What's the strangest thing that keeps you motivated?



  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    I guess its not so weird, but my clothes motivate me. I have old clothes I *LOVE* and will not wear because they just don't look good on my body-tight and clingy and despite the fact I'm not bursting out of them, I feel self-conscious in them. I know when I get my weight back on track, I'll be able to put them on and see the difference.

    New clothes also motivate me. I'm no shop-a-holic or fashionista but the practical side of me loves being able to just walk into a store, pick something I like and know they'll have my size; and that it'll look good on me.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    tough mudder,
    planning on doing that next year with some family.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    My amazing boyfriend. He thinks I look amazing as I am, BUT, he said to me, "I fully support you in what you choose to do, and I'm always here to help you achieve your goals". Awesome. Although we've been out to lunch a bit recently and it's put some weight on me, so I need to work even harder now!

    Other than that, the success stories I've read on here, of people with far more weight to lose, who have done it. It makes me believe, even with my most recent blip and setback, that I CAN do this!
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    You have just given me my reaching the end goal reward idea = Grand Canyon !!!

    OMG, this is my motivation!

    Earlier this year my husband and I walked a bit of the Bright Angel Trail - about 6 miles (we had to turn back because my husbands back was hurting, plus we didn't leave early enough in the day to go much further).

    We are going again next year - I'm going to kick that trails butt! I'm doing ALL 20 odd miles.
  • morninglilli
    morninglilli Posts: 194
    Right now I am completely motivated by a hoop retreat coming up! I know it is going to kick my *kitten*, so I need to get it in shape. One of the instructors is Spiral, and that woman is cut!!!!! I aspire to have body composition similar to hers one day! She has trained like a beast, so it keeps me in check when I think I can just pop in the gym and look amazing after a couple of weeks. It takes years of diligence and determination!!!!!!
  • MsTonyaRenee
    MsTonyaRenee Posts: 116 Member
    I work on a "team" where I am one of the only women along about 38 men. It is funny/strange to me to watch them trying to compliment or comment on my loss without getting a trip up to HR in our "politicly correct" environment :) Strangely motivating and makes me smile everytime :laugh:
  • FeelingFroggy13
    FeelingFroggy13 Posts: 66 Member
    You have just given me my reaching the end goal reward idea = Grand Canyon !!!

    OMG, this is my motivation!

    Earlier this year my husband and I walked a bit of the Bright Angel Trail - about 6 miles (we had to turn back because my husbands back was hurting, plus we didn't leave early enough in the day to go much further).

    We are going again next year - I'm going to kick that trails butt! I'm doing ALL 20 odd miles.

    Maybe we are going to have to set a goal of a MFP 'We Did It!" Party at the Canyon! lol
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    My husband. He is really really hot and I don't want to be the fat out of shape ugly wife. And I have two super tiny sister in laws. I am always the biggest one because I am always pregnant or just had a baby, FINALLY I can be their size!!! Oh and they are at least 12 years younger than I am!!!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Seeing women my age or in their 50s+ having to use a scooter because their knees are probably not able to handle their weight. It sounds mean but women usually don't age gracefully. When I'm grocery shopping, especially at Walmart, this stops me from buying "treats" in my tracks.
    But also, my reality is if I don't get it under control I may have to get a hysterectomy....that scares the $&!t out of me.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    My amazing boyfriend. He thinks I look amazing as I am, BUT, he said to me, "I fully support you in what you choose to do, and I'm always here to help you achieve your goals". Awesome. Although we've been out to lunch a bit recently and it's put some weight on me, so I need to work even harder now!

    Other than that, the success stories I've read on here, of people with far more weight to lose, who have done it. It makes me believe, even with my most recent blip and setback, that I CAN do this!
    He's a keeper! Yea you!
  • thin2b56
    thin2b56 Posts: 3
    Oh kay...here it goes...my most recent motivation is STARS...yes...I am workin' for stickers on my calendar. I get one for each 20 min of planned exercise. Green for when I walk...blue stars when i swim and GOLD stars when I lift weights...sure easy to look at my calendar on the wall and see how it is going! Yepper 50+ years old and workin for stickers!
  • aprilsoroko
    aprilsoroko Posts: 3 Member
    I want to lose 20 pounds and then buy one of everything in Victoria's Secret... ;)
  • BarbBlue
    BarbBlue Posts: 251
    I want to see a picture of me as a thin person with my son.
  • elri1908
    elri1908 Posts: 160 Member
    My sleep apnea - Whenever I stopped breathing, I dreamed that I was running, completely out of breath and about to collapse. Now I sleep better and I can actually run very short distances without feeling like I did when I was dreaming. I want to be rid of sleep apnea forever and actually RUN a 5km race without having to stop!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Not strange or unusual and certainly not the only thing: In the subway, I saw a jerk I went out with years ago. I look a lot better than he does.
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    Some jerk who made a rude comment about me in a bar. Everytime I workout or lose an lb, I picture punching him in the face. It works for me!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Clothes. This sounds strange but last fall it occurred to me for the first time that I HATE everything in my closet. I am still wearing clothes from my pregnancy 6 years ago (most of them missing the buttons or hook and eyes because I was so fat) and the only reason I buy clothes is because I have to and then I only buy what's on sale and covers me. It never even occurred to me for years that I could go shopping for something and buy it because I like it AND it might look good. I want to lose enough that I can literally empty the whole darn closet and burn the contents!
  • Mel_t_away
    Mel_t_away Posts: 20 Member
    People who feel its OK to scream insults out their car window at me as they drive by! They motivate me as i wont like them get me down anymore!

    Mel :smile:
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    The person that can no longer have me but still has to see me on a very regular basis . . .
    *starts singing* "You don't know what you've got til it's gone" . . .
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I want to lose weight so my shorts won't ride up between my thighs. That's the weirdest motivation for me. Everything else is pretty normal.