What have u THROWN???



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am not an object thrower, just a fit thrower.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    At an ex : a fireplace poker :ohwell:

    At my brother, way too many things.. we used to fight all the time when I was younger. :smile:
    Oh ya and I threw a swimming mask at my friend when we were like 12 because she kept whining about having a turn. I launched it at her and it split her eyebrow open. Whoops.

    Oh, the things I've thrown at my brother...but he's thrown way more *kitten* at me. Like a chair. Through a window. After I called him names and locked him out of the house when mom was at work. We were 16 (me) and 14 (him) ish. We did NOT get along.
    Seriously, in hindsight, I realize how lucky I am that my brother never killed me in my sleep and or some other way (and made it look like an accident). Based on the responses here, it looks like most of us vented our anger on brothers or sisters when we were hormonal/emotional teenagers.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    :laugh: I was looking at my list of random facts and found "40% of women have hurled footwear at a man."... I :heart: my hubby more than anything, but YES I have thrown a shoe at him once or twice in our 16 years. Another item commonly used against the significant other was pots and pans YIKES!

    So, it got me thinking...what is the strangest object that you have actually hurled at someone in a fit of rage? Anything???
    Please keep this all in fun... I don't want to know about deaths and other horrible things due to this please :wink:

    Wow, it's been years but the last thing I remember was in 2003 and it was a water bottle, half full.

    I remember throwing all of our plates off the balcony at my BFs windshield and he promptly ran over the mailbox but that was many many years ago.

    3 years in to this relationship and not an argument yet.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    At an ex : a fireplace poker :ohwell:

    At my brother, way too many things.. we used to fight all the time when I was younger. :smile:
    Oh ya and I threw a swimming mask at my friend when we were like 12 because she kept whining about having a turn. I launched it at her and it split her eyebrow open. Whoops.

    Oh, the things I've thrown at my brother...but he's thrown way more *kitten* at me. Like a chair. Through a window. After I called him names and locked him out of the house when mom was at work. We were 16 (me) and 14 (him) ish. We did NOT get along.

    My brother was always smart.. he would throw small things that could be easily overlooked while I would grab the large objects hoping that my feeble attempts at launching them would make an impact. He deflected most of them. C'mon it was like a 12 year old vs 22 year old lol

    I did the small objects and the locking him out. He'd go right for the hugest thing he could grab. It was funny when he was little because he was a bean pole. Then about 15 he become some giant ox and I did not fvck with him like that anymore. We screamed instead.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I don't "throw" anything. That is too easily traced by CSI.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I've never thrown anything. When I was about 10 though I put a close pin on my brothers nose. It started bleeding.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    The Slapper Out....
  • LMP18
    LMP18 Posts: 81 Member
    I once threw a bottle of lotion - that missed and exploded all over my wall and couch. Not the best decision as he was not worth losing all that good lotion on :-)
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    OMG!!! I have been married almost 27 years and I have never thrown anything at my husband. What is wrong with me?
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    We went threw 7 TV remotes in 1997....
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I've thrown numerous fits. Does that count? :laugh:
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    ive thrown a picture frame, and a vase. :blushing:
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    A plate of food at my ex when he asked me if the green beans were cooked as he shook one in my face while asking me. I prefer mine al dente and I took offense to his critque since he didn't cook a damn thing for me so he got his dinner plate hurled at his head. He ducked and it hit the wall. I made him clean it up and never cooked for him again.


    What a *kitten*. You shoulda aimed lower......
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    OMG!!! I have been married almost 27 years and I have never thrown anything at my husband. What is wrong with me?

    Nothing at all. You guys probably just figured out how to disagree in a mature fashion early on in your relationship. :) For my husband and me, it took a while. :laugh:
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I had a temper tantrum and threw a grilled cheese sandwich. I also threw water in his face once, I can't remember why.
  • SexyMidnight
    SexyMidnight Posts: 72 Member
    This is all funny now but wasnt when it happened! WOW my family throws alot of **** around! My brother threw a fork at me and it stuck in my lip (still have scar) my dad threw the remote and put a hole in the wall. One time my mom snuck up on me and a friend after watching a scary movie and i threw a bottle of open green tea at her without even realizing it! My boyfriend at the time husband now call me and asked what i was doing and i said asleep i was supposed to be at school (senior year) then he asked if he had a particular shirt in the closet and when i opened it he was standing there i threw my cell phone at him and ran! Hit him in the soft spot lol!! And most recently we had gotten into a bad fight and he knows im crazy when pushed to a certain extent he bairly threw a rocking horse at me not intending to hit me but at the time i thought this f**ker just threw a rocking horse at me so i hurled a chair at him and hit him! we laugh about our fight all the time! and the making up is always fun he he:tongue: im sure there is more but i cant think of it right now!
    Just thought of some other stuff! he has thrown a basket full of clothes at me and i made his *kitten* pick them up too! He also hurled his phone and hit the wall it busted to pieces and he said he didnt want another one but the next day he asked me to look for one for him bahaha i was like do what you want me to do that for you i dont think so!!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I threw a rock at my older sister and chipped her front tooth...I still haven't lived that one down and I was 4 at the time (now 29) LOL

    But to my defense she hit me with a baton!! haha
    edited to add: she did not hit me with a baton when I was 4 she did that much later in life probably because I threw a rock at her face!!
  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295
    I dont' get angry at people very often, but I DO get mad at THINGS. I have thrown so many vacuum cleaners that it's a running joke in our house about how long each one will last before I get mad and chuck it down the stairs!

    I have also had the fun of throwing a big upholstered chair out a second floor window into a raging bonfire below. Admittedly, it had done nothing to make me mad, it was just really flammable!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    If a shoe was thrown at me in a joking manner, fine.

    But if a woman threw something at me out of anger, you can bet she'd be living in a hotel or buried in the backyard by tomorrow.
  • mmarshall425
    mmarshall425 Posts: 71 Member
    Just thought of another one. When my ex-husband and I were still dating we were hanging out with some friends around the pool. He was in the pool and was standing on the side playfully throwing pool toys at him. He threw a half full beer can at me which hit me directly upside the head. Although he had not intention of hurting me, it knocked me to the ground. I got really, really pissed and started throwing the lawn chairs in the pool. None hit him thank goodness. We laughed about it later and he proposed later that night.

    Should have been a sign.