Does this app record sleep patterns? If so where do i log my sleep at?
Staying Healthy While Sick
I've been carefully losing weight over the last 3 months (history of food issues, so I'm being mindful). Recently I got into a musical and am trying to lose another 30 pounds before we open (80 pound goal overall, lost 20 so far). Well, the day came. I am sick. My throat is scratchy, I'm tired, I'm congested, and even…
How to sleep better?
I feel like distrubed while sleeping at night so i feel drowsy at mrng.cant able to focus on thingss i need.
Sleep in the app
Noticed the new addition to the app since coming back! How do I get the sleep thing to work would love to get more dialed in
Log my sleep
I have a fit VII. And it doesn't connect with my fitness pal. Is there a way that I could input my Sleep Numbers from my watch into this app?
What tools are available to change the mindset from "comfort eating" to "fuel?"
I use my sleep, nutrition and exercise as an overall baseline. I use it to check and see if I don't feel well for some reason, that at least I have ruled these out. Nutrion has always been comforting since my younger years. How do I change my mindset and carve new pathways mentally to say to myself, "Food is only there to…
How to Stop Eating When not hungry
I used to be really good at staying in my regime- kept weight off for 3 years straight. However, now I can’t stop putting things in my mouth, I find myself eating stuff when Im not even hungry, it’s like I just want to taste things. But even when I do that, it doesn’t bring me any joy or satisfaction: it’s like a weird…
Fitness and Mental Health
Hello everyone! I work in the medical device and fitness industry, and I am very happy to join the vibrant community of myfitnesspal. I have been paying attention to the latest developments in the fitness and health management industry, especially how to help people improve their physical fitness, prevent diseases and stay…
I am feeling tired and cant focus, what supplements should i take?
i am feeling tired and cant focus, i think that i am going through burnout, what vitamins should i take to fix this?
Stress Eating and How To Prepare
Hi all. I'm a stress eater. Since I started ADHD meds as a 35-year-old for the first time in my life it has gotten better but I still struggle due to stress and am wondering how others prepare for this. Thought the topic might help others, too.
Peri-menopause and Fatigue/Sleep Patterns (not insomnia)
Ladies, bear with me for a second! So, my body has always insisted that my 'best' sleep was going to be a bit of a night owl and not getting up until 8-10am (give or take). I've been able to force my body to adjust to a "early" schedule, but it's still never where my body is happiest - but I could force the issue and it…
Syncing Sleep Data
Is Fitnesspal working toward syncing with tge Devices they now Sync for Exercise, Foods etc
Never ending illness
Seems like everytime I think about picking up jogging again, my body beats me to it with illness, headache sore throat, cough. I'm starting with vitamins...any other recommendations?
food for comfort
Just an insight, I read some phycological advice to help people calm down get them to eat. I think my mother did this when i was a child and teen. I learned to go to food to feel calm. I still do this. Emotional eating when ever I am angry or nervous, feeling anxious. My primary Care Doctor calls this self medicating. I am…
I’ve been dealing with these chronically since March. I had one stuck and had a cystoscopy and a stent now I’m dealing with more (pain not as bad as the one stuck *knock on wood*) I’ve never seen any pass they some how magically disappear. How do you all who have kidney stones deal with it? I have a few life issues that…
Does anyone have any tips on dealing with insomnia?
Does anyone have any tips on dealing with insomnia?
Free class at Om Practice each week
I'm a veteran and get Om Practice for free though my VAMC, but I see they've recently started a Community Corner with one free class each week. Times are EST. Community Classes Every week, experience a new sample of Ompractice's engaging and skilled instructors in the live, supportive and welcoming environment we've come…
Feeling stuck, board and life is stuck
I've been feeling frustrated and that my life is stalled and need a new challenge .. family life is great but work life feels like a boar stuck in a rutt I don't get any enjoyment outy job anymore. Fitness has stalled as gain mostly because ofy job I know need something new but I have keep rook over family head . Just been…
Work Stress
Is anyone else struggling with balancing work and wellness? Ugh. I don’t know what to do anymore. One step forward, three steps back.
Autism as an adult/as a woman
This is relating to wellness in a very broad sense... Does anyone have any experience with getting diagnosed as autistic as an adult (and as a woman)? I've always considered myself to be an... unusual... kind of person. It wasn't until I changed jobs fairly recently and heard my boss talking about her autistic kid and her…
Self-Acceptance poem
Came across this poem by Hollie Holden and thought others might like it: Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of Not Really Asking That Much. I thought she might need more water. Or protein. Or greens. Or yoga. Or supplements. Or movement. But as I stood in the shower Reflecting…
Any tips for sleeping?
I stay up like every night until 4am and than sleep in till 2pm. But at least 2 nights a week I pull all nighters and end up being awake for 36-40+ hours. It's so bad for me, and it's not good for my body or health. I lose more weight when my sleep is healthier, and I just feel better about myself. But it's so hard for me…
Insomnia, Depression and Menopause - trying to lose weight
I have another post that was to be related to Menopause and weight loss but ended up talking a lot about insomnia. I am struggling big time with the insomnia. My Psych will not treat it because his job is only to treat my depression. My GP has done all that he can do to treat the insomnia and has referred me to another…
I'm having problems with mi dfulness and eating beyond hunger. Any tips from those who have worked o
Oops. I put my question in the ropic area. Want tips on mindfulness and eating beyond hunger.
Progress 🥹💋
Board with sleep.
Yes- board. I thought Id pass this on. I wish It didn't take me so long to figure it out. My mattress is too soft for sore back recovery. It's comfortable, but I started to suspect after lengthy healing times after back strain that I didn't have enough support. I'm a woodworker, and had a 4ft x 18in (3/4in thick) premade…
How do you keep motivated when routines change and life happens? When you don’t feel like training or keeping on track with diet?
Recommended amount of sleep
How much sleep does everyone recommend?
Anxiety and depression
Anyone else out there struggling with mental health? It gets the best of me and interferes with what I want to accomplish health wise. Trying to overcome it and get healthier and strong. Glad this app has so much support!
Chronic fatigue.
Hi fellow MFP followers. I have been struggling for a long time with fatigue. It's so bad I struggle to function properly and it affects my work as well as down time. I am seeking support from my doctor but its been a lengthy process. Its physical and mental fatigue for which I'm desperate to remedy. Blood work reveals I'm…