For those of us with only 10-30 pounds to lose....



  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    I recommend to everyone to get New rules of lifting for women (it tells you why your body stops losing and what not)
    and new rules of lifting (for men)

    Love that book :)

    Very good suggestion here!

    Also, take a gander at this:
    THIS MFP post was excellent. Read it, all the way to the bottom (includes links). I would also add that your body may be used to your exercise routine so you can try changing it up. I did, and that along with food intake has helped me finally see a bit of movement!
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    me!! I've been trying to lose 20lbs since I gave birth 19 months ago!!! aaarrggg! It's hell! I was completely happy with my weight before I got pregnant 68kg (149.9lbs) , when I started calorie counting (last May 26th - only with another calorie counting website) I was so amazed at how much MORE I actually needed to add to my diet to be able to LOSE WEIGHT??? I was like: WHAT??? ha ha, always starving myself because of course that what we always think is the only road to losing weight, how wrong was I! Now I am eating more, (I've always been a healthy eater so didn't need to "cut out" anything, just eat more) and I feel so full by the end of the day, my headaches started disappearing and I am getting better sleep! BUT still, it is soooo slow... 0.5/1kg per week almost... water weight was easy to lose, came off fast, the first 2 kg. Oh well, Last night I was amazed! I ate 2 big burritos with rice, turkey and beans, with a delish tomato sauce my hubby made! I ATE 2 BIG ONES, I still woke up lighter than the day before, I was like WOW.. :D I'm definitely happier, I can eat! so I don't really mind how slow pounds/kilos come off as long as they don't come back! soooo, anywho, that's me in the 20lbs to lose club!
  • shyrina25
    shyrina25 Posts: 101 Member
    zig zag calories! dont eat same amount every day, works for me, I have 2 more pounds to go!
  • crusadermax
    this is the exact reason why I give up so much. my goal is 30-40lbs and I will lose about 15 or so and plateau. No matter how hard I work, it goes no where, so I stop and eventually, I end up gaining out of frustration. I'm trying again but this time, I will keep going no matter what. I will get there!
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    Welp, I posted before in here but finally have success. I lost 50 pounds of baby weight in 6 months, and then spent the last 7 months trying to lose the last 10-15. Turns out starving myself had totally screwed up my metabolism. I ate normally for 30 days...pretty much whatever I wanted. I didn't put on any weight, nor did I lose any. The past 2 weeks I started a deficit again and also cut out many of my carbs. Eating normally and telling my body I wasn't going to starve it DID work, and I lost 2 pounds in the last week...I've weighted myself the last 4 days straight and have not gained it back so it's working!
  • kburgess247
    kburgess247 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in the club. My main issue is I have been losing half of it and then gaining it back PLUS 2 or 3 lbs (this has happened 3 times) because I get busy or distracted. I want to lose ALL of it and then make an active maintenance plan. This time my goal is to lose 20 lbs but since I was 5 lbs heavier than I was when I first joined the site, MFP doesn't even take into account the first 5 lbs that I lost. Only the 2 lbs below my original weight.

    This time, I'm in it all the way!!
  • jc86
    jc86 Posts: 151
    Me! Need to drop 20. So close yet so far :/
  • khloee1
    khloee1 Posts: 90 Member
    I need 15 more...and I am stuck! ugh!!!! What is this zig zag calories I keep reading about?
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i hit my goal weight and dropped a lb below and then got pregnant with my 3rd now struggling to lose that 10lb i gained...he's only 9weeks but i've been working out since he was 2weeks and lost no more than a lb or two since!
  • RhianAlyssa
    I've got 22 to go, exactly one for each year of my age :laugh:
  • LeighLeighCruz
    I'm right with everyone else, Lost the first 35 with just making a few changes, but I have been stuck at the same weight, gaining and losing the same 2 pounds for the last 5 months, no matter the effort I put in. So I joined MFP to hopefully get my act together because I feel like I'm missing something. Just have to keep pushing, another 30 to go.
  • crystallambeth
    crystallambeth Posts: 12 Member
    yep...joining this club too!!! 10 pounds would be a good start, 20 pounds in the end!! well, right now 2 pounds would make me starting to really watch what i eat & boot camp...this has to work!! :)
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    I'm actually excited because I only have 30lbs more to lose! Keeping it in perspective really helps. I see it like this: having already lost 80lbs, the next 30lbs, phhhhh I got this!
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    I have been batteling this 30 pounds for a few years.. up an down back and forth.. sighs
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    18lbs to go!!!
  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    ME! I have less then 10 to my goal. I had about 18 lbs to lose to start with. I lost the first 8lbs in about 8 weeks. But I think the last 10 are going to take me double or triple the time...
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    On the last 10-15 pounds!!

    Been plateaued for over 3 months. It's frustrating.
  • Pirschjaeger
    Pirschjaeger Posts: 15 Member
    My goal was to lose 15 pounds... half way there... have 7 more pounds to go. I'm losing a little over a pound a week, so I guess I'm losing weight at an okay rate.
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    Me, but I find if I eat more calories a couple of days a week (not junk food, just more calories) I will have a loss that week. 3 pounds left (started with 31).
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    my tummy pooch and last 10-15lb are hanging on for dear life!!:sad:

    ^^^^^^^^^ ME TOOOOOO!!!!!! Whyyyyyy????
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