protein Whey Powder, so I can have it as soon as I am done with exercising. I'm hoping it will keep me from getting so tired after workouts.

    :heart: Kathy
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    HEY LADIES......I DID IT.....I NOW HAVE A TICKER !! Not going to tell you what I did "stupid" but I figured it out. Didn't even have to ask my husband for his help. :laugh:

    Next question. I notice when someone is posting a reply to another person they copy the message they are replying to. How do you do that ? I assume it has something to do with the "quote" prompt at the bottom of the message but haven't figured out exactly how to do it.

    I've only been doing this for 6 days so I haven't weighed yet. It will be a week on Friday so I guess I'll get on the scale. Maybe my little frog will hop a few notches on my ticker.

    All you do is push the quote button. The quoted material will appear in a box that looks just the way it does when you do a post, except the quoted material appears at the top of the box, with the word "quote" surrounded by brackets appearing at the start and end of the quote. All you do after pushing the quote button is type your response UNDER all the quoted material. and when you are finished, click on the "post reply" button.


    Thanks , I figured it was simple but since I had so many posts on my screw up with the Weight Loss Ticker, I figured I'd just ask for help first.

    Also thanks to all you ladies for your advice and supportive messages. I LOVE this group of women !! Good luck to you all.

    Tomorrow will be one week, so I have my first weigh-in. I feel like I've done well but I'm still scared my little froggie won't jump.:brokenheart:
    There is something strange going on this morning w/ the quote feature. Even if I make a point of posting my reply AFTER the "quote" at the bottom of the material I am replying to, the blue highlighting still shows on my typing. I am going to reply to another post and see if the same thing happens.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I see people quoting "part" of another person's quote. How do you do that? :ohwell: The only way I've done it, is to delete the rest of the quote but when it appears in the post it appears as part of my quote not their's.
    So, Tech Barb, any ideas???

    You can go in and edit the material quoted, once it appears in the reply window, just like you can your own writing as you are doing it, (or within 15 minutes of YOUR posting by using the "edit" button. You will notice I edited out the upper part of your post and left only the section I was answering. If you do this and make an error and erase more than you intended to, you don't have to retype it.. As long as it is prior to your posting of the "reply" you can just use the back arrow/button on your browser, and start over again at the "quote" button underneat the post you are replying to.


    As you can see, my reply is again appearing with the normal white background of new material, rather than a background of blue as in previous post. There must have been something strange in the code that saved in the original message that caused this malfunction. It is nothing to be concerned about.:smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I don't have time to post anything more now, as I need to get out in the sunshine and walk before I have to go to work in 2 hours.

    Everyone have a good Thursday.:flowerforyou: Remember tomorrow it is TGIF:drinker: :drinker: Unfortunately, the TGIF in my town closed about 3 weeks ago, and we have heard nothing about when it might re open. Bummer:grumble:

  • Good day to all. I am enjoying reading the tread each day. So much action and success. It is great. My weight loss group end two weeks ago but we got together last night and weight in using the official scale. I was down 5 lb for the two weeks, I was only expecting 3 lbs. I actually squealled with joy. :happy:

    I have been exercising more now that I have a Y membership and classes to take. I can do good on the treadmill but classes (zumba and yoga right now) make me work so much harder to keep up. I set a goal of 220 lbs for the new year. Now I am not sure if it is agressive enough.

    So a questions for the group: Should I keep the goal at its current level and be beat it or set the goal at a bigger stretch and possible miss it?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    Next question. I notice when someone is posting a reply to another person they copy the message they are replying to. How do you do that ? I assume it has something to do with the "quote" prompt at the bottom of the message but haven't figured out exactly how to do it.



    If you don't delete the place where it says quote, it should separate the quoted part from the part you add.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    So a questions for the group: Should I keep the goal at its current level and be beat it or set the goal at a bigger stretch and possible miss it?

    Thanks, Susan

    I'd meet the goal first, then set another one. But that's just me.

    BTW, I just updated my profile picture to one that was taken this week. The weight loss really shows up in my neck and jawline.