

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ok will have to finish catching up later, going out to look at bikes with my son now :s
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I tripped and fell during my run this morning. I am thankful that my dog showed geniune concern for me instead of laughing.

    I fall all the time when I run. I don't pick my feet up enough. I have broken several walkman/discman over the years. Thank God for iPods. Although I did break my iPod when it fell off my waistband in a portapotty once. :(

    I have banged my knees up and scraped my hands, but most of the damage was to the portable players.

    Even if it hadn't broken, I wouldn't have been taking it with me. I HATE the portapotty. Ew.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    For me, a bowl of cereal leads to another bowl of cereal. And another.... It's like I never get full or satisfied from it.

    I don't have that issue thank god! I eat a large bowl before I go into work at 6 am and then I'm not hungry again until around 11! Getting ready to eat my justin's maple almond butter and my apple, yum!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    It's a good snack. I have about 8 boxes & pick one each day to eat with my yogurt.

    Lately it's been Peanut Butter Toast Crunch, Chocolate Toast Crunch, & Cinnabun.

    I absolutely love cereal, but it also absolutely doesn't fill me up, so I can't really fit it into my calories unless I want to go hungry... Or eat half the box to feel full.

    Speaking of funny cat stories: I mentioned that I hand-raised my baby, Zainab, from a teeny tiny kitten. Well, she was so attached to me that she often caught a ride on my shoulder like a mini parrot as I went about my day. As she got older, she didn't break the habit--she would pose on the bed and wait for me to come close enough, then jump onto my shoulder and hang on. She also would always do it when I was working out on my stationary bike, since she couldn't get to my lap when I kept pumping my legs up and down (she tried that, too...)

    She still does her parrot act on my poor sister (and to me, when I visit), and since she's so much bigger and heavier, it's hard for her to STAY on like she used to when she was teeny, and she digs in with her claws to stay in place. Imagine a fully-grown cat sitting perfectly upright on someone's shoulder... :D
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Oooo a MFP wedding yayyyy! Are we getting too ahead of ourselves? haha
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited June 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Wow that's a lot of cats (super cute, too)! I forget who else had a bunch, including a pregnant porch kitty, you might might give that person a run for their money in the cat hoarding war ;)

    That would be @pofoster21, if I'm not mistaken. And my family owns 14 cats, so I think they beat everyone. O.o

    It is me. 4 in the home now, 2 on the porch, and 2 at the barn. I have to admit 4 in the home is a lot now when I feed. And the politics of who gets fed where...exhausting. But Cobweb is doing great (latest addition, you all went through that with me). He is the sweetest cat.

    He likes to jump on the 1/2 wall between the toilet and the vanity when I get out of the shower and while I dry myself off he reaches out to me, to be petted, etc. The other day, I bent over drying my legs and he proceeded to walk onto my back and lay down! So there I am, stark naked, with a purring cat laying on my back and licking my wet hair. I crouched down to try and get him to walk off me, but he resettled himself and kept purring away. I finally had to slowly stand until he slid off, praying all the time he wouldn't grab me with his claws to stay on. If I had had a camera and wasn't such a prude, I would have taken a selfie and posted it (but yes, I was stark naked, so probably that wouldn't be allowed on here!).


    Ok, sorry that this is giant...I haven't a clue how to shrink it. But, I just wanted to share what our feeding time looks like... :)
    They all have their own bowls and go right to them when it's time to eat! Such good little piglets!

    Awesome. Kinda makes me cringe though, just imagining all those meowing at 3am every night like mine does...

    My sister's nine cats tend to join her and sleep piled all over her and her bed--they don't generally stay up all night. It's a pretty funny sight! There will be one on her head, one or two on her torso, one curled at her legs... If she moved in her sleep she'd probably squash the lot. :D

    One cat on the bed is annoying enough, honestly (she ALWAYS sleeps on my side), I can't imagine 9, although we did have 3 cats at one point.

    But it could be worse, I mean, like this


    (which is why my dog isn't allowed on the bed, by the way, even though he's only 55 pounds, lol)
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    This morning I left with a migraine, dreading work but as I stepped out of my apartment I ran into a good friend of mine (I live above a coffee shop, he was having a coffee on the patio). This instantly improved my mood, my migraine is starting to go away thankfully and work thus far has been good. I love how the little things can change your day :smiley:

    Nice. I need a little of this type of thing today.

    When I'm in those kind of funks I put on peppy music, perhaps it's a placebo effect but it helps. Hope your day turns around! :smile:

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Yes, bookmarking is the key! That works well for me.

    @kellyjellybellyjelly have you tried putting your spoon in hot water first before putting it in the ice cream? That seems to work.

    @AngryViking1970, sorry your interview was rescheduled and it threw you off. That stinks. Just pretend it never happened. Good luck on Monday!

    When I tried the Ben & Jerry's, it was so hard that I would microwave it on "Defrost" for 30 seconds before even ATTEMPTING to scoop or eat it. It works really well to make frozen-solid ice cream scoopable without melting it. :)
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    As for me, I hit normal BMI today, yay! Had a woosh yesterday and today so I'm now considered "normal". I ordered the sunglasses to celebrate. I really needed that because I'm working SO hard on this and when the doubts creep in and "Well maybe I can still be ok being chubby" runs through my brain, I can at least tell myself I'm now in a normal range and to keep going. I darn sure do not want to undo all this work, and I'm now 7.5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight with son #2. Another 8 lbs to go and I'll be under my pre-pregnancy weight with son #1.

    I'm a goober because I actually shed a tear or two this morning when I saw my weight. DH is working 12 hour days, the baby has a double ear infection, I'm exhausted and have not been feeling like I'm very super great lately. It was nice to see some validation :)

    That's awesome! I know I'll cry when I get back to pre-pregnancy weight from my first kiddo, who is now SEVEN! Made it to pre-pregnancy weight from my second kiddo, who is two, last week and it felt so good!

    Oh, I will definitely cry when I get back to my first kid prepregnancy weight, since he is 17 now.....
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I know ISIL or ISIS is no laughing matter but this just made me giggle.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    As for me, I hit normal BMI today, yay! Had a woosh yesterday and today so I'm now considered "normal". I ordered the sunglasses to celebrate. I really needed that because I'm working SO hard on this and when the doubts creep in and "Well maybe I can still be ok being chubby" runs through my brain, I can at least tell myself I'm now in a normal range and to keep going. I darn sure do not want to undo all this work, and I'm now 7.5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight with son #2. Another 8 lbs to go and I'll be under my pre-pregnancy weight with son #1.

    I'm a goober because I actually shed a tear or two this morning when I saw my weight. DH is working 12 hour days, the baby has a double ear infection, I'm exhausted and have not been feeling like I'm very super great lately. It was nice to see some validation :)

    Yay, I'm glad to hear this. Hope you enjoy your glasses. :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    I cannot wait until my sister brings me that PB Captain Crunch next weekend!!

    That's my SO's favorite! When I go over there in August I'm bringing a box with me for him :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member

    ♪♫ I feel stabby, oh so stabby♪♫
    ♫♪I feel stabby, and crabby and...♪♫

    Somebody help me with an appropriate word for my theme song of today. "Gay" doesn't fit for this one.

    Nasty? Or maybe just sub in the highly appropriate, very expressive, "UGH". Perfect match of syllables... ;)
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member

    ♪♫ I feel stabby, oh so stabby♪♫
    ♫♪I feel stabby, and crabby and...♪♫

    Somebody help me with an appropriate word for my theme song of today. "Gay" doesn't fit for this one.

    Nasty? Or maybe just sub in the highly appropriate, very expressive, "UGH". Perfect match of syllables... ;)

    That's kind of great. Stabby and crabby and ugh. LOL
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited June 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, my birthday is tomorrow and all I can think about is having my most favorite meal EVER out at my favorite restaurant! I'm really hoping that they have this AMAZING dessert that they used to serve. It's a piece of cake (your choice of a bunch of flavors) wrapped in a flour tortilla, fried up, and sprinkled with either cocoa or cinnamon. Then they top it with either honey or hot fudge, ice cream, and whipped cream! Holy Mother of deliciousness! One time we went they said they weren't serving it anymore...but the next time we went, it was on the menu again. Anyway, I'm just really hoping it's there tomorrow. It kept me up last night. Sad, so sad.
    But seriously, I CAN'T WAIT! If they don't have that dessert, I plan on having a very large serving of ice cream for dessert. I fully plan on murdering my calorie goal for tomorrow BUT I will still do my workout in the morning. :)

    You just reminded me. We very rarely--like, once a year or so--drive to Bahrain (we're not too far from the border) for a fun kid's movie (Movie theaters are illegal in Saudi) and a full-on treat/day of fun. Last time I planned an absolutely elaborate EXACTLY-what-I'm-going-to-do-and-eat according to what I REALLY wanted, and almost everything I had planned for and was all excited about was closed down/no longer in business. Seriously. I was so sad. :'(
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    @raelynnsmama52512 yayyyyy for her using the potty!!!! That's a milestone and I know how excited you are! Our 3.5 yr old is finally starting to get potty training with no accidents but it was a LONG battle to get to this point.

    @pofoster21 I was contemplating going back for my DBA, but it is completely irrelevant for my occupation unless I want to adjunct. I can do that with my MBA/MS (if they ever officially accept me to the freakin program!!) so a DBA isn't in the cards for me. I'd still love to do it, though.

    As for me, I hit normal BMI today, yay! Had a woosh yesterday and today so I'm now considered "normal". I ordered the sunglasses to celebrate. I really needed that because I'm working SO hard on this and when the doubts creep in and "Well maybe I can still be ok being chubby" runs through my brain, I can at least tell myself I'm now in a normal range and to keep going. I darn sure do not want to undo all this work, and I'm now 7.5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight with son #2. Another 8 lbs to go and I'll be under my pre-pregnancy weight with son #1.

    I'm a goober because I actually shed a tear or two this morning when I saw my weight. DH is working 12 hour days, the baby has a double ear infection, I'm exhausted and have not been feeling like I'm very super great lately. It was nice to see some validation :)

    Whoooooohoooooo! Which sunglasses did you buy?

    Hey tears are fine from all the calorie counting, exercising, & hard work we all put in.

    in the Magenta color :) So excited!

    Purple shades! LOVE! Congrats on your weight loss and I hope your baby is better soon.

    @kelly_c_77 HAPPY BIRTHDAY early in case I forget tomorrow! Enjoy every bite of your birthday treat!

    I'm loving all the cat stories and escapades. Thanks all for sharing!

    @quiksylver296 sorry you're having a grumpy day. I know the feeling well, but this thread usually helps quite a bit.

    @MissKalhan yay for your friend brightening your day and helping with your migraine!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @quiksylver296 I think it should be I feel stabby, and crabby and laaaaaaame! :) But I really hope you don't feel lame it just seemed to fit/
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Oh all the cat talk makes me sad as I cannot have any- I'm allergic :'(
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    @Just_Ceci, not surprisingly, there are also men like that who are not vocal about it... or who are otherwise smart enough to 'keep it under wraps'... or who would seemingly only 'share' such crap with 'others of their kind' (a few of which I happened to (unfortunately) be physically close 'enough' to, one day, several years ago... and overheard... and they seemed to be oblivious to the fact that someone/anyone/I could hear them... they were medical students... and one of them was going to be starting his gynecology rotation the following week... and what I heard him say resulted in my from-that-day-forward disallowing any male medical student to ever be present for any gynecological anything that I would ever need done in any teaching facility... suffice it to say, his comments about what he looked forward to, with pelvic exams, was not something I'll ever forget)...

    Ewww. Just... ewww.

    I'm normally hugely supportive of medical education and students... I devote a considerable amount of volunteer time to the cause. My family doctor often has a resident and I've always permitted the resident to practice on me. I'll never forget the time a female resident was doing my physical and found a lump doing my breast exam (it turned out to be cyst tissue), she went scampering out of the room to fetch my doc so fast...

    But, yeah. Going forward, don't think I'd be comfy with a male student or resident doing anything pelvic. I had naively thought they were all detached and professional.

    Disagree about the detached professional part, especially in college students, of all people. I would never, ever go to a male gynecologist. I swear, I'd rather die of uterine cancer than go to one. I have serious suspicions on why any male would go into the practice of gynecology other than nasty reasons (even if they DO become detached and professional after having practiced gynecology for many years), especially now that there are plenty of female gynecologists to be found.

    I've always looked at it like men go in for the OB part of the OBGYN because they want to be responsible for bringing babies into the world. Maybe that's just me. I actually had a male student perform my exam once (male doc also in the room) and he was 1) super nervous, and 2) super polite about the whole thing - he even thanked me for giving him a chance.

    I've seen both male and female docs (I spent WAY too much time at that office for a while) and don't really have a preference. I had one male doc who was awesome (I moved), and one was was a total [male anatomy]. I also had a female doc who could have cared less what I had to say about anything. I'm quite unbiased about gender on this, which I realize makes me kind of weird.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, my birthday is tomorrow and all I can think about is having my most favorite meal EVER out at my favorite restaurant! I'm really hoping that they have this AMAZING dessert that they used to serve. It's a piece of cake (your choice of a bunch of flavors) wrapped in a flour tortilla, fried up, and sprinkled with either cocoa or cinnamon. Then they top it with either honey or hot fudge, ice cream, and whipped cream! Holy Mother of deliciousness! One time we went they said they weren't serving it anymore...but the next time we went, it was on the menu again. Anyway, I'm just really hoping it's there tomorrow. It kept me up last night. Sad, so sad.
    But seriously, I CAN'T WAIT! If they don't have that dessert, I plan on having a very large serving of ice cream for dessert. I fully plan on murdering my calorie goal for tomorrow BUT I will still do my workout in the morning. :)

    I hope you have an awesome birthday!