Low Carb-ers Challenge Part 7 Welcome all



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Hello Debbie. so glad to see you again.Of course you can join in with us. Love to have you.

    Hello Chipper, Did you have a nice weekend.?

    Hello Diana. My daughter Alice and I went to Craker Barrell for Breakfast this morning. Stay legal again I took my low carb tortilla. I look up their menu on the internet and they said their carb bread has more carbs than their low carb toast, So I took my own.

    Hello Ivy, I just know you stay on course.

    Hello Jeni, Getting used to a new routine is hard on a person. Missed you around here tho.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello, Debbie and welcome!

    Hi Marie. You are so smart. When I go out I dive headfirst in the fattiest thing possible.:laugh: Today we went to outback and my dad, me and my sister split some ice cream and I had some mints which put me over on carbs but not too bad. I do get off course but somehow it ends up working out to my good.

    Jeni, hope you are doing well with your job.

    Diana, how you are still full of joy

    Chipper, hope you had a nice weekend.

    Be a good day with good energy.

  • happygirl76
    Good Evening Everyone, thank you all for the warm welcome. Well today was a successful first day and it feels so good to be back and a part of such a successful group. You are all so inspiring and what a blessing to be in your company.
    It is terribly cold here in Ohio. The last few days we've not seen 30 degrees. BRRRRRR.....I know its December and I should be use to it, but believe it or not a week ago today it was in the 60's. My daughter and I on that day went for a 2.5 mile walk and it was just a beautiful day, so I am hoping for a few more before Winter decides to stay around.:happy:

    Well you all have a nice evening and I will see you all tomorrow morning.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good morning all! Welcome to all newcomers!

    So far today, I am doing well. I went to the store yesterday (in a blizzard) and equiped myself for the week at work and at home. I also thought about something Marie said a few days back, and that was 'take it one day at a time' . That was good advice but I am going to break it down even further. Right now I am doing well if I take it one hour or one choice at a time. So if I get the urge to grab a handfull of that homemade caramel popcorn, and I resist, I will win that one battle....and each one after that I will do the same thing. My world has gotten so turned upside down in the last month, I just can't think too far into the future right now without making myself nuts. So, baby steps and baby victories. I sure do wish it would warm up a bit though,
    -10 this morning with the wind chill and it is snowing AGAIN! I am telling you that this weather makes it hard to stay busy and keep my mind occupied. Don't dare drive much because of the snow packed roads, too cold to go outside for long, you can only clean so much and I don't have extra money right now to invest in a new hobby and all be darned if I am going to bake! lol Oh my I have become a big whinney baby! :sad: Not like me at all! One hour at a time Marie....then one day at a time and then we will see how things are. :wink:

    How was everyone's weekend?
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good Evening Everyone, thank you all for the warm welcome. Well today was a successful first day and it feels so good to be back and a part of such a successful group. You are all so inspiring and what a blessing to be in your company.
    It is terribly cold here in Ohio. The last few days we've not seen 30 degrees. BRRRRRR.....I know its December and I should be use to it, but believe it or not a week ago today it was in the 60's. My daughter and I on that day went for a 2.5 mile walk and it was just a beautiful day, so I am hoping for a few more before Winter decides to stay around.:happy:

    Well you all have a nice evening and I will see you all tomorrow morning.

    I completely understand the cold thing...and the nice day too. The day after Thanksgiving it was 71 deg here! Now -10! Makes it easy to sit on ones tooshy! lol Stay warm and safe!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hi Diana, You are right we sll need to take it one hour at a time Baby steps will certainly get us there. Marie
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I just read a GREAT Quote - 'It isn't about how quickly you win the race, just that you cross the finish line at your own pace.' Snail pace for me thank you! Loved that and thought I would share since it goes along with our conversation today.
  • happygirl76
    Good Afternoon Everyone, sorry I am just getting around to writing but for the last two days I have had problems getting on this site. When I go to Login I get a black blank screen. The only way I am getting her is to go to contact, frequently ask questions, new topic and then the membership box comes up to login. I have made tech support aware and hope they can correct the problem as this is very time consuming and disheartening. All in all its been a good day. Woke to snowflurries this morning and more are in the forecast for tomorrow. I went and did six loads of laundry with dear hubby and have dinner underway, or at least in the planning stage for when my little girl arrives home.
    We are cleaning and sprucing up the house and getting ready to put up the tree this weekend and anxious to see our the reaction out of our puppy that will be 1 yr. old this week. Its her first Christmas with us and she is a sweet one. She is part lab and part pug so short and medium size in stature. She is very playful and loves to chase our cat, they have a fun time and its pretty funny to watch. We also have a rabbit, (she is outdoors-thank goodness).
    Are any of you animal lovers? They are great companions and I can't imagine our home without them. I think the greatest thing about them is they love us unconditionally and are always loyal. Hope I'm not boring any of you.
    Well take care and I'll check in with you all later,
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone, sorry I am just getting around to writing but for the last two days I have had problems getting on this site. When I go to Login I get a black blank screen. The only way I am getting her is to go to contact, frequently ask questions, new topic and then the membership box comes up to login. I have made tech support aware and hope they can correct the problem as this is very time consuming and disheartening. All in all its been a good day. Woke to snowflurries this morning and more are in the forecast for tomorrow. I went and did six loads of laundry with dear hubby and have dinner underway, or at least in the planning stage for when my little girl arrives home.
    We are cleaning and sprucing up the house and getting ready to put up the tree this weekend and anxious to see our the reaction out of our puppy that will be 1 yr. old this week. Its her first Christmas with us and she is a sweet one. She is part lab and part pug so short and medium size in stature. She is very playful and loves to chase our cat, they have a fun time and its pretty funny to watch. We also have a rabbit, (she is outdoors-thank goodness).
    Are any of you animal lovers? They are great companions and I can't imagine our home without them. I think the greatest thing about them is they love us unconditionally and are always loyal. Hope I'm not boring any of you.
    Well take care and I'll check in with you all later,

    I have two cats and a dog. They have their plus' and minus'. Two of them are my mothers and she let them get into some really bad habits and are VERY messy! So I do love animals...just no so fond of the ones I have right now.

    I had a pet dwarf bunny that was litter trained. He ran all over the house, begged for food, met us at the door when we got home, crawled in my lap to be pet, and loved stretching out on the living room floor and watching American Idol! I will see if I can post a picture of him when I get home.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi Debbie, I have a jack Russell, a Caliecat cat. They see which one can get on my lap first. Calie usally does but Sammie dog know how to get her to come down. They both are sticking real close to the house now a days.

    Hee is a recipe for a one minute muffin that i have grown fond of.

    one Minutes Muffin

    !/2 t of baking powder. 1 t. cinnamon, 1 t of cocoa 1'4 cup of ground flax seeds, dash of salt.. 1 Pkg of splenda
    Mix all or the dry ingredents together. Add 1 eggs and 1 t butter or oil
    Pour into a cup and mirowave for 1 minute.

    A variaation I add 1/4 c. chopped walnut and 1/4 c grated zucchina , Extra pkg. of splenda Mix all and pour into a cup and microwave one minute. It only has about 2 g of carbs for the whole thing. So good for Breakfast with coffee. I cook mine in a small round pryrex dish to make a flatter muffin. And it make a big one.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hi everyone.

    It is very chilly here in the south but no snow.

    No animals. Our house was always dog dump central. When people didn't want their dogs or puppies they'd drive to the woods where we lived and dump them. Not knowing it would have been better to put them to sleep. The woods are not a safe place for puppies or house trained dogs.

    The dwarf bunny sounds cute. Who knew you could train a bunny?

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    OK if you look at my profile pic's you will see a pic of my Slick, the Norweigen Dwarf or as we lovingly called him, Slickerdoodle!
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Morning all
    wanted to quick check in, miss you all

    have not turned my computer on in days, been busy and exhausted. Job is great, weight sucks!

    I'll catch up later, I have to get going, it started snowing this week here so drive takes a little longer, but it is all good

    have a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey guys, I been off in another world. Join Facebook and been chatting with my families and friends.
    Good to hear frim you Jeni. So you have lots of snow.? We had some flurries last week. It is just cold here.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    No snow here, just a chilly rain. I'd rather have snow than rain but I guess rain in better for drivers.
    Keep Warm

    Be a good day with good energy.:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Ivy and the rest of you.
    It is a cold sunny day here. The wind just cut right thru you.
    Just got back from the grocer store..
    ready for a busy day Going to be baking some low carbs muffin and bread. Seems that I can't find any 5 gram carbs goodies at the store. And I love these flax muffins and flax bread. This is a good diet for me.

    Have a good day
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello all. Hope you are having a productive day.

    It is rainy here. We had a tornado blow through last. Luckily the power only blinked, there was no damage. That's a bad thing about living in the south tornado's come anytime of year.

    I was a bad girl and had a twix but I will work around it.

    Marie, I'm glad your diet is working for you. I know it can be a trial living with diabetes. All my aunts have it my sister has prediabetes. But I am determined not to get it.

    Be a Good Day with Good Energy
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey all:
    can i join this thread?

    i think ( i know) i am eating too much carbs so this week i want to focus on lower it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: falhaone
    We love for you to join us here. In fact you akready have, thanks.

    We are a group of young ladies and old ones..I am the older one. But as they say you are never to old to start., so here I am with a wpnderful group of girls. Lets us hear more from you.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Good evening everyone! Torado Ivy? Holy Moly! Glad you are alright!

    We woke up to a deepfreeze this morning....-11 and windchill was -31!!! My car almost didn't start and the defroster made a terrible sound when I turned it on. But we made it to school and work.

    I had a fun day at work today. The ranch I work for goes grocery shopping for 12 families every year. Today we bought an entire grocery cart full of goodies for each them, then delivered them. We met for breakfast at La Peep and I did good. Western omelet and black coffee. I lost it later when they decided at 2 pm that we needed to go to the little cafe in town for desert. Pie...apple pie...ala mode even! lol See Marie...told you I don't do as well as you when I am out and about! But I was good the rest of the day and kept the calories down too.

    It is supposed to start warming up by Friday. In face it may even get above freezing! I really hate winter! lol