Fat Women in Bikinis!!!



  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the nice compliments:blushing:
    I have read through every page of this thread and absolutely love it and think all you ladies look amazing! With that being said i never in a million years would have thought i would post an actual picture but you have all inspired me to share, i love how all of you have so much confidence and don't worry about what everyone else says or thinks. I feel i should share a bit of where i came from before i actually post the pic. because i am really freaking out about posting it but feel that i should seeing how all of you have. This is the only swimming suit i have owned since i was about 10, aside from a maternity suit i had but it was really more of a short dress than it was a swimming suit lol. I always wear shorts and a tank top. I have always hated the way i look and constantly feel like i am being judged and i think most of that comes from my mom, she weighed 95lbs. when she met my dad and was always super skinny and growing up all i ever heard was her judging people, they shouldn't wear that, that looks so gross, do they really think they need to eat that, they need to cover up etc. etc. etc. so i always hear that voice in the back of my head and i just assumed everyone else is like her and the funny thing is she is no longer small, she is my size now but still judges others, and i feel thats why i have such a hard time feeling comfortable with my body. So here is my picture and besides my kids and my husband you guys are the only ones i actually feel comfortable with sharing with, so thank you all :smile: and sorry this post is so freaking long, maybe i am trying to postpone pushing reply lol


    Also seeing all these bikinis makes me want to go try some on because my suit pretty much covers up everything i can possibly try to cover with a suit so i feel like I'm not really sharing as much as you ladies, plus who doesn't love going out and trying on new clothes, no matter what it is, I know i do lol.

    That is a super cute suit and you look GREAT in it!!!

    Agree! Where did you get it!? It and you are adorable!

    I bought it at Torrid.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I've read all 23 pages of this (and the previous) thread and I have to say that you all look beautiful. I see some of the women complaining about how they'd never leave the house in their bikinis, but I have to say that YOU are the ones bikinis are made for! They fit most of you perfectly and your tummies are SO sexy. So, so, so hot -all of you.

    You all look gorgeous and I have to give the best man compliment I can:

    I'D HIT IT!

    ^this is great...lol :)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    Here's another, you can see I have some thighs going on ;).


    well fit :tongue:
  • coppercat25
    coppercat25 Posts: 54 Member

    Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. That quirky pinup model look works for you! Your fiance is a lucky dude!

    ^That! Love your confidence in that pose! The bathing suit is adorable too for a one piece it is pretty sassy! :D

    I agree. I bet a boudoir photo shoot with you would result in tons of awesome fun pictures. (I just say that because I did one a while ago, but I think your posing is perfect for it!)

    Oh thankyou everyone for the lovely comments I feel better already! I love the supportiveness on this site it's just great.

    As for the posing, I was trying to give my hair a bit more 'oomph!' and my face was kinda like 'eek' look lol! :-) I'd LOVE to do a boudoir shoot but I'm just not THAT confident yet! I think I will have to consider it again after a few more lbs! I'd love to do it so when I'm an odl granny I could look back on the pics and think 'Oh, my body wasn't as bad after all!' lol :-)
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    This is the best thread EVER! I admire all of you ladies and your confidence! You all look great! I don't own a bikini yet, though... :)
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    This is the best thread EVER! I admire all of you ladies and your confidence! You all look great! I don't own a bikini yet, though... :)
    It doesn't have to be a bikini - we'll ogle you in whatever you'll let us!!!! LOL
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    I absolutely love it! You girls rock it for sure!!! :)
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    ahhhh here we go...
    I took these when I got home last night.


    Not really a bikini, but close enough... this is me last year :'( I waannnttt it back!!!!!


    *kicks self* ughhh how did I let this happen?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I love, love love this thread, it actually make me want to go try on new swimsuits!
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    I love Torrid. The only store that caters to big boobied girls. The only store where I can get a button-up shirt that actually buttons.
  • raerae514
    raerae514 Posts: 171 Member
    Bumpity bump bump! Lookin' good, ladies!
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    How do I post a pic?
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    This is the best thread EVER! I admire all of you ladies and your confidence! You all look great! I don't own a bikini yet, though... :)

    Neither do I. Maybe I will for next summer. This thread is very motivating. :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    How do I post a pic?

    I totally stole this from a group .. but I like this explanation!

    Hosting the Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you coped earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ IMG ] http://i48.tinypic.com/qqebzq.jpg [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] http://i48.tinypic.com/qqebzq.jpg [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!

    Is everyone getting this?

  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    Hmmmm, I need to figure out how to reply correctly! lol You all look great!!! :happy:
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for the lessons on how to post a pic! Never in a million years did I think i'd be actively trying to figure out how to post a picture of me in a bikini on the internet for tons of strangers to look at, but hey if everyone else can do it so can I.

    This is a pic from our vacation to Cuba in February. This was my 2nd trip were I'd worn a 2 piece, first time was last year. I'm way bigger than I ever was in high school/ junior high and never back then would I have had the guts to wear one and I'm about 25-30 lbs heavier now than I was back then. I guess as I get older I'm finally learning to like my body.

    I don't exactly like what I see, however, I just booked a trip to Cuba for Christmas so now I'm really motivated to lose some lbs. Hoping for 15-20lbs in the next 5 and 1/2 months. Sorry I had no pictures with my bottoms I have shorts over top of them in this picture.

  • Weight_less
    Weight_less Posts: 102 Member
    Ladies, you look fabulous! :)
  • Nuke86
    Nuke86 Posts: 2
    You are not fat, you all look good. Wish I could get in one.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    You are all beautiful!!!! Its all about confidence ladies! YOU GOT IT!
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    I love this thread. Not yet, nowhere near close.. but someday?