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The most annoying 'compliment'?



  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    "by the time you're done you're gonna be fighting guys left and right!"

    Ummm I'm pretty as hell and I've always had to fight them off :mad: :grumble:
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    I've had two that stand out.

    Preface: Three years ago I gained 40 lbs in 2 months from being on massive steriods from 2 horrible bouts of pneumonia in 6 weeks. It was very hard to get it off. I've lost it 2 times only for it to come back when I have to take steriods again for asthma.

    Most hurtful thing I heard about my weight..............My MIL had not seen me since I gained the weight (3 years ago. I was also very self conscious about it too) anyway, we went to visit them for a week. One night after dinner she she came out with dessert. She had enough plates for everyone but me. She said "I would offer you desert ******, but YOU don't need any." I cried later. It really hurt my feelings.

    Since I've lost the weight.............last week. The gal who does my nails says "You have a rockin' body......for your age". Why couldn't she leave "the age" part off.

    I don't mean to brag, but I have a better body than most 20 year olds and I'm damn proud of it. I worked HARD for it!


    Oh yeah, my MIL was out this weekend for my Son's graduation and she made the comment of "if you lose anymore weight you are just going to blow away".
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    Most annoying comment: "Oh my god I couldn't do it!" with a grimace on their faces.

    To some people, I want to reply "nope, apparently you can't do it" and turn my back and walk away.

    It's bloody hard work to lose weight, and dammit I am proud of the fact that I can do it, and they can't :blushing:
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    After I dropped from 260 to 145lb, I admit my skin didn't just snap back as quickly as I hoped. I tried not to advertise this fact so instead wore clothes that covered all my bits, but fit appropriately. I also always try to look professional/well put-together at work… (FYI: eventually the skin did start to catch up with me, but it took some time.)

    So a b/witchy coworker comes up to me while I'm talking with some other coworkers - "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight, right?" (Okay, not a compliment, but at least an acknowledgement of sorts. I let it pass with a polite nod.) "So are you gonna get plastic surgery to fix all your loose skin now?" … as she's squeezing my upper arm. (I was so dumbstruck that she would even go there. I literally lost the ability to speak - an insanely rare situation for me - all I could do was turn heels and walk away mid-discussion.)

    Second instance was with a handsomer, younger male coworker who was a work-friend of sorts. I noticed he had started being a lot friendlier once I had lost about 70-80 pounds. We're chatting over lunch together and he says "Well, I don't have fat friends…" (jerk alarm starts to go off) and "I definitely wouldn't date a girl over, say, 170 lbs, ever." (Suddenly it dawns on me. Okay, so just recently you became my "friend" after over 3+ years of being work acquaintances? Gee, wow! I must have just dropped below your fat threshold for acceptable friends/girlfriends! What an egotistical pig!) Fast forward 5 years - he has nice baby beer gut and his hair has all but retreated (guessing down his back). Sorry, dude, I don't hang out with/date losers.
  • Irish_Lanie
    Irish_Lanie Posts: 99
    I would always get "You have lost a TON of weight!!!" really? A ton?? I lost 20 , that's clearly not a ton, lol. And it wasnt like I was super heavy to start with, and it wasnt like I had not seen these people in many months. Strange comments all the time, lol . ;) Tis life I suppose. :)
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    You have such a pretty face!

    You don't need to lose anymore weight. (really, I'm 80 f#cking pounds from a really good, healthy weight. Are we talking about the same person?)

    Don't lose much more, you'll waste away and look anorexic. (No. I'll look healthy and fit. There is a difference)
  • super_jade
    super_jade Posts: 72
    I know its been said before but the "You have such a pretty face!" one.
    Its like the only redeeming feature you have going for you is your face. The other 90% of your body is still crap.
    My friend says this all the time and i literally want to slap her, Or say something like "But you have such nice toes!"
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    You've lost so much weight, its not healthy to lose it so quickly (23lb since March) .I usually think to myself weighing 327lb is a lot more unhealthy than losing weight supposedly at too rapid a pace
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    "Skinny Mini" I hate when people say that to me. First of all while I have lost a significant amount of weight, I am not skinny and won't be for many more pounds. Also "Are you still losing weight???" Well Yes I am trying but I've been on a plateau for 3 months and feel like crap about myself but thanks for asking! And finally, "If you lose anymore weight you are gonna disappear!" You do know I'm still 200+lbs right?

    I wonder if people realize that they are still messing with our self esteems by "complimenting" us?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My boyfriend asked me about a month ago if I was still losing weight. I confirmed it and he said "You're looking great by the way. Not that you didn't look great before. You were sexy before. And sexier now... I'll shut up now." I just laughed. It didn't bother me and he rarely has to put his foot in his mouth that I liked seeing him squirm a little.

    I weigh more than I did when we met, but my boyfriend has always said that I am beautiful and he loves my body. I think he will love it still when it's smaller too.

    that's mine too! he said he notices the subtle differences in my body, and that he really loves my *kitten* (the worst part of my body)...i love the fact that I have a man that makes me feel sexy no matter my body shape.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Well, the "i can really see it in your face" - comment could just be used to keep the conversation in polite range, ever thought about that? I mean, seriously, unless it's my bff, i would refrain from mentioning i pay attention to other people's body parts below their shoulders...
    maybe i am just stuck up...
    oh, and if i told my sister that i think she used to have big thighs, she'd snap me in two!

    People keep telling me i don't need to lose weight. I think that's actually the worst. Ok, now that I have arrived at the top end of the healthy spectrum, i know I don't NEED to, but I'd feel better if i did. Respect that. There's a good 30LB margin of healthy weight, bug me when I get to the bottom end of that...
  • Starrynights1107
    Starrynights1107 Posts: 70 Member
    Well, in this case it wasn't really the compliment itself I guess. My aunt noticed that I'd lost some weight and "complimented" me but later shared her real opinion (not to my face) which is that yes, I lost weight BUT it's due to the fact that I am gay and gay people always just start to "waste away" :l. Not sure where she got the logic behind that one but I still think it's hilarious.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    The most annoying compliment is the one not expressed at an appropriate time.
  • nell1972
    nell1972 Posts: 19
    One ex-boyfriend said - after I lost 40 lb through phobic anxiety about 15 yrs ago - that it was like "sh*gging a new bird". Nice.

    Throughout my yo-yo years I've had all the usual about wasting away, not needing to lose weight, not needing to lose any more etc etc, even when my BMI is still way high. And the "You're looking really well" comment grinds my gears a bit as its a polite way of saying you look like a fattened goose.

    I think what bothers me most, though, is the blatant insincerity of some remarks. The lady who does my nails (who is a UK size 10 with implants and would look great in a bin liner) often looks me up and down appraisingly and says, "You really look like you've lost weight!!" when I've actually put on a good few lbs since I last saw her. She then goes on to pinch a mm of skin on her ribs and complains she's getting fat, and she only ate 3 cals yesterday to try and lose some weight. Yawn.

    One more....my boss, who is a semi pro tennis player and pretty fit, tells me off for making self-deprecating jokes about my weight, always rounding up with "You're not fat!" Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for this backhanded compliment, but it simply isn't true. My BMI is 34, so I'm in fact obese and a UK size 16-18.

    If I'm not fat, someone's playing a massive f***ing prank on me. :sad:
  • rainydaze613
    rainydaze613 Posts: 112 Member
    A "friend" of mine would always grab my legs and say things like how tiny they were, just because she saw me choosing healthier food options and I mentioned I was trying to eat healthier. It was obvious she was lying because at that point, I hadn't lost any weight at all. And to add to the irony, she looks thinner than me because she carries her weight better. On top of that, she used to bring me chocolates and stuff when she KNEW I was trying to watch what I ate, and would say things like "here- have the whole box. Seriously. These are sooo good. You're so skinny already. Just eat it. Eat the whole box." She said it in a joking way, but like, seriously? It's almost like she wished I would fail. I wish she would have supported me instead of being so... subconsciously against it.
    Edit: I guess this wouldn't really be considered a "compliment"? I dunno. Just an annoyance I had to vent about xP
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    The one not spoken.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    My boss looked at my "Before" picture and then at me just recently and said.. "You were HUMONGOUS". It was rather funny at the time, but he's embarrassed by his reaction. He was right, but it still hurt a teeny tiny bit..
  • chelsa1986
    chelsa1986 Posts: 71
    A bouncer looked at my id (100 lbs heavier in the pic) and said, "wow, that's bad. I wouldn't have even talked to you back then." That hurt. So I said, "That's funny, because I don't really feel like talking to you now!"
  • BlowYourMind
    BlowYourMind Posts: 162
    "I don't care what everybody says, you're beautiful!"

    Um...Everyone thinks I'm ugly? :explode:
  • kay155
    kay155 Posts: 3
    ok you lost enough! and the person is 2 sizes smaller than me!: smile: