Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • orchids85
    orchids85 Posts: 7
    yes i hate seeing people finish on the treadmill and not wipe down their nasty sweat!!!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    1. Chatting while using equipment so it's tied up for much longer than it needs to be. I'm not against all socializing, really.

    BUT one day there were two ladies using the only two cable machines in the gym. They were there when we started our workout and they were there when we finished 45 minutes later. Not exaggerating. Their workout seemed to consist of standing at the machine, holding the bar, and chatting. The cable machine is the last one in the routine for that day and we thought "surely it will be free by the time we get to it." NOT TRUE! They could have at least just shared one machine.

    2. People who wear street shoes in group exercise classes

    Even if you haven't run through mud, there is a fine layer of dust & dirt from outside that comes in. This makes the floor dangerously slippery for high impact aerobics.
  • krazykristen123
    krazykristen123 Posts: 103 Member
    1. Girls who spend two hours getting ready just to go to the gym and you can smell their perfume a mile away!

    2. Girls who do not work up a sweat, you are at the gym to lose weight not to look pretty and pick up guys.

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    anyone ever notice that the only people who ever have these complaints at the gym are other women:laugh:

    It doesn't bother me when girls put loads of effort in to go to the gym but what the point? Your make-ups going to sweat off n your hairs gonna get a mess

    thats the thing those girls don't sweat!! :laugh:
    I sure as hell do! I'm there to lose weight, not win a beauty pagent.
  • I don't care how people look when they go to the gym. If the ladies want to wear eyeshadow up to their hairlines, that's their business. Same for the guys who come in looking like they just rolled out of bed. Ratty shirts, sports bras (actually don't know what the deal is with this one - they're perfect for ladies to work out in, especially if they're uh...well endowed), smelly shoes - no big deal - the important thing is that they're there to work out. If they're not, then they're a waste of space and I don't care how much they paid to be there - a gym is not a matchmaking service. They're taking up machines that serious people could be using.

    That isn't to say its not ok to meet guys/girls there, just be there to workout.

    Ok so here are mine:

    1. People who bathe in perfume/cologne before coming in. It chokes me. Literally. I've been on a treadmill and had a guy walk by who was wearing waaaay too much cologne, and I had to stop and go outside. Its a gym. We should expect to encounter aromas that aren't exactly pleasant. Don't try to overcompensate with perfume/cologne. A little dab'll do ya.

    2. People who look at me like 'What is his fat *kitten* doing in HERE?' and then proceed to run their mouths behind my back. GUYS were the worst about this. The majority of the ladies I worked out with were either indifferent or supportive. But it got so bad that before I let my membership lapse, I would workout at 2 or 3 in the morning just so I would be alone. I should also mention I live in a small town, so gym gossip didn't stay at the gym. This is why I choose to workout alone at home now.

    3. People who don't clean/pick up after themselves. This should be a given. We're all adults, so don't leave your 'toys' laying around everywhere like a 3 year old.
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    This is so hilarious i just came here to read what eveyone is saying. Ha Ha
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I hate people that have nothing better to do than sit on the message boards and respond to EVERYTHING that is said with their super sarcastic "I don't care about the world" tones.

    Oh wait... GYM pet peeves... gotcha...

    I love the people that crank the treadmill up to an insane incline and then hold on for dear life and still, somehow, remain perpendicular to the treadmill. While I realize this is more of a workout than walking on a flat surface, how about you try letting go of the handles, pitching yourself forward, and actually using your muscles to power your movement. Oh yea! Feel that burn? THAT'S the purpose of the incline...
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Hate when i get to the gym (my gym is very small) and that big *kitten* fan is on full blast and its cold as heck in there and outside. WTF?!?!? We came here to sweat. Pricks!
  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    Why the hell would someone wear make up to the gym? I just don't get it.

    When people use the ab machines incorrectly with no resistance.
  • This isn't really a pet peeve, but I don't like it when I see people using the rowing machine at my gym incorrectly. I'm a competitive rower, so I know what good form looks like, and a lot of the people I see could easily hurt themselves. It's especially really easy to hurt your back with incorrect form on a rowing machine and I always wish that people would look up what correct form is before they try to use the machine.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member

    my gym has a pool and i hate it when people blow their noses in there hand and put it in the water....urgh!!!...thats mostly men..

    uh..... what do you do with swim boogers?
  • Morior87
    Morior87 Posts: 14
    Couples who go to the gym together and play Face Invaders while they're there.
  • Lilip0p
    Lilip0p Posts: 36
    When people judge others. That bothers me more than anything.

    Also, anyone who thinks they as Miss or Mr f*cking America or something. Grow up.. stop strutting... nobody cares.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Naked folks just chilling naked!
  • sglato
    sglato Posts: 28 Member
    There's two types of girls that go to the gym- those of us who bust our *kitten* off day in day out to get what we want, most of us don't wear make up because it stays on all of about two minutes! I sweat throughout the full session from the get go! And then there's the girls who get dressed up, spend mist of their workout on their phones and looking pretty. If you want to pick up guys, get serious about your training cause thats way sexier!

    My thoughts exactly.
  • sglato
    sglato Posts: 28 Member
    When I busting my @$$ off to lost this weight lifing 70-100 lbs , and I see smaller girls who really dont even need it doing chest flies at 10lbs, or arm rows at 10lbs not even working up at sweat! Srsly!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    When I busting my @$$ off to lost this weight lifing 70-100 lbs , and I see smaller girls who really dont even need it doing chest flies at 10lbs, or arm rows at 10lbs not even working up at sweat! Srsly!

    Seriously.. You're not as much of a bad *kitten* as you think you are.

    Not everyone can lift as much as you, and not everyone sweats.. and Yes, even the smaller girls need to lift weights.. Last time I checked my gym weights room there wasn't a sign or anything dictating that only bigger girls could lift weights while smaller girls could not.. and when there is.. well thats when my smaller self will stop lifting my 15-20 pound dumbbells while not even working up a sweat(cause for some odd reason, it takes a lot for me to sweat.. and it's usually towards the middle to the end of my session that it starts happening).
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    Couples who go to the gym together and play Face Invaders while they're there.

    lol me & my husband kiss... we don't tongue each other down though. :blushing:
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    It just shows that the person needs to look their best at all times.

    I guess people annoyed by it are those who are annoyed with high maintenance individuals. Also shows insecurity if a person can't go outside their house without makeup.

    Just my thoughts...and many others.

    actually i think it shows insecurity on the part of the people getting worked up about it.

    As long as someone is not interfering with MY workout, I could care less if they are or are not wearing make up, have their hair up, down, or shaved bald. But the point of this thread is people gripping about what bothers them at the gym. I have noticed you've had some quirky reply to every single post about what people look like. Not everyone feels the same as you, and different things bother different people. What bothers you- that same person might find laughable. Just let them live.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I don't really have any pet peeves, but I don't understand the people that are on their phone. I can't talk on the phone and run. I don't get how people do it.
  • The OP hit my major ones, but one to add...

    People who use two machines at once. Last month some toolbox was taking up two squat machines (our gym has four). He had one set up for bench press and the other for something else. To make it worse, he wasn't moving very fast. I was watching from the treadmill and he was off them by the time I was ready to use it, but I was prepared to say something had he still been on both.