

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here are pictures of my fur babies. I am WAY behind on this, but I wanted to join in on the sharing party.

    This is Owen. I fear he's not to return. It's been over 3 weeks now and haven't seen him. That makes me sad because he was my baby boy.

    This is Lucy and Otis. Lucy is the big (for her breed, she's actually on the small side) Staffy, and Otis is the little one in the background.

    They are all so cute! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Owen magically returns. Maybe he's just out enjoying nice spring weather? Also, I really want to give Lucy a hug.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|

    I just went from granny panties to bikinis, lol. Forget thongs for me!

    That reminds me of thong bikinis.. they are the worst! I've never really cared about trying to look good in my underwear. Comfort all the way! Saying that I've never owned a proper pair of Bridget Jones knickers either haha
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I've never been a fan of spaghetti. I mean it's ok but def not something I would ever order when dining out. Maybe I haven't had GOOD spaghetti. But then again, I am not a saucy guy so I tend to like more noodle than sauce. And a noodle is just a noodle, correct?

    I crush ribs without second thought. I do however go through a TON of wet naps cuz I hate that sticky feeling on my hands and face.

    What??? Pretty sure your profile pic says otherwise! Haha. Those scrawny arms in the picture make me laugh every time.

    LMAO touché... I am also not a fan of mayo. Stupid skinny arm child proof tops (They ARE child proof, right?) :p

    Aren't all jars?? I used to have this small rubber gripper thing that I used constantly to open jars. It mysteriously disappeared from my kitchen. I didn't lose it. Husband is retired and spends way more time in the kitchen than I do, so naturally I blamed him. I throw a new temper tantrum now every time I cannot open a jar and my gripper is no where to be found. Never can remember to buy another one at the store! Simple solution, but temper tantrums are much more fun.

    Just tap/bang the edge of the jar (the metal part) all the way around on the countertop and the jar will open easily. It breaks the seal so it's suddenly really easy. It saved my life as a bartender constantly with the pickled asparagus/green beans and olive jars because I'm a shrimpy little girl with weak everything.

    You can also use the tip of a butter knife or spoon just under the'll actually hear the seal pop/air let out. Works great!

    What she said! My daddy made sure I didn't need no man. :)

    Agreed, however, *I* am the one that made sure I don't need a man to do things for me! Hence, the temper tantrums and resorting to other methods. I refuse to ask my husband to do it. I'll figure it out myself, thankyouverymuch!

    It was definitely me, but my daddy instilled it in me, too.
    He used to tell my sister and I to get educated, get a career and never rely on a man to take care of us.
    I took it a step further. I never ask for help with anything. Ever.

    Moving furniture? No thanks, I can do it myself.
    Opening a jar? Yeah, right, I got this.

    Yup! This morning, I installed a new handle on a toilet, built a bookcase, and put a new doorknob set on a closet door like a boss. Boo-yah. :)

    (Okay, granted, none of that was particularly difficult but my brother doesn't know how to do any of it ;) )

    I am quite adept in changing faucets, fixing under sink plumbing, installing dishwashers,and replacing all the inside guts of toilets (including the gasket between the tank and bowl. The only thing I haven't changed is the toilet itself.

    That is on my "to do" list. Last night was my only kid free night for 16 days. So what did I do? Paint my living room. It went from mustard yellow that my ex picked out a few years ago to a swiss coffee (an off white). It makes the room much nicer!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »

    Oh ya, I forgot about that... I wasn't one to have my underwear hanging out, but there were lots of girls out like that. I guess I can no longer talk about "kids these days" when it comes to fashion choices :blush:

    I remember girls used to pull their thong up on purpose so it was showing and the Head Teacher called a girls assembly in school to stop it from happening.

    Ps. When I'm on this board I find myself constantly questioning if I should Americanize words cos a lot of you are from there. I've thought this about Mum/Mom, sunbeds/tanning beds, Head teacher/Principal, bum/butt, *kitten*/*kitten* and I'm sure there's more... B)

    We've talked about that before! I love when y'all don't Americanize words!! It's so fun learning about other cultures and people. Plus I like when the British people do it so I can test my knowledge and if I don't know I always get s kick out of asking my boyfriend what the word means :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So I have that kid (who is 7, mind you) who had diarrhea all over the pool during his swim lesson. I want to hide in a little hole and seriously I need a drink, even though I'm already 400 calories over maintenance and I don't even drink...

    Aw I'm sorry :( Positive vibes your way!!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|

    I have a good mix of everything depending on what I'm wearing that day is how I decide my under garments of choice. I do love to call thongs butt floss- always get a kick out of that tehe I know I'm so mature :blush:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    So I am on holiday next week, and I'm not sure I will have access to Wi-Fi. I am sad about possibly losing my streak (130 days today!). Also, please don't forget about me in the next week!

    Have a nice time. Please carry water with you all the time. Phoenix area is where you are heading if I remembered correctly. Summer has just finally arrived. I read all too often about fit visitors not having enough water on what they thought would be a short hike and then dying. Not to be morbid but it regularly happens and I saw a story in today's news where a woman collapsed on a trail I hike. Because the humidity is low you don't realize how much you are actually sweating. So have a great time and drink water and come back all healthy to tell us about your holiday. :smiley:
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    After my last post I've realised that I visit this thread a lot and only chime in when it comes to silly topics like underwear haha.. but I am so much more invested and have followed this thread since the very beginning so I thought I'd contribute properly!

    @ShibaEars Have an amazing holiday!

    @peleroja Congrats on the wedding :) you looked beautiful.

    @Susieq_1994 I hate that you have such low self esteem. You seem like a great person and your kitty is cute! Must've been so hard to give her up

    @MoHouson I really hope Owen turns up! I've had cats go missing in the past too and it's such an agonizing experience. Got my fingers crossed for you.

    @Francl27 You're one of my favourite posters in this thread. I love how honest you are and I never thought I'd find someone who loves dessert as much as me haha

    @KylerJaye I've seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind too but I always imagine you look exactly like your avatar!

    @BZAH10 You are my most favourite person in this thread. I love how supportive you are of everyone!

    @xMrBunglex Your transformation is amazing. Well done!

    @Tubbs216 Congrats to you and your son!

    Okay now I can go back to lurking and commenting on trivial things aha

    @LBuehrle8 I definitely won't modify my words in future then aha :)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I was out of coffee this morning. I had not cleaned out my french press from yesterday morning. I added more hot water. It was horrible and tepid and gross. I drank it anyway.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Thanks @noaddedsugarx I look forward to all your new (to me) vocabulary!!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    brandi9172 wrote: »
    I confess that most of the threads in the Chit - Chat section drive me absolutely bonkers. "Would you kiss the person above" "Compliment the person above" Blah blah blah. I guess because it's blatant compliment fishing maybe...or perhaps because there are a ton of married/partnered people out there flirting and being inappropriate with other people. I don't know...but it grosses me out. So I try not to look at even the titles...and I never click in. Did it once...won't make that mistake again, lol. :dizzy:

    I hear ya! I'm single and I've honestly never been to that thread! Seriously search my name you won't find it! Not a fan, I'm here for my health not to find a date :)

    Well now you are not really single...

    But I am and I can't stand when people start all the overt flirting and innuendo. I leave those threads immediately. That is not why I am here. If I wanted that I would go to

    I tried once and they literally refused my membership! I got a msg that said they didn't have anyone that would match my profile/questionnaire info, and to try again at a later date!

    It's hysterical and depressing all at once!

    I did match for about 9 months and screened very carefully. My profile was designed to dissuade most men from contacting me because I really know that "most" men are wrong for me. I met a number of really nice, good (at least from our limited getting to know each other) men who were really looking for a relationship. For whatever reason it didn't click for me with even those I screened carefully. I took some time off and further tuned my profile to be VERY specific. It gave the potential "match" a good picture of my personality, my "requirements" etc. It was interesting and funny -- but definitely specific. I went on match and okcupid. It was an overwhelming response. My profile was (I guess, I only saw the men's profiles) so different than what men were used to seeing that I got all kinds of responses. I had been very true to me and my quirky personality and I posted pictures that were very true of me, no make up, working out, a little makeup in a dress, etc. I didn't want to glam it up when I don't glam it up every day. My best guy friend hated my profile but I was not looking to attract him. :wink: My (now) SO messaged me on okcupid. We went on a lunch date -- it lasted 1 1/2 hours and we laughed and had so much fun. I was about to go on first dates with four other men. He had just gone on first dates with two other women. We went on a second date and then a third. The fourth date he asked me to be exclusive. He is a great, sweet, fun man. We are a very good match so far (about 1.25 years).... so it is possible to meet some good people on these sites with a lot of screening and knowing what you want / what you want to avoid, and being patient - there is no deadline. With the busy life I lead and the busy life my SO leads it had to be an internet site that brought us together. It is very unlikely our paths would have otherwise crossed.

    One point here (that might be buried) is to be yourself and know yourself and love yourself. It is reasonably easy to get a date but it is more of a challenge to find a person who is aligned with your lifestyle and values that you can mutually evaluate and get to know. You have many wonderful qualities. Own what you are awesome at and I do believe that if you want someone that you will very likely meet a great person for you! More importantly, you WON'T meet and stay with the person who is wrong for you. :smiley:

    My profile (in case anyone is curious)
    Started with a short story about me almost drowning while white water rafting. (This was to give some insight into me without me listing things outright.)
    Listed the three qualities I most wanted in a man (integrity, kind-of handsome, living aligned with his values and moral standards)
    A list of the top ten reasons I'm a great girlfriend -- I started with 10 and worked down to #2. They had to ask to get the #1 reason. :wink:

    that's amazing! i love your confidence. that's always been a weak point for me.

    i was able to get on okcupid! it's where i met my previous SO of the past five years. had a few other dates prior to that, but it was really difficult for me to be able to wade through the BS. oddly enough for as cynical as i am, i want to believe ppl are being honest and real...which is very very often not the case.

    Awwww. Thanks. I worked on it.
    I do believe that if you screen carefully and listen to your intuition that you will find good, real men. First be in a place where you want to just meet men and be open to meeting a man who might just be a good conversationalist for one coffee or meal. Think about what your profile says about you. Is it helping the right kind of men find you and helping the wrong kind of men stay away? Best of luck! You are amazing. Don't settle.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited May 2015
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Thanks @noaddedsugarx I look forward to all your new (to me) vocabulary!!

    My exhubby is from Ireland - the words he used/uses:
    a kitchen cupboard is a press
    a trash can is a bin
    a gas station is a garage
    a sweater is a jumper
    the letter z is zed
    the number 3 is not three but tree
    one person can be addressed as "you" but more than one is "yous"

    edit to add:
    sneakers or tennis shoes are runners
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Oh yeah it gets even more complicated because I'm from Newcastle. I don't know if any of you have seen Geordie Shore. I promise we're not all like that but might give you some idea of the lingo

    cannit = can't
    divint = don't
    mortal = really drunk
    canny = decent/quite
    haway = come on
    gan = go

    I'm sure there's more!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|

    Me neither. I've devoted years to finding underwear that doesn't crawl up my @$$, I'm not going to deliberately stick it up there now. And, I don't know if it's my anatomy or what, but they manage to crawl up the front bits too, which is damned uncomfortable.

    Stretch lace boy shorts. Comfy, sexy and no visible line. ** not modeled by me **

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I have to confess I don't own a single thong/g-string. I don't find them comfortable at all. To be fair I think I need to go shopping for some sexier underwear. Mine are all polka dots and boy shorts :|

    I just went from granny panties to bikinis, lol. Forget thongs for me!

    Once I made the switch to things I never went back. I have a round butt and everything ends up there anyway. I only wear thongs now. Much more comfortable.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I confess: I think I started my very first Internet fight...and I'm a little tickled by it. >:)

    You have more b*lls than me for replying to them-- someone commented on my joy stick post with disdain. Totally trying to help out @asflatasapancake ..not trying to be a skeaze bucket and I apologized within my post!

    I thought it was funny.

    Me too but a joystick is technically not a computer is it? It's part of a gaming system?

    True! But I remember growing up my brother and I had a joy stick (a real one) we used at the computer for certain games!

    They still do. Hence, my "Flight Simulator" comment.

    Ahh there you go. So many innuendos... :) and double meanings.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    So I am on holiday next week, and I'm not sure I will have access to Wi-Fi. I am sad about possibly losing my streak (130 days today!). Also, please don't forget about me in the next week!

    How could we forget you? Is this the trip to Arizona?

    I have no doubt you can find wifi...or use the computer in the hotel business center. You can do it! Enjoy your trip!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crfischer4 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I would just like to take a moment and send out a heartfelt thank you to whomever the wonderful person was who began this thread. I've read 10 of the 700+ pages and I've laughed so much that I cried. The bible says laughter is as good as medicine so I should be healthy for the rest of my life! I've also learned A LOT! Also, I would like to thank all the ladies and gents who have taken the time and mustered up the courage to post some of their confessions here; I wish you all the best as you (we) walk through our struggles. Remember: try to find the positive in the crappiest situations, make lemonade when you're dealt a lemon, and you have waaaaay more depth to you than you give yourself credit for! Be encouraged!!!

    Well, when you get to page 718, WELCOME!

    By the times she gets to 718 we will be on 1000+

    I'm not even going to try and read back. My friend loves this thread so I'm going to try and pay more attention to it. You all crack me up.

    Do go back and read the early pages at your leisure. They are hysterical...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oh yeah it gets even more complicated because I'm from Newcastle. I don't know if any of you have seen Geordie Shore. I promise we're not all like that but might give you some idea of the lingo

    cannit = can't
    divint = don't
    mortal = really drunk
    canny = decent/quite
    haway = come on
    gan = go

    I'm sure there's more!

    I tried watching GS once, couldn't do it. I do watch Big Brother, though, so there's been a mix of them on the celeb version and BotS. I promise not to judge you based on Jay McCray either :p

    me=us for that list?
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Thanks @noaddedsugarx I look forward to all your new (to me) vocabulary!!

    My exhubby is from Ireland - the words he used/uses:
    a kitchen cupboard is a press
    a trash can is a bin
    a gas station is a garage
    a sweater is a jumper
    the letter z is zed
    the number 3 is not three but tree
    one person can be addressed as "you" but more than one is "yous"

    edit to add:
    sneakers or tennis shoes are runners

    My SO is English and we always joke if we ever had kids and it was a boy we'd name him Zed because he doesn't understand the letter "Z" and I don't get how one letter can be a word!

    Also one time we were facetiming and I told him I was going to have to borrow a pair of pants from my sister as it was colder out than I thought it would be and I had only packed shorts. He cracked up and I had no idea until he quit long enough to say "I knew what you meant when you said pants but I couldn't help laughing because here we use the word pants to mean underwear" I still get a kick out of that! It's just so foreign to me I had no idea!