Looking for Feminist Friends



  • w1thh3art
    w1thh3art Posts: 17
    I'm so in! I'm definitely a feminist, and feel that I struggle with the same issues. I want to be thin mostly to look a certain way and to feel sexy, but I also know that this is a socially constructed self hate. It drives me nuts! I want to be one of those women who doesn't care and feels amazing about her lumps and bumps, but I don't. Ugh.

    Anyways, happy you created the thread! Maybe this is the start of a new way of thinking!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    how about the fact that women who hold the exact same jobs as men don't get paid as much as their male counterparts?

    Well, it's not a fact.

    When controlled for a particular job plus hours worked, women make the same. If it was a fact, then employers would only hire women since they're cheaper for the "exact same work".

    It's only unequal when you aggregate them up in to blocks, and fail to correct for type of job (e.g., risky jobs that pay well, like oil-rig workers) and hours worked. Yes, then women make less. Because they choose to work less and take on less risky jobs. I fully support a woman's right to choose less risky jobs, or more risky jobs, to work less hours, or to work more hours! Men, too. Freedom is a wonderful thing.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    how about the fact that women who hold the exact same jobs as men don't get paid as much as their male counterparts?

    Well, it's not a fact.

    When controlled for a particular job plus hours worked, women make the same. If it was a fact, then employers would only hire women since they're cheaper for the "exact same work".

    It's only unequal when you aggregate them up in to blocks, and fail to correct for type of job (e.g., risky jobs that pay well, like oil-rig workers) and hours worked. Yes, then women make less. Because they choose to work less and take on less risky jobs.

    Sorry to hijack your post saxmaniac! I couldn't find the original post that you quoted from!

    I'm a woman. I'm 28. I've served in the army. I work in a managerial position in the construction/civil engineering industry which includes some rig work. I've never been paid less than anyone I've worked with in the same position as me. I've been promoted above and beyond others who've been doing the same job as me for years longer.

    In summary, I agree with saxmaniac :)
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member

    . PS Don't ya hate it when people copy and paste something like they wrote it?
    if you are talking to me sweetheart i wonted to show the real meaning of feminism and why it was started long before you were born. Is there a rule that says do not copy and paste, no, did i actually say i wrote it no.
    We are all on this site for one thing, not to prove we are fem girly girls or macho men who cares who does the ironing who cleans the toilet , we are here to fight the excess weight and become fitter people. I personally think *****ing at other members is a negative were as we need to be positive in this to be were we all wont to end up.
    Like me or hate me whatever. but if you have something to really ***** about i hope its more than my posting an answer to a question in the best way i could,
  • I am extremely progressive to the point of not being able to live without alternative friends and lifestyle. I'd love to be a support for you and you for me.

    Don't let the jealous ones get you down. They would love to be progressive but the fear of outcast is bigger for them than having an open mind.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I am extremely progressive to the point of not being able to live without alternative friends and lifestyle. I'd love to be a support for you and you for me.

    Don't let the jealous ones get you down. They would love to be progressive but the fear of outcast is bigger for them than having an open mind.

    That's exactly it. It couldn't possibly be that <gasp> different people have legitimately different opinions?????
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    My mother taught me that "well behaved women rarely make history." Follow it every day. Feel free to add me for support!
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    If you believe women should have equal rights with men, you are, by definition, a feminist. Haven't we gone over this before?
  • inraptorswetrust
    inraptorswetrust Posts: 45 Member
    Same here. Some of the comments are revolting, especially when it comes to the topic of women's bodies. I'm sending you a friend request :)
  • beccaspex
    beccaspex Posts: 10 Member
    I am extremely progressive to the point of not being able to live without alternative friends and lifestyle. I'd love to be a support for you and you for me.

    Don't let the jealous ones get you down. They would love to be progressive but the fear of outcast is bigger for them than having an open mind.

    Love this. All about the positive support and so NOT about hating on people who don't fit into their restrictive little boxes. Feel free to add me for support too.
  • inraptorswetrust
    inraptorswetrust Posts: 45 Member
    Same here. Some of the comments are revolting, especially when it comes to the topic of women's bodies. I'm sending you a friend request :)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    (don't do it, don't do it!!!)

    Okay-- I'm doing it anyway-- gonna ignore that still, small voice--

    Gentlemen-- you have cracked me up. I totally love how "women" have somehow vaulted themselves in a protected class-- you can't tease us. You can't say anything bad about us.

    But you, guys? You're fair game.


    Personally, I don't have a feminist bone in my body. I'm a happy, healthy, submissive Christian wife and mother of 9 children.


    You mean I don't get my "fulfillment" outside the home? Uh, nope. Fulfillment comes from doing the job God called me to do-- helper to my husband, mother to my children-- I even homeschool 'em, to boot.

    I hope you have found what you're looking for OP-- I think feminism has hurt "us," meaning women, and have definitely hurt our children as more and more of "us" seek work outside the home, and dump our kids for someone else to raise. But if you find comfort in that, God bless you.

    My very controversial two cents.
  • inraptorswetrust
    inraptorswetrust Posts: 45 Member
    Same here. Some of the comments are revolting, especially when it comes to the topic of women's bodies and roles in relationships. This seems to be a very pro-patriarchy site with a lot of anti-feminist women. I'm sending you a friend request :)
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    I love feminists! No-one does dishes and laundry as well as a feminist!!


    If you can't see thae sarcasm and (intended) humour in my post, then I genuinely feel sorry for you.

    I think it's funny and I'm a woman! Am I a feminist? Doubt it. I do think that women should get paid the same amount for the same job that a man does- which sometimes isn't the case- but that's about as far as I go.

    When we get married...if my fiance ever says...honey, you just stay home with the kids and don't work. I'll DEFINITELY be taking him up on that! haha!
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    how about the fact that women who hold the exact same jobs as men don't get paid as much as their male counterparts?

    Well, it's not a fact.

    When controlled for a particular job plus hours worked, women make the same. If it was a fact, then employers would only hire women since they're cheaper for the "exact same work".

    It's only unequal when you aggregate them up in to blocks, and fail to correct for type of job (e.g., risky jobs that pay well, like oil-rig workers) and hours worked. Yes, then women make less. Because they choose to work less and take on less risky jobs.

    Sorry to hijack your post saxmaniac! I couldn't find the original post that you quoted from!

    I'm a woman. I'm 28. I've served in the army. I work in a managerial position in the construction/civil engineering industry which includes some rig work. I've never been paid less than anyone I've worked with in the same position as me. I've been promoted above and beyond others who've been doing the same job as me for years longer.

    In summary, I agree with saxmaniac :)

    Exactly, that argument started losing it's hold over 20 years ago. I was a young girl when I first started hearing about women breaking through the glass ceiling. Now, my friends have gotten their degrees to fill positions in the oil industry. Why? Because the pay is the same. Even entry level safety jobs pay the same for men and women.

    The birth control argument doesn't hold water either. Condoms and spermicide are available otc. Don't care for artificial birth control? Learn NFP, people have used it successfully for years. There is nothing more empowering than learning how your body works and controlling it, hence all this fitness stuff on this fitness site.

    You want to fight for rights, then fight for those weaker than you. Women who are truly oppressed. Young girls forced to marry old men and used as objects or status. Women who are actually told what to wear. Girls subjected to genital mutilation. Women beaten and killed for voicing opinions or daring to disagree with the men in their lives. <~~~ these are not problems "we" face in this country, though. Bring solutions to real problems to the table.
  • amber_gem
    amber_gem Posts: 23 Member
    I believe in staying home and taking care of my family. If push comes to shov,e I will go back to work. I resent comments from people who say things like "Is that ALL you do?" I like to look good because I am very vain. I like hearing compliments, mostly I get them from men. The most criticism and anger I have ever faced has always come from other women. My male friends and acquaintances have been much kinder and more supportive. On the whole I've noticed that women just bring each other down unfortunately. I'm not sure what that makes me in terms of feminism. I wish all women in the world felt empowered and loved, and loved themselves.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I wouldn't want my great sandwich making skills to go to waste. :wink:
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I agree with you on the boards, its all about body fat % and whats hot and whats not. Im married and my husband loves me and I dont care what ANYONE thinks I should look like...Im striving to be the best me...fit and strong! I dont care about wearing a bikini this summer, even when i was skinny I didnt, im pale and always been a modest girl. Im am a realist and and yes Im a Christian , no I cant stand dirty talk! Ill send you a request....
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    (don't do it, don't do it!!!)

    Okay-- I'm doing it anyway-- gonna ignore that still, small voice--

    Gentlemen-- you have cracked me up. I totally love how "women" have somehow vaulted themselves in a protected class-- you can't tease us. You can't say anything bad about us.

    But you, guys? You're fair game.


    Personally, I don't have a feminist bone in my body. I'm a happy, healthy, submissive Christian wife and mother of 9 children.


    You mean I don't get my "fulfillment" outside the home? Uh, nope. Fulfillment comes from doing the job God called me to do-- helper to my husband, mother to my children-- I even homeschool 'em, to boot.

    I hope you have found what you're looking for OP-- I think feminism has hurt "us," meaning women, and have definitely hurt our children as more and more of "us" seek work outside the home, and dump our kids for someone else to raise. But if you find comfort in that, God bless you.

    My very controversial two cents.

    My point exactly, in my first post. I think we must be kindred spirits! :flowerforyou:
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