Age Difference for dating?



  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    15 years tops, give or take based on personality and maturity.
  • onmyway1101
    onmyway1101 Posts: 103 Member
    Not for me... I am 25 and my husband is 45.... That is not the only thing that is different... I am white and he is black... Im 5'8 he is 5'4... I fell in love with him right away... But I always knew I would date a man that was older.... Even though he doesnt act 45.
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    As an example to what some people are saying, at age 47, I am seriously thinking about retirement. Not sitting in a rocking chair retirement, but defintely not a 9 to 5 gig anymore. At 55, I want to be all done with that and move on to something else. Getting with someone in their 20's, their whole world is brand new, and they are so far away from thinking like that that they can't really comprehend that.

    I think there are certain points in life where the age does matter. Wouldn't it suck if your SO was retired, and you're working liek a dog everyday? I mean, there could be benefits to it, but I think I would hate that. It would piss me off, to be honest, if I had to work everyday, and they're just lounging around all the time. I mean, in my retirement, I'm not a loungey type, so I'm sure i'd be busy, but still.

    I totally respect and understand what you are saying. Like the idea that you might want to travel or enjoy your "Golden Days" while your SO is at work... But if I might play Devils Advocate for a sec... If you are retired and doing what you love and your SO is working isn't more their decision? Like can they handle working while youre not? Shouldn't you let the decide if they can handle that?

    I thought about that. Depends on their openness and ability to communicate. Like, I would expect when maybe jealousy, or whatever, creeps in, they tell me so that we can figure it out. Also, respect on my side...that I'm not just like, "im going to Vegas, see you in 4 days", but plan that stuff out and communicate. I think it probably could work. I'm being a little closed-minded about it, probably.

    Well I didn't imagine you would just send a text one day saying "Hey taking a trip up the coast... See you in a week or so." LoL. I was just curious to see if you had looked at the other side of things. Considered putting yourself in the younger persons shoes... But I fully respect where you are and that you have limitations to the age you are looking to date. Not in any way trying to judge you. I feel pretty close minded with that stuff too.. Anything over 10 makes me start thinking about it probably way more than I should... And if I couldn't shake that feeling I don't know how I could really open up to a relationship.
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I really don't see a problem with age difference.If you like one another or love one another,thats all that matters.
  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I'm 52 and my husband is 39. We have been married since 1994 and met in 1993. Greatest marriage ever!
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 532 Member
    Im 34. He's 47. :)
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    I never have really believed in age difference being a deal breaker. Attraction shouldnt know any age.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I don't really have a set maximum. All the men I've dated have been older. Closest in age was like 7 years older I think and that felt a litlte weird if anything lol Last real relationship I had there was a 16 year difference and the last guy I was with there were 21 years between us but with all of them you wouldn't have known it. I don't pursue older men necessarily it's just that I have more in common with them than guys my age.
    Mind you this usually leads to them leaving me for women their own age and I'm starting to develop a complex lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm truly saddened at the number of beautiful women in this thread that wouldn't date me due to my age!!
  • andforpoise
    andforpoise Posts: 185
    I've only ever dated one person and he was 2 years older than me... I hang out with people who are between 2 and 8 years old than me though, so I wouldn't have a problem going older... When I first started taking dating seriously, I set a rule for myself: nobody who is older than my sister (I don't know why, just made sense at the time) I kind of still stick to that... so in general someone 5 years older than me. Not really into anyone younger (at my age, 22, they seem a little too immature most of the time). Those are just my basic guidelines, though I probably wouldn't turn down a 30 y/o if we found ourselves compatible.
  • xonashwaox
    xonashwaox Posts: 108
    When I was 26 my husband was 19 (divorced when he was 25 nothing to do with the age blame it all on fighting the good fight in Iraq)

    Last year I dated someone 60 and I was 35 (he may have bee 60 but he was built like a 40yr guy great shape great attitude and tons of fun to be with)
  • butterflykoffee
    butterflykoffee Posts: 31 Member
  • jw1463
    jw1463 Posts: 2
    I'm 52 and my husband is 39. We have been married since 1994 and met in 1993. Greatest marriage ever!

    My girlfriend and I have a very similar age difference. She is 12 years, 8 months older than me, but I could not be happier. She is the most beautiful woman on Earth, and we share the same desires, goals, and interests. It makes me happy to hear success stories of other couples... As a hopeless romantic, I believe in true love, soul mates, and fate. I truly believe and feel that she is mine. She owns my heart, and I could see myself with no other woman. Sometimes, it's just meant to be! I love you, ms_tris! :love:
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm almost 27. I've found that 10 years or less is ideal for me. I've found that I just don't *get* Gen X-ers. I just don't get them. My 3 brothers are all that age group and I still don't get them.

    I also don't believe older necessarily means more mature for men. Therefore, I'm gonna go for someone near my own age who won't be 900 years old when our kids graduate high school...
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 164 Member
    I like to be at least two years older than I was the last time I was dating someone.

    Love it. Same here!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm truly saddened at the number of beautiful women in this thread that wouldn't date me due to my age!!

    Basically, that's what it's like to be a woman.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    My domesticated partner and I are 8 years apart. I honestly don't notice it, until we hang out with friends of his, and I'm always the youngest one by nearly a decade. It's not that noticeable, really, unless we mention when we all graduated high school or something like that. I've always interacted well with any age group, though, so that could just be me.

    Now, my parents had an 18 year age gap, and that might have been a bit much, especially trying to raise a family. With my significant other, 8 years is just barely pushing the differences in generations, but we're still part of the same generation, for the most part. My mother and father were completely different generations, and they found expectations that they had to be different as a result. Their marriage didn't last more than eight years, especially once they had my sister and me.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm truly saddened at the number of beautiful women in this thread that wouldn't date me due to my age!!

    Basically, that's what it's like to be a woman.

    Lol...ok, you've definitely got to clarify this one =p.

    By the way, from your other're one of them!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I never dated anyone more than 5 years my senior, I have slept with some people that were more so older than me, the most was 15 years. I was 21 he was 36, I don't even remember his name, lol