So sad with what I saw today I wanted to cry



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    As a middle aged woman, do you really think sacrificing lean mass you could preserve on a more rational diet is a great idea?
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    *Get's on my knees and thanks God for his miracle*

    With friends like this who needs enemies
    True friends tell the truth - even when it is difficult to accept.
    The people I suspect greatly are those fast to agree to anything I say or do.
    Life in the echo chamber might be more convenient and pleasant but wholly unproductive.
    I wish you well with your goals.....
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    *Get's on my knees and thanks God for his miracle*

    With friends like this who needs enemies

    God made your body a temple and would like you to treat it properly. It's rather hypocritical to thank God for his miracle, yet abuse the body that he gave you. In my opinion.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I am the opposite. Instead of being sad I say GOOD FOR THEM! Then I say a little prayer for them on their journey and hope for their success.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    You said that to me the other day, and unless I get hit by a truck I will be glad to prove you wrong. Besides, you're using a blanket number "1200 calories" for everyone under all circumstances, and if you had read anything I said to you or on my profile you'd know it doesn't apply to me right now...

    and when I post my success story at that time I'll probably be eating right around 1200-2200 depending on a number of factors. I'm getting out of morbid obesity which is more dangerous than not having that magic number(1200) for a few months.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You have a goal and you'll reach it.
    Then you'll put it all back on.
    Plus a bit more.
    Because there's just no way in hell you'll be able to eat that little sustainably for the rest of your life.
    I'll love it if you prove me wrong.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,784 Member
    You eat 700 calories a day... I am sad for you too. You say this site is for support, that is true, but support doesn't mean "I will encourage you to keep doing what you're doing even if it's unhealthy".

    I need to state for the record that you are posting publicly about eating 700 calories a day, I didn't dig for this information. You're not exactly keeping it private, for someone who is upset at all the negative feedback she's receiving.
    THIS -- If we do not feed our bodies, poor health will result.
    I would suggest we focus less on who waddles by and more on getting our own house in order.
    I feel for others who suffer in obesity, and I also save some tears for myself where I miss the boat.

    I happen to be proud as hell for what I'm doing for ME. Do I encourage others, no , it may not be for them. But if someone feels this is what they need to do for them then it's okay with me. We all have our own way of changing for the better. I don't go snooping in others diary's just so I can belittle them because of the choices they make. It's non of my business. If they want me to look and see what they are having they will invite me to see it. And if you've seen my posts then you also know that I know this is NOT something I plan on doing forever, the low cal thing, but it will continue it as long as I see fit. Your you know better than anyone else attitude frankly stinks up the room with distaine and disgust.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    You said that to me the other day, and unless I get hit by a truck I will be glad to prove you wrong. Besides, you're using a blanket number "1200 calories" for everyone under all circumstances, and if you had read anything I said to you or on my profile you'd know it doesn't apply to me right now...

    and when I post my success story at that time I'll probably be eating right around 1200-2200 depending on a number of factors. I'm getting out of morbid obesity which is more dangerous than not having that magic number(1200) for a few months.
    You're 25. Don't make excuses. Eat well, move your butt. You don't need to deprive yourself for this to work because you're young enough to fix it.

    Eating too little leads you into a vicious cycle of needing to eat less and less in order to lose weight. Eventually you arrive at an Eating Disorder of some kind.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    You said that to me the other day, and unless I get hit by a truck I will be glad to prove you wrong. Besides, you're using a blanket number "1200 calories" for everyone under all circumstances, and if you had read anything I said to you or on my profile you'd know it doesn't apply to me right now...

    and when I post my success story at that time I'll probably be eating right around 1200-2200 depending on a number of factors. I'm getting out of morbid obesity which is more dangerous than not having that magic number(1200) for a few months.
    That's the number MFP sets - not me or anybody here.
    Take it up with those who created and administer this site.

    Starvation diets don't work.
    Because if your calorie deficit is too great, you can easily suffer from
    loss of muscle mass (slows down your metabolism) and impaired general progress.
    You have to find what is right for you but you also need to remember that your body
    is a machine and without the right type and amount of fuel there could be problems
    either with loss of muscle, loss of energy, less weight loss/plateaus, etc.

    Stick with the MFP recommendations.
    Here's a great group right here on MFP:
    Eat More To Weigh Less

    Join up and connect with other for support.
    Good Luck
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I was in the gym in feb when i noticed a woman who was about a size 20. where I used to be a few years back. I went up to her and said Im so proud of you for taking back your life! I told her about mfp, sometimes she is on here sometimes not, but I want to give people hope that they can do this the right way. I have told multiple friends about this site. my husband found it for me and eventually he joined also! I want everyone to be healthy, so they can be around for their families! so next time think, hey maybe she needs the encouragement to keep going! it takes me a lot to put it out there and tell people what I am doing. most of them are supportive and see how great of results I am getting that they want to hear about it. and I am happy to explain.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    You have a goal and you'll reach it.
    Then you'll put it all back on.
    Plus a bit more.
    Because there's just no way in hell you'll be able to eat that little sustainably for the rest of your life.
    I'll love it if you prove me wrong.

    I've heard the number 95% a few times about all dieters gaining weight back on. Certain factors like exercising regularly, tracking food intake and the like are indicators of who will be successful. I am doing those things.

    The difference between who keeps it off and who does not is whether they have a commitment to improvement and lifelong health or not. Whether they let themselves "relax" when they are done.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,784 Member
    You have a goal and you'll reach it.
    Then you'll put it all back on.
    Plus a bit more.
    Because there's just no way in hell you'll be able to eat that little sustainably for the rest of your life.
    I'll love it if you prove me wrong.

    Mind your own and you've judged me without knowing that I know I can't eat this way for the rest of my life. You judge me without knowing that I've gone from 500 calories a day up to between 600 and 800 and even higher at times. But it's people like you that make me want to keep it that low just to see your head spin with the horror of it all.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    You said that to me the other day, and unless I get hit by a truck I will be glad to prove you wrong. Besides, you're using a blanket number "1200 calories" for everyone under all circumstances, and if you had read anything I said to you or on my profile you'd know it doesn't apply to me right now...

    and when I post my success story at that time I'll probably be eating right around 1200-2200 depending on a number of factors. I'm getting out of morbid obesity which is more dangerous than not having that magic number(1200) for a few months.
    You're 25. Don't make excuses. Eat well, move your butt. You don't need to deprive yourself for this to work because you're young enough to fix it.

    Eating too little leads you into a vicious cycle of needing to eat less and less in order to lose weight. Eventually you arrive at an Eating Disorder of some kind.

    Thank you, but I am not making excuses. Almost everything I eat is healthy, and I exercise pretty much every day. My calories are a bit lower for now, but I am not hungry because the foods I eat do not prompt cravings. I get what you are saying, and that is something I should be aware of and take into consideration throughout my life that I try to have a healthy attitude torward food and weight loss. I very much appreciate your concern, but I am working on it. I received much less concern when I was eating 3000 cals a day.
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    You eat 700 calories a day... I am sad for you too.

    I hate to say it but I agree with this. You need to eat more. Unless you're not recording everything.:wink:
  • mollysonnotice
    You eat 700 calories a day... I am sad for you too. You say this site is for support, that is true, but support doesn't mean "I will encourage you to keep doing what you're doing even if it's unhealthy".

    I need to state for the record that you are posting publicly about eating 700 calories a day, I didn't dig for this information. You're not exactly keeping it private, for someone who is upset at all the negative feedback she's receiving.
    THIS -- If we do not feed our bodies, poor health will result.
    I would suggest we focus less on who waddles by and more on getting our own house in order.
    I feel for others who suffer in obesity, and I also save some tears for myself where I miss the boat.

    Dont attack anyone please. She's sharing something unrelated to that, but since you brought it up:

    Fasting is fine and so is an extreme deficit if done at a weight where it is necessary. If you are technically at a healthy weight, you are correct, 700 Cals is not good, but for others, its alright. So please calm down and let each person listen to their bodies.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Mind your own

    You started a thread about how sad you are for someone else, while in the same thread talking about how little you eat. If you didn't want people to comment, you would close your diary to the public and not draw attention to your low-low-calorie diet.

    You got the attention you asked for.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You have a goal and you'll reach it.
    Then you'll put it all back on.
    Plus a bit more.
    Because there's just no way in hell you'll be able to eat that little sustainably for the rest of your life.
    I'll love it if you prove me wrong.

    Mind your own and you've judged me without knowing that I know I can't eat this way for the rest of my life. You judge me without knowing that I've gone from 500 calories a day up to between 600 and 800 and even higher at times. But it's people like you that make me want to keep it that low just to see your head spin with the horror of it all.
    Head spin?
    I am enjoying close to 3000 calories per day, living well and eating well.
    For those lurkers reading and wondering what to do, who is getting better results and having more fun?
    It sure is not the poor folks starving themselves on some miserable 700 calories per day.
    I ate that for lunch today, and it was FABULOUS! :drinker:

    And I shall have an equally satisfying dinner.
    Nobody's head is spinning.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    I was picking my son up from summer school today and I saw this woman walking (yea for her, right?). She had to be 400 lbs or better and you could see she was struggling with walking. She had that gait that you know is her struggling to walk, I know cause I've been there. I wanted to cry for her, for me, for everyone who's been there or is there now. I am so excited for where I am right now. There are so many out there saying your eating to low , your going to fail, you can't live on that, your heading toward an eating disorder...I say to you, I am fine, I have goal and I will reach it, in spite of you, but maybe just maybe because of you. I never want to go back to that person struggling to lose weight, struggling to walk down the street.

    Good for her. At least she was walking. I'm perturbed by the fat people out there that get a handicapped sticker so they can park closest to the store and then go inside and roll around on the store provided motorised carts.

    If they would walk a little further to get in the store and then walk around to get their groceries, their weight problem might be a little less severe.
  • mollysonnotice
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    You said that to me the other day, and unless I get hit by a truck I will be glad to prove you wrong. Besides, you're using a blanket number "1200 calories" for everyone under all circumstances, and if you had read anything I said to you or on my profile you'd know it doesn't apply to me right now...

    and when I post my success story at that time I'll probably be eating right around 1200-2200 depending on a number of factors. I'm getting out of morbid obesity which is more dangerous than not having that magic number(1200) for a few months.
    You're 25. Don't make excuses. Eat well, move your butt. You don't need to deprive yourself for this to work because you're young enough to fix it.

    Eating too little leads you into a vicious cycle of needing to eat less and less in order to lose weight. Eventually you arrive at an Eating Disorder of some kind.

    Thank you, but I am not making excuses. Almost everything I eat is healthy, and I exercise pretty much every day. My calories are a bit lower for now, but I am not hungry because the foods I eat do not prompt cravings. I get what you are saying, and that is something I should be aware of and take into consideration throughout my life that I try to have a healthy attitude torward food and weight loss. I very much appreciate your concern, but I am working on it. I received much less concern when I was eating 3000 cals a day.

    Good for you. Listen to your body. A blanket number is not necessary.
  • AmyParker979
    AmyParker979 Posts: 84 Member
    You have a goal and you'll reach it.
    Then you'll put it all back on.
    Plus a bit more.
    Because there's just no way in hell you'll be able to eat that little sustainably for the rest of your life.
    I'll love it if you prove me wrong.

    Mind your own and you've judged me without knowing that I know I can't eat this way for the rest of my life. You judge me without knowing that I've gone from 500 calories a day up to between 600 and 800 and even higher at times. But it's people like you that make me want to keep it that low just to see your head spin with the horror of it all.

    In all fairness, I don't think he judged. I know him - he's a great and supportive friend. What he's saying is true, however - we must train our bodies to work for us eating the right amount of food. If your body gets used to you eating 500-800 calories a day, will you be able to sustain it? Many people would not. If you ARE able, he asked you to prove him wrong. He wants you to make his head spin!