Anyone else gaining weight due to pregnancy?
Hi! I'm looking for others who are in the same boat as me. Pregnant and trying to gain the healthy, dr recommended amount of weight. I'm in a group on MFP called "Fit, Fabulous & Pregnant" and would love some buddies with me there if anyone is interested. I'm having my 3rd child around Christmas. I have a 4 year old and 2…
Help! Should I keep dieting before bulk
Hello everyone, my first post and I would like to ask for some advice. I am a M and am 5ft 11 and I have a goal to reach 78kg with a BMI at around 15%. I have been losing weight since Jan 21 and have dropped from 95kg to 71.2 kg. According to a BMI calculator my BMI is approx 21%BF. I have done some research and it seems…
How much should your calories increase for muscle gain?
I've been strength training for several years and my fitness has recently hit a plateau. I've been sitting on 1,850 calories for some time now as a 5ft4, 56kg, 23 year old woman. My gut is telling me to increase my calories to promote muscle gain but I don't know by how much I should increase and what macros I should focus…
What if I followed MFP macros?
It says I need 140g of protein and 300g odd of carbs. I am 200lbs including fat 6ft. I am on 2100kcal to 2300kcal trying to recomp. I wonder about protein you know... if 140g is a figure that includes repair or just a nice number for someone my age 50 odd. Normally I go with the rule of 163g but sometimes go to 180-200g to…
Gaining weight with liquid calories....?
Hi all, My name is Brendan and I've recently started the journey of gaining weight and muscle. I'm using this app to track and log my calories and make sure I'm hitting certain goals. With that being said, I noticed that 2 cups of milk is 300 calories. Not a small amount. Is this something I should be including in my…
Calories on shorter days?
Pardon me if this has been done to death. Average calories are X for a X human right? So most humans, Person A, get up 8am , walk the dog, feed the kids, take the kids to school, iron, wash up, go to work, walk from the train, come home maybe cook train and go to bed about 11. Lets say that the above human's guideline…
Thin Guy Looking To Gain Muscle
Hello. I'm looking to add muscle to my thin frame and would like to ask for some advice. I've been working out at home 3 times a week, for about 4.5 months now, to playlists I've made of youtube vids. A couple of weeks ago I added dumbbells to my routines (can feel a difference). Have some food issues, so eating isn't as…
Setting expectations: how long does it typically take for women to build muscle mass?
I have lost about 80 lbs over the past 3 years by eating a 250 calorie deficit, trying to stay over target on fiber and protein (with difficulty on the latter), and walking for exercise. Unfortunately I recently noticed about 24 lbs of that loss was lean mass. My weight is about 178 lbs. My lean mass is now around 105 lbs,…
Not sure where to begin
Hello! Im a 20y/o F. I'm 5'5 and 98lbs. I have found myself on a slippery slope. I have no appetite and when I do eat I get full before i can even finish a meal. I want to get back to a healthy weight, but im not sure what to do. Should I start working out (lifting weights etc)? And what are some good foods, or meal plans…
John Meadows Has Passed
Just learned tonight that John Meadows aka Mountain Dog has passed in his sleep last night at the age of just 49. He suffered a heart attack last year due to a blood clotting disorder but was given a seemingly clean bill of health. I'm so shocked, he was so happy to give his vast knowledge of lifting to all for free on YT.
skinny girl with stretch marks??
hello everybody. i am currently on myfitness pal in an attempt to gain weight. im 5'4" and i started off at 89lbs in the beginning of july. as of now i am 103lbs and gaining. and no i have never had an eating disorder but i have always been very small. 7 years ago i lost a loved one and became very depressed and withdrawn.…
Bodybuilding Competitions
Getting back again into prepping for a show this Fall. Hopefully Covid doesn’t cancel it out like the one I tried to prep for last year. Anybody else doing competitions?
How to start cutting
Hey all, I have been building a good amount of muscle the past 2 years with a covid hiccup along the way. I am looking to keep building but also really focus on losing fat. I was always low carb and prefer to stay along the same lines. Also started tracking my macros and logging my food. I was just wondering if anyone has…
Weight gain after bowel removal surgery
13 years ago I underwent surgery to remove ~metre of bowel. I have always held a healthy weight and bmi however no matter how hard I try it seems there has been a roadblock in gaining weight. I weigh 70kg and I aim to 80kg by Christmas. Has anyone had similar circumstances or would know the best food/diet for someone in my…
Male 50 + yr old Future Athletes with 50 lbs or More to Loose
Is this goal possible for those of us in this group? I think so. Lets make this happen. Who's with me?
Grip Strengthener - Need Advice
My grip during deadlifts is failing around 7-8 RPE (i.e. 2-3 reps left in the tank). My dominant hand is good, but non-dominant fails in my pinky and ring fingers. Thumb-under grip mildly helps, and resting and switching mid-set to mixed grip allows set completion. I'd like to strengthen my grip to allow traditional grip…
If you really want to see great results, stop guesstimating. I’ve put on 15kg and dropped 10kg.
Diet plan for gaining weight
Hey everyone! So this is the first time Im trying this app, and I thought before using this app that my calorie intake was fine. My current weight is 43kg and I am so vastly underweight that it should be 62 kg for someone of my height. The current diet plan of mine shows that I take 1000 calories less than I should take.…
How do I get from this body to this body? With pictures...
Hello 👋 I have included a picture of my actual body so please be kind! (See pic) I gave birth three months ago. I would basically like to look like a muscular stick. Like Kayla Itnsines (see pic). I want to be strong and eat more without gaining as much fat so I figured muscle mass is the way to go! I know natural shape…
I'm trying to gain weight after pregnancy?
Hi I'm Jessica. I'm 22 from Ohio USA. The last time I had this app was when I was pregnant. I successfully had my daughter on April 7th. Before I was pregnant I was 98lbs and went up to 140lbs. After I had her, my weight continues to drop drastically. I currently weigh 89.8lbs and I want to get myself back up to 98lbs.…
Bulking on the go HELP!!!
So I work a VERY active job as a removal man, I'm weighing in at 11st 5lbs (last months weigh in) right now and I've been bulking from the 10st 8lbs mark for about 3 months now. I found a good balance of a big breakfast (cereals, toast, full fat milk, eggs, over night oats) 4 brown bread sandwiches' (chicken and different…
Bowflex extreme 2SE
I have one of these I use a couple of times a week and wondering if anyone on here has one and if they have found any unique workouts to do with it. Thanks.
Bodybuilding With Loose Skin
Just curious if anyone has gotten into competing postpartum or after a huge weight loss and has dealt with loose skin. I’ve had two babies and though the loose skin isn’t too drastic, I was wondering if it’s something that will be less noticeable as I get leaner? I’m currently 131 lbs, 5”2, and I’d probably need to drop…
Recomp as a beginner
Hi everyone, 37 days ago I decided to get serious and consistent with my workouts and eating habits. Recently, I became interested in cutting/recomping and would love any pointers for those that have successfully transformed their bodies. 🙏🏾
Lean gains program question for lifting newbie
Hey all! I hope you’re doing well on this fine Saturday. I need some guidance on my next phase of training. I’m a female, age 29. Recently I did a cut to reach 16% BF. I weigh somewhere around 100-107 pounds (I haven’t checked for a couple of weeks, but will be getting a hydrostatic measurement or w/e it’s called next…
Where do I start?
Hey I’m 18F, 5’0 tall and I weigh 37kg. Is this bad? I eat 3 meals per day, plenty of fruit and veg etc. I do eat chocolate, sweets etc but in like a moderate amount? Like a bar of chocolate per day, or a slice of cake etc. Currently I’m a waitress at a very busy restaurant with a big staircase so I’m kept extremely active…
Help balancing diet & exercise
Hey all, Need some advice here. I recently started using myfitnesspal and logging all of my workout routines/food intake. While I've always been fairly active/athletic and maintained a healthy diet, I've never got around to counting or taking things too seriously. And man does it show why I haven't been seeing many results…
Open to opinions & suggestions on Gaining Lean Muscle Mass
I’d be Interested in hearing some of your opinions & suggestions. I currently weight 70,5kg, my goal is to slowly gain lean muscle mass. 176cm height. I’m very active, as I only sleep up to 6-7hrs, 11 hrs working shifts, 90-120min per session at the gym. I also do Taekwondo & Boxing up to twice a week & every now and then…
Apps for tracking weight lifting
I haven't looked at MFP's strength training tracker lately, maybe it's improved but really doesn't seem suited for tracking strength gains. What do you use? Why? I'm looking for a good set of standard exercises to code from. Tracking sets and reps. Various graphs to judge progress And after going through two phones in…
60 day challenge
I'm starting a 60 day lifting challenge after not working out for over a year, due to breaking my collar bone. I figure 60 days of being consistent is a good starting goal. Has anyone done this with noticeable results in this amount of time? Also if anyone can relate to gaining strength back after breaking a clavicle tips…