toeatapeach Member


  • Donna- ia, there's no sense in pushing yourself too far. Slow and steady etc, etc, etc. Laura- I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling that way, but good for you with pushing through with the workout- sometimes just keeping going is the best thing you can do. I hope you are able to feel better soon. Marla - I am sorry that…
  • Hi All, Just a quick check in today. We've got a big event on at work tomorrow, so it was full-tilt and long hours today. Ended up going for my run at lunch (just a 6k) and it ended up being a great way to clear my head/refocus for the afternoon, so I might start doing more workouts at lunch.
  • Here are my October goals: 1. Get to bed on time every night. (I'm the worst at skimping on sleep!) 2. Plan meals so I don't get caught out at the end of the week. 3. Drink more water, and less coffee at work. 4. Run 3x a week. 5. Check-in on the Daily Workout Partners board every day. 6. Don't stress about Thanksgiving…
  • Hi All- Pie was amazing and the baby was so cute! I totally flaked on my work out though, in favour of a longer visit. Just a rest day today- I was going to make up my Tuesday run, but realized that I don't want to be tired for when I up my distance tomorrow. Might try a bit of yoga tonight, depending on how cleaning goes.…
  • April- I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you can be kind and forgiving to yourself while you grieve. Valma - so glad to hear about your vacation. Relaxation is so important! I stayed up late last night making a Maple Burbon and Browned Butter Peach Pie for my friend. She just had a baby a month ago and a…
  • Valma- have an amazing holiday! I really love the image header today- it is so much the attitude (and the fitness level) that is my goal. I was there before... I know I can get there again! Not much happening today- just yoga after work. I've got some lingering soft tissue damage from years ago in my shoulders so I hope…
  • Hi All- Thanks for the early morning tips... I got out for my run before work this morning, and it feels great to be already done my km's for the day. I found I was a bit slower to warm up, but the advice on bedtime was the best. Valma- have an amazing vacation! Sherry- glad to hear that you had a good night- and that you…
  • Hi All- I'm glad to be back in the land of internet. It was a hectic weekend as I was way up north (and as a Canadian, when I say way up north...) helping my grandparents move. It was great to spend time with them and they really appreciated the help- but didn't end up having any time to work out and I totally blew it with…
  • Morning maureli! Congrats on your 8km run. I ended up playing some football earlier in the week- and man did it work my legs in ways that my running just hadn't. I can still feel it in my hip flexors. Looking forward to a free night tonight- so nothing should get in the way of my run.
  • Today has gone fairly well so far... but it's also book club tonight! The plan is to eat dinner before hand so I am less tempted- but to leave enough calories for a glass of wine. Hopefully I'll have enough time to fit my yoga in before hand, if not it's another late night exercise session for me.
  • Away visiting my sister for the weekend. I tried to keep logging my food but was a bit vague on what she had put into dinner etc. Probably went over both days and ended up playing flag football with her league instead of going for a run. Oops. Back in the swing of it now- I find it so much easier to keep up with exercise…
  • I wish there were some trails near me to run on! I hate running through crowds of people in the city and having to wait at lights. Laura- enjoy your rest day. Aprilfoodbird - congrats on getting all that exercise in! So- accountability time. I haven't been paying as much attention to my food as I should have been, and…
  • Ugh- instead of my run last night I stayed at work until 10 and ate some overly sweet trail mix we found in my colleague's office. Back to work for a 7am meeting. On the bright side we just got approval for this project so the rest of the week should be full of sleep and healthy choices. Goal: Do yesterday's run today.…
  • Hi All, Love all the positive support and encouragement here- it really helps to keep me motivated. I stayed up way too late reading and working on some recommendations for a project at work last night, so my plans for a morning run fell through, as did my plans for a packed lunch. My goal for today is to find a healthy…
  • Valma- I can't believe you ran in that. You are superwoman! On the more serious side- I hope that you and yours are safe in the flooding and that the damage doesn't get too bad. btsinmd- I struggle with yoga as well, my whole family is pretty inflexible, and I'm the worst of the lot! I just started a yoga flexibility video…
  • Hah, The first workout went well- but wasn't quite as long as I wanted. I think I'm going to have to try a couple different plans before I find something that works for me. I find out-of-shape but former-competitive-swimmer can be a hard thing to balance when I want to get in a certain number of minutes of exercise but not…
  • Hi all! Donna- congrats on your half marathon! And way to keep going in that heat. Sherry- good luck on making more time for running- I know it can be challenging juggling the schedule. Laura- congrats on the trail run, it sounds challenging but fun! Marla- glad you're starting to feel better! I skipped town at the last…
  • Just got in from my 5k run drenched to the bone. I thought I was going to make it but the heavens just opened up on the last km. To be honest it was a bit of a relief by that point as it was 30 degrees when I set out. (What can I say? I'm a Canadian of Scottish/Scandinavian descent... cold and rainy is much more my speed…
  • Start weight: 172 Goal Weight: 150 Lbs to Lose: 22 08/01: 172 09/05: 167 10/03: 11/07: 12/05: 12/26: 150 (hopefully!!) Feeling great about this (my first check-in) I expect that it will be harder to lose in future months- I think the first month is always the biggest. Also going to get a new scale this weekend- so might…
  • Hi Maureen- September and October are absolutely my favourites. I agree with Sherry that even though I've been out of school for ages and I don't have any kids that it feels more like a new year than actual New Years! Sherry- those days are the worst... I end up like that about once a month as well. A walk seems like a…
  • Hi All- I hope that everyone who is feeling ill is feeling better soon. And Valma- I'm sorry to hear about that long process, hopefully you can begin getting it resolved soon. Not much to report on my end- a bit of a rocky start to the week (holidays are always hard) but I'm back on track. I've got some soft tissue damage…
  • Super quick (and late) check in today- I skipped off my exercise today to go visit with my friend whose aunt just died. But this is about lifestyle change, right? There's no way I could make a long term commitment to a life that DIDN'T let me do that. See you guys tomorrow!
  • Congrats to everyone on their exercise. I really struggled to stick to my calorie goals today. Not only was it my first rest day (so few calories...) but I had a big family brunch this morning and didn't leave myself enough room for the rest of the day. Ugh.
  • Happy Birthday, Sherry! And enjoy that chocolate cake, mmm. I almost skipped out on exercise today, but honestly knowing that I had to come and log here helped remind me that I should. I borrowed some running shoes and workout clothes (purple leopard print!) from my sister and ran a great 5k on the trails beside the river…
  • Wow! I'm really excited by all the triathletes on this thread! Velma- I will definitely check out that book, I could probably use all the help I can get. Laura- that would be great, I'm pretty comfortable with the swimming (I was nationally ranked in my teens and early twenties) so am always up for trading tips on that,…
  • Love the starter image! Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, it's pretty great. Laura- I hate running, actually (I'm more of a swimmer), but I want to do a triathlon next year so I thought I would start early. Hope your foot is feeling a bit better. Valma - glad to hear that your fridge is fixed... and that you're a…
  • re: Leaping_Lemur I sort of had the same thought myself. I really want to try it out but it doesn't always have the distance flexibility I need. I think some of the other categories might have more options? Anyway- I'm going to try the first workout today, so wish me luck!
  • Hey Everyone, I'm new around here, so I hope you don't mind me just jumping in. Good luck to everyone with what seems to be a very busy week. (And good luck with the fridge... sounds like you're just going to have to do something yourself!) I just went on my first ever (well, first in about five years) run yesterday and…
  • Hi, I'm Jane (yes, my mom was a fan of Austen) and I just joined the site. I am 27 years old, 5'10" and hoping to lose ~20lbs. My story is that I used to be a swimmer until I had to quit during university due to injuries. (Breaststroker's knees and a torn rotator cuff.) In the intervening years I got a desk job and sort of…