No sweets til Christmas~



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Victory! I left the fruitcake waiting for me in fridge. Though I think it's just dried fruit - sweet enough -, nuts and bread, really. The jam jar is not finished yet, but that can wait for a bit, too :smile: Day one of total success.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Picked my 9 year old up from school, he had a headache, needed groceries, drug him along, he ate his lunch. On the way to the store I coudl smell 'em and suddenly he goes, "Mommy, do you want a Nutter Butter?" *drool* I said no.

    Then at the store in line he asked to get a treat. I said sure. He goes, "Mommy, do you want a Peppermint Patty" OMG, YES! But noooooo.......

    Does he know? Is it a conspiracy? Who put him up to it? Is it a test? LOL
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Does he know? Is it a conspiracy? Who put him up to it? Is it a test? LOL

    lol. Yes, it's a test and you passed with flying colors , Leckel!
  • jenni3626
    jenni3626 Posts: 36 Member
    Actually I recently started a 21 day "sweet-fast" at the beginning of November. I felt so great that I decided to go till New Year's Eve, save something yummy on Christmas day. I am pretty sure that each time I reach my goal I will just set another one a little ways out, like my birthday in January and then Valentines Day. Who knows, maybe I can make this a new part of my life. I am so tired of feeling like sugar is the boss of me. Time for me to boss it around for a little while! :wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Does he know? Is it a conspiracy? Who put him up to it? Is it a test? LOL

    lol. Yes, it's a test and you passed with flying colors , Leckel!

    Whew! Glad I passed. Then when I was putting away the groceries, the leftover pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream both called to me and laughed. I know they did! Stupid talking food anyway......

    He, he! I used to say to my husband, "Shhh, do you hear that?" He'd get really quiet and listen. He'd say "What?" I'd say, "It's the ice cream calling from the freezer." The funny thing is that he never got it, every time when I asked if he heard something he'd get quiet and listen.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Actually I recently started a 21 day "sweet-fast" at the beginning of November. I felt so great that I decided to go till New Year's Eve, save something yummy on Christmas day. I am pretty sure that each time I reach my goal I will just set another one a little ways out, like my birthday in January and then Valentines Day. Who knows, maybe I can make this a new part of my life. I am so tired of feeling like sugar is the boss of me. Time for me to boss it around for a little while! :wink:

    Jenni-- yay-- welcome! That's kinda what we did here, too-- we did the no sweets til Thanksgiving-- enjoyed some pie-- and then are going on to Christmas.

    I'm thinking like you I may continue to set little goals-- Valentine's Day, Easter-- blah, blah, blah-- just something to help me remember to keep the crap out!

    Let us know often how you're doing-- accountability is so important.
  • chantybear
    does butter butter and jam count as sweets?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    does butter butter and jam count as sweets?

    I don't count it-- I consider all the desserty kinda crud--
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    those cupcakes just might get the better of me. I am really trying hard not to eat one but my head and my stomach really want one!!! I know my hips and my waistline doesn't but it's killing me!!:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I want (and really NEED) to join yall! I went a week without sweets once and lost 4 pounds. I have a pretty hefty goal of losing around 11 pounds by New Years, and I don't think I'll make it if I don't let the junk go for a while. So I'm in if it's not too late! Knowing theres a bunch of people to help me out and who are going through exactly what I'm going through will help out so much! I think I may have one small "farewell" treat tonight and start fresh tomorrow morning since it's the beginning of a new month. I'm excited! I hope I can have as much success with this as I did the last time I tried it!
  • supermom1114
    Hey everyone,

    wow I have totally been sucking at this... today was my presentation and I had a thin slice of the gluten free cake and a thin slice of the regular cake... ugh... but the only other items I tried were a sugar-free low fat banana muffin, only 108 cals, no sugar only truvia and imitation banana flavoring, wasnt too terribly bad and some macaroni and cheese that had low cholesterol and high fiber... so I counted that all as lunch and actually havent felt hungry the rest of the day until now, but I'm not craving sweets just some good food, i was going to make beef teriyaki tonight with a lean cut of london broil and lots of veggies and brown rice but our dogs had a case of the runs and out house smells putrid ssooo definitely not a day to eat in. Once we're done cleaning we'll be going out... this could be bad... my parents are talking mcdonalds... ugh what can you get thats healthy yet satisfying from mcdonalds?? um nothing!!! That place makes my stomach hurt so bad, I can't do greasy fast foods anymore, blech!

    so my sad score is '

    Carleen- 0
    Sweets- 3

    But now that my presentation is over, I won't be doing anymore holiday baking until christmas so even though theres leftovers in the house from the cake and a pecan pie from thanksgiving I'm really not craving them, I'm going to make it til Christmas without any sweets!!
  • chantybear
    does butter butter and jam count as sweets?

    I don't count it-- I consider all the desserty kinda crud--

    That is what I thought, but just checking! :) Thanks Marla.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    those cupcakes just might get the better of me. I am really trying hard not to eat one but my head and my stomach really want one!!! I know my hips and my waistline doesn't but it's killing me!!:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Be strong, Miss size 12-- you can do it.

    And it's not your tummy that wants one-- your mind wants it-- mind over matter, Sam-- you can do it.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I want (and really NEED) to join yall! I went a week without sweets once and lost 4 pounds. I have a pretty hefty goal of losing around 11 pounds by New Years, and I don't think I'll make it if I don't let the junk go for a while. So I'm in if it's not too late! Knowing theres a bunch of people to help me out and who are going through exactly what I'm going through will help out so much! I think I may have one small "farewell" treat tonight and start fresh tomorrow morning since it's the beginning of a new month. I'm excited! I hope I can have as much success with this as I did the last time I tried it!

    Hey, Lisa-- welcome-- come tell us daily how you did-- accountability is key-- helps keep the topic up front in your mind.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey everyone,

    wow I have totally been sucking at this... today was my presentation and I had a thin slice of the gluten free cake and a thin slice of the regular cake... ugh... but the only other items I tried were a sugar-free low fat banana muffin, only 108 cals, no sugar only truvia and imitation banana flavoring, wasnt too terribly bad and some macaroni and cheese that had low cholesterol and high fiber... so I counted that all as lunch and actually havent felt hungry the rest of the day until now, but I'm not craving sweets just some good food, i was going to make beef teriyaki tonight with a lean cut of london broil and lots of veggies and brown rice but our dogs had a case of the runs and out house smells putrid ssooo definitely not a day to eat in. Once we're done cleaning we'll be going out... this could be bad... my parents are talking mcdonalds... ugh what can you get thats healthy yet satisfying from mcdonalds?? um nothing!!! That place makes my stomach hurt so bad, I can't do greasy fast foods anymore, blech!

    so my sad score is '

    Carleen- 0
    Sweets- 3

    But now that my presentation is over, I won't be doing anymore holiday baking until christmas so even though theres leftovers in the house from the cake and a pecan pie from thanksgiving I'm really not craving them, I'm going to make it til Christmas without any sweets!!

    Wrong-- McDonald has side salads for a buck-- nothing but veggies. Get a couple of 'em, and a fruit and yogurt parfait-- fills you up.

    You can catch up your score-- don't give up-- you can do this--
  • supermom1114
    Hey everyone,

    wow I have totally been sucking at this... today was my presentation and I had a thin slice of the gluten free cake and a thin slice of the regular cake... ugh... but the only other items I tried were a sugar-free low fat banana muffin, only 108 cals, no sugar only truvia and imitation banana flavoring, wasnt too terribly bad and some macaroni and cheese that had low cholesterol and high fiber... so I counted that all as lunch and actually havent felt hungry the rest of the day until now, but I'm not craving sweets just some good food, i was going to make beef teriyaki tonight with a lean cut of london broil and lots of veggies and brown rice but our dogs had a case of the runs and out house smells putrid ssooo definitely not a day to eat in. Once we're done cleaning we'll be going out... this could be bad... my parents are talking mcdonalds... ugh what can you get thats healthy yet satisfying from mcdonalds?? um nothing!!! That place makes my stomach hurt so bad, I can't do greasy fast foods anymore, blech!

    so my sad score is '

    Carleen- 0
    Sweets- 3

    But now that my presentation is over, I won't be doing anymore holiday baking until christmas so even though theres leftovers in the house from the cake and a pecan pie from thanksgiving I'm really not craving them, I'm going to make it til Christmas without any sweets!!

    Wrong-- McDonald has side salads for a buck-- nothing but veggies. Get a couple of 'em, and a fruit and yogurt parfait-- fills you up.

    You can catch up your score-- don't give up-- you can do this--

    I just wish they had some kind of meat that was ok to eat... I'm craving meat!!! Probably because I havent had much iron today, I was counting on that beef teriyaki tonight =(
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey everyone,

    wow I have totally been sucking at this... today was my presentation and I had a thin slice of the gluten free cake and a thin slice of the regular cake... ugh... but the only other items I tried were a sugar-free low fat banana muffin, only 108 cals, no sugar only truvia and imitation banana flavoring, wasnt too terribly bad and some macaroni and cheese that had low cholesterol and high fiber... so I counted that all as lunch and actually havent felt hungry the rest of the day until now, but I'm not craving sweets just some good food, i was going to make beef teriyaki tonight with a lean cut of london broil and lots of veggies and brown rice but our dogs had a case of the runs and out house smells putrid ssooo definitely not a day to eat in. Once we're done cleaning we'll be going out... this could be bad... my parents are talking mcdonalds... ugh what can you get thats healthy yet satisfying from mcdonalds?? um nothing!!! That place makes my stomach hurt so bad, I can't do greasy fast foods anymore, blech!

    so my sad score is '

    Carleen- 0
    Sweets- 3

    But now that my presentation is over, I won't be doing anymore holiday baking until christmas so even though theres leftovers in the house from the cake and a pecan pie from thanksgiving I'm really not craving them, I'm going to make it til Christmas without any sweets!!

    Wrong-- McDonald has side salads for a buck-- nothing but veggies. Get a couple of 'em, and a fruit and yogurt parfait-- fills you up.

    You can catch up your score-- don't give up-- you can do this--

    I just wish they had some kind of meat that was ok to eat... I'm craving meat!!! Probably because I havent had much iron today, I was counting on that beef teriyaki tonight =(
    they have salads with chicken in 'em, too-- check the nutrition online before you go out tonight so you can make the best choice--
  • supermom1114
    so heres what I'm thinking of getting...

    Chicken McNuggets® (6 piece)
    Barbeque Sauce
    Side Salad
    Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait (7 oz)

    For a total of 500 calories... hhmmm that still seems like a lot.... maybe they have grilled chicken strips...
  • supermom1114
    I tried it with the premium breast strips they have and it sky rocketed to 890 cals.... wow... they make those things out to seem like they're healthy but they are definitely not!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    their premium breast strips are 400 calories for 3 of 'em-- youch.

    The premium Caesar salad with grilled chicken is 220 calories-- but you'd have to go easy on the dressing.

    There are a bunch of choices-- check 'em out-- choose wisely. You'll be so glad you did.

    No sundaes, young lady-- :angry: :wink: