Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Wow Barbie, temps in the fifties, it seems like your high is our low!! we are at about 74 right now.. it is a lovely day. I'm on the last of my laundry, finished refilling meds, now, dinner and computer work remain.
    I did such a dumb thing yesterday, I really did sleep enough, but I acted like I was sleepwalking thru the day.. I picked up a few things at wal mart, and got 20 cash at the check out, self service, coz I didn't have much.. then I forgot to pick the money out of the tray.. It was too late to go back when I thought of it.. too many customers behind me, and I wouldn't blame anyone for taking the 'punish' myself, I did not suggest that we try the new restaurant today.. we will just eat at home, Jim prefers that anyway, and that will easily save twenty dollars.. live and learn!!
    Barbie, chard sounds great, I read about a spinach ball, with cooked spinach, cooked rice and a little parmesan, rolled together with an egg I think, and baked til light brown. It made my mouth water..
    Although, I must admit that dressing sounds the best of all.. yum, my favorite! Marie, do you ver make squash dressing?
    I have a brownie recipe I want to try, maybe tonight, but Jim doesn't really need them, and I sure don't, and I cannot resist brownies if they are around me. So I think I just talked myself out of making them.. this time!!
    I hope you all have a wonderful October, it seems we will likely be gone for two to three weeks again.. take care
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! What a lazy day I have had. Resting up for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I will get my bread ready for stuffing tonight and perhaps make a jellied salad, the one with cottage cheese which just happens to be my sons favorite (mine too). It is the only jellied salad I make so maybe I should mix it up a bit. We had a bit more snow today but I still think it might go, hope so. One of my big reasons for retiring is I have come to hate winter driving. Oh well, just a few weeks more.
    Barb and Barbie it is time for you to skip on ahead now as I am posting my menu.

    Thanksgiving Dinner
    You are all welcome to come on up.!! I will just throw some more potatoes in the pot and make more salad for Barb and Barbie.

    Roast Turkey, Stuffing and Gravy
    Baked Ham (with a lovely bone for pea or lentil soup next week)
    Mashed Potatoes
    Baked Sweet Potatoes
    Carrots (from my garden) mixed with baby peas
    Salad (from Gregg and Sasha), not sure what kind but it will be good!
    Jellied Salad
    Pickle tray
    Rolls and Butter
    Pumpkin Cheesecake (Quinn's contribution)

    Hmm, I am a little ashamed but not enough to not enjoy making and eating it. Back on the wagon very soon and I will circle around to pick you all up.

    Phoebe -- so glad to hear from you. I think you just needed a bit of R and R yesterday. Are you going to get a longer break at Christmas?

    Marie -- Your dinner sounded nice. I am sure Alice really appreciated it.

    Barbie -- Hope the cleanse day goes ok. You are so disciplined. I am so not! I, too, like chard, actually I think I like it better than spinach.

    Barb -- Glad you pop in from time to time. good luck with the detox.

    Sandy -- Have you spent all your winnings yet?

    Jeffrey -- Hope the interview goes well and it turns out to be your dream job. I would hire you in a heart beat!

    Elli -- Miss you. Hope fall is treating you well.

    Beth -- You are in my thoughts every day and look forward to you telling us you are home!

    I know I have missed some but didn't take notes as I read. I hope you are all well. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Be careul on the road Phoebe. It is bad around the cpuntry. We are getting rain now. Sammy and i was out walking and it started coming down. Had to run around and come back home. I told Sammy this was not a walking day but that did not make any different to him. I will probable have my 3,000 in before bedtime . Plan on walking 3500 tomorrow.

    Our super target open today. Jerry and I will be going tomorrow. I want to get me some kind of music to listen to since Jerry got my mirror on my walker.
    gayla, hope you and your family had a nice dinner today. and play lots of games. I know the food was good. with a chef in the family and as well as you like to cook.

    Barbiecat, I am glad to hear you are getting out and having lunch with your friends While Jake is gone. When will he be back. Hope his mom is doing fine.

    Phoebe, I am going to start gathering the stuff for Kay's brownie for our next family ge together. Jerry loves Brownies. Have you ever made the spice cake with pumpkin. You just used a spiced cake mix. add 1 can of pumpkin and 1 /2 c of water . 2 eggs nothing else just the 4 item. and bake as directed.

    Seems like i got food on my mind better get up and go tidy up the kitchen for Breakfast in the morning.

    See you all tomorrow. Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake's mom was OK with the news that she'll be in the nursing home section of where she lives and moving out of her apartment. She asked Jake when he'll be coming back so she is clearly seeing herself with a lot of life ahead of her. He is really glad he made the trip.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I listen to music when I walk. It energizes me and makes the walking go really fast.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, your wonderful menu reminds me of the fabulous dinners my mother used to make. She loved to cook and loved to have people over for dinner especially at Thanksgiving. It remains to be seen how disciplined I'll be when US Thanksgiving rolls around.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, be safe out there and try to stay rested.

    A friend came to join the dogs and me at the dog park so I didn't get much walking done. She has trouble walking especially on the uneven grass so we spent over an hour sitting on a bench in the sun talking. It sure made the afternoon go by fast.

    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning, rather a chilli morning here. Jerry is in the attic cleaning the furnace so we can have some heat around here. The next spell of cold weather may be colder thank this one.
    I am back on the wagon.This morning. counting those calories, 1200 a day. Thats the only way I can do it.

    Gayla your Thanksgiving meal sounds great. Lots of calories. But still if anyone was watching their calories if they made the right choice they could do it. We enjoy our little dinner yesterday and yes I did go over my calories. How are you feeling now a days? I think walking everyday have help my body

    Our Super target open up yesterday. And Jerry said he would take me. Walmart is still closer to us tho. But it is also in my driving range.

    Sandy how is our little girl, Daisy?

    Phoebe, I guess you are off by now. Be careful

    Barbie,, I can tell you are really missing Jake. When is he due home.?

    Barbs, How is the walking weather there?

    Beth, Are you home yet? lets us hear from you.

    Jeffrey, enjoy haveing Sam home? I am enjoying having you back here on our thread.

    It is kind of misting rain here this morning. And will be for the next few days. And then get warm again.

    My project today is to clean the back porch off to bring my tomatoe plant in and another plant in for the winter.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I have waited almost an hour since my tea before walking. I'll put on sweater, vest, hat, gloves, etc. and go for my walk. It was 33 degrees this morning when I walked the dogs and not too much warmer now. I have to turn on the furnace every morning now.

    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I concentrated on fruits and mostly veggies and water yesterday, with just a little lamb roast at dinner (at a friend's house and it was yummy!!) stayed under my calories and only 1500 mg sodium for the day, and the ticker tells the tale!! I finally hit the "Big Four Oh"--down 40 lbs!!

    Gayla, I don't remember if you said where you are. Your profile doesn't identify your location. Just as well, that T-Day menu sounds so good, I would be tempted to parachute in!!!--Right after I finished Marie's leftovers!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    And Marie, here is a funny for you. After see you mention the new Target that was planned for your area, this morning I heard they opened a new one just across the river from me in Oregon!! I never even heard it was being built, and it too is one of the "Super sized" versions with an enlarged grocery dept.--so guess I will check it out soon!!

    The weather here is still sunny, but cooler, only upper 50's expected today and the rain is supposed to arrive on Tuesday afternoon. The doggies and I are heading out in a little while this morning. I don't think we will be going too far, since Mai Li was moving slowly last night due to the extra long walk we took on Sunday morning.

    Well, I have lots to do, even if it is my day off, so everyone have a great day!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Happy Belated Thanksgiving Gayla, hope all your blessings bring you much happiness. I wouldn't worry about calories on Thanksgiving, it is a day to eat and be grateful. :laugh:

    Marie, hope you enjoy your new Target, just walking around the store will put tons of steps on your pedometer. :bigsmile: Your weather sounds like ours and it is just getting too cold too soon. I love the change of seasons but not so fast. :tongue:

    Weaklink congratulations on the weight loss. You are doing terrific and seem so focused. It seems our dogs keep us moving with dog parks and walks etc. :smile:

    Barbie, you are one brave girl to be out walking in such cold weather. I suppose that is why you are losing all that weight and I am not. :laugh:

    I have decided today is the first day of my new routine. I have been a very bad girl and not been exercising like I should. I also haven't been counting calories so things change today. Just guessing the amount of calories doesn't work, I have been snacking too much and I think I have gained a pound or two back. I am not posting it until I see what happens after a couple of days of good exercise. I wish I had the will power of Barbie but I don't. I am going to step it up though because I was so close to getting to my goal and have slacked off. Today is a new day, the first day of the rest of my life.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Have a great Monday!!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Monday Everyone!

    We had a real nice weekend, sort of... Sam came home and that was great fun. We took her shopping for pagent gowns, 4 required! OUCH! But it was fun. We all had dinner with our best friends on Saturday and that was good. I got the lawn mowed and trimmed. I have discovered moles! I have a sod lawn and it is pretty large, about 3/4 acre, and they are ruining the back yard rapidly. I left them a lot of "Halloween Treats". I hope they eat them and enjoy! LOL I have been dehyrating my herbs. I got a little over 2 pints of Italian Parsley done and put away. It is stronger than regular parsley flakes so you cut back on the amount used by about 1/2. I am now working on my Greek oregano. It has a better flavor than the store stuff, much fuller. I have one load in and another waiting. Day's mom is giving us fits again, but what else is new? Amanda is fine and doing well, just very busy. I think that I have injured my left knee. It is rapidly deteriorating, it pops with any lateral movement and it is hard for me to extend it after it is bent, like in a seated position. It gets painful until I stand up and then it is fine. Have any of you all had this problem before, if so what did you do about it? I get the results of my blood work back today, so I am patiently waiting for that. Work is good. Not much happened with the Saturday interview, I am probably to old to fit thier profile. Oh well their loss! That is about it on my end for now!

    Gayla I could come over for next Thanksgiving!
    Marie I bet you are a fantastic cook!
    PJ nice to hear from you. Enjoy the travel! And sorry about your money, I have done the same thing beofre.
    Sandy stay focused! You can do it! You have come so far!
    Weaklink nice to hear from you!
    Barbie it is brisk here too! Crappy weather!

    Everyone have a great afternoon!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Good start, I did 45 minutes on my Wii Active and burned 185 calories. I am going downstairs to try and do 45 minutes of my elliptical. Don't praise me yet, today is only Monday. :laugh:

    Jeffrey, glad to hear from you. You do it all, I am amazed. Your daughter Sam's pagent's sound like my granddaughter's dance expenses. She usually dances in 6 - 8 dances and needs a costume for each number. Let me tell you they aren't cheap. Her father and I help her mother (they are divorced) with dance expenses because it keeps my granddaughter focused and out of trouble. :happy: With the tuition, the extra classes and the traveling, I am pretty sure it would cover a year of college. I am exaggerating a little but just trust me when I say it is expensive. They better hope I live long enough so she can finish with this company, which is the end of high school or 18 whichever comes first. (she is 14 and a freshman) :ohwell:

    Enough rest time......

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    45 minutes of elliptical for another 118 calories. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Don't expect me to do this everyday...........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry to hear about your knee. It sounds like you might need to have it looked at by an orthopedist.

    As far as your moles are concerned, the best cure we ever found for a mole infestation was Samantha,-- the Siamese cat that I had when I was a child. There was no mole safe in our neighborhood, she was a "mole monster" from the time she was about a year old--just couldn't hunt enough of them. The only downside was that she had a habit of leaving them on the front porch as a "present" for my mother, who alternated between being totally freaked, and being thankful that one less pest was going to be able to dig up her garden!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I forgot to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canuck Cousins (I am actually a closet Canuck, my mom is from Saskatchewan--emigrated here in the 1940's. I still have family in BC. When I make it up next Spring, they are going to be very surpised, because I will be at the lowest weight I have been in about 35 years.)

    As you can see, on my day off, I can't seem to stay off of here.:laugh: Oh well, at least I am not eating!!

  • lizbwell
    :blushing: I was in the wrong place. Just found this today. Still working on my crazy meals and naming the exercises. My home care physical therapist will start tomorrow (Tuesday) for 2x's a week. Got to use the pedal exerciser in the evaluation.

    Catching up on these posts now. I'm OK and thanks for asking :bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Liz , so glad to hear from you. I have been worried about you. This time next year you will be in top shape. I know you can. I hope to be in much better shape too. Me and you can go to the Texas State fair next year. That would be nice.

    Keep on imroving each day. It all add up.Calie
  • lizbwell

    Rehab sent me home with 2 yellow stretchable bands for use with arms. A home care outfit left me some exercises. Also said do one high energy then do light exercise.

    You are right and everyone be sure to get exercises OK'd by Therapist/Doctors. FIRST sign of a pain that you do not recognize, stop and check with Doc.

    Hope all of you are safe with this weather. We got badly needed rain.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    My walk was wonderful.....I was dressed in very warm clothes and kept them on the whole hour and 43 minutes. The sky never cleared and even by mid afternoon it never got over 50 degrees. I wore similar warm clothes to the dog park. There were five poodles there and the girls had a great time.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, glad to hear you're back on the exercise path again. Just do it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Liz , it's good to hear from you again. I just found the directions for my stretch bands that I've had for years so I'm going to try using them for some extra exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, sorry to hear about your knee. Give it some time and then seek professional help. Sorry about the job interview. They are absolute fools for not appreciating your great talent. We had moles on our farm in California. Jake loved going out and doing away with them. We didn't have a beautiful lawn for them to ruin but we had crops. Good luck in the battle.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb. one of the big reasons for my long walk today was that we're expecting those rains here just like you are. I guess it will be time to get out the "Sweatin' to the Oldies" DVDs for indoor exercising.

    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lizbwell

    This is for arms, lying down or standing here are 3 with the band.

    Hand in loop one end, other end and other hand at end of band and on left hip. Toss right hand from left to right over shoulder, repeat 10 times. Then left hand on right hip, toss hand over right shoulder, repeat 10 times. Last one right hand in loop over left hand straight down from chin, stab at the sky going by right side head. Switch hands and do again 10 times each arm.

    Boy I hope that is clear? LOL Seems like could be shorter to me?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: LIz, I'll try the exercise with the band tomorrow morning when my brain is awake.

    This morning I saw a deer on the trail and took some pictures with my phone. I posted two of the deer pictures and a picture of one of the trestle bridges (look at my profile to see the other two pictures).

    Sleep well hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just popping in to say Goodnight. We had 15 at our dinner table. It is always fun to have family around the table. Judging by how tired I am I think I may have used more calories than I consumed.

    I need to go to work in the morning so I better think about getting into bed.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Just a quick hello, playing cards this morning and have to get moving. I updated my ticker to punish myself. :mad: I don't want to fall into bad habits so by doing so I will work harder to get rid of those pounds. :bigsmile:

    Barb, pictures are beautiful, no wonder you don't mind walking with such beautiful scenery. :flowerforyou:

    Gayla, I am glad your holiday went wonderful. Nothing like family to celebrate. Get some rest. :heart:

    Marie, beat you to the computer this morning. :laugh: Have a great day and let me know how the new Target is.

    Liz, keep up the good work with those bands. I use them myself for different exercises.

    Have a good day, have to run.
