Dollar Dance



  • In the South it is very common and people enjoy it :) No reason to call it Vulgar or each is their own
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I've been to numerous weddings. A lot in the past year and longer. To be honest, I have never been to a wedding where they have not had the dollar dance. I am getting married in September and plan to do the dollar dance. If people dont want to participate, they dont have to. But, it is very common here. :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    The host should have the reception he or she can afford to pay for. Guests are entitled to be treated as such, and should not have to pay for their attendance at your party in any way. YOU invited THEM.

    I know that there is gratuity paid to the facility, the host should also tip the servers separately.
    The point I was trying to make is that the host often isn't aware of the fact that their gratuity isn't necessarily covering the extra efforts of the staff. Its not that they dropped the ball or they can't afford to host a party at that venue- they just aren't aware of how the industry works.

    Generally people tip someone who is providing an extra service to them (provided its GOOD service).
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I never heard of it until a guest told the DJ to have a dollar dance at my wedding and the DJ made the anouncement. I found it a little awkward but I guess some of the guests had been asking about it.

    For us, it didn't last long, only about 5 minutes but a lot of people gave us like $10-$20 for the dance instead of a gift so we ended up with like $200 from the dance.

    I would never have asked or mentioned it but I guess if the guests bring it up and ask it's their choice?
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I always thought they were tacky.

    My wife and I always thought they were tacky too, so we didn't do one.

    We realized after the fact that it's not about the dollars, it's about giving everyone you've invited a chance to have a private minute with you.

    We really wish we had done it, looking back. Maybe just done it and not taken dollars or done dollars for the Humane Society or something.

    I was just gonna say, in light of the fact that most/all of your guests have already given a gift of some sort, maybe ask them to donate to a favorite cause/charity of the bride/groom.
  • adimeadance
    adimeadance Posts: 7 Member
    I live in Indiana also, and I've seen the dollar dance done at every wedding I've attended. I like the tradition, and it allows each person at the wedding a private moment with the bride or groom if they'd like one. For the few that don't want to participate- they don't have to. And for the few who might be bored- they can sit tight. It's only 15 or so minutes of the entire evening and a special moment for the bride and groom. I plan on doing it at my own wedding someday.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I guess if you are at a dollar dance, don't participate if you find it "tacky" Its not that you can't dance with the bride or groom later. It's a tradition. I looked it up and there are different versions of this tradition, in other countries also. This is not something that greedy bride and grooms just came up with. The point of the tradition is to give a little extra help (if you want) to the bride and groom for their honeymoon or for getting their home started. And, the dollar dance really doesn't take long. Each person dances with the bride / groom for a short period of time.
  • jessie1480
    jessie1480 Posts: 132 Member
    Ok, so I'm originally from Michigan. Middle class blue collar workers if that makes a difference. The dollar dance was a tradition with my family and friends. I live in northern California now. And have a wide range of friends from different economic situations. And I see the dollar dance about 50% of the time. From 50 thousand dollar weddings to 5 thousand dollar weddings it seems the guests who enjoy it participate and the ones who don't don't.

    I don't really understand why some people are so angry. You go to a wedding to celebrate with the couple in their traditions. If the dollar dance is a tradition for that couple then they should do it.

    And for those of you snapping at the OP for asking when she's not yet engaged; you obviously haven't had that moment in time when you're with someone that could very well be the one and you start planning your furture. Sorry for you! It's a very fun and exciting place to be. Rock on with your bad self OP!!
  • marzinator13
    marzinator13 Posts: 149 Member
    I see nothing wrong with it and plan on having it at my wedding. Its a quick way to make sure you get a chance to have a dance with as many of your guests as possible
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Are they not letting Mexicans into Indiana again? Damn... Where Mexicans hold the exclusive patent to the practice, no other cultures are allowed to practice it.


    Nope, plenty of Mexicans in Indiana. :laugh: Besides being a Meixcan and Polish tradition. It has also been common at Indiana weddings for at least the 25 years I've been alive.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Thanks for this thread :)

    Because of it, I've met 2 people who live by me that share similar interests with me.

    Awesome :)

    WHOOO! yay!
  • GoldyGA
    GoldyGA Posts: 1 Member
    Never heard of it (live in Georgia, grew up in New England) till my daughter's fiance read about it online and thought it was a great idea.

    Ain't gonna happen, mainly because the amount of time it would consume out of a very limited schedule (we have reception hall for 4 hours, and bride and groom arrive 45 minutes into that). Lots more fun we can have that would involve more people, IMHO.