
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    We're at the exact same start/end weight range. Except, I bought a new scale a few weeks ago, and my original starting weight of 167 was 1.8 pounds low, which was no surprise. Thus the 168.8 adjustment. For now, I would like to get to 130, but I may reevaluate at 140. Are you ever able to lose 2 pounds per week? If so, what do you do?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    sorry. repeat.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I agree that the best exercise is the one you'll do. I think Vicki said the same thing in different words.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: line dance is my favorite right now......about 20 years ago I went to Jazzercise 3 times a week----music helps me be active
    when I walk I have my mp3 player with me playing my favorite music...my favorite exercise video is Richard Simmons' "Sweatin' to the Oldies"

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have hand weights sitting on a table in my living room so I can use them for a few minutes at a time when I get the inclination

    :flowerforyou: I do crunches in the morning in bed every other day
    that might not be as effective as flat on the floor but I just couldn't get myself to lie down in the living room to do the crunches, but in bed I'm willing to do them.....they may not be as effective as the real ones but 100+ mediocre crunches is better than 0 good ones.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: when Jake wanted to buy the stationery bike in February I thought it would be a big waste of money but it turns out that I love it and I get on it for at least 20 minutes a day.

    :flowerforyou: I do yoga sometimes but as much as I know how good it is for me, it's slower than I like so I don't do it often.

    A woman telling her weight loss story to a magazine said "if you're moving, you're losing" so I bounce around and walk around whenever possible.

    We got up at 430, Jake left at 6:15 so I feel like it should be supper time instead of lunch time.:laugh:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Are you ever able to lose 2 pounds per week? If so, what do you do?

    SOME do. But it has been a rare occurance for me. When I do detox I lose about a pound every day or two. But I have no intention of living only on fruit, nuts, non-starchy vegetables and water for the rest of my life.
  • NanaPami
    NanaPami Posts: 17 Member
    On the exercise tips, I have a hard time making myself go to the gym to workout. Too many reasons to excuse myself from going. It has to be convenient and it has to be a good atmosphere for me. So, I have a sunroom overlooking my pool. It has become my workout room. I get up early, (because I'm worthless after I get off work), and turn on the pool lights so I have something nice to look at. Then I put on my wireless headphones and crank up some really peppy music. All I have is a treadmill, exercise ball, and hand weights, but I truly enjoy my workouts in my special room. :love:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    Are you ever able to lose 2 pounds per week? If so, what do you do?
    I've lost 64 pounds in 43 weeks so there have been weeks where I lost more than one pound. but that was back when I was over 150. I have counted every calorie in and out with no deviation the whole time. I've avoided restaurants, potlucks, meals at other people's houses. I don't use alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, white flour. Since May I have been using the Isagenix program which includes high nutrition meal replacement shakes and a once a week cleanse day.
    :heart: Barbie
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hey BarbieCat and all,

    I have not been online all week. It's good to check in and here what all of you are doing that works. I started back a the Y last week. But what is new is that they got in this new machine by Precor. It is a cross of an elliptical and a stair stepper. I call it the 'monster.' It is so much of a challenge that I am seeing people half my age and my weight pass it up. But I love it. Everyone at school says that everyday I look smaller and I swear I am.

    Anyhow, i am addicted and even went this morning. Next Sunday is my Bday andno matter what it says on my weigh in, I am gonna be happy because I am finally seeing results and am weighing less that ever before. Mostly, I feel great. Except for my back. Every time I bend over it goes out and I have to try to get it to pop back in. I am just going to contiue to do my best and I'm sure when the weights off I'll be better. God bless each of you. Pray for me and a healed back! kc
  • Good evening, it’s 6:20 here. I’ve gotten a lot done today – baked cookies (all to give away – some are going to the nursing home for the aides when I visit my Mom tomorrow, but I tasted one for “quality control” and added the estimated calories), made a healthy baked egg dish for lunches for the week, did laundry, changed the bed linens. And ironed all my clothes for the week. Whew!
    Vicki, I’m trying your idea of writing my post on Word and copying it. I lost another post today and I’m tired of it! I just don’t have any of those cute icons to add.

    Susan, that’s cool that you and I are pretty much at the same weight and going for the same goal. Looks like you’re getting there faster than I am so far. I’ve got 10+ years on you, though, and I’m convinced it’s slower going the older you get. Anyway, that’s my excuse! I know that my scales at home weigh less than the doctor’s scale, but at least I can still keep track of my progress. I might change my goal, too, if I ever reach 130. I haven’t seen that weight since I passed it on the way up many years ago! I was at 190 at my heaviest, and thank goodness I haven’t seen that for a long time, either. I’m only 5 feet tall, so that’s superbad.

    So far I’ve only lost 2 pounds a week during my first two weeks using MFP. I’m sure a lot of that was water, so I don’t expect to see it again. Like I said on the thread about “Do you eat your exercise calories?” I do. I know I will lose slower that way, but if I don’t have a small treat I’m more likely to raid the refrigerator and mess up big time. I currently make sure I have enough extra calories to have a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich every evening. Yum!

    Kc, that’s rough about your back. It must be very painful to have to pop it back in!

    Can somebody tell me how to do the quote thing? I remember reading it somewhere but I can’t remember.

    Cheers to all,

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just got back from a walk. It's dark out, but still 45 degrees, and felt great. I figured with a 90% chance of rain tonight and 70% chance of snow tomorrow, I'd better get one more in. (By the way, walking and swimming are my favorite exercises.)
    Anyway, now I am enjoying a bowl of a knock off recipe for Mexican Chicken Chili from the Soup Nazi. (The one George stood in line for on Seinfeld, only his was turkey.) Anyway, low cal, low fat, very good for you and very good. Let me know if you want the recipe, and I will send it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I will catch up on the posts tomorrow and response to the excercise discussion. With all the dog lovers in the group I just had to tell you all that there is one very, very lucky pit bull in the world tonight. Her name is Josephine and she is 15 months old. She was recently adopted by my hubby's elderly aunt. She looked like a WWII prisoner of war when she first came home. Now, she is this happy loving dog with a good life. She goes to the dog park twice a day and has 2 very good doggie friends. The best part of the whole family birthday party today was seeing just what a little dog food, socialization and love can do.

    Good night all and chat with you all tomorrow.

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Anyone here in the Red Hat Society? If so, what do you think of it?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    I just don’t have any of those cute icons to add.

    Can somebody tell me how to do the quote thing? I remember reading it somewhere but I can’t remember.

    :flowerforyou: Karen, once you copy and paste your text from the word processing document to MFP, you can go through and add the cute icons.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    If you want to quote someone to address their comment in your reply, you click on "quote" at the bottom of their post, then reply below the word "quote" at the bottom of their word. You can delete as much of their post as you want and just leave the part that is pertinent.

    :flowerforyou: today was the celebration of life/memorial service for our neighbor who died two weeks ago. I skipped the church part of the event and went to their house for the smaller gathering. I knew almost no one but surprised myself by being able to join in conversations and feel comfortable. I stayed for an hour and a half and left as everyone was going through the food line (fried chicken, cole slaw, potato salad, Waldorf salad, deviled eggs, fruit salad, and three cakes). The only thing I might possibly have considered eating was fruit and egg, but since I had an apple, a bowl of applesauce, a pear and a hard boiled egg as part of my lunch/snacks today, I didn't want more in either of those categories. One of the items on display was their wedding album and when I found out that they were cloggers and square dancers, I invited her to go to one of my line dance classes with me and she accepted. Now that she doesn't have an ill husband to care for, she'll have time to fill with new adventures.

    :flowerforyou: kc, I've heard that exercise can be as addicting as food or drugs:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: but at least it's good for you........since I've lost weight, I have much less trouble with my back, I hope that will happen with you.

    :flowerforyou: karen, I just gave away all my baking stuff (flour, sugar, etc) because I decided that baking wouldn't work for me.....I'd eat more than one cookie for "quality control":laugh:

    :flowerforyou: mary, I'd love to have the recipe

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, thanks for sharing the dog story....what a happy home.

    I'm going out with a friend in a minute.
    hugs:heart: Barbie
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Boy, miss a couple days here and you really get behind!! I hope everyone had a good Friday and Saturday. It has been busy for me, thus no thread time.

    :flowerforyou: Mary...sorry to hear you've been down. Keep coming back, even if you only feel like reading. There are so many helpful, loving people here...it can only make you feel better. And by the looks of your ticker...you have done fantastic...you'll get back on track if you're not already!!
    :flowerforyou: Sheilajane...congrats on being in the 130's!!!:bigsmile: I have scale envy right now, but I have confidence I too will get there!!!
    :flowerforyou: Rosemary...stay dry
    :flowerforyou: Birdie, thanks for the census tips.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, you have LOTS of self-control...you are totally amazing!
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new members. Good luck to each of you. Wow, Brady 112 pounds lost!!!
    :flowerforyou: To all the MIA's (Fabulocity, Plant Lady and anyone else...)hope to hear from you soon!!

    I only have five more days to get ready for our trip to to visit son so I won't be around much for the next three weeks. I will however do my very best to stay on track. My strategies for doing so are: 1) Log all food/calories to the best of my ability. Taking paperback calorie book with me. 2) Cook as many meals as possible while at my son's. I'm actually taking pots/pans for him with us. 3) Practice Portion Control!! 4) Walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day, use pedometer and log all exercise. 5) Keep up on daily devotions and journaling (they are my lifeline as well as this thread!!). 6) Never, even for a day, adopt the "what the heck I'm on vacation mentality." I will remember, nothing tastes as good as weight loss feels! And that's the truth!!

    Have a great Sunday, ladies. :heart: :heart: Terri
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Anyone here in the Red Hat Society? If so, what do you think of it?
    No, but I have a couple of friends who are and really enjoy it. I have just never felt that I had time. Are you thinking of joining?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I find with exercise, I need goals. So I sign up for events and races. If I have a race coming up, I can't slack off.

    Also, I do a lot of group workouts. If something is schedule at a certain time, then I have to be there at a certain time and that keeps me from procrastinating and not doing it.

    For example, I'm going to a group bike ride tomorrow. If I didn't do that, I'd probably not doing anything tomorrow -- just like today! :laugh:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    EXERCISE: I'd LOVE to do group workouts, but due to geographic limitations, I do all my workouts from home. I use hand weights, a medicine ball and "The Biggest Loser Bootcamp" DVD on Mondays and Thursdays for strength training and try to do something cardio on the other days. I get an upper body massage ever other Monday, something I would have never considered when I was younger, but depend on to feel great nowadays.

    Most times carido consists of walking my dog in my Shapeups, or push mowing the yard. But if the weather is yucky I may do intervals on my treadmill or Leslie Sansone's "4 Fast Miles" DVD. Either way I try to log at least 50 minutes and do at least 5 sets of intervals 5-6 days a week. If hubby is working on a Sunday, I exercise then too, but most times, that is my day off.

    I LOVED the week I spent with my girlfriend at LA Fitness, but there is nothing like that here. I've been toying with the idea of driving 35 miles one way to go to the gym, but haven't talked myself into it yet. I'm hoping hubby springs for me a bicycle for Christmas as I think that would make cardio alot more fun.

    I've learned that I have a much more productive workout if I eat about a tablespoon of dried fruit before I begin. :flowerforyou:

    Now its off to Praise Team practice, the best excuse NOT to eat I can think of! :love:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    How many of you are preparing for snow today as we are here? Just curious. The first snow of the season is always rather exciting, and I'm never sure if I am ready for the bone chilling cold. Hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    How many of you are preparing for snow today as we are here? Just curious. The first snow of the season is always rather exciting, and I'm never sure if I am ready for the bone chilling cold. Hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday!

    We won't get snow until mid January t the earliest here in West Texas. I'm wearing short sleeves to church this morning, if that tells you anything....
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well some of you have probably been up and are on your way. It's 8:30 hear in California. It's getting a little cold but we get no snow. But we go up to Tahoe. My Jacob took lessons that we could barely afford but he did so well and cried all the way home cause we couldn't afford to buy the ski's

    Weigh in is in minutes. I am so happy obout the inches I can see gone. I don't care what that scale says. And yes, Barbie Cat i do trade addictions. so I have to be careful. but being on a treadmill for 20 minutes is far better one than being 150 pds overweight.

    I pray daily for God's balance in my life. I was not raised to have boundries. My mom wanted me available for her and squelched that. So at 54, I am trying to get it.

    I pray you all have a blessed day. I gotta go weigh and eat! I'm starving. kc
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary- We are preparing for our second snow of the season. To get ready for it, we are getting our skis and snowboard waxed and praying for more.

    On excercise: I have always been an active person and my first hubby and I were on many recreational sports team. We played softball separately, but played co-ed volleyball together. I've always skiied, rode horses, walked the dogs, hiked and camped. All that changed with the second hubby and motherhood.

    Jim has had a very bad back for most of our marriage. Plus having grown up on a ranch sports are watched on TV. He use to play golf and now that he had his back surgery he hopes to play again.

    I'm struggling in excercising and decided to go with my mon's cardiologist's advice which is an active lifestyle. He recommends 30 minutes of activity a day and doesn't care what it is. Mostly, it has been me free stepping on the Wii Fit while family is watching TV.

    As a family we are trying to add hiking and swimming in as family activities now that hubby can do things again. Golf- well, I promised to try and learn again.

    We have the same issue as SuzyQ does. Everything is at least 45 minutes from where we live.

    Swimmng starts next Saturday for all of us.

This discussion has been closed.