Summer Challenge



  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    @inskydiamonds -- thanks for posting the spreadsheet! Can you correct something for me? For my name, it shows "6" as the current Distance From Goal, but that should read "14" (week 1 weight 157 - goal weight 143 = 14). Thanks!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    @inskydiamonds -- thanks for posting the spreadsheet! Can you correct something for me? For my name, it shows "6" as the current Distance From Goal, but that should read "14" (week 1 weight 157 - goal weight 143 = 14). Thanks!

    I don't even know why I would have put 6 down - that doesn't make sense. haha

    I've made all changes to the spreadsheet! Tell me if there's anything else that needs to be fixed.
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    Wow, that was quick! Thanks!
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you so much inskydiamonds for doing this challenge and setting up everything. Day 2 of "getting back on track" not perfect, but going in the right direction. Working on last weeks challenges ---staying under daily calories and increase water as well as this weeks challenges. This certainly motivates me, and makes me accountable
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Way over my calories yesturday - but they were beer calories - lol. Will try to eat within cals today, but dont think I will be getting any cardio in today. My back/hip is still killing me, so I think I will just do lots of stretching today.

    Suppose to rain here all day, and we are trying to finish farming, so very blah here today. Going to finish up laundry and work on some books (I do book keeping out of me home).

    Thanks for the chart, everyone did amazing.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    I started my weight loss journey on Thursday and Ive been focusing on drinking more water, exercising, and watching what I eat.

    GW: 264.8
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    Not doing to hot this week :sad:
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Thank you so much for doing this InSkyDiamonds :-)

    Done loads of cardio today and went on my exercise bike yesterday so 3/4 cardio sessions done.
    Eating loads of fruit and veggies this week but i always do...think it would be very tricky to increase them! Aiming to eat more protein and less carbs instead :-)
    Will be posting a recipe soon....once I decide which one.

    Oh and I'm back down where I was at the start of this challenge after my gain last week so hoping for a loss on Tuesday! Think that was helped by the fact I've increased my calorie goal this week because I've not lost weight for about 4 weeks. Fingers crossed this has kick started things for me!

    Hope you're all well :-)

  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I figured I'd better get my recipe posted before Tuesday morning comes and I find I forgot to do it! Anyhow, here goes:

    Deviled Veal Cutlets (6 servings, about 280 calories per serving)

    1 pound thin veal cutlets (if veal is too expensive, use thin chicken cutlets and adjust the calories)
    2 Tablespoons all purpose flour
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon paprika
    1/4 cup margarine, divided
    1 cup minced onions
    1 chicken bouillon cube (or equivalent granules -- if sodium is a problem, there are lower sodium substitutes out there)
    1-1/2 cups boiling water
    1 teaspoon prepared yellow mustard
    2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
    1/2 cup sour cream

    Cut the veal cutlets (or chicken cutlets) into serving size pieces (your choice -- I've had it done as full sized cutlets, but I like pieces about 2 inches by 2 inches). Mix flour, salt & paprika in small bowl or plastic bag. Dip meat pieces into flour mixture to coat. Heat electric frying pan to 325F (or large stove top frying pan with lid to medium). Melt 2 tablespoons of margarine in pan, saute onions, then remove onions from pan and set aside. Heat pan to 375F (medium-high?), brown veal on both sides adding remaining margarine as needed. Disolve bouillon cube in boiling water, pour it over the veal in the pan. Add the onions, mustard and horseradish to the pan, stirring to mix well.Turn the heat down to simmer (215F), cover, simmer for 25 minutes. Turn down to warm (150F), remove meat, stir sour cream into gravy until well blended. Put meat back into the pan to coat and warm.

    (Serve over your favorite plain carb side dish. I like it over egg noodles or fork smashed potatoes accompanied by green beans or steamed broccoli, as the gravy goes well with it all.)
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Sloppy Lentil Sandwich

    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 onion, cut into chunks
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    1/4 tsp paprika
    1 1/2 carrots, diced
    1 stalk celery, diced
    1 cup crushed tomatoes
    1 1/2 cups lentils, soaked, rinsed, and drained
    1/2 tsp kosher salt
    1/2 ground black pepper
    1/4 cup + 2 tbsp white wine
    2 bay leaves
    3 1/2 cups chicken broth
    4 hamburger buns


    1. In a large pot heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the onions and cook until glossy. Add the garlic, paprika, carrots, and celery. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    2. Add the tomatoes, lentil, salt, pepper, bay leaves, and chicken broth. Bring to a simmer. Pour in the wine and stir. Bring to a rolling boil.

    3. Lower the heat slowly on the soup. Let simmer at medium-low heat for one hour.

    4. See if enough of the liquid has cooked off. If not, keep cooking until the lentils aren’t soupy.

    5. Divide the lentils between the buns.

    * serves 4
    * 362 calories per sandwich
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Happy Sunday all, got my 4th cardio in today, bought a bike and went for a bike ride! Havent owned a bike since I was 7!!! Was great fun! Hope you're all well. Here's my recipe!

    Homemade Jalfrezi

    Makes 2 large portions or 3 smaller ones. I sometimes have a large "dinner" portion and 2 "lunch" portions out of this. Freezes well too. Half of the recipe is around 300cals, just add rice/naan/baked potato or even have it on its own as it's quite a dry curry.

    1 large chicken breast diced (can use different meat if preferred or add more veggies instead)
    1 Large onion sliced
    2/3 Peppers (I like 1 red, 1 green) sliced
    2 Handfuls sliced mushrooms
    2 medium garlic cloves
    1Tbsp cumin
    1tsp tumeric
    2tsp ground corriander
    1 green chilli (can be ommited or use 2 depending on how hot you like it)
    1 tin chopped tomatoes
    teaspoon of cushed ginger (I get it in a tub from morrisons, can use fresh or whatever you can find.)

    Fry all vegetables and garlic in a little oil until softened then remove from pan.
    Fry chicken, DO NOT STIR, turn once during cooking that gives a nice crispy outside on them, I like to grind pepper onto it before frying for an extra kick.
    Add spices, chilli and ginger to pan and fry until "dry" continue stiring to avoid burning, you'll notice the consistency change and thats when to add the chicken and veg back in and coat evenly in the paste.
    Add tin of chopped tomatoes and simmer for 20mins. (just enough time to do rice :-))

    If you dont like very spicy food try replacing the chopped tomatoes with a tin of coconut milk, slightly higher cals but will be a nice mild sauce :-)

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Not a healthy day today, and no cardio. But did get down to the lake to get the camper ready for summer, and cut and raked the lot down there. Will get my recipe in tom. Going to put healthy high fiber muffins. They are delicious. Hope to get back on track this week. Making no progress, but think I am maintaining. Really need to get in the routine of an early morning or early evening jog.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    Been much better this week. Staying under daily calories most days, have increased water (added these challenges from last week as I over indulged) Have been eating more fruits and veggies, doing my cardio, and sharing a recipe

    Medaterrainian quiche (crustless)

    10 Eggs
    Sun-dried, packed in oil, drained, 1 cup (drain oil off--I usually soak up with paper towel)
    Cheese - Feta, 0.25 cup, crumbled
    Cheese - Cheddar, 0.5 cup shredded
    Black Olives sliced 1/3 cup
    (Optional 1/2 package of bacon)
    1 onion

    Saute bacon and onion together. Then I put in a deep pie plate add all the ingredients in there and mix. Bake @375 Celcius for 45 -60 minutes. If edges are browning too much I put tin foil over the edges.
    Per serving (1/8 of a pie) 315 calories (with the bacon, would be @ 228 without the bacon)

    @renaegry if it helps, I starting back exercising this Jan after taking almost a year off. I now get up on my days off at 530 am so I can go for a run before hubby and kids get up. It sucks getting out of bed, but feels so good on my way home. That's my plan for Mon and Tue morning---you can join me--knowing that other people do the same thing helps
  • JenniferEM2012
    JenniferEM2012 Posts: 229 Member
    Here is my recipe. It is for stuffed bell peppers. I love them. It is low in calorie because you can make so many servings of it. When my Fiancé and I make it we make it for two dinners and it makes 8 bell peppers. Each pepper stuffed is 211 calories

    8 Green stuffed bell peppers.
    1 LB ground round ( We use the most lean meat we can)
    1 white onion. I love onion so we put a large one in the mix.
    2 cups of white rice
    15 oz tomato sauce.

    For the peppers, cut off the top and take out the seeds. Then boil for about 5-7 min.
    Brown the meat in a pan. At the same time cook the rice. Once the meat is brown mix in the rice, tomato sauce, and chopped onion.
    Once this is all mixed and heated stuff the peppers. Cook in the oven for 40 min at 350 degrees.

    I have never written a recipe so I hope that this is read able for everyone.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Here is my recipe. It is for stuffed bell peppers. I love them. It is low in calorie because you can make so many servings of it. When my Fiancé and I make it we make it for two dinners and it makes 8 bell peppers. Each pepper stuffed is 211 calories

    8 Green stuffed bell peppers.
    1 LB ground round ( We use the most lean meat we can)
    1 white onion. I love onion so we put a large one in the mix.
    2 cups of white rice
    15 oz tomato sauce.

    For the peppers, cut off the top and take out the seeds. Then boil for about 5-7 min.
    Brown the meat in a pan. At the same time cook the rice. Once the meat is brown mix in the rice, tomato sauce, and chopped onion.
    Once this is all mixed and heated stuff the peppers. Cook in the oven for 40 min at 350 degrees.

    I have never written a recipe so I hope that this is read able for everyone.

    I am having this tonight!! Sounds soooo good!! Thanks! xx
  • branohockey
    branohockey Posts: 60 Member
    I specifically went on an extra long walk yesterday because I KNEW I would go over in calories. My oldest son graduated high school and we were having a celebration in his honor. I wanted to make mojito's (for me and my other mom friends) so instead of driving to the store, I walked. It's 2.2 miles there and the way I took home was 2.9 miles (with 2 two liter bottles of soda!) for a 822 calorie burn. I did not even try to record my food. I ate a good breakfast but then only dinner but it was all fabulous salads to go along with the beer can chicken and brats (hey, we're in Wisconsin what do you expect??LOL)

    I got on the scale and it shows a 4 pound weight gain since yesterday! Now I know there is NO WAY I ate an extra 14,000 calories and that it is just my lack of water and increased sodium, but I always find that amazing.

    Back on the healthy eating train again. :)

  • zerbe6982
    zerbe6982 Posts: 68
    - Increase your FRUIT/VEGETABLE intake this week
    - Get 30 minutes of CARDIO at least 4 days this week
    - Share a RECIPE with the group

    6/5 Update:
    Vegetables - No; This is going to be my weakness this week
    Cardio - Yes; Elliptical - 40 minutes
    Recipe - Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe by Closet Cooking (page 2 of thread)
    6/6 Update:
    Vegetables - No; This is going to be my weakness this week
    Cardio - Yes; Yoga - 60 minutes
    Recipe - Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe by Closet Cooking (page 2 of thread)
    6/7 Update:
    Vegetables - Yes; Finally, I had tomatoes, pickles and avocado
    Cardio - Yes; Elliptical - 40 minutes
    Recipe - Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe by Closet Cooking (page 2 of thread)
    6/8 Update:
    Vegetables - Yes; Woot!
    Cardio - Yes; Yoga - 60 minutes
    Recipe - Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe by Closet Cooking (page 2 of thread)

    6/9 Update:
    Vegetables - No;
    Cardio - No;
    Recipe - Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe by Closet Cooking (page 2 of thread)

    6/10 Update:
    Vegetables - Yes;
    Cardio - No
    Recipe - Crockpot Chicken Santa Fe by Closet Cooking (page 2 of thread)
  • vmilam03
    vmilam03 Posts: 49 Member
    Here is my healthy recipe for this week's challenge; enjoy!

    Skinny Chicken Fried Steak

    4 cube steaks, 4 oz ea
    1/4 cup egg sub
    1/2 cup + 1 tsp flour
    1/4 tsp red pepper
    1 cup soy milk
    3/4 tsp salt
    1 Tbsp canola oil
    1/4 cup FF sour cream

    In a flat dish, combine egg sub and 1/4 cup soy milk. In another dish combine 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/8 tsp red pepper. In skillet heat oil. Dip steak into egg mixture then flour. Cook in batches, 8 minutes, turning once until golden brown. Remove and set aside. For gravy, in same skillet add remaining 3/4 cup soy milk, sour cream, remaining salt and red pepper. Combine remaining flour with 1/4 cup water. Add flour mixture to skillet; cook stirring constantly until desired thickness. Serve over steaks. Serves 4.

    Number of Servings: 4
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    CW: 205lbs

    Goals for June:
    - Lose 6 lbs (199 lbs and under 200!!! )
    - Work out at least 4x a week
    - Drink 10 glasses of water a day
    - Eat every 3hrs
    - Eat all calories and maybe some exercise cals (dont want to go into starvation mode)

    CW: 204lbs (-1) 5lbs to go for June

    CW: 204lbs (-1lb)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Not a good eating day - not ever finishing logging for the day. Still debating whether I am going to hit the treadmill this evening. Leaning towards no - very tired, and sore. Promise myself that I will get on it tomorrow. Pretty sure I gained a pound this week, feeling very bloated. Hope everyone is having a good week.