
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Morning ladies

    I did Cardio Party again this morning. Getting better at putting things together.

    lilangel sorry you didn't get your run in but sounds like you had a good workout anyway

    limestar - i use to workout abs every night but I changed to 2-3 times a week and I feel it is more effective too. plus you don't realize how much ab work you do by just doing the workouts

    kicklikeagirl - thanks for the tip. i will give it a few weeks and try the weights added. don't feel guilty about taking the rest time you will make up for it I am sure
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    thanks kholmes and lilangel7671. i will just do the ab extreme on my cardio days. i just did my burn interval n im tired. treated myself for a thin crust chicken pizza yum. my bro came to visit so i said hey i workd so hard time to celebrate. i lost 2 inches off my waist. went from 28 inches to 26inches. my goal is 24inches. hope to getting there soon.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Morning Jammers! I had an interesting AM..lol I had to go really early to get some bloodwork done, so I was anticipating no AM run today:cry: ...I had to fast from early last night to this AM and woke up STARVING! lol..Anyways...the bloodwork went well, and I still got back in time to do a 6-miler! I am so happy..I wasn't sure how I would feel afterward, but I was fine..took a fruit leather with me just in case:tongue: ..The rest of today is going to a coworkers party this afternoon which is quite the drive away..then home and church tonight:smile: . I think its going to be chicken enchiladas for dindin tonight!:happy: YUM!
    Have a great day everyone! I look forward to hearing your Saturday fitness accomplishments!:drinker:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Morning Jammers! I had an interesting AM..lol I had to go really early to get some bloodwork done, so I was anticipating no AM run today:cry: ...I had to fast from early last night to this AM and woke up STARVING! lol..Anyways...the bloodwork went well, and I still got back in time to do a 6-miler! I am so happy..:

    :noway: No way...you did a 6 miler????!?!?!?! Thats AWESOME!!! I hope I get there soon....I'm still trying to get to my 5 miles!!!

    Saturday was a tough day since I took 2 days rest. But, I was able to get my 5 mile run in. I had to really push myself because I was dog-tired from my rest. But, I guess my little extra day rest was okay, I must be confusing my body because I lost 2 pounds this week. Crazy! On Saturday evening my husband wanted to do CE Burn, so we did Circuit 3, and it felt so good. I really pushed myself and used heavier weights....I can feel the burn!!!

    Tonight is Cardio/ChaLean Extreme night...I haven't decided what I want to do for cardio. Depends on the hubby!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! I hope your Mondays' went well:tongue:
    Thanks Dawna, yea 6-miles is my longest run for now..hehe! I am actually looking at doing a Turkey Trot this Thursday and debating between the 5K or 10K...I usually run my 6 miles so I think the 10K would be totally possible..but this would be my first race, so I don't know if I want to go right into a longer distance or not..:ohwell: Any thoughts? It also depends on the weather and such..its about an hours drive for me since my town isn't hosting one:grumble: .
    Tonight was CE Lean 2, I just circulate the CE program now:drinker: I love keeping up on my strength training! I'm kinda excited to join the gym though, by next week I will hopefully be there too!
    Tomorrow is Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs for me! I've got a busy day scheduled at work but I WILL push myself to do my planned workout tomorrow night! WOO! haha
    Have a great night everyone!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Night everyone

    I started a new job today so I am a little tired but excited about the possibilities.

    I got up and did TJ 20 min and then got ready early for work. I used the weights to get a little more calorie burn. I am still liking the program. Hoping to stick with it for the 2 months then go back to CE.

    lilangel - great job on the 6 mile. I am not a runner but my husband is so I understand the committement. I say if you are feeling it go for the 10K. Have something to push you. Let us know how you do

    kicklikeaGirl - glad your husband is still hanging in with you. Your 5 mile is still great. Keep up the good work
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 33 (45 minutes) and CE Burn 1. I am in my 3rd week of CE and I love it! I love doing it 3 times a week in conjunction with my cardio. I have seen some rapid results the last few weeks. I'm thinking that I'll hit a plateau within the next 10 pounds of my weightloss. So, I'm planning on re-vamping my workout schedule. I like mixing things up to keep my body guessing. I've also had a goal this last week to push myself beyond what I THINK I can do. If I keep doing that I think I'll be able to make it past my plateau.

    Lilangel- I would try the 10K too... you can do it! :flowerforyou: I bet the adrennaline will rush over you and you will push yourself harder!! Keep us updated! How long does it usually take you to run your 6-miler? Just curious so I have something to "benchmark" my runs to! And maybe someday get to that point..haha!

    Kholmes- Congrats on the new job! :flowerforyou: Did you like using the weights for TJ? I love using them, I get such a great arm/chest/ab workout. Its great! Have you done Turbo Sculpt? Its a lot different than CE, in the way that it is strength training combined with cardio. It definitely gets me huffing and puffing!!

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Tuesday ladies! I am super excited about my Turkey Trot! I hope I can actually make it-It is quite the drive, and the weather might not hold--but we will see that morning! Thanks everyone for the encouragement-I think I will try the 10k! I definitely think the adrenaline rush will push me! WOOHOO! I'll keep ya posted!
    Anyway, today was a SUPER crazy day at work-but I still kicked my butt into gear once home and did Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs-love that one! Tomorrow we are closing at noon for an early holiday-so yay no work til Monday! I am taking advantage of the time off (usually Wednesdays are my rest day) but I just can't! I'll relax after my race Thursday:wink: ..I'm thinking I am going to try out TurboKick Round 28 tomorrow afternoon and probably get some CE strength in as well.
    I am so proud of you girls! Keep up the great work!
    OH-Dawna, usually my 6-milers take me about 45-50 minutes. I run a pretty fast pace-somewhere near an 8 minute mile. I am hoping that the race pace for Thursday is not any faster because then I'm not sure how I'll do:huh: ..haha
    Have a great night! Check in tomorrow:heart:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Sorry I have't posted in a few days.

    Tuesday I did 20 min TJ and Ab Jam.
    Wednesday Cardio Party Mix 1.

    lilangel - good luck on your Turkey Trot. Let us know how you do

    kicklikeagirl - I am planning to do Turbo Sculpt tomorrow morning. I have been slowing getting into it. I started on the beginner schedule but I have been changing it up to add a little more push. I have been using the weights to add a little extra calorie burn. So far so good. I will let you know how hte Turbo Sculpt is.

    Also, with your plateau. I plateaued during Burn phase for 2 weeks too. So maybe it has something to do with the program. Don't give up and keep up the good work.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers! It was a half-day of work for me today-WOOHOO! So I got home, grabbed some lunch and about an hour later rocked out with TurboKick Round28! Was a blast-but HARD! Haha--I guess it really will take a few times of doing the same workout to catch on..but I was lost for a few small parts of it:tongue: Kept my head up and tried my best though, and still managed to burn around 360 calories! If that wasn't enough, I decided I wanted some strength training too but didn't want to do CE..sooo I decided to Booty Sculpt! haha-It's been awhile since I've done that one and it felt good:drinker:
    I hope you are all having great Wednesday successes as I did! It's usually my rest day, but I figured after my (hopefully..fingers crossed for weather and such) run tomorrow I will relax with some family:smile: Thanks for all the encouragement, I'll keep y'all posted!
    Have a great night everyone! I'm hittin the hay:yawn: -I've got an early morning planned because of the drive, and want to be well rested!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey Jammers! Today was a busy day at work...you'd think there was a holiday this weekend or something?? Haha! Last night I had my rest day....although I'm sad to say it wasn't a "planned" rest day. I just had a lot to do. So, thats my rest day for the week. Tonight I got a great workout in. I did the 60 minute Turbo Kick Round 32, and CE Burn 2. So, I got like 100 minutes in for workout tonight...yahoo!!!

    Lilangel- glad you liked Turbo Kick Round 28- i love the full length rounds, they are INTENSE!!! good luck on your run tomorrow!!

    Kholmes- thanks for the advice on the plateau! are you enjoying Turbo Jam? I really enjoyed the Cardio Party mix...it gets the calories burnin!!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey turbo jammers. I just started turbo jam last week and still getting used to it. today I did the 20minute workout, which I lilked. tomorrow I think I'll try cardio party.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Has anyone tried beachbody's nutrition supplement shakeology? Heard the stuff is great... they talk about it at customizedworkoutplans.com
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Jammers!!! I just got back from my first race-10K Turkey Trot!!!! :bigsmile: I am SO happy, I feel great! What an accomplishment:drinker:
    Now I'm going to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving with my family. The plan is out to eat around 4pm actually-I've never had Thanksgiving where we ate out, but guess gram made the reservations:ohwell: We are going to this cute little sit down Inn where they serve really great food, so it should be okay..just hoping to keep it clean as I can:huh: .
    Anyway, I feel on top of the world today, even though I didn't really run anymore than usual...lol, guess it's just the rush! Thanks again everyone for the support! Hope your all having a fantastic Turkey Day!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wtg Lilangel! I know the feeling
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Morning JAmmers!!

    Way to go LilAngel!! You are such a motivator! I'm glad you decided to do the 10K, I knew you could do it!!

    I felt great this morning. I woke up early...my husband went to play football with the boys this morning, so I got up and did my 60 minute Turbo Kick and then I did Turbo Sculpt. I forgot how tired I get when I do Turbo Sculpt. Then I did Extreme Abs. Holy COW! I couldn't finish... because my stomach muscles were twitching so crazy-like! Now I won't feel so bad for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm not going to go overboard, but I am going to enjoy!!

    Have a great day!!!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    well i did bad yesterday. i gained 2 lbs. hopefully that is all water from the sodium. today i will do my burn interval and ima squeeze in tj still undecided if i should do the 20 min jam or the 40 min turbo party. point is i am going to do 2 cardios.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone

    lilangel - glad your turkey trot went well. way to go. what an accomplishment
    kicklikeagirl - great job on yesterday.
    limestar - just get back on track. your plan sounds great.
    nolachick - welcome. i am on week two of turbo jam i am still combining and working out with different routines but next week I think I will start following week 3 of beginners.

    So yesterday I did Turbo Sculpt in the morning. kicklikeagirl - i liked it but i haven't decided how i like it compared to CE . We went for a 40 min walk after lunch so I think I did ok

    This morning I did 20 min and was going to do ab jam but my son woke up so I will try later.

    Have a great day
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    feeling good. i just finished my burn interval and instead of 5lbs i used 8lbs. the 5lbs were getting realy light but i dk if i should of keep doing the 5lbs. if yall think its bad to use the 8lbs let me know and next time ill go bk to 5lbs. yup the weight that i gained was water woohoo. i am also happy because i noticed that my bk fat is going away. i do not have that bk bra bulge. i know tmi but im happy.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning Jammers! Yesterday was a great day! Well..the weather is getting bad here..freeeezing plus it rained ALL day yesterday, and HAILED! UGH! Anyway, I got up and did another TurboKick Round 28-MUCH easier this time! Burned more calories also!!! WOOOHOO! :laugh: I also fit my abs workout in before lunch, and in the afternoon decided on a much needed CE-did Burn 1. It's been awhile since I did that one, and it felt good:smile: Today I really should take the rest day I skipped on Wednesday..but it's killing me to have a day off and not burn some calories! AHH..any suggestions? I thought about dragging down all the X-mas decorations and keeping myself busy with that...lugging those boxes down from the attic by myself has GOT to burn something-haha. I suppose I deserve a day of rest after a hard week..it's just so hard for me to not workout!
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