What do you think of the HCG diet?
The quickest way I lost 20 lbs was through this diet about two years ago. 4 weeks. I did keep the weight off up until this year, but I was basically starving myself at a 500 calorie cap for those 4 weeks. I did this diet under the supervision of a well reviewed doctor. I had to weigh my food and avoid the use of any oils…
calories burned running vs walking
This discussion was created from replies split from: Weight lifting doesn't burn fat.
Full fat VS low fat
Which do you think is better in your diet? And why?
Do you think parents should teach their kids how to count calories?
I don't. You?
When Will Insurance Companies Discount Healthy Lifestyles
With HealthKit and the android equivalent out there, when do you think an insurance company will start discounting health plans for individuals who pair HealthKit to their insurance app and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Car insurance companies do something similar by giving you a device to plug into your car to measure…
Is smoking making a comeback in 2017?
As insane as this may sound, I’m fairly sure that smoking is making a comeback. Sadly, my evidence is people smoking at outside of restaurants and in playgrounds, amusement parks, water parks, and camp grounds I have been at throughout the summer (anecdote alert). Because who doesn’t love walking with their kids through a…
What do you think are the environmental factors of obesity and how best can we reduce their impact?
Interesting discussion point. Causes of Obesity Obesity occurs when energy intake from food and drink consumption is greater than energy expenditure through the body’s metabolism and physical activity over a prolonged period, resulting in the accumulation of excess body fat. However there are many complex behavioural and…
Commiserating with those who are clearly overweight when you're not clearly overweight.
Do y'all think this is acceptable? I'm at the high end of a healthy BMI and at the high end of a good body fat range for my height. I'm not lean, but - putting aside my own more critical eye - I'm not obviously overweight or overfat. Recently two different clearly overweight coworkers on two different occasions mentioned…
What do we really mean by "natty?"
What do we mean by "natty" these days? As a girl, I'm thinking particularly women, and the women we see/follow/become inspired by online and in social media. Is it (performance enhancing) drug free? Is it drug free, but with breast implants? Some physique competitors fit this category. What if an athlete is drug free, with…
Doctor or PT?
Well... i've been ignoring it for 6-8 weeks. My knee hasn't felt 100%, but i was able to keep lifting and running and all. Just kind of a weird pinching feeling on the back of my knee. After swimming yesterday - it hurts. Which is weird... I've always found swimming to be less resistance on the body. Squatting (just body…
Finding time to Exercise
This discussion was created from replies split from: Is my metabolism that screwed up?.
When Does 'Harmless' Cross a Line?
I've always been a bit fascinated at how unproven diets, supplements and 'cures' make their way into the mainstream consciousness and become fact in people's minds, if for no other reason than it's trendy and a lot of people are doing it. And it seems that many do really, really care about being all 'current' and latch…
What should I do to train for the Air Force?
I want to try for the air force and have been training to pass a test called PAST (physical ability and stamina test) for the last couple of months. I can barely pass it right now but not at the scores I want. It requires 2x 25m underwater swim, 1.5 mile run, 500m swim, push-ups, pull ups, and crunches. When I started I…
What about fasting? what about Intermittent Fasting? , I need help!!!
I have heard about Intermittent Fasting, but, I want the truth about this type of fasting from a layman's standpoint. Please help!!
Doctors, what to believe and ignore
The term "bro science " gets thrown around a lot in these forums. The amount of misinformation or out dated advice regarding health and wellness is abundant on line and in the media. What to do when it is coming from your physician? So you've taken the step in the right direction, wanting to lower bp, weight, address blood…
Planet Fitness Just Came to My Town...
*facepalm*. I just can't even... I know some people love it, some people hate it. Just posting this here because I couldn't let my discovery pass without commenting on it. Feel free to discuss, aaaaaaaand go!
Does anyone else think this stuff is bad for you ?
Gut microbe imbalance and diabetes
Researchers have found a link between high numbers of specific gut microbes and insulin resistance. Not so much for debate as information, I guess, but I thought it was interesting anyway, and since it's a local university, we are probably hearing about it here before the international media have picked up on it. Blurb…
Curious: If paleolithic humans gathered the plants available...
Why do we assume they didn't gather easy-to-pick grains, like wheat? Seriously, they had 50,000ish years after migrating out of Africa to discover and use them, so why do we assume they stumbled on wheat at the onset of the agricultural revolution? Hopefully, there's a cultural anthropologist out there waiting to jump on…
Going to bed hungry
I know this is a hotly-debated topic, but I thought I would share a little observation that I made... Earlier, I Googled "how to go to bed hungry", since I am a big time late-night eater... The results were literally 50/50... Every other result said "do it and you'll burn fat". The other half said , "don't do it because…
How do you lose fat and build muscle at once when you have a chronic condition?
I have lupus and am not able to workout the 2 to 3 hours that I used to. How do I lose fat and build muscle without working out for hours at a time?
Autism Spectrum Disorders
As a person with Asperger's, I am interested in what people think about Autism Spectrum Disorders (or ASDs), specifically, what people believe causes them. I know for sure that it's NOT bad parenting (especially on the part of mothers, who receive a TON of the blame), so don't say that - it's an outdated (and AWFUL)…
Impact on Eating Later at Night Study
https://pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2017/june/timing-meals-later-at-night-can-cause-weight-gain-and-impair-fat-metabolism While I know it is true in my case the science does seem to support this is a more universal impact than some that post through to be the case.
low carb vs low fat new research says it doesnt really matter
Yeah, right. http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2017/jul/24/low-carb-vs-low-fat-new-research-says-it-doesnt-re/ These diets are more similar than polar opposites. And they define a diet with 3 times more carbs than allowed on a typical low carb diet (for losing weight) as low carb. Typical slanted so-called "journalism" and…
PCOS lifestyle interventions
I would like to open this thread as a place where we can share our knowledge about PCOS, most recent researches, experiences with lifestyle changes etc. All experiences are welcome - paleo, vegan, high carb, low carb, high protein, low protein, name it...just one thing that I would really, really like is to keep it open…
Layman's terms vs actual scientific explanation?
Does it really truly matter if someone doesn't care to have the physiological mechanism of a particular function (fat loss, muscle building, energy metabolism etc) explained to them in detail? Or if they use general terms like "toning up"? Where does the line fall between making someone feel stupid and just going along and…
Artificial sweeteners don't help people lose weight. New Study?
Someone paid for this study? http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/07/17/537262142/artificial-sweeteners-dont-help-people-lose-weight-review-finds I'll drink a diet drink from time to time. I never thought it would make me skinny. Did you? I hope these are not our tax dollars at work.
CICO/Thermodynamics/Insulin- discuss!!
Read this article and a few others after a FB discussion on losing weight. I am confused now that losing weight is not just about CICO. Discuss! https://www.dietdoctor.com/first-law-thermodynamics-utterly-irrelevant
Losing Weight as a stay at home parent or a working parent?
Hi Everyone, I am putting this in the debate section, because I think it could turn out to be kind of a hot button issue. Do you think its harder to lose weight and maintain a healthy life style as a stay at home parent or a working parent? I ask because I saw a thread asking for advice from SAHMs on how they do it. I…
Media and Lobbyists
Just wondering how the member here on MFP feel about how the media impacts "What" is "Good" to eat and those that pull the strings i.e. lobbyists. I have some background at the state level in working with lobbyists, and they are NOT evil. I will say they are hired guns, like attorneys, which many are, and by definition…