site tells me to eat almost 3k cals a day,,,but I eat half that and still dont loose



  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    nill4me wrote: »
    I've not looked at your diary, but might you be over exercising as compared to the amount of food you eat? Some folks can't lose because they do not have enough of a deficit. Some folks can't lose because they have too large a deficit?

    That's such a ridiculous thing to say....."Some folks can't lose because they have too large a deficit" many fat Ethiopians in 1984? REALLY need to sort out what people post on this site...much of it is hype
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    Cvcman, I have a vid for you.... :D

    more useless junk...cute though :)
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    cvcman wrote: »
    well...I eat 1 tablespoon dry...mixed with water ONLY and microwaved....and that just what I log...I NEVER drink soda... oatmeal says 40g dry is a serving.
    I just weighed out one table spoon and got 6g. 6g is roughly 23 calories. So 1 tbsp dry oatmeal is I would say between 20-25 calories.
    So your 2 tbsp of oat meal would be roughly 40 - 50 calories.

    you must have different oatmeal than Frob...his has many more cals ,lol
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    frob23 wrote: »
    cvcman wrote: »
    frob...EXPLAIN the VAST difference in 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and adding NO calorie water to that same 1 does the water only make a VAST diff ???

    One tablespoon of dry uncooked oatmeal is about 14g of oatmeal. When you add water, you end up with about 7 tablespoons of finished product. That's 60 calories for a dry TBS... spread over almost 7 TBS of cooked oatmeal (about 9 calories each).

    To end up with a TBS of cooked oatmeal, you'd have to cook less than half a teaspoon (2.1g) of dry oatmeal with water. That would give you one cooked TBS of 9 calories.

    The difference is the volume the same amount of calories takes up. Oatmeal, in case you didn't notice, expands when cooked. The same amount of calories takes up a lot more space. You're logging the cooked version, with the dry volume. You're massively under-estimating your calories. And that's just one food.

    Your problem is bad logging. You need to log correctly before you claim you eat eating at a deficit and it's not working.

    unreal...1 tablespoon dry is 6 grams ! I even posted the label for you....and you measure it DRY....if you have 6 grams dry...thats about 20 if you add water...its STILL 6 cals....there has to be someone that can explain this to you...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So just scanning through this am I right in thinking:

    OP doesn't want to lose weight
    OP isn't losing weight
    OP doesn't agree with MFP calories goal
    OP spends 8 pages being rude to everyone who tries to offer advice

    If the goal is to let people know that MFP may not be accurate - thank you for letting us know (although it seems to work for 99.9% of people that use it properly)

    If this is not the goal what is it you want?

    yeah thats what i got... started reading on my way to work this morning... great entertainment!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    So just scanning through this am I right in thinking:

    OP doesn't want to lose weight
    OP isn't losing weight
    OP doesn't agree with MFP calories goal
    OP spends 8 pages being rude to everyone who tries to offer advice

    If the goal is to let people know that MFP may not be accurate - thank you for letting us know (although it seems to work for 99.9% of people that use it properly)

    If this is not the goal what is it you want?

    yeah thats what i got... started reading on my way to work this morning... great entertainment!

    Glad you enjoyed wonder most of these people are so touchy...tey dont get enough sleep...they are up all night reading my posts ! :)
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    so it was suggested I chg my goals to "sed" and dont log my exercise...this seems pretty silly as the site isnt set up this way but ok...I did it and it tells me to still eat over 1700 I WILL be doing my daily hard cardio 7 days a addition I WILL be doing weights 3 times a week with resistance addition to that my job that IS alot of walking and carrying boxes,tools etc....but im not going to log that ??? makes zero sense
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    cvcman wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    cvcman wrote: »
    frob...EXPLAIN the VAST difference in 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and adding NO calorie water to that same 1 does the water only make a VAST diff ???

    One tablespoon of dry uncooked oatmeal is about 14g of oatmeal. When you add water, you end up with about 7 tablespoons of finished product. That's 60 calories for a dry TBS... spread over almost 7 TBS of cooked oatmeal (about 9 calories each).

    To end up with a TBS of cooked oatmeal, you'd have to cook less than half a teaspoon (2.1g) of dry oatmeal with water. That would give you one cooked TBS of 9 calories.

    The difference is the volume the same amount of calories takes up. Oatmeal, in case you didn't notice, expands when cooked. The same amount of calories takes up a lot more space. You're logging the cooked version, with the dry volume. You're massively under-estimating your calories. And that's just one food.

    Your problem is bad logging. You need to log correctly before you claim you eat eating at a deficit and it's not working.

    unreal...1 tablespoon dry is 6 grams ! I even posted the label for you....and you measure it DRY....if you have 6 grams dry...thats about 20 if you add water...its STILL 6 cals....there has to be someone that can explain this to you...

    I don't think you quite understand what Frob is saying. I'll break it down;
    You're measuring the dry weight of oatmeal - 1 tablespoon (6g).
    You're actually logging cooked oatmeal.
    When you cook food, the weight/volume changes.
    Frob is trying to explain that if you really did have 1 tablespoon of cooked oatmeal, the dry weight will be much less.
    He is saying that 1 tablespoon of dry oatmeal will probably be '7 tablespoons' when cooked.
    If the pack gives nutritional info based on dry weight , you should measure and log dry weight.
    If the pack gives nutritional info based on cooked weight, you should measure and log cooked weight.

    Do a test, weigh a tablespoon of dry oatmeal and then do the same when it's cooked and you will see the difference.

    This 'argument' (or whatever you want to call it) is completely pointless. Just understand that your logging is innaccurate. Accept it, change it and move on.

    It's even more pointless in the fact that you don't even want to lose weight! If you're maintaining doing what you're currently doing then there's no issue.

    *End thread*
  • runny111
    runny111 Posts: 58 Member
    All this great advice aside, I lost interest in helping after your third post. You don't seem to want help. And if we are misreading you need to change your posting style. Lose the Shouty caps. But plenty of good people have wasted lots of time on helping you. *End Thread*.
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have to admit after page one I only skimmed a few other posts to see if this got any better. :(

    I have never read the word "oatmeal" so many times.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    I have to admit after page one I only skimmed a few other posts to see if this got any better. :(

    I have never read the word "oatmeal" so many times.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    This has gotten really outrageous...

    Can I ask, OP? Are you asking, because the "you should weigh _____ Lbs " under your food list, says you should be losing but you're not?
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    So just scanning through this am I right in thinking:

    OP doesn't want to lose weight
    OP isn't losing weight
    OP doesn't agree with MFP calories goal
    OP spends 8 pages being rude to everyone who tries to offer advice

    If the goal is to let people know that MFP may not be accurate - thank you for letting us know (although it seems to work for 99.9% of people that use it properly)

    If this is not the goal what is it you want?

    I think that probably nails it very well, although you may have missed several *fascinating* pages of discussion regarding oatmeal. I, for one, am much richer for the experience. Going to watch that trololololo video for the next 10 hours, now.
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    I've read this whole thread, and all I want to do is correct the spelling and grammar in every single one of the OP's posts.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Cortelli wrote: »
    So just scanning through this am I right in thinking:

    OP doesn't want to lose weight
    OP isn't losing weight
    OP doesn't agree with MFP calories goal
    OP spends 8 pages being rude to everyone who tries to offer advice

    If the goal is to let people know that MFP may not be accurate - thank you for letting us know (although it seems to work for 99.9% of people that use it properly)

    If this is not the goal what is it you want?

    I think that probably nails it very well, although you may have missed several *fascinating* pages of discussion regarding oatmeal. I, for one, am much richer for the experience. Going to watch that trololololo video for the next 10 hours, now.

    oh yes a musical interlude!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    OP is double counting exercise and underestimating intake, not to mention he's not overweight. Of course the projected weight loss won't work out.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I've read this whole thread, and all I want to do is correct the spelling and grammar in every single one of the OP's posts.


  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    lamps1303 wrote: »
    cvcman wrote: »
    frob23 wrote: »
    cvcman wrote: »
    frob...EXPLAIN the VAST difference in 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and adding NO calorie water to that same 1 does the water only make a VAST diff ???

    One tablespoon of dry uncooked oatmeal is about 14g of oatmeal. When you add water, you end up with about 7 tablespoons of finished product. That's 60 calories for a dry TBS... spread over almost 7 TBS of cooked oatmeal (about 9 calories each).

    To end up with a TBS of cooked oatmeal, you'd have to cook less than half a teaspoon (2.1g) of dry oatmeal with water. That would give you one cooked TBS of 9 calories.

    The difference is the volume the same amount of calories takes up. Oatmeal, in case you didn't notice, expands when cooked. The same amount of calories takes up a lot more space. You're logging the cooked version, with the dry volume. You're massively under-estimating your calories. And that's just one food.

    Your problem is bad logging. You need to log correctly before you claim you eat eating at a deficit and it's not working.

    unreal...1 tablespoon dry is 6 grams ! I even posted the label for you....and you measure it DRY....if you have 6 grams dry...thats about 20 if you add water...its STILL 6 cals....there has to be someone that can explain this to you...

    I don't think you quite understand what Frob is saying. I'll break it down;
    You're measuring the dry weight of oatmeal - 1 tablespoon (6g).
    You're actually logging cooked oatmeal.
    When you cook food, the weight/volume changes.
    Frob is trying to explain that if you really did have 1 tablespoon of cooked oatmeal, the dry weight will be much less.
    He is saying that 1 tablespoon of dry oatmeal will probably be '7 tablespoons' when cooked.
    If the pack gives nutritional info based on dry weight , you should measure and log dry weight.
    If the pack gives nutritional info based on cooked weight, you should measure and log cooked weight.

    Do a test, weigh a tablespoon of dry oatmeal and then do the same when it's cooked and you will see the difference.

    This 'argument' (or whatever you want to call it) is completely pointless. Just understand that your logging is innaccurate. Accept it, change it and move on.

    It's even more pointless in the fact that you don't even want to lose weight! If you're maintaining doing what you're currently doing then there's no issue.

    *End thread*

    Nope NOT what he said at all...GO READ it :) And I do this EVERYDAY...1 table spoon dry is NOT 7 tablespoons where even close....and you also didnt read my original post SMH.......unreal
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    One tablespoon of dry uncooked oatmeal is about 14g of oatmeal. When you add water, you end up with about 7 tablespoons of finished product. That's 60 calories for a dry TBS... spread over almost 7 TBS of cooked oatmeal (about 9 calories each).

    THIS is what he said PLS note he said " One Tablespoon dry is 14g ( false its 6 grams) and AGAIN one tablespoon dry does not = 7 cooked....again I do this EVERYDAY :)
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    I've read this whole thread, and all I want to do is correct the spelling and grammar in every single one of the OP's posts.


    go right ahead...and when these phone co's start making phones for man size fingers and not little girls fingers then you point would be better made !