Can we discuss public restroom etiquitte???



  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    What is it about farts being so funny?... I agree with you there unless they are killer smelly. Ugh!

    Overall, just be courteous... clean up after you, flush the foul.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    I shouldn't have looked at this at work. I'm laughing and crying so hard...and it's kinda hard to explain to others. :)
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    RIGHT!?! your in a bathroom! its supposed to happen in there! people better not be all huffy about that. im a veggie. i eat along of fiber. i poop alot, lol theres not much i can do about it. im sorry i dont eat twinkies all day but thats me and this is a bathroom baby. get over it lol
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I don't use public restrooms unless I have no choice. Just think about all the skanky people out there that don't bath or clean or have nasty little bugs on their body and you use the toilet right after them. Those little bugs jump so even not sitting isn't an option for me...nope not gonna use them. If I do I try to wipe it down with soap and or purell if I have it before I sit down. Nasty business public restrooms :sick:
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    don't forget all the nasty people who don't wash their hands. I always use a papertowel to leave or the bottom corner of my shirt.
  • ccbennett2000
    ccbennett2000 Posts: 33 Member
    I hate it when they are on their phone talking....HELLO Hang up for 2 minutes, really!>! Ugh...So I flush once for me, and a few extras so the person on the other end of their phone knows what they are REALLY doing. :)

    Me, too! LOL
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    I hate it when they are on their phone talking....HELLO Hang up for 2 minutes, really!>! Ugh...So I flush once for me, and a few extras so the person on the other end of their phone knows what they are REALLY doing. :)

    Ditto ...this is my ultimate bathroom peeve...and for some reason the women at work are the worst with this!
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    1. When men want to talk while urinating or anywhere near the stalls. Absolute No No
    2. If this has not been mentioned, what about public bathroom sex etiquette?
  • swiviol
    swiviol Posts: 22 Member
    OMG also...talking on phone while in bathroom stall. Kind of gross to listeners, myself and person on phone! So tacky and classless! :noway:

    So I work in an office building where there are suites and we all share a public bathroom, with like 5 stalls. Someone is ALWAYS doing this!! I'll admit to checking my email or whatnot on my phone once or twice while on the toilet (gross, I know) but at least that's silent.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I hate it when they are on their phone talking....HELLO Hang up for 2 minutes, really!>! Ugh...So I flush once for me, and a few extras so the person on the other end of their phone knows what they are REALLY doing. :)

    You're nice! I making very loud farting noises and then scream, "damn lady if you are going to make all that noise farting get off your phone." :laugh:
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I don't care to know what happens in the women's restroom, but I believe that while my feet are on the tile of a bathroom, you should not be talking to me. And I won't talk to you.

    You might not have any idea how often a guy will walk up to the urinal next to you and presume that, while you are holding your wedding tackle, you would like to talk about sports or politics or general happenings.

    Lol, "wedding tackle". That's a new one for me. Hahahaha. Hilarious.
  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    Hilarious thread... my pet peeve is going into a stall and seeing art streaks left behind... like a poopy signature. Courtesy flushes prevent this people.... This grosses me out big time.
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    1. Don't let your kids crawl into my stall!


    3. Don't stand "in line" in the bathroom if you're not waiting to use the toilet!!! Wait for your friend outside the bathroom door!

    Ugh! Yes to number one! So disgusting. And what if the child puts his fingers in his mouth after being on the nasty floor. ::barfs::

    My daughter knows too well about "butterfly hands" and using tissue to open the door (who in the world came up with the great idea of pulling a door to leave the restroom???) ::rolls eyes::

    I can't stand when people leave pieces of tissue squares on the floor that eventually get peed on by the hoverers and now you are left with a sloppy mess on the floor.

    Or the people who wipe and have bad aim so I walk in to see a wad of used tissue just sitting on the toilet.
  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    Besides the ones already mentioned, I can't stand huge puddles of water (or possibly pee?) on the floor in the stalls. It's like someone dumped a whole water bottle on the ground. I also hate the fact that a lot of places have the infant changing table in the handicap stall. One time I waited over 1/2 hour for the stall to empty only to end up changing my daughter right on the sink.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    don't forget all the nasty people who don't wash their hands. I always use a papertowel to leave or the bottom corner of my shirt.

    Yep! Or the cuff of my sleeve if I'm wearing long sleeves.
  • CanadianChic
    CanadianChic Posts: 141

    Not me!! I'm the mom yelling at her kids... dont go under there, dont touch ANYTHING!!! people must laugh at me!!! lol. oh well, that's life w/a 3yr old & 6 yr old.

    This is ME!!! lol
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    You know being in the military a lot of this bathroom etiquette has kinda slipped. We have full conversations on the poopers, urinals or even the showers. Doesn't really matter much anymore

    So, this is still going on, eh? I was in in the 80's-95ish..Some things NEVER change.:laugh:
  • GAbutterfly82
    GAbutterfly82 Posts: 10 Member
    I have OCD, and public bathrooms are a nightmare for me. Thankfully, we have seat covers at work, and the ladies I work with are pretty clean.

    Otherwise, I hover in other public restrooms, but I try to get close enough to the seat not to pee on it. If I accidentally do, I always wipe the seat. But, in all honesty, I try to avoid public restrooms like the plague and just go when I get home. I will only use one if there is no chance I'm going to be home soon.

    That being said - all waste should go down the toilet, all feminine hygiene products should go in the trash or sanitary bin (with the exception of used tampons), and all hands should be washed!

    Two seconds with water doesn't count! This goes for guys, too - I don't care if you keep your d**k clean and know where it's been. Wash your damn hands!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Don't "moan" a sigh of relief when doing number 2

    If you do, please courtesy flush to reduce odor.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lainnee
    Lainnee Posts: 61 Member
    Bump for a laugh!