Fat Acceptance



  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    There are more factors than just 'pizzas and cheeseburgers' that factor into whether or not someone is 'fat.'

    GET OVER yourselves people. Not everyone who is overweight is a lazy, unmotivated person who just eats all day.

    Ever heard of hormonal disorders?

    This is the most ridiculous argument ever.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    just as a side: I love it when obese people guzzling diet coke tell me that smoking is bad for me; then they get in their SUVs and dial a friend for the drive home.

    but as for "fat acceptance", I'm more prone to "body acceptance". One should love the body at any size as the effects of choices take a while to mend. Be proud of who you are by your own measure, not some idea that someone else put in your head.
  • eliamunch
    eliamunch Posts: 18
    It shouldn't matter how much you weigh, if you're fat/skinny etc. We're all just people. Saying "I have no respect for fat people" is pointless. Why should anyone care if a person they don't know has respect for them.

    *You let people hurt you by listening to them. Ignore them and live with yourself.

    ( * I say "you" in a general sense not refering to anyone in particular)

    I also say this in response to the people you carry on about how little they respect fat people, well guess what? WE DON'T CARE!!! :D
  • justinamay0535
    justinamay0535 Posts: 132 Member
    I have to disagree on one point, obesity is not like smoking at all. You don't have to smoke to live, but you have to eat. And your eating patterns, attitude towards food, and tendency toward obesity are all set when you're young when you simply have no control over it. If you're an overweight child you've got a lifetime of fighting against obesity ahead of you.

    Now, regarding this movement: I'm still a fat person myself, having just dropped from an obese BMI to an overweight BMI, And having faced size discrimination myself, I fully believe that a person is not their weight.

    However, I don't give much credence to the fat acceptance movement. It would be one thing if the movement, from what I know of it, was encouraging its members to work toward a healthy weight, but they're not. The message that I've heard from them is that fat people are fine just the way they are, and **** anyone who doesn't like it.

    I chose not to like it.

    This is perfectly said! I have been overweight/obese all my life and sadly I think my weight is something Im going to fight with for the rest of my life! I do not want my children to know what its like to be overweight its an awful feeling. Im still obese but I do not agree with changing the way things are because the country continues to get fatter. People have the choice to change themselves(as hard as it may be) but telling them that they are fine just the way they are is only, IMHO, giving overweight/obese people a crutch to lean on.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    No one should be obese, these people are fooling themselves into believing the size they are is OK. It isn't healthy. Coming from a person who's weight goes up and down (100% my fault) I know for a fact that I'm not as healthy when overweight.
    There are psychological issues involved with being overweight and they should be addressed. If you can't do it on your own seek help.
    It is a dangerous mindset and shouldn't be encouraged. When the news shows someone who is 100 plus years old are they obese? ... NEVER, that has to show something

    I think it's more dangerous to sheeple your way through life believing that one body type is the ultimate goal.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    you know what? in thinking about it, just because you're lean doesn't make you healthy. You could have all kinds of fatty deposits that you don't know about, so why hate on those that show it?

    I'm in excellent shape; in fact, I'm probably in better shape than many people who weigh 50lbs less than me.

    I love my body at all sizes. I am confident and sexy and I don't really care if other people accept or don't accept me for who I am.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.

  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.


  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    I love what you said here.
    A person is more than their weight. They have thoughts, feelings, desires, and emotions just like a skinny person. To me, "fat acceptance" isn't saying being fat is healthy, or ideal, or idolized. Its accepting that the adjective "fat" isn't the sole defining characteristic of a person. Fat people deal with a lot of assumptions made about them - they're lazy, dumb, slow, low-class. You see a person, and judge them immediately, simply because of their weight. That is unfair, and dehumanizing. We all have an inner life that lives on regardless of how our exterior appears.

    Fat people know they're fat. They're not blind. To me, fat acceptance is recognizing the person within the person, and treating them with the same humanity we should treat all others. Be kind, as everyone is carrying within them a struggle.
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Everyone, please step back and repeat after me.

    Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy.

    Continue repeating until you get it through your head.

    PERFECT, thank you!
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Everyone, please step back and repeat after me.

    Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy. Not all fat people are unhealthy.

    Continue repeating until you get it through your head.

    I agree!!! But the pressure on joints etc can take a toll but also I know a lot of fat people who are way healthier then rail thin people!
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.


    Maybe not, but they're lucky if they aren't.

    Being fat makes it more likely that you will have certain health problems. Why should that be presented as okay?
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I truly believe you accomplish more out of love - for yourself and others, than hate. I used to diet out of HATE. Now I am trying to live a healthy lifestyle out of LOVE. Self acceptance can sometimes lead to a change that no amount of self-loathing can manufacture.


    Fat acceptance helped me learn to love myself - really, truly love myself, my body, everything - at 268 pounds. Which in turn, lead to me realizing that I was worth taking care of and it was worth trying out new things, like biking and running and swimming, which lead to weight loss - not my original goal.

    So yes, I love the fat acceptance movement. It helped my love myself and find a happier, healthier me.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    If someone wants to be overweight, so be it. We're all on our own journey. Many people live in denial about many things, and they have that right to as part of their journey. There's a 12 step saying... recovery is for those who WANT it, not for those who need it. As part of my personal journey, I am learning to respect that. Just as a child has the right (actually the need) to learn from making mistakes, we all have the right to our mistakes and our lessons.
    Not that being overweight is a mistake... as others have pointed out, fat doesn't necessarily equal unhealthy. My point is, we all have the right to be what we are.
  • hummingbirdxss
    hummingbirdxss Posts: 87 Member
    A person is more than their weight. They have thoughts, feelings, desires, and emotions just like a skinny person. To me, "fat acceptance" isn't saying being fat is healthy, or ideal, or idolized. Its accepting that the adjective "fat" isn't the sole defining characteristic of a person. Fat people deal with a lot of assumptions made about them - they're lazy, dumb, slow, low-class. You see a person, and judge them immediately, simply because of their weight. That is unfair, and dehumanizing. We all have an inner life that lives on regardless of how our exterior appears.

    Fat people know they're fat. They're not blind. To me, fat acceptance is recognizing the person within the person, and treating them with the same humanity we should treat all others. Be kind, as everyone is carrying within them a struggle.

    I hope you know how caring and smart you really are !! Excellent answer !! Everyone is carrying within them a struggle. I LOVE that !!!
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.


    If you're fat & you don't already have them you're more likely to develop A lot more sicknesses than someone who isn't. It's hilarious when people bring this up. It's like "hurr not all diabetics are fat!!" when more than 80% are obese.

    If you think being fat is better than being thin (not bullemia or anorexia thin) than you are sadly mistaken

    If this was a anorexia acceptance thread itd be closed by page 3. That's an actual mental illness, being obese more often than not is because that person is lazy & overheats. I used to be a celestial body, I know. I also know that a ton of people who think they are genetically predisposed to it but in reality aren't. & a very small percentage of the population actually has a thyroid problem.

    These groups are garbage. & are nothing more than groups for these people to coddle eachother & give eachother a false sense of pride. Quality of life improves tenfold when not obese.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.

    And not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, but why chance it? Overweight and obesity are risk factors for heath problems that can take years to manifest themselves. Whether you mentally accept your weight or not, you have no guarantee that your body will.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.

    And not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, but why chance it? Overweight and obesity are risk factors for heath problems that can take years to manifest themselves. Whether you mentally accept your weight or not, you have no guarantee that your body will.

    ^ THIS!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I think its stupid as hell. That's just saying its perfectly ok to be unhealthy. It's not ok. And our children should not be taught that.

    Being overweight is a huge factor for diabetes, heart disease, joints problems, some cancers should I go on? You might not be unhealthy NOW, but how long will it last? Long term prognostic are not positive.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    why should everyone want to live a long life? i mean, in a way life kind of sucks. so why not just enjoy what you have while you have it in all its forms!?

    I could easily be dead tomorrow, or even in 5 minutes. Who knows? So I'm gonna take it where I've got it and love me and my life as I have it, right now: fat, healthy, sexy, funny and kind.