My first MFP rant..



  • TheTallMan
    TheTallMan Posts: 23 Member
    Forget those folks who don't get it. I'm another person who isn't terribly overweight (anymore), and am still here to get and stay healthy. You're doing this for you, don't let naysayers whom you've never met get on you. Stay positive and stay awesome.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    Smart people should be able to look at the macros of your cheescake and see if it is a decent choice or not. I say well done, I love cheesecake (insert shameless plug for the MFP Cheesecake group here) :bigsmile:

    Many people on here aren't yet capable of appreciating that people have different goals to themselves, or are at different stages. Thie trick is to find people that are. Feel free to add me if you like - I'm pretty awesome :wink:

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.


    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:

    i am so trying this
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Awesome Rant.... Good for you to delete them.... I generally never say anything about a person's diary even though i do look at everyone's diary on my Friend's list daily... Only time i try to give any advice is if they post asking for some advice. I even have a MFP friend who has her diary set for 600 cals a day and never even reachs close to it... I dont say anything about it, even though i disagree with it. She isnt complaining and seems happy with it, so like you say "Who am i to judge and speak my opinion".

    Cheesecake recipe looks good... i may have to try it. Thanks
  • SusanFinck
    SusanFinck Posts: 25 Member
    I love cheesecake and don't feel I have to justify anything I eat to anyone besides myself. It's an occasional treat NOT a full course meal! Enjoy yourself and just keep dumping the nay sayers.
  • Langlady
    Langlady Posts: 51 Member
    It's a shame you have set your diary to private, though I completely understand why. I would love some of your recipe ideas. The chessecake sounds fabuous and maybe even diabetic so that I could make it for my father-in-law. If you want you can friend me. If anything I would love to see some of your recipes.

    I am glad to hear that you have deleted such negative people. That is not a good experience and I am sorry you have had that. Friend me if you like.
  • jadeb94
    jadeb94 Posts: 13 Member
    hahaha, you should see my diary! Some people would have a nervous breakdown at how unhealthy I can be!

    Can't say I've ever experienced such pushy people on here. I just get well dones and keep it ups when I do well, keep looking for helpful friends!
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    My diary is open, but i don't think i have ever had anyone be like this to me, tho i am quite particular about my friend list as well. I really like to keep it to ppl i know IRL, but have a few i dont based on similar goals and obstacles that have popped up along the journey.

    Sorry you have to deal with this, but like any public forum/website there are going to be problems, its all in do we let it bother us, or use the site for what we need and nothing more. Take it all with a grain of salt IMO.
  • AndMee
    AndMee Posts: 23
    Not only have I had cheesecake for breakfast but really is there much difference between a chocolate muffin and chocolate cake, well the frosting. Seriously, who hasn't had a "muffin" for breakfast, of which those things are sometimes loaded with more crap than a piece of cake. It's not like this happens everyday and if it did it is a lot healthier than those dang muffins.

    Kudos to you! I think I'll make chocolate cake for breakfast tomorrow and I'll have a cup of ice cream instead of milk :)
  • DrJackson6
    DrJackson6 Posts: 156 Member
    You stated...
    3. Even if I had a 1000 calorie slice of regular cheesecake, how is what I eat your business? I'm logging for myself, and my diary is open for the times that I might need help or advice.

    You left it open and you got opinions and advice. I am sure you are aware that all advice may not be what we want to hear. Glad that you closed it to avoid further misunderstandings.

    I am a bit selective about my MFP friends, I will delete if anyone is rude. I only want positive support. No need to argue or take it personal enough to rant. Just delete and move on.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member

    The Cheesecake sounds so yummy. I can't wait to try it out.
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    Bump for CHEESECAKE! YUM!!
  • dancinrascal
    dancinrascal Posts: 204 Member
    I often feel a little out of place as well. I don't add anyone on here because I am at my goal and just trying to maintain. I'm on here because I am very interested in health/nutrition and love to help people out who are trying to accomplish the same thing i was striving for. and as far as that cheesecake goes go for it! haha
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    First I'm going to apologize, I'm not usually quick to cast aspersions on other peoples food choices, since mine aren't always all that fabulous. Second, I think a lot of people use the site for weight loss and forget that this is MyFitnessPal not myweightlosspal. They see a lower weight and assume you don't need to lose anything or need to be here (not an excuse just what I've observed).
    Lastly, I totally had to comment since I wanted to save that cheesecake recipe for later!
  • MariarR33
    MariarR33 Posts: 69
    It's pretty sad people have the time to look at complete strangers diarys and then take the time to pm you about your eating habits. Seriously, get a job and make some money, or something.
    You have to do what works for you. If yiou make healthy cheesecake, then eat up! It's not about what other people think, it's about what you want for yourself.
  • Tojsmom
    Tojsmom Posts: 51
    bump...going to write down recipe later
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    Wow...I have been on mfp for about 6 months & I have only wonderful and supportive friends. I commend you for wanting to be healthy (& finding a way to eat cheesecake in a healthy way:) ). I like your attitude in just deleting them & moving sorry you have had to deal with these close-minded people...please know that there are LOTS of really supportive and wonderful people on here that only want to cheer your victories & commiserate with you in your defeats. I have unfortunately seen a lot of threads where people have been really rude & I know they are out there & you just gotta consider the source on those people. Keep on doing this for you, because it is you that matters & you deserve to be healthy. Great job!!!
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    Also, i had to post today because it was a weigh in day and my ticker moved 11 pounds and i needed to see that! :-)

    Yay thats great im so happy for you. :drinker:
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Umm wow. I didnt even know that kinda thing happened. Ive never had that happen nor would I ever have the ballz to call someone out like that. I eat like crap and I know it. But 5/7 days, Im under or right at goal. You did the right thing- delete immediately. Sorry this happened to you.
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    First thing you need to do is purge your friends list of people who aren't going to support you.

    PS. I'd LOVE that cheesecake recipe if you'd care to share.

    I don't even have a lot of friends on here yet. I guess I just got all the bad ones :noway:

    Here is the recipe:
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/4 cup almonds
    1/4 cup shredded coconut unsweetened
    1 tablespoon cacao or carob powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    2 dates
    1 tablespoon agave

    Put everything except for agave in a food processor and blend until everything is mixed well.
    Add agave, blend until it turns into a sticky paste.
    Press the paste onto the bottom of a springform pan.

    2 cups blueberries. If frozen make sure it's at room tem.
    1 cup cashews, ground
    7 tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1/4 cup agave
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    Blend everything. Pour onto the crust. Chill or freeze until the filling is hard.

    Just added you, replacing the bad eggs with the awesome ones :flowerforyou:
    Have just printed the recipe thankyou!!

    I agree with this guy! I do sometimes make comment on my friends status about stuff if they are under calories but eating really badly on a regular basis or if they are eating no veggies or fruit but I try to do it kindly & expect I will be deleted if I do it too much. If someone looks at my diary & see a problem I would hope they would comment. It is part of the support thing?? Get yourself some good friends & then you can lose the dross on the way with the weight!

    Now, I have never had Agave, where can I get it in the UK & what does it taste like??

    Substitute honey if you can't find agave. Tastes pretty similar.
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    Bump!! Awesome recipe! Thank you and sorry about the jerks!! Maybe we should have Cheesecake breakfast day and everyone eat it and log it in their open diaries on the same day so the jerk's head will explode from indignation!!!

    You rock! Keep the recipes coming!!

    I love this idea