do you get jealous



  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Nope. Well I used to, but not anymore. You know, I saw someone else say that's their job-- to look perfect. They have a constant entourage whose sole purpose is to make them look good (nutritionist, hair stylist, makeup artist, multiple trainers, private chefs, etc.). In print and on video (which let's face it, is the ONLY way most of us will ever see them), they also have the luxury of touchups. That's what celebrities are for- to embody fantasy and be whatever their audience (us!) wants them to be. It's their job and they're damn good at it. I know who my boyfriend likes; he certainly has a type. But it's healthy and natural to look and be attracted to others! She's still a woman (I hear guys use that excuse all the time, so I'm stealing it) and she didn't stop being a woman when she started dating you. There's a difference between love and attraction and you know it. I look at both guys and girls- he should be allowed to have the same freedom. Humans appreciate beauty :wink:

    thank you for your comments and I truly appreciate this.

    "But it's healthy and natural to look and be attracted to others! She's still a woman (I hear guys use that excuse all the time, so I'm stealing it) and she didn't stop being a woman when she started dating you."

    I agree with this and I would never ask her to be anybody else!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I don't think he was referring to your post.

    I know he wasn't, it just struck a nerve that's all. A girl gets labeled as a psycho for not being "cool" about everything her man does and it's ridiculous. Jealousy is a very natural thing and we shouldn't be chastised for it as long as it's not out of control. It's not the individual that I'm jealous of, it's the ideal that I'll never be able to achieve that bothers me.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i don't get jealous of a celeb crush although there isn't one specific woman i think my husband crushes on in particular. if there is, he hasn't said so. of course, he thinks angelina, jennifer lopez, and the likes are hot. shoot... i think they're hot too! lol it's natural to look as long as it's not acted upon. :wink: and he says he doesn't look at other women (real world women...) in that way and i've honestly never seen him do it in front of me. do i think it's true? no. LOL he's a man. if he sees a pair of big boobs i'm sure he'll look. i'm just glad he respects me enough not to do it in front of me. he does a pretty good job at making me feel like i'm the only girl in the world most of the time. *I* can honestly say i have no celeb crush. there are plenty of good looking celebs, but none that i specifically drool over when they come on tv or make their appearance in a movie. and unlike many people that i know here, when my husband is away on deployment, i don't look at other men and drool over them just because my husband has been gone for however many months.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    No.....Like as if he'd have a chance in reality...
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    Funny, last night at a BBQ with friends we were all talking about our celeb crushes (of which there are many). I've met one of mine a number of times and hubs has met another one. We were both in separate areas running errands when hubs met crush #2 and his response was "if I'd known he was going to be there, I would have switched jobs with you so you could have met him". So cute. Probably doesn't hurt that all times I've met crush #1 hubs was standing beside me and I became 1) a shy idiot who pretty much hides behind my husband whenever we're all in the same room or 2) a blithering idiot with an addiction to the taste of shoe leather .. from slapping my foot into my mouth and saying the stupidest things.

    Hubs was also (good naturedly) heckled by crush #1 ... we have a LOT of fun telling that story ;)

    I'd love to meet his celeb crushes. I think they'd be fascinating women.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    No way! I have my own celebrity crushes and he knows who they are. lol

    Plus, his crush is Audrey Hepburn, who died in '93
  • MARAG1408
    MARAG1408 Posts: 5
    jajajajajaja excelente
  • CoCoBean14
    CoCoBean14 Posts: 107 Member
    I got a little jealous only because his picks were so unlike me. Selma Hayek and Ziva from NCIS

    He got pretty jealous, but then again I rattled off my list a little too quickly :)
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    He secrety likes Zooey Deschanel and that doesn't bother me cause I love her too. He makes fun of me cause I have always loved Paul Newman :happy:
  • manueljw
    manueljw Posts: 15
    My gf likes David Beckham and I'm cool with that. Every time the new Burger King commercials come on I call her over so she can watch too. I just find it funny because my celeb crush is Hope Solo, so it's just one more thing my gf and I have in common.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    SO Loooves George Cluney. I've got no problem with that - it shows she has great taste in Men lol
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    The only real person my bf has mentioned he "had" a thing for is Katy Perry which I bug him about here and there but we both agree she's kinda not that good looking face wise but her breasts are pretty alright. I'm not really jealous but I guess it helps that I too have big boobs and I've got confidence in my face lol. So I match her there. And the only guy that I’ve had a thing for he also likes as well and resembles so it works for me lol.

    I guess I would be a little weird if he came out and said he liked someone completely opposite to me. I dunno why but I guess my initial reaction would be.. I could never be like that and she's something completely different too me. I don't feel bad admitting that cause I know he'd feel the same way.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    My husband 's celebrity crush is Sandra Bullock. I lost count how many times this man has watched "The Net." It was the first movie he ever saw her in. Jealous no way. I like her too.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Not at all. I rarely get jealous over women he's around all of the time, I'm not going to get jealous over someone he isn't around. Lol.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    I just tell her to go for it. If she gets lucky, send money home! :laugh:

    LoL!! That's my perspective too, HAHAHA!
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Thanks for all the comments and thoughts! I really appreciate all the insights and feedback!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Scarlett Johansson... not jealous, I know he can't have her LOL!!
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    no i dont get jelous cuz i have the same type of look as who he likes
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    not really. My hubby has a thing for redheads. He loves Christina Hendricks and since her body is a realistic goal for me I think he will be happy.