How is the goal calories calculated?
Hi All, Wondering how the app calculates the target daily calories
What does "calories under weekly goal" mean?
Hi, Im trying to figure out what calories undee weeekly goal means, is that the amount of calories under my total caloroe goal foe the week? And how do they determine it. Is it determined through exercise caloroea impoeted from my fitbit or is it deteemined by net calories? Any info would be helpful
How to get diet plan for me
I am 42 years old man 5'8" and weight is 50 kg vegetarian weight gain goal is 62 kg in few month how can I get diet cart for me.
Error when adding recipe…
Intermittent fasting?
Does drinking Citrucel stop intermittent fasting?
Does anyone in this community chat train for kickboxing or any full contact sport fighting?
I’m trying to bulk while doing a bunch of cardio. I know mass gainer is a big help , eating proper meals , chicken ,rice. With cardio obviously you have to eat more . I’m trying to gain 9 pounds and cut 3 before August 19th. I have creatine to help me , gunna sweat out the water it’s helping me hold after my weigh ins .…
How can I see all the macronutrient categories in diary?
I recently signed up for Premium thinking this would enable me to put all the macronutrient categories in My Food Diary view. Not so. Is there a way to do this? What about micronutrients?
Calorie goal setting
Q: I have a scale that calculates DCI. Daily Caloric Intake. My understanding is that this is the cal needed to maintain. To lose 2 lbs a week cut that by 1k cal. MyFittness Pal suggests 1200 cal minimum and warns you if you go under. The math then looks like this. DCI (1825) - 1000 (to lose 2 lbs / wk) = Daily goal (825).…
Anyone here using “Ladder” workout app….
I love this workout app and am wondering if my one else is using it?
Would You Please Add a Spot to Input Sugar Alcohols in Nutrition Information?
In order to calculate the correct net carbs, we need to have a spot to enter the sugar alcohols in our foods, please. I see the places I can add: Total carbs, sugars, and dietary fiber, but there should be a place to put sugar alcohols underneath those. I would be grateful if you'd add this to your nutrition information,…
How to start a healthy eating routine
How to start a healthy eating routine
Calories goals by meal for different days with the same total calories and macros per day
Am I abble to set different distributions of calories goals by meal according to the day, keeping the same total of calories and macros nutrients? For example: On Mondays and Wednesdays, breakfast would have 500 calories and lunch would have 350, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, it would be the opposite, breakfast with 350…
2400 calories
I can't hit this so far this week what should I be doing
Calories subtracted, but no meal listed
I have a meal’s worth of calories missing from my day (as in, it says “-307”, the amount of the oatmeal I’m making for breakfast), but there are no actual entries to my day, yet. Any idea how to reset the day completely?
72 kg body weight my goal is 65 kg how much calories burn every day in gym?
How much calories should burn every day in gym?
Connect with other's that are on this app.
I have a few friends that I have connected with many years ago. I can not seem to be able to add new ones, did something change?
Y-axis in Progress is not scaling properly in app
I've been using the Android app for about 8 years. Last week, the scale of the y-axis in my weight progress chart won't adjust properly. It is zoomed in too far, so my weight history goes off the top and bottom of the chart. Any way to fix this?
The app doesn't show the calcium from the milk I drink. Any hints
I am from Australia and the milk I drink is called A2 light milk. The app says it has no calcium. This is very wrong. Who do I contact to fix this please?
I have an iPhone and can’t post any pictures in the app on my newsfeed, why?
data not syncing to the web
I was happy to find weekly reports options and I was very excited to print them but unfortunately, I found non of my entries had been reflected in the reports also when I signed in through the website I noticed that non of my data entered in the app had been synced to the web I check the app version is the latest one and I…
I never seem to meet potassium recommendations. Any tips?
Any tips on meeting potassium goal?
Keto vs calorie deficit
I'm wanting to drop some weight. I've been trying keto for about a week now and we'll, I hate the food. I can't have my oats anymore. Or milk with my protein shake. Or a sandwich evey now and then haha. It's definitely not my favorite. Which is fine, I know keto it tough but my question is. Will I get similar results. In a…
My Recipes
Since yesterday (6/27/23), I have not been able to save manual recipes. Will this be fixed? Thanks!
Is there a limit to the number of MY FOODS you can enter
I have entered at least 200 foods in mfp, probably more like 300. I've noticed many have disappeared. Is it possible as I enter new foods that I'm "bumping out" older foods? I know I've entered "fresh blueberries" at least 3 times recently and it keeps disappearing. Editing to add: I have realized that these foods are…
Water goal
Where can u adjust this goal?
Retro Data ??
I started trying to lose weight about Apr1 and started at 281# . About May 12 I was about 270#.. However I was not tracking a diet plan for HFLC. Here I am now on Jun 16 and hit my first goal of 260. When looking at the reports.. I'm seeing only data since I input my measurement data. So the question is.. Is there a way to…
I purchased the MFP premium for Android but it's not reflecting in the app. Can you help me ?
I paid it for the premium in play store, but it's not reflecting in the App. I have logged out and logged back in, but the app is not updated
Scales on my Home page
I am new back to this site! I am not on a diet! I am on a healthy eating plan. I have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. I have a ways to go, before I will be where I started from when I lost control of my eating 2 years ago. My question is "Why do my scales on my home page, not tell me what I weigh everyday, when I long in". They use…
I cannot access to my premium
I have two email addresses. arshadwm@gerrys.net and arshadwm@gmail.com and my Facebook us arahadwm. I subscribe to monthly program and it's still valid but I cannot restore not login to the premium services. Please advise what to do.
App won't work on my mobile.
Good morning. I have just set up MFP on my chromebook, I then went to download the app on my phone (a Moto G5) but it came up with a message saying this app won't work on your phone and wouldn't let me download it. Can anyone help?