Weight Loss Surgery VS. Diet & Exercise...Thoughts?
Over the last two years, two of my family members have undergone weight loss surgery. They both dropped over a hundred pounds the first year. It was somewhat frightening for me to watch them wither away seemingly by magic. I have 50lbs to lose and am hoping to do it in the next six months before my February wedding. I'm…
In the News Woman's last meal: cheese dip and chips, Texas fajita nachos and a diet frosted lemonade
In my journey (Since Jun15, 2015) I have often thought of the "purpose of food". I am not going to write too much about my thoughts on all of this(In the News Woman's last meal: cheese dip and chips, Texas fajita nachos and a diet frosted lemonade): But, what I have thought about several times is : "Do I really want to eat…
when did these atrocious "person above you" threads begin?
I'm enlisting the help of the peanut gallery on this one. Though I post these to mock the overall concept, when exactly did these begin on mfp? I got from the beginning of MFP time to page 2620 for those looking to expedite the search.
What is one thing you wish you knew about the poster above?
Simple as that! ;)
My gym pet peeve is... What is yours?
My gym pet peeve is - People doing exercises incorrectly on the weight machines. BANG! BANG! BANG! You are suppose to ease those weights down boy-o. It isn't a race to do reps.
Larger sizes: Why is there no fashion in double digits
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/23/tim-gunn-size_n_3799450.html I thought I would just share the article. He makes some valid points.
Would you eat poop to be skinny?
New York Times today has an article showing that the bacteria in your gut may determine whether you are skinny or chubby. They found this out be having mice eat poop from skinny people and heavy people. Eating poop from skinny people produced skinny mice, and eating poop from fat people prodcued fat mice. Which raises the…
Who's tired of seeing Mike Chang everywhere?
How is this guy doing it? He's on youTube. He's on Facebook. He's on email. He's everywhere. Is he... the evil one?
How much does it look like i weigh judging by my profile pic
I was just wondering how much it looks like i weigh, so if you could reply HONESTLY i would really appreciate it Thanks :) Edit- i'm 5'6
Do your pets need to lose weight too?
I'm a huge animal lover. I don't spoil my pets horribly with treats or bad food, yet somehow they are all overweight. My whole family, human and animal, needs to lose weight! Anyone else have overweight pets? How have you helped them lose weight? Our beagle who passed last year (RIP) was overweight and we successfully…
Please don't police my thoughts:
Okay our town caught fire today so I went up and took video. It's all contained, thank you for your concern. When I posted it on FB, I said "sorry for the gay commentary" because I was giving all kinds of overly excited commentary about the helicopters dropping water and people hosing their rooftops. Next thing you know…
Sayings That You Just Don't Get..
(Grammer freaks you WILL hate me..) What are some saying you just find weird or completely wrong?? Dont forget to explain why!! This is supposed to be fun.. Please be nice and respect one another.. thank you! "Drive it like you stole it".. if you stole a car.. wouldn't you want to NOT draw attention to the vehicle? I would…
I believe that IIFYM is a cult
definition of "Cult" from Merriam Webster. 1: formal religious veneration : worship 2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents 3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents 4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health…
This is eat, you choose THREE foods that..
EDIT: This is IT (not eat). Strong brain fart No matter how much you eat of them, you can only look BETTER. But this is ALL you get to eat for the rest of your life. -Taco Bell (since this is technically a restaurant, not food, I go with the steak grilled stuft burrito) -Blue Diamond Toasted Coconut Almonds -Snickers Ice…
Is this extreme?
The word 'Veggie'
I hate the word 'veggie' - does anyone else find it a disgusting word? It repulses me.
My grammar sucks, but...
I ate pancakes for Breakfast and it's my own fault!
Whatever shall I do? I had 2 small pancakes for breakfast and fed them to myself! I have no one I can blame, what do I do now? Edit: Before someone says it, no I don't have a cat to blame :(
Favorite place to buy Athletic wear
Where do you buy your Althletic wear? If you go go the Gym, what do you wear? Ladies, Best sports bra you own/owned? Just getting new ideas on where to get my gym clothes. Mine seem to hit the trash to often. Edit for typo
Question For All MFP Members
Why are there so many users without a profile picture? Just curious...
Weather question.
Columbia, SC. August 16th. 1 o'clock in the afternoon. 66 degrees F. WTF??????
Pepsi flavored Cheetos coming to America?
Pepsi flavored Cheetos just hit the shelves in Japan. USA may be next. MFPers-- get ready to scan a new fizz filled cola cheezy barcode!
Where should I go on Vacation?
Can't quite decide where to go. Leaving my husband and daughter at home and just need to get away for a week and have fun! Im not a fan of the really hot places, and having a hard time making a decision where to go! Any help?
As seen on TV!
What have you actually purchased from Infomercials? After several years I got the Showtime Rotisserie. Used it twice. It's gone the way of the dodo.
The Secret Nerd Society
Hello everyone! I am curious, how many of you guys are Closet Nerds? Y'know, not telling your friends about your newest favorite anime, wondering if a playstation controller could be logged as exercise, attempting to lose weight for a skimpy-ish cosplay... Most people don't see me as a closet nerd at all, and they are…
Nice people on the internet
Are just weird and creepy...and boring.
Does Anyone do Their Own Taxes?
I am doing mine now. I am getting bashed about the head, face, neck and chest area.
In Honor of TWD Returning on Sunday
Post some of your best pictures or gif's from the show .. there are some good ones out there!