So sad with what I saw today I wanted to cry



  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I don't know what she is doing. I just know that this means that this method is not necessarily a problem.... for the short term. And medical supervision, I don'tknow. If you are eating all healthy food and never hungry, and are morbidly obese.... why do you have to go see a doc?

    Because it doesn't matter how you feel. A lot can be going on under the surface that only a medical professional can monitor. Unless of course you have a bloodwork lab at home to run lipid profiles and to see if your thyroid is being damaged by your VLCD.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Tis true, but in those 800-1000 calories, as a bariatric patient, you need more than 80grams of protein.

    I am curious about 80? Is that regardless of their size, or does it vary with how heavy they are?

    Nope its a typical requirement. Unless they had the duodenal switch in which case they should be getting 100+grams of protein to make up for malabsorption.

    Interesting. Thanks for mentioning. :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Starting and staying motivated the first few weeks was the hardest for me. Summer school is a month or so, right? How about stopping tomorrow and asking her if she would like someone to walk with? Maybe you can walk, and talk, and share your story with her, take a pic of yourself where you used to be.. show her it can happen! I bet she would love the support and a friend!

    Good for her!

    I can do that, but you know what I had going thru my head? OH honey you picked a horrible time to walk thru this parking lot. A million teenagers who don't care that your trying to find the healthy you will come barreling out of that school any minute now and I know what they are going to shout out to you and my heart will break if they tear you down. Hell I was called a whale, and I know how it feels.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Tis true, but in those 800-1000 calories, as a bariatric patient, you need more than 80grams of protein.

    I am curious about 80? Is that regardless of their size, or does it vary with how heavy they are?
    Probably a precautionary number to try to prevent extreme catabolism.

    and as we all know canabalism is only ok in Miami
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    and it's dead! SUCCESSSSSS
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I don't know what she is doing. I just know that this means that this method is not necessarily a problem.... for the short term. And medical supervision, I don'tknow. If you are eating all healthy food and never hungry, and are morbidly obese.... why do you have to go see a doc?

    Because it doesn't matter how you feel. A lot can be going on under the surface that only a medical professional can monitor. Unless of course you have a bloodwork lab at home to run lipid profiles and to see if your thyroid is being damaged by your VLCD.

    That is something I have not heard of. I haven't heard of calorie deficit, big or small affecting the thyroid. I will read up on that thanks for mentioning it :)

    One thing I did read (from Jillian Michaels anyway) is that processed foods and pesticides can mess up the thyroid by being hormone disrupters. So much info out there!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Tis true, but in those 800-1000 calories, as a bariatric patient, you need more than 80grams of protein.

    I am curious about 80? Is that regardless of their size, or does it vary with how heavy they are?
    Probably a precautionary number to try to prevent extreme catabolism.

    and as we all know canabalism is only ok in Miami

  • hillary_jean
    hillary_jean Posts: 5 Member
    I was out w/ my nieces one day and we saw a guy who had to be at least 300 lbs (probably heavier). Being teens, they started to make fun of him. I was more than happy to point out to them (and see the looks on their faces) that yes, he was heavy. But it was July, and almost 100º out, and he was on a BIKE, riding hills. He was going slow, and had to stop for water a lot, and you could see what the effort was costing him. Instead of making fun of him for being sweaty and overweight, how about saying how AWESOME it is that he's out there trying to make a change for the better?? Then I pointed out that I'm heavier than I'd like to be, and their mom (my sis) has to watch her weight very carefully - they have obesity on both sides of their gene pool, so they may want to be a little more compassionate.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Mind your own and you've judged me without knowing that I know I can't eat this way for the rest of my life. You judge me without knowing that I've gone from 500 calories a day up to between 600 and 800 and even higher at times. But it's people like you that make me want to keep it that low just to see your head spin with the horror of it all.

    I wasn't judging you then. But I have judged you now. I judge you the kind of person who really easily feels judged. :drinker:

    You were judging my choices of calorie intake without knowing why? Did you bother to ask me why I'm eating the way I eat.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    You know I had a feeling you were going to say that. You sound very determined, I'll give you that. And I agree that what you eat or don't eat is none of anyone's business. What's happening here I think is that people are showing concern for you because the amount you eat sounds low. Another person who posted said that its between you and your doctor. She's absolutely correct. However, when you put yourself out there, people care and will respond with honesty.
    Trust me most of these people who answered negatively about the amount of calorie the OP consumed are not concerned about her. They have other motives. Most of them belong to the "eat more wt. less" group. They think what they are doing is better and that they know it all. they are like the scientology group.

    Well I don't belong to that group myself. As someone who has studied the human body on a pathophysiological level, it does concern me that someone is eating so little while also burning calories through exercise. Technically they are starving their bodies of the vital nutrients that it needs to reproduce on a cellular level, if your cells don't get the nutrition they need to reproduce properly things start going wrong in your body and it can actually make you very sick in the long run. I would imagine there is no doctor who would agree to such a low calorie intake even if the person weighed 800lbs and was stuck in bed.

    I know that these ladies are perfectly happy with their way of doing this lifestyle change and I applaud them for changing their lives. As a fellow human being who cares about other people whether I know them or not. I feel concerned about the negative ramifications of their calorie intake on their bodies in the long term - they may feel fine now, but who knows what it is really doing inside them.

    As for the woman OP saw walking down the street, I used to be her. I couldn't walk to the end of my drive without having to stop for a rest. I know what it is like to have my knees and hips in agony because of the weight load my joints were having to hold up. I feel sad for people I see struggling to move out there. But I know how hard it can be to make the change, to believe there is an alternative healthy you to be acheived. It has taken me 6 years from the time I started to make a change to actually making the change work for me on a daily basis.

    I don't think people are slating these ladies just to be mean or jumping on a bandwagon - I think anyone who is on this journey to health and fitness would be concerned if someone was doing something that may actually negate that.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I was picking my son up from summer school today and I saw this woman walking (yea for her, right?). She had to be 400 lbs or better and you could see she was struggling with walking. She had that gait that you know is her struggling to walk, I know cause I've been there. I wanted to cry for her, for me, for everyone who's been there or is there now. I am so excited for where I am right now. There are so many out there saying your eating to low , your going to fail, you can't live on that, your heading toward an eating disorder...I say to you, I am fine, I have goal and I will reach it, in spite of you, but maybe just maybe because of you. I never want to go back to that person struggling to lose weight, struggling to walk down the street.

    I can understand how you are relating to her, however be happy because she is outside walking instead of in her house, room or hiding with the food. She is now finally come out of her shell and struggling to walk which in turn is going to get her on the right track.... let's just hope she keeps on going and also this reminds us on our own journey of why or what got us started in the first place. Cry happy tears, and workout to your level of achievement and continue to provoke others to do the same...
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    A VLCD can affect far more than just the thyroid, look up the studies on gallstone formation caused by them, or the more obvious metabolic adaptation and propensity for nuritional deficiencies. That's exactly why sites like MFP don't recommend them. Under medical supervision they totally have a place and can be really beneficial for some people (look up their effects on thyroid disease - yes they can help the thyroid also, and insulin resistance for example), but trying one out by yourself without at least having bloodwork done every few months is just asking for trouble.
  • galaxiegal
    galaxiegal Posts: 90
    Didn't say you did, but clearly you think OP is because she doesn't agree with you. You seem to me, to be a very vicious person. I don't like vicious people who hide behind a monitor to say backhanded comments just to boost their own self confidence.

    I think her weight loss plan is unhealthy. I don't think she's an idiot. It may be "clear" to you that I "think OP is because she doesn't agree", but I've personally struggled with anorexia/bulimia for years, and while my eating has had some very unhealthy aspects to it, I don't think of myself as an "idiot" for it. Nor do I think the OP is an "idiot". So if you want to put words like "idiot" in my mouth because it's so clear to you that I'm thinking it, perhaps you could change your perspective and try to understand that I'm speaking as a person who once had a diary that looked exactly like the OP's, who is now trying to repair a ruined metabolism, and not exactly thrilled with the idea of defending VLCD. I have no intention to call her names or to insult her intelligence. A person can be wrong without being stupid.

    The OP admits that she has opened her diary in order to instigate arguments because she wants to defend her VLCD. She doesn't need you defending her.

    two things wrong with this... 1. I never used the word idiot, you did, go back and check and 2. I'm not defending her so to speak, just wondering why everyone has to be so negative about things that don't even directly affect them.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!

    I envy your ability to just whip it out and go as you please without having to squat and wipe.

    wiping's overrated

    Not when you have a vagina.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    A VLCD can affect far more than just the thyroid, look up the studies on gallstone formation caused by them, or the more obvious metabolic adaptation and propensity for nuritional deficiencies. That's exactly why sites like MFP don't recommend them. Under medical supervision they totally have a place and can be really beneficial for some people (look up their effects on thyroid disease - yes they can help the thyroid also, and insulin resistance for example), but trying one out by yourself without at least having bloodwork done every few months is just asking for trouble.

    I have heard about all those possible side effects except the thyroid one. I wonder how it can help sometimes hurt. Will be an interesting read, as I have a low thyroid or at least I did. My personal focus is on low carb for now... 2-3 weeks after I started I had perfect blood work. In a few weeks I will have more blood work to see how the thyroid medicine is doing, so that is a perfect timing to see how I am doing with my nutrition. Thanks for the info.
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94

    Edited: Meant to quote the part about cannibalism only being okay in Miami, seriously made me laugh out loud
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Working in a Wellness Center I see it on a daily basis and it's disheartening. We have people in the gym that "whine" about being a size 10 and what these people wouldn't give to be a size 16.
    Yesterday I did a weight room orientation for a female who has gastric bypass and it was just such a struggle to get into some of the open seated machines. I had to remind her that it will be hard the first month or so, but as she gets results, it will get easier.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • galaxiegal
    galaxiegal Posts: 90

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!

    I envy your ability to just whip it out and go as you please without having to squat and wipe.

    wiping's overrated

    Not when you have a vagina.

    best laugh of the day :laugh:
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Working in a Wellness Center I see it on a daily basis and it's disheartening. We have people in the gym that "whine" about being a size 10 and what these people wouldn't give to be a size 16.
    Yesterday I did a weight room orientation for a female who has gastric bypass and it was just such a struggle to get into some of the open seated machines. I had to remind her that it will be hard the first month or so, but as she gets results, it will get easier.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    It seems its human nature to not appreciate where you are. When I was a size 8 I still would whine about not having a flat tummy... but now I would be so happy to be there! And that is so much less to complain about when you compare it to people having a hard time walking.... that really affects their quality of life in a more serious sense.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!

    I envy your ability to just whip it out and go as you please without having to squat and wipe.

    wiping's overrated

    Not when you have a vagina.
