My first MFP rant..



  • rucaenel
    rucaenel Posts: 15 Member
    I am glad you called folks out on this. I almost didn't read this; I don't like to put negativity into my thought diet. There is enough of that everywhere. Especially between my little girls -UGH.

    However, I am glad you are going forward and sticking in there and I am also thrilled to see such an overwhelming response of support from folks that have responded to your note. Cheers to all of those that can keep to the spirit of support encouragement!

    *PS I love cheese cake and I am not a sweet person (mostly grease and salt)....

    Have a great day and lets all filter out the hostile 'Negs'. No point at being mad a moss on a tree; just look at a different tree and breath in the fresh air!

    Best to you all!!!

  • rucaenel
    rucaenel Posts: 15 Member
    I second that 'Cheese Cake for Breakfast'.. All in favor!

    BTW I love reading everyone's diary; I get so many great ideas. I also see what I can get away with; incorporating 'real' foods is really a case for moderation. We are in the process of living and being healthy; it is just finding our balance and being in 'fun' land!

    ALSO, changing up carb/low carb I believe helps your system understand you ARE NOT starving so BODY don't conserve just BE and use all calories.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Bump!! Awesome recipe! Thank you and sorry about the jerks!! Maybe we should have Cheesecake breakfast day and everyone eat it and log it in their open diaries on the same day so the jerk's head will explode from indignation!!!

    You rock! Keep the recipes coming!!
  • FlittyGetsFit
    I've been lucky to have nothing but support here, I rarely get comments on my diary anyway. That may change today, I'm having a greasy take-away doner kebab for dinner. :laugh:
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    I totally get this rant!!!!
    When I first joined MFP in 2010 I was logging my food in a diary only friends could read. I noticed a lot of posts about "eating back calories" I had some questions, because naturally, not being a fitness and nutrtion expert, I always thought I should lower my calories not increase if I want to lose weight. So I commented something about having trouble reaching my calorie goal I wasn't sure I could do that plus eat what I exercised, what are others eating? and so on. Someone asked if they could see my diary and said they could help me so, I friended them.
    Well she took the opportunity to point out one bad meal that ended up being the reason I didn't hit my calorie goal for that day (the reason for the incomplete meal was because of a family emergency) and started telling me if I didn't eat more she would have to delete me blah blah blah. I felt so bad about myself and I was only trying to do better nutrition-wise because I didn't know any better. Wow, that was helpful, glad I friended you. I managed, on my own to get to my calorie goal turns out I just needed some time to adjust to eating more than what I had been when I had a really hectic schedule. I also impulsively delete my old account because of her.
    Point is that most of us know we don't have to be hypercritical in sharing tips and advice, that's why it'sbothersometo us, especially if we are from a "do unto others" mentality.
    Also annoying, people who like to end mean or rude paragraphs with "just sayin' , just curious, just kidding etc create fire escapes for themselves so somehow if you are offened or hurt by their words you don't have the right to be, they were only saying it out of curiosity.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Saving to read the recipe (sounds awesome) for later.

    Good luck with your "friends" glad you deleted them. Sorry to hear you were subjected to such judgement recently.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I'm partly bumping this for the recipe, but also to say that either I totally lucked out with the friends that I have as no one has ever criticized my diary (I might have had 'well, tomorrow's another day' or something similar, no worse) or somehow you just managed to find the few idiots that there are. I hope you find some more supportive people, and with you all the best with achieving your goals :flowerforyou:
  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    Smart people should be able to look at the macros of your cheescake and see if it is a decent choice or not. I say well done, I love cheesecake (insert shameless plug for the MFP Cheesecake group here) :bigsmile:

    Many people on here aren't yet capable of appreciating that people have different goals to themselves, or are at different stages. Thie trick is to find people that are. Feel free to add me if you like - I'm pretty awesome :wink:

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.


    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for posting this! I'm loving that the recipe is already vegan and I don't have to replace anything. Sounds delicious! There's a large number of people on here who don't care what you eat, they're just here to support you in what you choose, whether that is to lose weight, gain weight, eat more whole foods, cut out the junk foods, or just track macros. Once you find those people, you'll love it here. I'm still waiting for more active friends who actually comment.
  • kelichik32
    kelichik32 Posts: 27 Member
    Haha, I relate to this so much! Once someone messaged me "Have fun being fat forever, since you drink wine!" They got the instant delete.

    ETA: Thanks for the cheesecake recipe!

    These are the same people who eat 600 kcal a day and wonder why they aren't loosing weight.....
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    First, I'm bumping this thread because of the recipe. Thanks a lot for sharing, I will try it very soon. Second, I'm sorry you have to deal with these kind of persons. I haven't had any bad experiences here on MFP, thank God, but I do have people like that in my life, people that it is their way and there is no other way when it comes to fitness. Because I don't run and go to a gym it means (in their minds) that I will never lose weight and get healthy. Workout at home? No, that is not acceptable in their book. So the 10 pounds I lost already (5 before joining MFP), those where only water? Or maybe air from my lungs? So don't listen to those persons, and delete them is the smartest thing to do.
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    LoViNlIFe0225 Posts: 121
    Where did you pick these people up??? LOL...they sound aweful! I have to say that I have a really amazing and supportive group of people on my MFP Friends List. We all range in weight, size and fitness levels but we all have the same goal (as you can see on my profile). We all want to look hot, be healthy and live long! I think its great that you're 125 and working to be healthy....too many people have the misconception that skinny is healthy...but that's not true. There's so much more in being healthy and living healthy than a person's weight. I'm so glad my friends don't judge me for my diary because I have a lot of cheats throughout my week. I've actually never had someone comment on my diary without me asking for advice. I'd say...purge the friends list and start anew. I try to be selective...its hard on a social networking site where you don't know anyone personally...but I try really hard to select my friends carefully and so far I have had great luck! Sorry for your bad experience! :flowerforyou:
  • kelichik32
    kelichik32 Posts: 27 Member
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?

    Maybe this would be more effective directed at the "friends" who are behaving badly? My diary has always been closed, even to friends, because I don't accept unsolicited advice so there is no need to make it open. None of my friends has ever given me any advice I didn't ask specifically for, but I've been unusually careful who I've friended.

    I guess I have as much issue, more actually, with generalized "rants" that complain about the behavior of a small group of people, instead of dealing with those people directly. You aren't asking for advice or support so I won't offer any. I'll just comment that I don't see the point of your "rant."

    Sometimes, we just have to rant. A rant doesn't need a point, or usually have a point. Talking about it is a healthy way to find peace. Otherwise you could try identifying the person by the screenname or picture, find where they live, and punch them in the face. I have a problem with violence.....but I'm working on it :-)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Screw 'em. Keep going on YOUR path to fitness....and eat all the cheesecake you can manage! Good luck to you and friend me if you want to have a cheesecake buddy!!LOL!!
  • Lady_Eliza
    Lady_Eliza Posts: 11
    love your rant!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Everyone knows that you have to gain about 10 lbs of thick skin before you can actually post on MFP message boards:-)
  • nicholettebell
    Bump to get the cheesecake recipe later.

    Good rant! I keep my diary private because of those reasons although no one was ever rude about it. But I still found it weird when people would be commenting...even if it was "good job"...about what I ate. Could you imagine if we did that in real life to strangers? Walk by a table in a restaurant and say, "Great job on the salad and dressing on the side, but you know that french dip with the au jus is packed with sodium....that's okay, you can start over tomorrow." :huh:

    Have a great day!
  • TISH27kidneytransplant
    So this post is kind of pointless, I realize, but like the title says, it's just a rant..

    I'm pretty new on MFP and have been following the forums and somewhat participating in them, and understand that there are people whose opinions naturally differ from one another. Some topics, especially those that are controversial usually end up turning ugly and that's expected on a public internet forum. I understand that when you post something asking for opinions, you naturally get a variety of opinions. This I have no problem with...

    What I've been having a problem with is some "friends" who've recently added me have PM'd me, trying to give me advice I didn't ask for and in a very condescending way.
    First one was a message saying and I quote "What exactly are you doing on MFP? You only weigh 125, are you here for attention? Just curious."
    Do I have to be dangerously overweight to want to get healthy? To want to look better? How is my profile begging for attention? Have I posted anything asking for attention? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
    Yes I deleted this person, problem solved but nevertheless it was unexpected and annoying.

    Second one was about my food diary that is (or used to be until today) open to everyone.
    This morning I entered in "raw cheesecake", my own recipe. Ingredients are almonds, pecans, agave, dates, coconuts, blueberries, coconut oil and cashews, about 350 cals, full of healthy fats, vitamins and fibers.
    One of my friends saw that I ate "cheesecake" and had the nerve to message me and say again I quote "Well if you're going to have cheesecake for breakfast why do you choose to share your diary with people who are actually trying to be healthy?"
    1. Did I ask for your opinion?
    2. Do you even know what the ingredients were for what you thought was unhealthy? Much healthier than the white bread and breakfast sausage you had this morning. Just who exactly are you to judge me?
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    This person is also deleted but I mean who does this? Is everyone on here so healthy that my 1 slice of cheesecake that isn't even a cheesecake bother someone?

    Sorry you got a couple of rude people on here! I would have done the same thing by deleting them. On another note, Can I have the receipe for your cheesecake! yummm!
  • jl622
    jl622 Posts: 104 Member
    Do what you gotta do. Don't worry what other people have to say. Please, share your cheesecake recipe with us! :happy:

    Edit: Oh, its here, thanks!!!
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.

    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:
    Have just printed the recipe thankyou!!

    I agree with this guy! I do sometimes make comment on my friends status about stuff if they are under calories but eating really badly on a regular basis or if they are eating no veggies or fruit but I try to do it kindly & expect I will be deleted if I do it too much. If someone looks at my diary & see a problem I would hope they would comment. It is part of the support thing?? Get yourself some good friends & then you can lose the dross on the way with the weight!

    Now, I have never had Agave, where can I get it in the UK & what does it taste like??
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    First off, I almost had 1/2 of a FULL FAT fresh strawberry buttercream slice of cake I bought yesterday from a local bakery today for breakfast. I resisted, however, I will have some after supper! haha! Like you said though- it's nobody's business but your own!

    Also, I haven't had that happen to me...yet....but yes, I'm only 114lbs, but I'm definitely not here for the attention. I'm here to get healthy. Granted, I know strawberry buttercream cake won't do that...but before anyone says anything- it was just 1 slice that I have been eating on for 2 days now.!

    Oh, and it's the first thing I've had like that in months...