Highest weight how you felt



  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Maximum density for me was about 350 (I'm 6 feet tall fyi). I don't know for sure because none of my scales went up that high...

    I felt like I was wearing a deep sea diving suit out of water.
    I'd get home from my very sedentary desk job and have to take a nap just because I'd been awake for 10 hours.
    I wore the biggest clothes I could find because I thought it "hid" the fat better.
    I researched car seat hip room when I was car shopping because it was the first thing I had to take into consideration.

    I'm around 235 now and that feels way better than 350. I still have work to do but I can do normal everyday things and not get all sweaty or rundown now. Part of it is the physical presence of the weight dragging you down, and part of it is the effect of the horrible stuff you eat that makes you get to that weight in the first place. I usually feel good now - I only feel like crap after I eat crappy food. I never made this connection before because I always felt like crap.

    your weight loss is astonishing just frigin awesome!!!! I would dread going out to eat and sitting in a booth now I can fit and that feel great. far from finished but on my way!!
  • El_guapo22
    El_guapo22 Posts: 902 Member
    Highest weight 297! Do I need to say I felt TIRED!!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member


    Im not the only one who is so happy to wipe my butt with out doing yoga posesLOL seriiously that is the first thing I noticed after losing 60 lbs is that I could wash behind me so much easier. Thanks for sharing your experience and by the way the weight loss is fantastic!!
  • El_guapo22
    El_guapo22 Posts: 902 Member
    now 215
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm 6'2" and my highest weight was around 350. I. Felt. Awful. Physically, I was tired ALL the time - completely lethargic. I work in retail, and I would come home, sit on the couch, and not be able to get back up for like a half hour or more because of back pain and stiff joints. Right now, I'm still in the low 300s, so I still have some of those problems, but now that I'm eating healthier, I have much more energy.

    You are choosing healthier everything else will follow you have agreat start so far keep up the fantastic job!!! I have alot more to go to but lots of support here:happy:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    now 215

    thats fantasic how do you feel now???
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My highest is 250. I am now at 243.0. I felt fearful. I was honestly waiting for a heart attack, blood clot, diabeticshock, something bad to kick in and happen, but I used that fear to turn it around. I started on Tuesday morning and am down what I think its 7 pounds. Just burn 400 cal a day and stay under cal intake suggestion!

    What a great start keep up the great work every day will feel better and better. I have to get my butt in gear and stop this lul Im in!!!
  • El_guapo22
    El_guapo22 Posts: 902 Member
    not tired! lol.

    I feel good mentally and physically. It was a long process but little changes made big differences. I can't even believe how much better I feel. It's just feeling better in general and a sense of accomplishment. Like you set a goal and you achieve it. The satisfaction in that is rewarding...
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My highest weight was 260. Wish I could say the number on the scale was my wake-up call but it really came down to how I felt about myself. Eventhough I was heavy from the time I was 18 years old until my mid 30's, I still felt confident. I was still cute and people loved me and I had a good life and even met my wonderful hubster. But the bigger I got, the worse I felt about myself - it even got to the point where I tried to think of ways to avoid seeing my own best friends because I was so ashamed.

    Mom told me years ago that it's not worth wasting time and energy on something you have no power to change. Good advice! And in this case, the opposite was true. Here I was worrying about soemthing I COULD change and but I was wasting time and energy worrying instead of doing something about it! So November 2009, I pledged that it was time to change - and I've been on my journey ever since.

    Good for you taking thing into your own hands and making a change. I dont want to look back and think what a waste. So Im going to try my best here I go!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    not tired! lol.

    I feel good mentally and physically. It was a long process but little changes made big differences. I can't even believe how much better I feel. It's just feeling better in general and a sense of accomplishment. Like you set a goal and you achieve it. The satisfaction in that is rewarding...

    I cant wait till I get there but until then I will count my small marks. Looks like your very close to your goal, yay you!!!!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    285 ish was my max -- I'm hovering 236-238 now... I'm 5'9". I"m aiming for 150-170 with some sculpture. At my max and now... I am embarrassed, refuse to look in the mirror and thought my lounge pants and way over-sized shirt were hiding it well enough... until some guy asked me if it was okay to smoke in front of me (he thought I was PREGNANT!!)... the shame... I was mortified! What's worse - when I was actually pregnant I didn't look like that, I weighed 165 lbs the day my son was born. I tend to be the photographer instead of IN the photos... because photos are just like kicking me in the gut with all of the excuses I've made for the past 3 years to allow myself to get to this point. I have uploaded some for posterity here yesterday to show before weight loss (a year old, I've been successful at hiding from the camera for the past year) and what I'd like to look like again, where I was 3 years ago when my son was born.

    Ive got about the same amount of weight to lose maybe a bit more but you are doing great!!! I am a hider in pictures I hide behind people well actually I shove them in front of meLOL you will most likely get a head shot. I do hope the one day I will feel good enough to have a body shot. all the best to you in your weight loss:happy:
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    Right now >> I feel horrible, sad/depressed/ a failure because I'm at my highest weight which ISN'T that high to others, but for my body frame, it just doesnt look great esp since its in the tummy area ya know?!

    I'm hoping once I drop the extra pds, I'll be back to feeling a LOT more confident and comfortable with my body

    Its all in how you feel about your body not in what other think you should be. they may say you look great and you probably do but its all in how you feel in your body that matters, Cheers friend :wink:

    Thanks sweetie :) That's EXACTLY how I feel - everyone says I look great and okay, I dont look horrible and its NOT a major difference that people may notice BUT I notice bc I put my clothes on and feel them tighter and thats just isn't cool ahha SOO only 11 pounds to get to 112-115pds for my goal weight and away from my current weight of 123-126 at 5'2 1/2 !

    I GOT THIS!! with the help of you lovely MFPs :flowerforyou:
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I'm at the highest i've ever been (around 205) and I can say that up until I started working out a couple weeks ago I felt terrible. Ashamed. Depressed. Hopeless. Hated myself. I felt out of control. I felt disgusting, hideous, ugly. You name it. The worst feeling though was looking in the mirror and not feeling like myself.

    Now that I'm working out I feel a lot less of all those things mostly because I know I've made a change to fix all that to get MYSELF back. :)
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    here is the thing, that I am sure will sound odd ...

    I feel like I am wearing a fat suit .. as if I can feel my true body under this and its just sitting there (been that way for several years now) .. this of course is probaly mental and to me its funny

    but when I look at my stomach I hate it .. it protrudes out and makes me look like a big fat pregnant lady (highest 312, current 289)
    when I was 190s I still have the pregnant look

    my knees hurt all the time .. and when going on rides (theme park) or seats at a restruant, I have to make sure I can fit.. not fun at all
  • GelinaKnows
    Highest I've ever been besides pregnancy (my daughters are 9 & 10) was LAST MONTH!!! THAT'S why I'm here! It IS only 150, but I delivered a daughter near that weight! I just want my body back...I was robbed & beaten in the beginning of Feb, & with broken ribs amongst other things, I couldn't hardly walk let alone exercise, & weight piled on suddenly...besides about 10-15 that had creeped on over the past cpl years...time to not only get it OFF, but I used to eat just HORRIBLY! I'd go weeks at a time eating nothing but Graham crackers & drink Mountain dew. Literally. That's IT. Not even WATER. I have done a 180 from that! I'm only down 6 lbs, but I KNOW how great I'll feel when I get to my goal, because I've been there before, & I LOVED it! :)
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    At 5', 5" my highest weight was 220. I found out when going to a physical after having not been on a scale in two years. I always assumed I was around 200 - I learned I was that heavy when trying out Wii Fit in front of my roommates. It was mortifying, and yet I ignored it, telling myself I didn't look that bad. But at 220 something just snapped. I remembered all the TV shows featuring people that were so large they couldn't walk a parking lot, and they all always said the same thing, "It creeps up on you. You get used to one weight and justify it, and then gain more and more." And I realized I was doing the same thing.

    I've always been on the heavier side. I did ballet as a girl, and at the first studio I had lessons at for five years I didn't have a single friend. All of the other girls were so much smaller than me. My mom made me wear a shape control thing under my costumes and for special occasions, which didn't affect me much then but looking back makes me feel she was ashamed of me for not being pretty like the other girls.

    I was teased all the time in school - mostly elementary and middle school. I had long, beautiful hair, and I loved to draw and I was smart - and people commented on those things too. But at the end of the day none of it seemed to matter because I was fat - ugly - and certain other kids never let me forget it. In high school I didn't date. I wanted to very badly, but even on the occasion a guy would ask me out, I always thought he must be desperate to ask me, or maybe lost a bet. And I didn't want to be the butt of a joke, so I would decline. That's how low my self-esteem was. I didn't care what I wore, or how I looked. I didn't really get picked on much in high school, but after going through it for so long, the mind set that I wasn't as good as thin people was already hammered in.

    I hated shopping for clothes because nothing I liked ever fit.

    I lied about my weight on my driver's license, because I was so embarrassed to admit the truth.

    I hated every single picture of myself. I don't have many photos of me in college because of this.

    Every time I walked in a room, I looked around to see if I was the heaviest person there. I hated myself when it was the case.

    I could be funny, so I clung to that, because people liked me better. The flip side of that is I don't know how to express serious emotions, not really. I can't be vulnerable, because I don't feel like I'm worthy of those emotions.

    But! This story has a happy ending! Or at least, I'm working towards that. I've lost almost 30 pounds and yes - getting that first digit in your weight to be a 1 is a great feeling! I'm about half way to where I want to be, and I'm so excited. Already my old clothes that I had stashed away over the years for no longer fitting - fit! It's like getting a whole new wardrobe. I feel powerful and strong after a good work out, and every day I love the changes I see in the mirror. I love love love fashion and new clothes. Yes, I still feel self-conscious often, especially when looking through racks of more trendy places while all the 6s and 4s flit around, because I am still not skinny. But that's just another battle I'll have to fight. It helps to remember that they might have had to fight for their size too. And even if not, that they probably also have insecurities, so it's unfair to just think 'oh, well, they're thin, so they have no idea'. I learned that in college hanging out with my thinner friends - the sort of things they worried about with their own appearance, when I had always assumed that after you were at a certain pants size your body image issues would only be petty things. The truth is you never know.

    A huge congrats to everyone losing and lost all that baggage, no matter where you start or what your goal is. It takes hard work, and so long as we stick to it we WILL all see our goals reached someday! :)

    OMGoodness Im not the only one who has lied on my driver licence and Ive done most of all the other things you listed. Your not alone in this one day at a time and we will succeed!!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    My heaviest weight was 194.5 ( I am 5'9). I felt definitely very insecure and self-conscious. I went from 130-135 to 194.5 so quickly the doctor was very concerned about me. I was completely miserable. Now I am down at low 170s working towards 140 by the end of the year.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Highest I've ever been besides pregnancy (my daughters are 9 & 10) was LAST MONTH!!! THAT'S why I'm here! It IS only 150, but I delivered a daughter near that weight! I just want my body back...I was robbed & beaten in the beginning of Feb, & with broken ribs amongst other things, I couldn't hardly walk let alone exercise, & weight piled on suddenly...besides about 10-15 that had creeped on over the past cpl years...time to not only get it OFF, but I used to eat just HORRIBLY! I'd go weeks at a time eating nothing but Graham crackers & drink Mountain dew. Literally. That's IT. Not even WATER. I have done a 180 from that! I'm only down 6 lbs, but I KNOW how great I'll feel when I get to my goal, because I've been there before, & I LOVED it! :)

    6lbs is a fantastic start and you seem very motivated!!! day by day and we will all get to our goal, cheer to you:drinker:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    My heaviest weight was 194.5 ( I am 5'9). I felt definitely very insecure and self-conscious. I went from 130-135 to 194.5 so quickly the doctor was very concerned about me. I was completely miserable. Now I am down at low 170s working towards 140 by the end of the year.

    you seem very determined and look how well you have done good on you girl!! How to you feel now that you have lost what you have?
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    here is the thing, that I am sure will sound odd ...

    I feel like I am wearing a fat suit .. as if I can feel my true body under this and its just sitting there (been that way for several years now) .. this of course is probaly mental and to me its funny

    but when I look at my stomach I hate it .. it protrudes out and makes me look like a big fat pregnant lady (highest 312, current 289)
    when I was 190s I still have the pregnant look

    my knees hurt all the time .. and when going on rides (theme park) or seats at a restruant, I have to make sure I can fit.. not fun at all

    I know what you mean I cant wait to match the inside with the out to feel like a whole person. To be the real me that I see.