
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    So I have a scale victory and a NSV for today. I’m officially down 10 lbs as of this morning (woot!), and I do eat more than my journal says (promise!), I just don’t log at home at night. I’m in the “clothes starting to get loose, but not down a size” situation.
    My NSV- my almost-9-month old finally sat up by himself for a few minutes last night. The pediatrician was starting to mention physical therapy for him and we were getting nervous, but now he’s starting to sit on his own (yay! So proud of him!)

    Congrats to both!

    Great news on both!
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Big day in our house - my son had his high school graduation. I was a weeping, emotional wreck because it's been a long, hard battle for all of us. He has ADHD and mild Asperger's, but he's (hopefully!) graduating from the regular school program. It feels like a huge triumph!

    Great job! My stepson also has Asperger's and homework, especially math, was exhausting and sometimes even emotional. Trying to understand from him what was going on in the classroom was... challenging lol. When he graduated, we were all over the moon about it! Congratulations B)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    Awww, they're all so cute but I love big dogs so can I have Lucy?

    ETA: I love their names and I'm really sorry about Owen

    You'd have to fight (physically more than likely) my husband for her. That's his baby and he was heartbroken when she ran away a few years ago. That's a long story and she didn't run away on purpose. Anyway, NO, you can't have Lucy. Although, you're more than welcome to come and visit her. :smile:

    Edited because sometimes reading and typing is hard.

    Deal, I'll bring my Hannah :) she's my profile pic

    And she's adorable! I also love big dogs. Grew up my whole life with them. I just don't think I'm a small dog person. The smallest I think I could go for my own dog would be a Frenchie. I love Frenchies.

    I totally want a Frenchie!!! So cute!
  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    Losing 40lb has done crazy things to my sex drive and my behaviour around handsome men. Can't go into details, but if there were a hell I'd burn!

    OMG I laughed till I cried!!!! Hopefully when I lose my pregnancy weight my libido will become like this!! My husband would be THRILLED!!! Sooooo funny!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Ok, so I'm on my phone and I totally can't manage the quote/comment/not lose your place thing...

    I'm also pretty drunk right now so I apologize in advance. like really, I usually abandon the website after I leave work (which I think benefits everyone), not sure how I got here now.... dang alerts!

    I hauled butt on the treadmill today (tried running for the first time, lmfao, didn't make it far!) , but I still haven't made up for all my calories. And i'm still hungry! I just want to stuff my face, be drunk, and be thin! It's that too much to ask? lol

    Btw: corsets are totally sexy

    I don't think that's too much to ask. If you find some genie handing out that wish, send him my way.

    all the local antique shops keep asking me to stop trying to shine their lamps....but what if i just haven't rubbed the RIGHT one yet?!?! ;)

    Hahaha! That's great! Well, consistency is the key, so I think you best stick with it.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Fat_Lassie wrote: »
    I once stopped in the middle of P90X to eat a burrito.

    haha, this made me laugh out loud at my desk. Thanks a lot :smiley:

    Oh my god that was funny. :) I don't think Tony Horton would be down with that. (I think that is the name of the guy unless I am mixing my exercise dvds).
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    I hit my goal weight of 190 about 8lbs ago but altered it to 175 since I'm still a little flabby, the confession is I haven't told my wife since that's less than her current weight and she's losing too just not as fast.

    If I were her, I would not want to know that. I would have a hard time mentally if my husband weighed less than I did. When I am teetering at high weight, and my husband is in good shape, we are close and I hate it! He tells everyone that he outweighs me by 50 pounds, no matter what shape I am in (usually that is closer to 15 pounds). I love it when he does that, even though I know it's not true.

    We are constantly back and forth, partly because of my legs, but also because I'm taller than he is. It bothers me less when I know absolutely it's fluid. When it's like now, though, where I'm still up in shirt sizes, that makes me grumpy. We can usually trade t-shirts back and forth, sometimes they're too tight on him, sometimes they're too tight on me, and that's my general gauge of who's "winning". He's definitely winning right now, but I'm catching up on him (kind of disturbingly fast this week, actually).
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    Awww, they're all so cute but I love big dogs so can I have Lucy?

    ETA: I love their names and I'm really sorry about Owen

    You'd have to fight (physically more than likely) my husband for her. That's his baby and he was heartbroken when she ran away a few years ago. That's a long story and she didn't run away on purpose. Anyway, NO, you can't have Lucy. Although, you're more than welcome to come and visit her. :smile:

    Edited because sometimes reading and typing is hard.

    Deal, I'll bring my Hannah :) she's my profile pic

    And she's adorable! I also love big dogs. Grew up my whole life with them. I just don't think I'm a small dog person. The smallest I think I could go for my own dog would be a Frenchie. I love Frenchies.

    I totally want a Frenchie!!! So cute!


    I KNOW!!! I mean how freaking adorable is the this little pile of rolls and fur?! I already have a name picked for when I get him. Pierre. Cute, right?!

  • kingskid207
    kingskid207 Posts: 19 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    soloelixir wrote: »
    I resent thin people. I've been fat my whole life, and have no idea what it's like to be thin. I know I shouldn't resent them, but damn, when I see a thin girl complaining about how those jeans make her *kitten* look big, I want to slap her in the face.
    nellysen wrote: »
    Me too!!!!!! In fact it pisses me off. I think it is because I just WISH that the hunt fr the perfect jeans on a perfect body was my biggest issue. Maybe it is jealousy? But either way.... I feel the same!

    This is just damn sad. SMH :noway:

    Pardon my ignorance but, personally, I'm really and honestly confused by what society calls fat shaming: if a slim person complains or comments about the fit of their clothing, or just plains looks great in their clothes, why should someone of a different size feel any way about that? Why should anyone be phased in a negative way? Unless.....somewhere in their mind there's a teeny bit of jealousy, or it makes the "observer" keenly aware that they need to make chnges in their own lives....? I don't get it...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I stopped eating meat 25 years ago because seeing raw meat grossed me out. I stopped eating anything you had to rip off a bone 35 years ago. Completely turns my stomach.

    That's very similar to my explanation of how I eat: if it reminds me of what it was when it was alive, I don't eat it. Sometimes it's appearance, and other times (like pork) it's texture that puts me off.

    I can force myself to cook it but I won't be able to eat the end result, having handled it.

    But I can eat ground beef from time to time (bears no resemblance to dead cow, in my mind) or small pieces of meat like ham in pea soup or chicken bits in fried rice with no problem... just don't plop a steak on my plate.

    I'll volunteer as tribute to eat your steak. Oh, and pork.

    I accept, thank you! :)

    You get my steak, roast, porkchops, bacon, ribs and chicken parts -- never been able to eat wings.

    (Needless to say, anything with a bone in it immediately fails the "it used to be alive" test.)

    And apparently my egg consumption isn't as high as I thought...

    I know I've got you beat, but then, that's keto problems ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    Awww, they're all so cute but I love big dogs so can I have Lucy?

    ETA: I love their names and I'm really sorry about Owen

    You'd have to fight (physically more than likely) my husband for her. That's his baby and he was heartbroken when she ran away a few years ago. That's a long story and she didn't run away on purpose. Anyway, NO, you can't have Lucy. Although, you're more than welcome to come and visit her. :smile:

    Edited because sometimes reading and typing is hard.

    Deal, I'll bring my Hannah :) she's my profile pic

    And she's adorable! I also love big dogs. Grew up my whole life with them. I just don't think I'm a small dog person. The smallest I think I could go for my own dog would be a Frenchie. I love Frenchies.

    I totally want a Frenchie!!! So cute!


    I KNOW!!! I mean how freaking adorable is the this little pile of rolls and fur?! I already have a name picked for when I get him. Pierre. Cute, right?!

    Gimme one! I want a brindle, tho.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Sch614 wrote: »
    Last night after finishing dinner, my daughter brought her plate to the sink and said "good effort mom" and she thought she was being encouraging!

    hahahahaha that sounds like when my 3 yr old said, "You're not a pretty princess mama but you're MY mama". (He was watching Super Why with a princess on the episode). I was like, "um...gee thanks?"

    Mu son told me the other night that he likes to drive his cars on me because my bum is like a big mountain!
  • nanaoftwo0614
    nanaoftwo0614 Posts: 59 Member
    jpenn2011 wrote: »
    whenever I have sex I get upset that mfp wont track that burn so I eat a cookie and damn the cals :P

    I swear they should have that option. A two hour sweat session between the sheets should definitely count.

    OMG so agree!!!!!!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Oh MY GOSH!! Are you ready to laugh out loud and startle your office mates?

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited May 2015

    And whipped cream! (I am cracking myself up! :D )
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    Awww, they're all so cute but I love big dogs so can I have Lucy?

    ETA: I love their names and I'm really sorry about Owen

    You'd have to fight (physically more than likely) my husband for her. That's his baby and he was heartbroken when she ran away a few years ago. That's a long story and she didn't run away on purpose. Anyway, NO, you can't have Lucy. Although, you're more than welcome to come and visit her. :smile:

    Edited because sometimes reading and typing is hard.

    Deal, I'll bring my Hannah :) she's my profile pic

    And she's adorable! I also love big dogs. Grew up my whole life with them. I just don't think I'm a small dog person. The smallest I think I could go for my own dog would be a Frenchie. I love Frenchies.

    I totally want a Frenchie!!! So cute!


    I KNOW!!! I mean how freaking adorable is the this little pile of rolls and fur?! I already have a name picked for when I get him. Pierre. Cute, right?!

    Gimme one! I want a brindle, tho.

    I want all the wrinkly dogs, French, English, pug, mastiff, shar pei, bloodhound.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Is it weird that I try to save earthworms trapped on the pavement of the green way I use? Fortunately only one person has seen me since its quiet out here.

    I do it too. I also save insects from drowning if I see them struggling in a puddle/bucket/lake/pond.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    Awww, they're all so cute but I love big dogs so can I have Lucy?

    ETA: I love their names and I'm really sorry about Owen

    You'd have to fight (physically more than likely) my husband for her. That's his baby and he was heartbroken when she ran away a few years ago. That's a long story and she didn't run away on purpose. Anyway, NO, you can't have Lucy. Although, you're more than welcome to come and visit her. :smile:

    Edited because sometimes reading and typing is hard.

    Deal, I'll bring my Hannah :) she's my profile pic

    And she's adorable! I also love big dogs. Grew up my whole life with them. I just don't think I'm a small dog person. The smallest I think I could go for my own dog would be a Frenchie. I love Frenchies.

    I totally want a Frenchie!!! So cute!


    I KNOW!!! I mean how freaking adorable is the this little pile of rolls and fur?! I already have a name picked for when I get him. Pierre. Cute, right?!

    Overload of adorable! Love the name! Love the pictures of your other babies as well.
  • enriquezmar
    enriquezmar Posts: 41 Member
    Confession - on weeks when I work out regularly and hard and see a rather embarrassing increase in libido, and I dare not google that to see if it's a common thing. (I am guessing it could be linked to upped testosterone levels? In women high testosterone is known to... up...... erm........ desire.)

    Here, I google it for you. You are actually correct....

  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    edited May 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.


    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.


    I'm so sorry about Owen. There are three cats hanging around the abandoned house next to mine: a black kitty that I've named Midnight; a black and white cat that I call Oreo; and a fluffy pale orange one that I dubbed Chester. I don't think that they belong to anyone, so I've been leaving them bowls of water, food, and even a few cat treats everyday. I'll send out good vibes that someone is taking care of Owen like that, too :)