
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Renny, I'm very glad your Mother is doing better.

    Today hasn't been a good day for me food wise. I have just been really hungry!!! Nothing seems to satisfy and little things are going wrong. Just enough to annoy me! I've just got so much to do, I'm just getting frustrated.

    so now I am eating a pint jar of green beans I canned this summer. I figure maybe it will be better to fill up on a veggie and maybe this craving will stop.

    I'm getting ready to exercise and burn up some calories or I won't get to eat anything tonight!

    I hope the rest of you are doing better than I've done today!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :ohwell: It has been a difficult and discouraging weekend and for the first time since August I ate extra food last night.:frown: I went to a dinner Friday, where I was harassed about my faith which is my lifeline.:cry: I started crying and then felt like an idiot!
    We had Frank (my BIL's) Wake and funeral Sunday and Monday, which I just fell apart at, too.:cry: I use to be so strong and in control of my emotions but it seems the older I get, the easier I cry.:sad: I tried to keep my food clean, which for the most part I did, but then I got another virus in my computer, so I couldn't track anything...... and today I went into my basement to use the treadmill , there was water all over the cellar floor. So I can't exercise either. I am at work after taking the morning off for the plumber. My faith, this website and my treadmill have been the power force behind my last few months of success. I will hang in there as.....This too shall pass. I am knocked down but NOT knocked out. Please don't forget me and say a little prayer for me to get it together. I know I will....but knowing your support is there...helps.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Renny so happy to hear the great news about your Mom. As for the prayers, we are all mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, neices, etc.. and really all part of the same family of women. I think at heart we feel each others pain and loss, and thankfully joy and blessings as well.

    Mary thank you for the link, just what I needed today. How wonderful to have your daughter singing with you. I come from a musical family. My Father had a beautiful voice, my Mom played the piano. We all sang aroung the piano as kids. We startled many friends who came home with us in highschool, by gathering around the piano to sing along with whatever was played.
    Totally uncool in the 1970's, suprisingly most joined right in on everything from Shotgun Boogie, and Blue Moon, to current tunes.

    Cindy, I feel your pain, I try eating something spicy, (not salty) or really crunchy so I know I have eaten. Oh and drink, drink. drink.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    If anyone wants some music to get in the Christmas spirit, you can go to my church's website and listen to the duet that my daughter and I sang with our guitars for the service yesterday. Just scroll down to the bottom selection, where it says Mary and Jenny Christmas Music. She is singing soprano and I am singing alto. http://www.1stcc.org/music.html

    Happy Monday to all!

    Thanks Mary! I needed that:flowerforyou:
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hello everyone,
    I have a problem. I know it's my problem and it's one I've had for the last 45 of the 55 years of my life. When people dump on me, most of the time I take it in and just beat the crap out of myself with it. I really fight hard not to be a victim here. I do. I lay my boundries and say to knock it off. But it just keeps happening.

    Why? I know it's a choice. I could end these relationships. But is that an answer? One is a child and the other the parent of my grandkids. I don't have a choice of getting rid of them. Nor do I want to.

    I know how I gonna end up with eating out of the pain. And yet, i choose to react this way. The two people who mean so much to mean just take their troubles out on me. Now you're probably going to say why let them? Well, I try to get away from them. And when I step back, they straighten up. but then when I let them get close again, they take their problems out on me. And I'm sure we all do this to varring degrees.

    I don't know if this is making any sense to you all. But even if it hurts, maybe one of you knows what in the heck is wrong with me. Just lay it on me.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    KC - You don't need to get them out of your life, you need to stop the 'dance' you have with them. I'm a dancer too. It is a very hard habit to break, but I am learning to stop the back and forth and the being drawn into other people's issues. I can think of three things that might help you, but the best one is Seven Habits for Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I think if you just read the book you will get some ideas out of it. The University I work for teaches the course for free for staff. It really helped me. I can send info on the other ideas in a message to you if you'd like. Good Luck.

    I am struggling doing extra, extra excercise every night thanks to 'those people' I work with. lol Being one of 3 IT support for 125+ staff we get presents from almost EVERY person in EVERY department. This year (thanks to the economy) it's been one home cooked thing after another. I just can't resist. I've been sharing with friends, but the damage is 300-500 calories a day (and today is only Tuesday). Next week 80% of staff will be gone. I have to work til the end on the 24th to help shut down everything for the holidays. I've started skipping breakfast at home because I know I will have something sweet on my desk when I get to work. I've also cut back on lunch and dinner. I wish I had the strength that many of you have shown when in these situations.

    Continued thoughts and prayers to all of you going through loss right now. Renny - glad to hear about your mom doing better.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Renny - so glad to hear your mother is going home. Prayers continue.

    kc, wish you could have been in my Sunday School class yesterday, when we talked about learning to forgive people to heal our hearts, but being able to stay in a relationship with them while not taking on their problems and behaviors as our baggage. Hang in there!

    Birdie - Yes, indeed this too shall pass. (It says in the Bible "and it came to pass", but never once does it say it came to STAY!) I also think that sometimes we do our best growing in life's valleys, because that's where the fertilizer is. Stay strong!

    To all others, I hope that all of us are able to find joy in the holidays!

    I am going to my mother's for Christmas weekend (about 3 hours away). Then on New Year's weekend all 6 of my girls (3 daughters and 3 nieces, all pretty much raised together like sisters across town from each other) will be around, with 4 husbands, one boyfriend, my 2 grandsons, 1 grandniece, and 2 grandnephews. Good times! How about you?

    I went to the eye doctor today and got a surprise. I have been getting frustrated, as I am having more trouble seeing. As a diabetic who is not exactly a spring chick any more, this causes me concern. Well, the dr. did his tests, and said, "The numbers seem to be showing that your nearsightedness has improved. In diabetics, this is usually an indication that the blood sugar is under much better control." I was so surprised - what a benefit to my new healthier lifestyle! I have a long way to go yet, but it is exciting to "see" real results like this! So, I ordered new glasses with less correction so that hopefully I will be able to see better. I didn't realize that I could actually improve my vision.

    Well, I have rambled on enough. Hope all are doing well. Here's to smart choices!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Renny and BirdieM, my thoughts are with you. The holidays are stressful enough without the added stress of losing our loved ones and praying for those who are ill. Take each day as it comes and don't forget to breathe.
    Barbie, thanks for the great water ideas. I do have herbal tea at night. I do have coffee in the morning and have heard that you must drink two cups of water for every cup of coffee. Something for me to work on!:sad: KCwriter, we have had some family issues in the past. At some point you do have to stand up for yourself. We just limit our contact and are always, civil and cordial. It isn't worth the stress to be in a constant battle with unpleasant people. You can't change them, you can only change yourself. :wink:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I missed your post Birdie. Wow I wish I had been there Friday. How awful folks can be, remember the problem is theirs not yours. Theirs are the small hearts, in need of prayers, poor lost souls. I know what you mean about the frequent tears. TV commercials can leave me damp eyed. I think that it is a shame so many people can not understand how important it all is.
    Each nuance, every look, each casual nasty or kind comment can have a great deal of meaning to someone else.

    Big hug (:heart: )

    KC, I have a mental game or exercise I do every night before bed. I have an Imaginary suitcase beside the bed. Mine is an old beat up duffel bag. As I get into bed I put all the things I did not like about the day:sad: :mad: :frown: in the bag. When I get up in the morning I decide if there is anything in the bag I need to take out and keep to take with me. Generally not so I kick it under the bed and start over. (Simple analogy for a simple woman,me!) They may leave their pain and ugliness with you but you can decide if you're going to pick up their baggage and carry with you. Trust me, easier said than done as I am easily hurt also, but the act of choosing to put it behind me and go on helps me a great deal. I think it also helps me in the way I react to problem people. Further I think the fresh attitude confuses them.:bigsmile:

    Enough from this old girl!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Thank you ladies! I welcome the info Jeannie. And old girl, don't stop know. I ate up all the kindness I read in your responses. I know I don't get on this site as often as all of you, but when I do, you all are great to help me.

    This struggle to care about yourself and also love someone else when they aren't so loveable is a big job. And I know I'm not perfect. But the viciousness of the verbal attacks coming more often is enough. I wasn't raised to care about myself. So I am trying very hard to love people but not sit still and be hurt. I'm a work in progress. i just need to be taught how to 'work it."

    I am going to put these hurt feelings and anger in that suitcase for the night. Hopefully I will chose to forgive and leave it in the bag come morning. now the trick is to guard my heart while having it open to love the unloveable. kc
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: kc, Jeannie gave you very good advice. I think that every family has at least one member who is hard to get along with. Hang in there. Be sure to eat healthy and exercise. This will help lower your stress level.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just a quick note- congradulations to Mary for getting the diabeties under control and the improved eyesight! Way to go!

    It's off to work for me. Will check in later to read all the posts.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I went to the eye doctor today and got a surprise. I have been getting frustrated, as I am having more trouble seeing. As a diabetic who is not exactly a spring chick any more, this causes me concern. Well, the dr. did his tests, and said, "The numbers seem to be showing that your nearsightedness has improved. In diabetics, this is usually an indication that the blood sugar is under much better control." I was so surprised - what a benefit to my new healthier lifestyle! I have a long way to go yet, but it is exciting to "see" real results like this! So, I ordered new glasses with less correction so that hopefully I will be able to see better. I didn't realize that I could actually improve my vision.

    Well, I have rambled on enough. Hope all are doing well. Here's to smart choices!

    That's wonderful news! Im so glad your eyesight is improving. Healthy lifestyle changes can really give surprising results!
    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi All!
    I found this on another thread and thought I'd share it. Sounds like a good way to stay motivated!

    <a href='http://www.pfpchallenge.com'><img src='http://d.iis7.pfpchallenge.com/images/newsletter/badge.jpg' border='0' /></a>

    Local food banks will receive money for food for every pound lost between now and June 2010.

    I pledged 30 pounds, which I think is doable.

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi Ladies

    I am finally back. Unfortunately the cold weather followed me home. For the time I was in Edmonton it was between 35-40 below Celcius. (I think at 40 degrees below its the same between C and F) Last Thursday at the Edmonton Airport, it was -59 C with the windchill. Only beat out by 2 degrees by some little place in Russia for being the coldest place on earth. I was a trooper though and went to the curling. It was a wonderful, balanced 10 days of family, curling and shopping. I got home after midnight Monday and my naughty luggage travelled for an additional day and a half without me:grumble: Thankfully the airline just delivered it to my workplace.

    Well I am busily trying to work my way through the 9 tidy piles of paperwork my boss stacked up for me. I will catch up on posts later.

    Take care all

  • It's a good day. I joined yesterday after being heavily guilted by my doctor; but at least she directed me to this site. But it is a new day. I tracked my food yesterday and today and stayed on target ::happy: I have 40 lbs to loose and am determined to make a go of it. I walked for 30 minutes in a slight rain; luckily I missed the downpour :laugh: Thanks for the opportunity to check in and get some motivation and inspiration :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    It's a good day. I joined yesterday after being heavily guilted by my doctor; but at least she directed me to this site. But it is a new day. I tracked my food yesterday and today and stayed on target ::happy: I have 40 lbs to loose and am determined to make a go of it. I walked for 30 minutes in a slight rain; luckily I missed the downpour :laugh: Thanks for the opportunity to check in and get some motivation and inspiration :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hi Pattie, Welcome to MFP and to the greatest thread on the site. These women have changed my life. We check in with each other almost every day and support and encourage each other.

    Tracking your food is a great place to start......it keeps you focused and gives you the opportunity to see whether you're getting the right nutrition and helps you make better decisions for the future. Take it one day at a time and take baby steps toward a healthier life. And don't forget to drink a lot of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Eava- I also have a hard time drinking enough water. I’ve been adding 1-2 cups of tea everyday now that it’s winter.

    Barbie- sounds like your line group had fun and did a good deed all at the same time. I bet the old timers enjoyed it.

    Becky- just go by the scale you use all the time or the one at the YMCA if it is kind to you.

    BirdieM- I’m sorry you are having such a combination of stressful things going on right now. On the computer virus – do you use Internet Explorer or Firefox? At work they are switching us all over to Firefox as it is suppose to better against viruses than IE. Good luck with everything.

    Kathy (pmjsmom) – I pledged 25 pounds.

    Heather – Welcome back! If I could I’d send a packet of low fat hot cocoa your way.

    Welcome PattieG- I was directed here also. It’s a great site and tracking your food intake is the first step. Ditto on the ladies in this group being great, supportive and lots of fun.

    So far today has been a good day. I'm in my calories and stuffed. It got above freezing, so now we have mud instead of snow. My MIL is coming on Monday. She is a great lady, but she is staying twice as long as normal. So, let's see how I feel by New Year's Eve. She taught home economics for over 35 years and is definitely set in her ways about how to cook and where things should go in the kitchen. Last year it took a few months to find everything and put it back where we keep it. I've never let small things like that bother me. My hubby gets more fustrated about it than I do.

    Have a nice evening,

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    It's a good day. I joined yesterday after being heavily guilted by my doctor; but at least she directed me to this site. But it is a new day.

    Welcome Patty! Interesting that you were directed her by your doctor. :flowerforyou: Good for that doctor, I'd say!! And good for you :flowerforyou: to get going.

    It is indeed a new day. You will find much encouragement here. :laugh:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Heather - Welcome back! Did your team do well in the curling?

    Pattie - Welcome! Plenty of room for one (or twelve) more!!

    Kathy - I pledged 50 pounds last week. Now if I could just get the scale to start moving again!

    Well, to follow up my eye dr. appointment from yesterday: Today I stopped in at my regular dr's to have my blood drawn for a diabetes check. My A1C (which measures your levels basically over the past few months) was 5.6. That is normal for a non-diabetic person! Granted, I am still taking daily medication, but still! I am pleased with myself. A year ago my level was 7.2 on the same medication, and the dr. was discussing sending me to a specialist. I told him to give me a few months before I would agree to go, and started a healthier lifestyle, and here I am! As I told my son in law today, if I could just get past this plateau I seem to be on and start losing again, I would be a near perfect woman! :laugh:

    Got to go log what I ate tonight. Best wishes to all!
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