Online Cheating



  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    It's about trust and weeding out the creeps.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    Cheating requires physical contact. Online friends are VIRTUAL. Glad I could clear that up for you.

    You would probably change your mind if you been been cheated on with on online affair. Trust me, it hurts just as much as the real thing.

    Also, in defense of men, I have never had a single man on my FL be anything but gentlemanly. Maybe I just have good taste though.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I have only a few male friends on MFP and none have been inappropriate. If it ever gets that way, they will be deleted out of respect for my husband. I am very much in love with my husband and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our relationship. If he told me he was uncomfortable with anything (since I leave MFP logged in 24/7 on the computer and my phone), I would fix the situation. End of story. He means more to me than any friend I've made.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Male or female. If you're going to cheat, you're going to cheat. Being online makes it easier, sure, but it doesn't mean everyone is going to do it.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    The guy friends I have on here are a great support and don't have any ulterior motives. I have met guys on different sites in the past that did, but that doesn't mean I have to submit to it. My husband knows both that I am a flirt and that a lot of my friends are guys and he also knows that I will always be 100% faithful. We trust each other unconditionally, which is good because he is in the Air Force and we have had 4 days together in the last 9 weeks and have 13 weeks to go before we can live together again. If a guy friend ever made a move towards me, I would tell him it made me uncomfortable, and if he continued regardless, I wouldn't hang out with him anymore.

    It really could be as simple as that if people could just learn to be faithful =/
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    This is definitely an "to each his/her own" opinion. I really don't care whom I'm friends with--as long as he/she is not degrading and mean. Some men may have the same goals, struggles, interests as I do, and that's what matters to me. Heck, how can you really judge by gender? You may be friends with a female who is gay--does that mean that woman is going to hit on you?...doubt it. Like I said each his/her own. That being said, I definitely have more female friends....I don't think any guy is going to look at me, and say "Oooh, I'll friend request her; she's hot."

    AND...if someone did become suggestive, I'd just tell the person to knock it off...or delete....that's a FABulous button:) I, too, love and respect my husband:)
  • Dr. Drew did a very interesting show on this the other night. He demonstrated that online flirting means alot more when men do so then when woman do so psychologically.

    He explained that men only do things with intent. If they are trolling the web they are doing so to meet and cheat.

    While woman whom are more social can flirt and turn it off and go back to their kids and husbands redirecting the online feelings into their current relationships, kinda like a romance novel.

    While, I believe there is a certain point that it is cheating for both sexes don't get me wrong. I just found his theory on this subject interesting and thought I would share since you brought it up ^.^

    I honestly SO FREAKING BELIEVE THAT! 98% of men have an agenda!!!! I dont add guys out of respect for my S/O. I had a facebook and added anyone and everyone, guys and all and my boyfriend went on and saw some dude i aint know as a "new friend" and thought i was being sneaky and asked me for an explanation..... So no intent on adding or talking to men.... He doesnt have any internet/social networks and i woulda been a lil uncomfortable if he did, so i understand and out of respect and knowing i wouldnt be comfortable no networks except MFP.--- I didnt even know MFP was like facebook till a few days ago!
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Having friends of the opposite sex is fine (I've lots of them). i would never cheat. If I wanted to I would leave my partner beforehand. I have however removed people from my FL who got overly flirtatious in the past. I think its the Pirate brings out the worst in people ;)

    Really depends on you. If you know you can resist temptation / are not interested and you know your SO is not the insanely jealous type then its all good.

    Damn, and I was going to add you too!
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    I have both M & F friends on here as well as some family. I am not looking for anyone or anything except support and motivation. I hope my comments on discussions and friends pages are not taken any other way. Some guys and girls will be looking - it's a good way to meet like minded people but we should all make our own adult decisions. I have just deleted a "friend" who is a real hottie to look at but has never given me any reciprocal support, For me it's not yyfitnessFAN but myfitnesspal.
  • Dave_MFP
    Dave_MFP Posts: 32
    Cheating is about not being open and honest with your SO. If you know your woman flirts with a guy a work and she knows that her boyfriend/husband flirts with a girl, it ISN'T cheating. Someone has to be cheated for cheating to occur.

    To state an extreme example:

    If a girl has guy friends on MFP and her husband or boyfriend doesn't approve, that is cheating because the husband or boyfriend doesn't approve or more likely, doesn't know about the interaction.

    If the same girl has guy friends in real life who she sleeps with from time to time and her husband or boyfriend knows about it and approves, that isn't cheating because everyone is on the same page about what is going on.

    Just my $.02!
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Are people on here really looking for hook-ups? Pretty sad and ridiculous if you are...

    No it's not.

    I am in desperate need of a hook-up. My family reunion photo with my late grandparents fell off the wall last week and I need something to get it back hooked up!
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I have a few guy friends on here, most of who are married. They have all been respectful and supportive. My husband and I have a wonderful relationship and both trust each other unequivocally. I don't care who he talks to online or in real life because I know he's as faithful to me as I am to him. If you can't trust your partner, who can you trust? He also doesn't mind if I go to dinner with guy friends. That being said. If someone, online or in real life, were to get over feisty or make me feel uncomfortable, we'd have a very honest talk and if they didn't get their crap together that would be the end.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Male or female. If you're going to cheat, you're going to cheat. Being online makes it easier, sure, but it doesn't mean everyone is going to do it.

    Yep. And those that will, probably would offline if the opportunity presented itself.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    Also out of respect for my husband as well as I wouldn't be happy about him having women friends - men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!

    My best friend is male.....we have been close friends for over a decade.....nothing strange has EVER happened between and woman CAN be happens....
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    If some words and pictures on a screen were enough to make either one of us cheat, our relationship would have been in trouble long before any friendship entered the picture.

    ^^^^^ This says it me.
  • amberm912
    amberm912 Posts: 85 Member
    Having friends of the opposite sex on MFP, FB, TWITTER, or heaven for bid REAL LIFE does not mean you are or WILL cheat on someone. It is all in the person. Everyone has different views and opinions on things so no one will ever agree completely. I believe it is possible it is all about respect and boundaries. If you DO NOT have respect for yourself or your partner and the relationship then you won't care about overstepping the boundaries, and in which WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN THE RELATIONSHIP IN THE FIRST PLACE? You're just asking for trouble lol. Which boundaries are also different in every relationship. That is something that is SET by the two people in the relationship NO ONE ELSE, but if those boundaries are ever overstepped thats when you step up for yourself and correct the situation. If you continue to let someone disrespect your relationship they are going to believe you have no respect for it yourself so why should they care?

    If people flirt it can be different than having the urge to cheat. If you have these urges this is the time to step back re evaluate your situation and sit down and COMMUNICATE with your partner. Thats where relationships fail. LACK OF COMMUNICATION! WE ARENT ALL MIND READERS HERE lol..

    So I guess what IM saying is NO, having friends of the opposite sex in any aspect of your life does not mean your on the path to cheating...But BEWARE BC YOU WILL OCCASIONALLY MEET THOSE CREEPER MEN OR WOMEN. Its up to you to draw the line :-)

    BOOM ...That is all! Good day MFP!

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  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    It depends on their intentions. Me being a single girl on here, the married men flock to me pretty quickly, just like on FB, and I get rid of them just as quickly. A homewrecker I am NOT...I'm here for one be motivated and to inspire someone else with fitness, not infidelity. I'm not here to find a man or cyber cheat with some dude I never met in person. If a man is willing to cheat on his wife so easily then why would I want him?
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    This is definitely an "to each his/her own" opinion. I really don't care whom I'm friends with--as long as he/she is not degrading and mean. Some men may have the same goals, struggles, interests as I do, and that's what matters to me. Heck, how can you really judge by gender? You may be friends with a female who is gay--does that mean that woman is going to hit on you?...doubt it. Like I said each his/her own. That being said, I definitely have more female friends....I don't think any guy is going to look at me, and say "Oooh, I'll friend request her; she's hot." That, I'm not! lol.

    I think you're hot. Just sayin'. No homo though. ;) LOL

    I have to agree. My male friends on here have added me because we have the same interests/goals. Most have sent a message along with the request (just as most of my female friends have) simply stating that they are "inspired" (not that i've done anything to inspire to be honest...) by my accomplishments and are looking for support. That's what I'm here for! I want to support anyone and everyone I can because I wouldn't have gotten this far without the support of friends and family.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    Sexist post. Life is full of grey areas, nothing is absolute. Respect the individual. Prejudging someone because they are a man or a woman is like judging someone for being of a different race. No one has the choice of what gender or race they are.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!

    I also completely disagree with this- all of my friends are guys in real life (I don't actually have one female friend haha)! Although hanging around lots of guys, they're bound to take the piss and joke about... it's what lads do.

    agreed! all of my friends are men also, and they all know and respect that I have a boyfriend and they don't hit on me or anything. We're just friends. Some of them have girlfriends too