wethlaw Member


  • Morning all. Still here with no kitchen but becoming a master of the hot plate...Mike I feel your pain as I have 6 implants....helped put my dentist's kid through college. But they are really worth it. Hope all are well.
  • Morning all. Quiet day working a bit at home. No kitchen, all the kids are away so DW and I will have a nice quiet Thanksgiving. Have a great day all.
  • Late check in. Everything is ok here and hope you are all well.
  • Morning Men. Was a good week end but not too restful. Still in the midst of construction and spent the entire day purging. It's amazing how much junk we can accumulate. Starting to see a bit of a light but at least a few more weeks before we are fully functional. Hope all are well and enjoy the day.
  • Morning all, TGIF. Yikes think I would rather be in my construction zone than at the DMV....should be credit for time served towards heaven. Winter is here with a passion today and same for the near future. Time to get out the woolies...Be well all.
  • Morning Men. Cold and rainy in the NE as well. Still living in a construction zone with a month or so to go. Lord have mercy. Be well all.
  • Afternoon Gents. Here, alive and breathing.
  • Well good afternoon guys...back from living in the hotel while my house is completed.. What started as a small water leak has turned into a complete renovation of the entire first floor. We are now trying to move back in but still no kitchen. Believe eating out and staying on the program is almost impossible and up about 5…
  • Late check in today, actually had to work. Although today is really my Friday. Still prepping for the beginning of demo on Monday, dumpster in the driveway on Friday with lots of room to fill with old junk (providing I can get DW to part with it. Be well all.
  • Good morning Men....have been absent due to DW and I spending about the last 3 days attempting to clear out almost the entire ground floor of our house...ending up doing a complete new kitchen, blowing out 2 walls. All of this basically means trying to fit 4 rooms of furniture into one. Worst part is emptying all cabinets.…
  • Good morning all and happy Monday. Steve that is so awesome what you and DW are doing to further such a worthy cause. Unfortunately I am also really off target and although lost maybe 7 lbs...still far off of the 20 I told my Doctor I would lose to avoid having to get on meds...really going to try...Alas a recurring…
  • Morning Men. Thanks for asking Mike...ribs are getting better a bit every day. Still can't really sleep on that side and turning at the waist is a no no. All in all after 3 weeks much improvement . Was told could take 6 to 8 weeks but hoping for better. Hoping all are well and enjoying Fall.
  • Late check in...can't believe it is Wednesday already. Steve echoing prayers for you and DW . Hope all are well
  • Morning Men. Sounds like everyone has good things on with new lathe, hunting and sunsets on the lake. Enjoy every minute you can guys. Hope all are well.
  • Morning Men. Another hot one here in CT...waiting for Fall. Dave sounds like you have some fun in store. Be well all.
  • Morning all. Anther great day on tap. Keep the faith all.
  • Late check in. Fall is here and it is beautiful. Working at home so about to take a bit of a walk and enjoy the nice weather while I can. Be well all.
  • Morning Guys. Here and feeling good and on the mend. Actually back sleeping in bed and able to move a great deal better...know it takes time for ribs to heal but I'm pretty impatient . Be well all.
  • Morning Men. Just back from a 3 mile walk...slow but great to be moving again. Beautiful day here in the Northeast and nice slow day for me in stock . Hope you are all feeling good.
  • Late check in but good day all in all. Feeling much better after a week and optimistic for a quick complete healing. Hope all are well...last day of summer here.
  • Morning Men. Seems feeling better with each passing day although still feels like someone is jabbing me with a hot poker every time I move the wrong way. Basically hate not being able to do what I want. Prayers as always for all of your family and individual needs. Be well all.
  • Hey guys. Well confirmed with xrays yesterday, 3 fractured ribs....noexercise or cycling for at least 5 or 6 weeks. Sleeping in recliner really bites the big one. Oh well time heals must just be a bit patient.
  • Ok at some point I have to realize I am 69 years old and not a kid anymore....Did an obstacle course race yesterday, fell and pretty sure did something mean to at least one rib....sometimes wisdom does not come with age. Now icing and ibuprofen and a bit of a wait then call the doctor if no improvement. Life goes on. Be…
  • Morning Men. Working for a bit then going to escape on my bike to get out of the chaos at home. Hope you are all well.
  • Morning all. House is in complete chaos...leak in kitchen has caused Bucklin floor...now they are looking at having to pull out all the cabinet....6 weeks without a kitchen yikes. Inconvenient yes, but nothing compared to what a number of people are going through right now. Be well all
  • Morning all. Great day here in CT. Hope all brothers in Texas and Florida are returning to some form of normalcy. Be well all.
  • Morning Men, Seems like my family also dodged the bullet in Fl...brother in Tampa and Sister in law in Sarasota. No power but thankfully no damage. Hope you are all well.
  • Good morning Men. Back again after a significant absence of travel, work and family matters. Has been a great end of the summer but now back to the real world. Hope you have all been well and have escaped the dangers of Irma. Keeping our hearts open for those who have lost so much as well as for the memory of 9/11.…
  • Morning Men. Beautiful day here in the Northeast and hoping to get a chance to enjoy it some. Hope all are well.
  • Morning men. Bit of confusion here with contractors ripping out the old deck and putting in anew one, The old lasted 28 years so no complaints...now can't believe the cost of new "composite " decking...guess it will out last me. Hope all are well.