Over 200 Club Back to School Group (open Group)



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I killed my exercise goal this week. 470 minutes so far and I'll probably get another 30 minutes in some time tonight. Since I haven't seen the scale budge in several days (I'm assuming thanks to TOM), I added up my inches lost and I've lost 13 inches from my chest, waist, hips, and thighs in 2 months (today's 2 months exactly). :happy: 4 inches off my hips alone.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am soo upset...i can't stop crying.

    I went to go to dotphoto.com website to lookup some pics and they inactivateed my account and all my pictures of my 6 yr old form when she was born till now are all gone. They said if you don't login after 90 days they delete them. I signed up over 6 years ago i didn't remember that. They are all gone...i can't get them back i am sure of it....

    I just had to vent ...sorry :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Can I join your club? I have a LOT of weight to lose and need some motivation. It all seems so overwhelming, but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    zorahope: welcome! Everyone here can relate to this journey being overwhelming. The ladies here are wonderful for encouragement and support and keepin it real. Good luck with your goal. We are accountable every day to check in with the following:
    Did I stay within my calorie range today?
    Did I exercise today?
    Did I drink the recommended 64 oz. of water?
    Today I am proud of myself......
    We weigh in on Fridays
    Then each week we have a challenge to work on. The biggest loser for the week chooses the challenge.

    lildebbie: that is awful! Hopefully aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends, will have some to pass your way. So sorry.

    calorie range: yes 1,292
    exercise: no (I always take Sunday off)
    water: yes 64 oz.
    proud of: We were invited over to a families to have brownie cake and ice cream with hot fudge. We declined the offer. That didn't even sound good to me today. SHOCKING!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ok...I am soooo happy now :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    We had an old hard drive that we had been saving for years...well i booted it up and there they all were...from the delivery room till 4 yrs old. I never thought i would be soo excited.

    I was just in tears and my daughter was crying which made me cry more...nothing more sad that a 6 yr old saying why would someone want to delete all my baby pictures, why do they just want to erase me. I am soo glad, i am taking them all of there and finding several places to save everyhthing.....I can tell you this, I will never ever use dotphoto again.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks, snowflakes! This may be a silly question, but...

    how did you get the chart at the bottom of your email - or do you have to type it every day? (the calorie range, etc.)

    OK another silly questions....um...I hate to exercise. And I was planning to go slowly at first and exercise two days a week, then three, etc. (I have a LOT of weight to lose and my doc doesn't want me to do a lot of exercise at first because my knees are so bad). So is this OK for the group's parameters?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    lildebbie: HAPPY DANCE!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    zorahope: Just type it in every day. You will see that I really abbreviate the statements. Next question is not silly at all! This MPF is all about you and your goals and how you decide to become healthy. This group will support and encourage your goals. The reason we post daily is that we have found that it is a good motivator to be accountable each and every day. Many say that the way to permanent weight lose is slow... Remember exercise is not just at the gym or on a piece of home equipment. It is anything that gets you off the couch. A leisurely walk around the park, taking stairs when you can,
    house cleaning, walking to the mailbox, just move some. You will get stronger, listen to your body.
    The calorie diary is fantastic, use it faithfully every day for every item you eat and you will see results.

    mscocoa: Did I miss the challenge? I have not been in my regular routine for a few days. I scrolled through the posts and nothing jumped out at me. thanks.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    snowflakes: the challenge was to focus on our water intake this week. :drinker:

    lildebbie: SO glad you found your photos. I'm a photographer and one thing I have learned (the hard way when my harddrive crashed) is to ALWAYS back up your photos (and important docs) onto a CD or DVD, etc. Some people even go so far as to keep those discs in their fire safe which isn't a bad idea. :smile:

    zorahope: Welcome! I have a lot of weight to lose too. I'm working on about 120 pounds for now but I may end up losing more than that. Just remember slow weight loss is healthy weight loss. Also, you can do cardio without using you legs at all. When my legs are super sore or I want to give my knees a break, sometimes I just focus on punching. It REALLY speeds the heart rate right up (cardio) and is a great stress reliever, too. :wink:

    I'll go ahead and check in though I think my numbers may change a little:

    Calories: 1136 -- need to eat a little snack at least
    Exercise: running/walking for 30 minutes on the treadmill -- 507 calories. I'll probably play DDR later tonight and burn another 150-200 calories.
    Proud: I'm proud I pushed it really hard on the treadmill today. I'm so excited about training to be a runner! :happy:
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi gals,

    My weight hasn't changed in 5 days. Is this a mini plateau?

    Here's my check in for today.

    Calories: 1,500
    Exercise: Yes (burned 738)
    Water: 56 oz.. (Still working on this, but getting better. Bad part is, drinking all of this water, I nearly peed my pants today. :embarassed: I think my body has to adjust to the increase in water.)

    I'm really trying to be good, but I LOVE food. Today I had a McSkillet Burrito (went over my cholesterol and sodium limits) and a spoonful of mac and cheese. I was doing great, but lately, I have been sneaking in a thing or two slowly. This scares me because the small things can turn into big things. Anyway. if you take a look at my food diary for the past couple of day, you'll see how I've been dabbling here and there. :devil:
  • emma2009
    hi thought id join this one to as i weight over 200 and hate it so much
    trying to get down to 130 and i no its gonna take ages
    any advice
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome to everyone new!

    emma2009: my advice would be to not try to change everything at once, but concentrate on one thing at a time - like adding exercise. And just keep plugging away, there will be ups and downs - but just keep at it.

    I didn't check in all weekend ... I spend all week working on a computer so on weekends I tend to avoid it. :ohwell:
    Friday check in -
    bad, bad, bad ... we won't go there ... having a little pity party
    Saturday & Sunday check in -
    back on track - ate quite a few calories but stayed under because I also exercised my butt off at the Y - 90 minutes on Saturday and 60 minutes on Sunday.
    didn't quite make my water goals either day but was close
    I was proud of making the extra effort on Sunday to get back to the Y ... had to really rush to get there, but I made it and it felt good.

    I'm still struggling with my food choices right now, but have been able to focus on getting in more exercise for now. I'm hoping it will stop this upward weight climb that I've been on for the last few weeks. Getting back to our challenge of adding in 5 minutes of exercise a week really helped me ... I went way over my goal for last week ... woo hoo! :happy:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi emma, glad you decided to join us.

    I have been in a tizzy. I could NOT remember my pass word and the site would not e-mail it to me. Finally this morning I remembered it. So I am back.

    lildebbie, I am so glad you found your photo's. Pictures of our children are so important to us.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Can I join your club? I have a LOT of weight to lose and need some motivation. It all seems so overwhelming, but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it.

    Hi zorahope, we are glad to have you. I know you can do it too!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi gals,

    My weight hasn't changed in 5 days. Is this a mini plateau?

    Mscocoa: I just got through maybe a little mini plateau for 6 days but I broke through today & dropped 1.2 pounds. Just keep chugging along -- maybe ramp up your exercise (& eat some of those exercise calories). When the scale isn't being kind to me, I always have to remind myself that eating right and exercising is so much better than not. So if I get frustrated & stop eating well & exercising I'm just going to be right back where I started and that's definitely not what I'm trying to do here.

    I still struggle with the thought of eating all of my exercise calories, but I am going to start trying to eat some of them at least. I know I have so much weight to lose at this point, I'll be okay not eating many of them, but I don't want to get stuck in that way of eating for the long haul because I definitely don't want to mess up my metabolism.

    I'm now just 2.8 lbs. away from my Thanksgiving goal!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello ladies...

    I am not feeling great today, went to bed with a sore throat and woke up feeling worse. I had to start working by 6 this mroning so I could leave to get my girls to get flu shots for them. I tried to work out at lunch (i was debating to at all), but i could only do like 10 minutes :( Hey but at least it is something,.

    I was kinda bummed too this morning I was up 2 lbsw from friday ::sad: :sad: I know it is because we ate mexican food on sat night and I am probably in sodium overdrive, when i eat like that usally takes a few days to loose that water weight....

    Once I get back from lunch got like 2 hrs or so then i am done for the day, i have soo much work to do but I just can't do it today i am exhausted and feel like crud,...got to get the girls to the doctor anyway. I promised my 6 yr old I would get her a treat if she did good, she was not wanting this soo much...I hope there aren't lots of tears today.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lildebbie, hope you feel better soon.

    I have some good news. (this is not the good news it is just background) My husband has type 2 diabetes. He is not getting it under control. He eats cereal at night and just eats poor. He is about 25 pounds over weight. Today he called me and said "Honey, will you help me start eating right? We can exercise together in the evenings after work, and we'll both lose weight." I am so excited. I have been really worried about him. I bet you will see my weight loss start picking up again. He walks me at 4mph. I can't push myself to do that when I am alone. Also I would love to see him get everything under control again. I am so excited.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    that is great your husband is going to get on board too.

    Me and my husband are both doing this (of course I have been exercising and he has not). BUt I keep track of both of our calories and stuff...it is eaiser i think when you both are on the same plan :)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    lildebbie, hope you feel better soon.

    I have some good news. (this is not the good news it is just background) My husband has type 2 diabetes. He is not getting it under control. He eats cereal at night and just eats poor. He is about 25 pounds over weight. Today he called me and said "Honey, will you help me start eating right? We can exercise together in the evenings after work, and we'll both lose weight." I am so excited. I have been really worried about him. I bet you will see my weight loss start picking up again. He walks me at 4mph. I can't push myself to do that when I am alone. Also I would love to see him get everything under control again. I am so excited.

    This is great great news!! So happy for you guys.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So I went over my cals by 200 yesterday...boo.

    Did not drink all my water, never do really need to make and improvement on this

    proud that I was able to get like 97% of my college application done last night, still need to do some revisions on my essay and off to UCSC the packet goes. Please wish me luck.

    Exercise? I plan on taking a 30 minute walk with my bf, hopefully speed walk.

    How is everyone doing today?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Did I stay within my calorie range today? yep I was under today
    Did I exercise today? We I walked around the shopping center so I guess that counts right
    Did I drink the recommended 64 oz. of water? no
    Today I am proud of myself...... because I didn't overeat!!!!