How did every 1 gain weight



  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    I was in a stressful relationship and ate myself happy:sick:
  • wwoelbel
    wwoelbel Posts: 23
    Desk job, World of Warcraft, eating out of boredom all coupled with a giant lack of self image. The threat of mandatory insulin by The MD was the turning point...
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    The most obvious answer would be having 3 kids. BUT...I can't put it all on that either. I just started eating what i wanted cause I was at home with babies all the time. I kind of got bored and the food was always around. Most of the time it was cookies, chips and all of that. I also think that having surgery last year didn't help much. Now to get back to how I was...or better than I was 10 years ago.
  • Lillyeatslillies
    Last year my dad died from a sudden heart attack at the age of 48 one day before my 24th birthday. I gained 60lbs in one year. Now I'm trying to lose it.
  • chickabee5
    chickabee5 Posts: 90
    I started gaining a bit of weight after I hit puberty, then when I was 16 my family and I went to England, Italy, Ireland for six weeks and then surprise surprise I came home and needed a new school uniform lol I was so shocked at how much I gained as I really didn't notice it with the traveling :-( Then after I left high school and went to Uni, we had a mall&food court only a few minutes walk away so me and my friends always used to eat out, also because they didn't have regular breaks around proper meal times we would end up not eating anything for hours and then get hungry and binge and my weight went up again :-(
  • AlabasterJar68
    I would say a small portion would be genetics and the rest would be that I eat way too much. I have had problems with portion control all my life. I didn't start off as heavy as I am now. Matter of fact, up until high school(1986) I was underweight and very reed thin. My weight came on over a 22 year period and especially after the birth of my son, who is now 19 years old. I also stopped working out and became sedentary after sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day. So there has been many factors to my weight gain but that is all going to change!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I was overweight as a child. I did the unforgivable by being a female who sucked her thumb. Was teased incessantly even by my parents. Lost weight at puberty. Did fine until married in which my husband cheated on me 2 times, was an alcoholic, and I raised 3 babies by myself. My parents were very demanding of my time and then my husband was killed in a car crash. All this to say: With each emotional trauma I packed on another 20 - 30 pounds. Now it is time for me to shine.
  • kennodogs
    kennodogs Posts: 29 Member
    Snacking and portion sizes. 10kgs over 10 years. Little bit at a time, and not really focussing on the cause. Am now however focussed and its amazing how quickly things can change.
  • DarkNebula84
    DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
    Metabolism got all messed up from being so sick when I was 16. I got pregnant with my daughter and was so sick from "morning sickness" that I couldn't eat or drink, I lost almost 40 pounds in less than 3 months and had to be on an iv for 3 weeks straight and then when I was all better I ate everything in sight and gained 70 pounds the last 5 months of my pregnancy and had a 10 pound baby that I almost lost in the beginning....What a blessing that girl was and still is to this very day (she is almost 11 now)
    So that messed with my metabolism and also I was a crack addict for 2 years and barely ate for those 2 years. Needless to say I have messed up my body and need to get it fixed :grumble:
  • Fitty_Cent
    Fitty_Cent Posts: 41 Member
    Mine was a triple whammy of:

    1. Quitting smoking early July 2011 -- ate instead of smoking
    2. Father committing suicide late July 2011 -- ate to stuff down feelings
    3. Getting married September 2011 -- ate to celebrate

    I managed to put on 30 pounds in three months!
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I work from home, sit a lot, and I am quite a hedonistic person, so with time I gained a lot. My partner really loves my figure, and I receive a lots of compliments from men, so I am quite ok with my figure even now.
    But it is really hard to buy good clothing in my size.
    First I just checked that how much I eat... Than I realised step buy step that what kind of changes I need in order to be healthier.
    My partner is a sporty person, and I like that. I wanted to be more energetic and wanted endurance and strenghth as well. Even my mum was in better condition than me. So I started my journey.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little.
  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    desk job 12+ hrs per day, got used to my pregnancy and breast feeding metabolism, bought a car - so I didn't walk everywhere I went anymore, started buying mad quantities of food I could afford i.e. ramen and potatoes and mac n cheese (all high carb, high cal, high sodium) - moved and restarted my life from absolutely nothing, tried to walk again but the 100+ deg weather unmotivated me - antiseizure meds side effects... developed insomnia - and don't let me forget some depression in there too ... all to the tune of about 100 lbs in 3 years!
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    I've been pregnant for the last 5-6 years...preggers now, so looking at getting back to ME when this one is out! I've just been size 'Preggo' for too long!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    A abusive relationship over 5 years, and a year of being stalked and harassed afterwards left me with a nervous breakdown, an eating disorder, chronic fatigue and pain syndrome and llttle self worth. I gave up on myself. I truly believed the only way I'd get the weigh off was if the NHS granted me surgery.

    Being told I was diabetic and couldn't have an operation I needed at 301lbs kicked me up the *kitten*. 55lbs later I'd need major surgery and I'd be so glad of the weight loss. Along the way I've had counselling, fought hard, I'm starting to realise I am worth it! I discovered exercise its helped my fybromyalgia and depression so much and I found this site! 1 friend I made in particular on here has helped me incredibly. Life is finally starting to feel good and the weight is coming off again after a 6 month plateau, thanks to changing macros and starting hiit training! I've reversed my diabetes too! :-) X
  • kinghavok
    kinghavok Posts: 104
    I quit smoking and started eating to suppress the habit. I did not exercise and gained around 50 lbs. I eventually went over 200. I am finding out it goes on a lot easier than it comes off.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Ate too much and stopped moving. Gained 5 pounds a year for 10 years.
    (Even losing only a pound a week I've lost a years worth of gain in only 5 weeks!)
  • CazLovesCalories
    CazLovesCalories Posts: 144 Member
    Two babies, and my ex leaving me for my best mate. That will do it everytime :/
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Got married and moved about 30 mins away from a gym. Fell out of my routine and started eating and cooking comfort food. Then tried to get pregnant for 2 years; along came infertility drugs. Combine that with depression and more comfort eating over not being able to conceive and I was up at my highest weight.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I've been overweight since I was a teenager.

    I had developed anorexia very early and ate almost nothing between the ages of 11 and 13. I wrecked my metabolism so when I finally "got over it" and started eating again I ballooned up very, very quickly.

    Combine that with the attitude I developed toward food (to keep from going back to anorexic behavior, I simply didn't think about the food I was eating and just ate) and the fact that I was constantly ill and sedentary, it's easy to see why I was an obese teenager.

    My Junior year of high school I took a class called personal fitness. My teacher was an amazing woman who armed us with a TON of nutrition and fitness knowledge. I started losing weight quickly and it felt amazing.

    However, that was short-lived as I moved out of my parent's house the following year. My Senior year, I was a class officer, president of one club, vice-president of another club, worked 30 hours a week in fast food, took the most challenging high school courses that I could as well as several college classes. I lived in a tiny apartment with my obese boyfriend, we were planning our wedding. When I graduated, I was Salutatorian but I had ballooned back up due to all of the stresses and adopting my boyfriend's eating habits.

    Immediately after I graduated, I found out I was pregnant. I went to the OB and found out that I weighed in at a whopping 276 pounds... When I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, I weighed 310.

    In the time following that, I got serious. I wanted to be around for her. I left her abusive father. I lost 105 pounds. I weighed 205, the smallest I'd been since I was 13. I then started fainting. I went to the Doctor and found out about several previously unrecognized health conditions that were most likely linked to my early anorexia. Instead of adapting to my new requirements, I felt betrayed by my body and stopped trying to lose weight...

    Right before discovering my health issues, I met my current boyfriend and fell in love. However, he lived 15 hours away... I couldn't deal with the distance and ended up moving and uprooting my entire life. I became an emotional eater... and with all the stress involved from uprooting my life, I gained 80 pounds in 2 years... Lovely, right?