Golden Years



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    If anyone else would like to join MFP Senior Golden Sneakers group let us know and will send a request to us. Sandy is our leader and the Best there is.
  • Karin066
    Karin066 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Marie. I just found this thread and have been reading through it. It's great to see a group of people in my age range. I'll be 67 on Monday and I'm trying to lose 50 lbs. I've lost 21 since August. Every stinking decade of my life I've had to lose at least 50 lbs. This is my first try at actually logging everything I eat and it is certainly helping. I live in Nebraska. I'm retired, so now the gym is my job. I'm interested in tai chi and Hildie makes it sound wonderful. I worry about balance. I haven't actually posted much but I could use the support of peers who understand how hard it is to lose weight when you are older. I struggle every day. I'd like to join the Senior Golden Sneakers. Thanks.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    I'd like to learn more about tai chi......I tried a few classes but haven't found any that I can get to on a consistent basis anywhere near me. Hildeme, do you have any suggestion for a beginner DVD? Thanks.

    Hi Karin066. I'm your neighbor to the East....I live in Iowa. There are many good people here. Marie is sure one of them. Hope to hear from you often.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Karin I sent your name to our group leader and she should send you a Message soon.. May take a little while with the holidays parties and etc But welcome to the Golden Years Thread. Hildie impress me with the tai chi too. hope she can tell us more about it.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Golden Years

    Do you feel older this morning ? how is your pain. glad to hear so many of you have ease your pains by losing weight and moving more. got to o thru my closet and find my tapes on tia Chi also my tapes on senior exercise. I can do more than I am doing if I just put more effect in it. That is what I will do.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Had to weigh-in one day early to stay on schedule with “100 Days to 2015 Challenge” I belong to (lost 1 lb) – I’ll still weigh myself tomorrow, but doubt it will change. I always weigh-in on Monday morning – same day/time for my personal tracking.


    Linder4866 – yes, I have been into photography pretty heavy for over 10 years now (take hundreds a month & do some events for friends etc). People laugh if they see me without a camera. Makes me think of Kodak’s advertising campaign in 1975 - Paul Anka singing "Times of Your Life".

    Barbiecat – like your style – some people really have a hard time and aren’t making excuses; others always have the excuse. People will say they have no time to exercise or cook right etc. which is bull..if weight loss is a priority. In a pinch anyone can make a meal in under 5 min. or adjust a sched. For exercise by 30 minutes. It’s like HildieMe and Arthritis – still getting the job done!

    Off this afternoon for some major babysitting!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :D Hildie, I loved hearing about you doing tai husband used to do it but gradually got away....I have a book and have thought about trying it but I tend to be more attracted to activities that move faster. Maybe hearing more from you will inspire me to give tai chi a try.

    :smile: Karin, it's nice to meet you. For me, this journey is one day at a time and each day has felt like less of a struggle and more like a normal way of life

    :mrgreen: Bob, your weight loss ticker looks like you've reached your goal but you talked about getting into a smaller size in a month or much farther do you have to your goal? It took me until I was 62 years old to put health and weight loss at the top of my priority list and because of that, I've made huge changes in the way I live my life. I am happier and healthier because of that. It sounds like you have a similar attitude.

    My hubby is not feeling well so we've been home watching TV all day.....I rode the exercise bike for over two hours in 20-40 minute blocks and worked on my knitting and did some weight training while he relaxed in the recliner. Now it's time to walk the dogs again.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie I just love reading your post. And love the way you are living your life.

    bob you are another one that write interesting posts you sound like a good Joe.
    Have fun with the grandkids.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning to all you that is in your Golden Years.
    Winter is here but not in Dallas yet. our Christmas is suppose to be sunny and warm. not hot just right. to enjoy getting out to be with family and open all those lovely gifts your kids be store on you Ani't life grand. We get out of all the cooking, Washing dishes if we are lucky. And I am one of those lucky ones. My two girls have taken on all the Holidays meals and doing a wonderful job of it. We get 2 holidays meals tis year. one at my oldest daughter on Christmas day and one at my younest daughter the Sunday after to have Christmas with her grandkids


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Only 3 lbs from orig. goal; reset for an additional 5 lb loss (8 more total)

    Having trouble finding out the exact calorie burn for babysitting all afternoon and evening (9 hours) for a 7 and 4 year old (all hands-on activity – just 20 min of “Elf on the Shelf” TV);

    Still was able to get in a lot of my reading done. The Grandkids actually seemed interested in my literary selections.

    I think that last pound was the result of eating “way too few” calories yesterday….the time flew by.

    Did I mention those grandkids are just awesome! Wow! They even use those old fashioned words “please & thank-you” -- Love being called grandpa despite my youth. LOL


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Barbiecat –

    I reset for an additional 5 lb loss (8 more total) – I secretly (except for this thread) might even go another 3-5 pounds lower than that.

    A lot at this point is based on my “size”. I started with – yes a 60” waist and I am down to a 38/40”; but 38 is a tight squeeze and not all brands. My neck has gone from 21 ½” to 17”. Once those 38” pants fit loosely – I will be done losing. I have “tons” (pun intended) of work remaining.

    I will need a lot more shaping thru walking & strengthening exercises – also the "maintenance" thing. So I have no plans to leave MFP any time soon.

    In short – I need to be more like you and increase (or should I say really do on a regular basis) weight training. Hope your hubby feels better soon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    look at that you got your ticker change. Congrats on the lb lost. What an achievement you made on your journey 38 size pants

  • Karin066
    Karin066 Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning, all. Another dreary day here in Nebraska (and for Lin in Iowa, as well). I'm getting ready to fly out to Portland tomorrow and now they are predicting snow but hopefully it won't be too much or too many delays. I hope to stay on plan as much as possible while in Portland but won't beat myself up if I fall off the food wagon a few times. It's nice to meet all of you. I had another week where I didn't lose anything, but didn't gain, either, so I count that as a victory. I do the same things, week to week and it's disheartening to not lose but I know down the road I'll have a week where i lose 3 or 4 lbs so it makes up for it - I just wish I knew why it happens that way. Happy Holidays to everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I would definite called staying the same a victory .Where is the snow in Nebraska or in .Portland? I love to watch it snowing but would not like to live in it. it is really nice meeting you too. I think we all are holding our breath not to gain over the holidays
    I get one serving of carbs per meal so I plan to have about 2 T of dressing, 2 T. Of Sweet potatoes And a 1 inch piece of cake and called it my cheat meal.Protein 1 serving all the non starchy vegies I want and no bread or rolls
    have you got your Meal plan work out.?
    Good to hear from you ,Nice traveling.
  • Karin066
    Karin066 Posts: 11 Member
    It's supposed to snow in Nebraska but they are saying just 1 to 2 inches so I should be able to get out okay. Once the plane departs, I'm home free.- Portland is always rainy but doesn't snow very often. We'll be eating out a lot, I'm afraid, so there's no meal plan, per se but I have my iPad and phone with MFP them, so I can check things before I order them. Have a great Christmas.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Caliecat (reminds me of our Calico cat) -- Thanks for the congrats. Amazing how quickly a year or more can pass and then you look back and say "where did the time go?" I guess life and losing weight can be the same....LOL

    As for weather - the next few days here will be above normal with a high in the mid to upper 40’s & then back to reality with highs in the 20’s & 30’s. We always make the list of top cities with the highest average snowfall in a year…it’s still early, but one storm has already come & gone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    and just where do you live bob? you are going to have to tell us how you cope with the snow.
    We get ice some around here. and we just all stay home.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    I am having posting problems on MFP..........I refresh to see the latest posts and OFTEN posts show up later and I look like an idiot
    well more than NORMAL. :)

    Bob, congrats, you're really cruising along.

    Marie, you are doing so so so good. Proud of you.

    Karin, yep, not all weeks can be good weeks. Cheers to you for keeping at it.

    Barbie, as always, you are an inspiration and very wise. So happy to know you!

    Hildie, hope we hear from you soon.

    Lin in Drippy Central Iowa (where dripping is far superior to ice!)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Enjoy your visit with us Lin. it is nice to have people on Maintance to drop in and encourage us. lin I just had problems using

    Karin have a great time in Portland. How long are you going to be gone?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    edited December 2014
    :D Bob, I'm not nearly as faithful about strength training as I'd like to be but I have several sets of hand weights and ankle weights easily available...I also do planks, pushups, and triceps raises so I have a small routine that I can do at home while watching TV

    :D Karin, when I eat in restaurants I ask for exactly what I want even if it's not what's on the menu. If a restaurant has an item on any part of the menu I can ask for it ala carte and create my own healthy meal. Good luck to you.

    :D Lin, as long as you're posting, I think everyone is happy to hear from you and you never sound like an idiot to me.....I admire all the food prep you do and how hard you try to care for your dad.

    :D Marie, I love the picture of Santa and all the penguins.

    Today was the last day of latkes.....too much oil and potatoes and sour cream but so yummy.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington