

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,365 Member
    I have been behind for three days and have been unable to catch up but really want to comment on the group aspect. While I don't have a problem with the group, I feel like it might mess up or complicate this thread. We've dealt with a few crazies in here and they usually leave when they know they aren't welcome. So, my vote is to stay on the thread and have the group as a back up plan, but I can't keep up with both. Hell, I can hardly keep up with this thread since I've had actual work to do this week.

    Nah, some of us stay! >:)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited June 2015
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Holy Calorie Count Batman!!! Had another REALLY bad day food wise yet again the scale dropped. WTH??? I know that I cannot continue that way. I start fresh and try to keep to my numbers. I will not make excuses for it. I could blame the ice cream talk here, but for some reason all I want is ice cream lately.

    I've heard of that happening. Of course, that never happens to me. To be fair, if I'm due for a woosh, it doesn't really matter what I eat, I'll lose weight anyway.. I just probably didn't lose anything for 2 weeks before, and probably won't lose anything for 2 weeks after.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Before I start catching up I have a rant/confession. I hate hate HATE people who leave the queue and then expect to go back in the same place. I could just be a British thing, but I'm sorry, you left the queue, you go to the back! I was queuing up at reception to go the the gym at lunch and some lady came back and was like "Oh I just dropped my son off at the nursery I was here." Well Sh_t, the other day I realised whist in the queue that I left my hairband in the car, did that mean I could push back in when I got back? NO. I went to the back of the queue.
    But of course I just smiled and moved back, because I prefer to bottle up my anger and spew it back up all over the internet.

    Rant over. Happy Friday everyone!

    That is so British. We moan about lack of queue etiquette, and then we go all polite when people misbehave. You're right though. Rude!
    Same in restaurants. We b*tch and complain about the food and then the waitress comes to ask if everything's ok, and we're all "Oh, yes, fine thank you".

    True! And when we do complain on the odd time something is literally unbearable, we apologise for it! I once asked to move tables in a restaurant because my table had ants crawling along it (in doors!) and even then, I was all, 'sorry to be such a fuss!.'

    Lol. I do that too. I keep wondering if I have British genes... but nope.

    You should follow @verybritishproblems on Twitter. So funny. And I relate to so many of them.

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.

    Me too! Seriously there are five other stalls open down the line and you take the one right next me? Okay creep-o...

    Ugh! Happens all the time at work! I hate it!

    I just remembered a study that I heard about in 1st or 2nd year psych about bathroom stall selection... assuming availability of empty stalls, introverts will tend to choose stalls at the ends whereas extroverts will choose stalls in the middle.
    See, now elsewhere in this forum I'd immediately be taken to task for not providing peer-reviewed citations to back that up, and someone would dig up (and post links to) a dozen studies refuting the findings of the original one, and here I can just toss it out there as an amusing little tidbit of trivia.

    and when i read that i think dude! i stick to the ends! this makes sense!!

    i was in one of those snarky threads where they were jumping all over this dude for saying he read something in an article, but then couldn't produce it to prove what he said was true and then the mob took over to "prove him wrong." i x'd outta that one pretty fast, but it made me absolutely terrified to post anything.

    I'm definitely extroverted and I prefer the stalls on the end!
    I did one of those Myers-Briggs related courses once, and the instructor said a good gauge to know if you're extroverted or introverted was whether you speak to the person in the next stall! That seems a bit simplistic to me, but I have say that some people are surprisingly vocal in the loo. (INFP here)

    Haha, ETA: just looked up INFP to see if it said anything about bathroom habits and found this. As a geek who loves Star Trek and has the X-Files theme tune as my ring tone, this made me happy:

    Haha there's no way Tom Hiddleston is an introvert... just nope.

    I got to find one of those texts, I'm curious what I am... but definitely an introvert, just not sure what type.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm so very behind on this thread. 17 pages.

    Since only one of the 4 swimsuits my husband bought worked out, he ordered 3 more a couple days ago. I have decided that I'm going to start tanning so I can have some color for our trip. Hopefully, I can at least have a decent base before we go.

    We haven't seen or heard from my stepdaughter since Memorial Day. If anyone is keeping track, that's almost 2 weeks. I'm going to message her tonight or tomorrow if she doesn't bother showing up. I'm done with her *kitten* and I'm done being taken advantage of.

    Man, your husband is the perfect man, lol.

    Confession - went to the Cheesecake factory, did not order cheesecake. I had two tiny bites off my mom's, and I was actually pretty underwhelmed (thinking the bites were too small to really enjoy it). What I really want is a chocolate chip cookie, but it would have to be good to spend the calories on, and I don't know any place that sells good ones and I don't want to bother making some (don't have time anyway). I logged a chocolate chip cookie dough Quest bar instead, which I think would work, then deleted it because honestly... I'm just too full to eat anything. I don't say that often.

    Second confession - I think it actually works when I'm thinking of having something that is high calories to ask myself if I'm really craving it. If I realize that I'm not, it's easier not to have it.

    Third confession - my left calf finally gave up and started cramping up during my workout. Stopped just in time, so I can walk, but so much for my big calorie burn, and I probably should take it slow the next few days, which I hate.

    And totally expecting to double post this.

    ETA: I was wrong. OMG!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    So my confession for today- I've lost 15 lb now (yay!) I think my body doesn't like it. I'm lazy as anything today, and yesterday I was too. I had energy the last few weeks, now my body is all "nope". My Fitbit isn't smiling at me, I just want to curl up on the couch, and I'm totally phoning in the exercise. I did my 15 min walk this morning and I'll go on my breaks/lunches so I get the 75-90 mins I'm aiming for, but I'm just blah today... And usually I LIKE exercise now. *grrr*

    Some days you just need a rest! Last night I went to the gym and did 10 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the treadmill and left. I just wasn't feeling it. Back at it tomorrow!

    That's always my rule (I say, as a person who pretty much loathes exercise.) If it's still miserable after 10 minutes and I desperately want to stop, I stop. But my rule for myself is that I have to go at least try to run at least that long, because normally after a few minutes of actually doing it I can put my head down and deal with it for a few kilometres.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    I second this! I have a whole collection of beautiful shoes, which, when not on my feet, live in clear plastic boxes, so i can admire them. I have a wall of shoes**. I often wear all black outfits, and set them off with fabulous red shoes (i have about 10 pairs of red ones)

    **i may also have a shoe addiction. Please don't ask about my handbags.

    For the past several years hubby and I were getting out of debt and accumulating savings so shopping for unnecessary items was a no no. My shoe collection consists of two pairs of casual sneakers, one pair of outdoor gym shoes, one pair of indoor gym shoes, one pair of winter boots, one pair of water shoes, one pair of flip flops (which are in my gym bag for showering purposes because shower floors are gross), one pair of steel toes, one pair of black summer sandals, and one pair of slip on Sketchers that have holes in them for gardening. Oh and I have one pair of black flats that are glued together on the bottom at work and one pair of black slip on heals at work which are very worn to the point they should be replaced.

    I just bought my first pair of white sandal heels last week and I got them on sale... I feel so pretty in them.

    I admit that when I was at my heaviest, I didn't have the confidence to wear any pretty clothes so I didn't buy anything nice. Buying those white sandals was so liberating.

    I confess that I don't understand anybody's obsession with hand bags. It is just a bag!

    You go wash your mouth out with soap right now, young lady!

    It's not just a bag, it's a gateway drug to hoarding :( I would have more of them, but they tend to get bigger, and the bigger they get, the more crap I carry around in them. Every 6 months or so I have to reset and go back to using one that will barely hold just a wallet, phone and keys.

    I do that exact same thing. Right now I'm using a bag that is probably the size of an 8X10 notebook, and I can fit quite a lot in. I've actually been proud of myself for not going bigger than this, because I've seen some amazing hobo bags that I could probably fit my child into. I have my small purses hung up, waiting for me to get sick of digging. :wink:

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,712 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Just checking in to say that I'm sorry a few of you are having such a hard time (Italian_Buju, noaddedsugar especially - thinking good thoughts for both of you.) Also that I'm happy for those of you reporting weight-loss success. Awesome job!

    I cut back my calories more this week because I'm still feeling fluffy from last month...hopefully that'll all be back to normal soon. Being shortish and small-framed is awful sometimes because every pound is so obvious. Even at five pounds heavier than where I like to stay, I feel like my arms are gigantic and my thighs are rubbing and there's muffintop hanging over my waistband.

    It's a good day at work today because we've just switched to a shorter workweek, so I'm out of here at 2PM every Friday now :) I'll have time to go home and do a couple loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms before anyone else is home, and I am very excited about it because it'll leave me more free time on the weekends if I don't have to do that stuff on Saturday morning.

    Erm, pretty sure that's not at ALL what we saw in your wedding pictures! Well, I hope that feeling goes away soon. Enjoy your early Friday off!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    These bathroom posts are so hilarious to me, and so true :lol: One thing I find really weird is when someone is using the bathroom and talking on their cellphone at the same time. I was in a stall at my University when a girl took the stall next to me. I proceeded to hear a series of loud farts as she communicated cheerfully with a friend on the phone. I was blown away by how much she just didn't care. :lol:

    This is the first post I've laughed out loud to in quite some time. Thank you for making my day!
    Bahahaha!! No problem :lol:

    As for a confession, I literally have NO food in the apartment so I haven't eaten anything today, except for a couple tablespoons of chia seeds. At this point I'm starving and am seriously considering going downtown just to pick up some chinese pastries. The gym is also downtown, so of course I should be sure to get in a workout as well...

    Mmmmmmmmm..... red bean sesame buns. Coconut custard.... oh man.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I confess that I about died Monday when I saw that Faith No More had just booked a show at Red Rocks in September...Got my tickets on Wednesday - 25th row! (sold out this morning.)

    My favorite band in the entire universe. THE. ENTIRE. UNIVERSE.

    I was so sad when they called it quits in '98 & thought they'd always just be music that I would throw on & wax nostalgic for the hard-partying 90s. When they did get together and perform in later years, it was always overseas.

    Now it's 2015, they've got a new album out (solid B+ as far as reunions go) and they're playing at M************ RED ROCKS. 5 minutes from my house. If you couldn't tell, I am FAR BEYOND STOKED.

    Is it a one off at Red Rocks or a legit tour?
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    I second this! I have a whole collection of beautiful shoes, which, when not on my feet, live in clear plastic boxes, so i can admire them. I have a wall of shoes**. I often wear all black outfits, and set them off with fabulous red shoes (i have about 10 pairs of red ones)

    **i may also have a shoe addiction. Please don't ask about my handbags.

    For the past several years hubby and I were getting out of debt and accumulating savings so shopping for unnecessary items was a no no. My shoe collection consists of two pairs of casual sneakers, one pair of outdoor gym shoes, one pair of indoor gym shoes, one pair of winter boots, one pair of water shoes, one pair of flip flops (which are in my gym bag for showering purposes because shower floors are gross), one pair of steel toes, one pair of black summer sandals, and one pair of slip on Sketchers that have holes in them for gardening. Oh and I have one pair of black flats that are glued together on the bottom at work and one pair of black slip on heals at work which are very worn to the point they should be replaced.

    I just bought my first pair of white sandal heels last week and I got them on sale... I feel so pretty in them.

    I admit that when I was at my heaviest, I didn't have the confidence to wear any pretty clothes so I didn't buy anything nice. Buying those white sandals was so liberating.

    I confess that I don't understand anybody's obsession with hand bags. It is just a bag!

    You go wash your mouth out with soap right now, young lady!

    It's not just a bag, it's a gateway drug to hoarding :( I would have more of them, but they tend to get bigger, and the bigger they get, the more crap I carry around in them. Every 6 months or so I have to reset and go back to using one that will barely hold just a wallet, phone and keys.

    I do that exact same thing. Right now I'm using a bag that is probably the size of an 8X10 notebook, and I can fit quite a lot in. I've actually been proud of myself for not going bigger than this, because I've seen some amazing hobo bags that I could probably fit my child into. I have my small purses hung up, waiting for me to get sick of digging. :wink:

    My last three bag purchases have been big for me. I'm about ready to go back to my big enough to hold a small wallet, card case, iPhone, smokes and keys.

    The digging thing is driving me mental.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Just checking in to say that I'm sorry a few of you are having such a hard time (Italian_Buju, noaddedsugar especially - thinking good thoughts for both of you.) Also that I'm happy for those of you reporting weight-loss success. Awesome job!

    I cut back my calories more this week because I'm still feeling fluffy from last month...hopefully that'll all be back to normal soon. Being shortish and small-framed is awful sometimes because every pound is so obvious. Even at five pounds heavier than where I like to stay, I feel like my arms are gigantic and my thighs are rubbing and there's muffintop hanging over my waistband.

    It's a good day at work today because we've just switched to a shorter workweek, so I'm out of here at 2PM every Friday now :) I'll have time to go home and do a couple loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms before anyone else is home, and I am very excited about it because it'll leave me more free time on the weekends if I don't have to do that stuff on Saturday morning.

    Erm, pretty sure that's not at ALL what we saw in your wedding pictures! Well, I hope that feeling goes away soon. Enjoy your early Friday off!

    That's nice of you to say and was helpful to read today, particularly as I have my photo proofs back and I can barely look at them because of my arms and chest. Should have stayed a little extra thin and just taped my dress to me instead of gaining enough weight to make it fit, haha. Oh well. There are some close ups I can stand where there are flowers blocking my cleavage, so that'll be good enough.

    I feel like I missed the lesson they taught every other woman my age about standing with your arms out in photos so the fat isn't squished against your side. All the women in my group photos are doing that hand-on-hip skinny-arm pose and there I am like the great white whale in the middle :tongue:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Just checking in to say that I'm sorry a few of you are having such a hard time (Italian_Buju, noaddedsugar especially - thinking good thoughts for both of you.) Also that I'm happy for those of you reporting weight-loss success. Awesome job!

    I cut back my calories more this week because I'm still feeling fluffy from last month...hopefully that'll all be back to normal soon. Being shortish and small-framed is awful sometimes because every pound is so obvious. Even at five pounds heavier than where I like to stay, I feel like my arms are gigantic and my thighs are rubbing and there's muffintop hanging over my waistband.

    It's a good day at work today because we've just switched to a shorter workweek, so I'm out of here at 2PM every Friday now :) I'll have time to go home and do a couple loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms before anyone else is home, and I am very excited about it because it'll leave me more free time on the weekends if I don't have to do that stuff on Saturday morning.

    Erm, pretty sure that's not at ALL what we saw in your wedding pictures! Well, I hope that feeling goes away soon. Enjoy your early Friday off!

    That's nice of you to say and was helpful to read today, particularly as I have my photo proofs back and I can barely look at them because of my arms and chest. Should have stayed a little extra thin and just taped my dress to me instead of gaining enough weight to make it fit, haha. Oh well. There are some close ups I can stand where there are flowers blocking my cleavage, so that'll be good enough.

    I feel like I missed the lesson they taught every other woman my age about standing with your arms out in photos so the fat isn't squished against your side. All the women in my group photos are doing that hand-on-hip skinny-arm pose and there I am like the great white whale in the middle :tongue:

    Oh my gosh, STOP! You looked gorgeous!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Just checking in to say that I'm sorry a few of you are having such a hard time (Italian_Buju, noaddedsugar especially - thinking good thoughts for both of you.) Also that I'm happy for those of you reporting weight-loss success. Awesome job!

    I cut back my calories more this week because I'm still feeling fluffy from last month...hopefully that'll all be back to normal soon. Being shortish and small-framed is awful sometimes because every pound is so obvious. Even at five pounds heavier than where I like to stay, I feel like my arms are gigantic and my thighs are rubbing and there's muffintop hanging over my waistband.

    It's a good day at work today because we've just switched to a shorter workweek, so I'm out of here at 2PM every Friday now :) I'll have time to go home and do a couple loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms before anyone else is home, and I am very excited about it because it'll leave me more free time on the weekends if I don't have to do that stuff on Saturday morning.

    Erm, pretty sure that's not at ALL what we saw in your wedding pictures! Well, I hope that feeling goes away soon. Enjoy your early Friday off!

    That's nice of you to say and was helpful to read today, particularly as I have my photo proofs back and I can barely look at them because of my arms and chest. Should have stayed a little extra thin and just taped my dress to me instead of gaining enough weight to make it fit, haha. Oh well. There are some close ups I can stand where there are flowers blocking my cleavage, so that'll be good enough.

    I feel like I missed the lesson they taught every other woman my age about standing with your arms out in photos so the fat isn't squished against your side. All the women in my group photos are doing that hand-on-hip skinny-arm pose and there I am like the great white whale in the middle :tongue:

    Oh my gosh, STOP! You looked gorgeous!

    ditto and if you did what you describe you would look like Paris Hilton. Totally fake.
  • tigerThea
    tigerThea Posts: 13 Member
    tigerThea wrote: »
    SusieQ....I'm too lazy to look up the correct name...I just wanted to chime in on how beautiful Oman is. I spent a week there a couple years ago while on vacation and have some great stories to tell. Most people I met were amazing. Funny story number 1: while walking through a mall I witnessed a man in a pale blue dishdasha walk smack into a man in front of me. I chuckled because I thought they were friends. I'm guessing they were not, since a few seconds later my friend comes up from behind me and has been slapped across the face by that same man! Three years later I still laugh about that.

    Wow, that sounds so odd! :-O Maybe he was mentally retarded? (Not an insult, I mean it in the medical sense...) I'm so glad you enjoyed your time there! :) Most people here probably have no idea what a dishdasha even IS, so welcome to the Oman club!! It's a little bit lonely in here, though, just you and I. ;)

    I strange. I lived in Kuwait and Egypt for almost 5 years....only time that happened. Probably there was something wrong with that man, but I'm happy to have witnessed it. My friend was unharmed, merely startled.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    I second this! I have a whole collection of beautiful shoes, which, when not on my feet, live in clear plastic boxes, so i can admire them. I have a wall of shoes**. I often wear all black outfits, and set them off with fabulous red shoes (i have about 10 pairs of red ones)

    **i may also have a shoe addiction. Please don't ask about my handbags.

    For the past several years hubby and I were getting out of debt and accumulating savings so shopping for unnecessary items was a no no. My shoe collection consists of two pairs of casual sneakers, one pair of outdoor gym shoes, one pair of indoor gym shoes, one pair of winter boots, one pair of water shoes, one pair of flip flops (which are in my gym bag for showering purposes because shower floors are gross), one pair of steel toes, one pair of black summer sandals, and one pair of slip on Sketchers that have holes in them for gardening. Oh and I have one pair of black flats that are glued together on the bottom at work and one pair of black slip on heals at work which are very worn to the point they should be replaced.

    I just bought my first pair of white sandal heels last week and I got them on sale... I feel so pretty in them.

    I admit that when I was at my heaviest, I didn't have the confidence to wear any pretty clothes so I didn't buy anything nice. Buying those white sandals was so liberating.

    I confess that I don't understand anybody's obsession with hand bags. It is just a bag!

    You go wash your mouth out with soap right now, young lady!

    It's not just a bag, it's a gateway drug to hoarding :( I would have more of them, but they tend to get bigger, and the bigger they get, the more crap I carry around in them. Every 6 months or so I have to reset and go back to using one that will barely hold just a wallet, phone and keys.

    I do that exact same thing. Right now I'm using a bag that is probably the size of an 8X10 notebook, and I can fit quite a lot in. I've actually been proud of myself for not going bigger than this, because I've seen some amazing hobo bags that I could probably fit my child into. I have my small purses hung up, waiting for me to get sick of digging. :wink:

    My last three bag purchases have been big for me. I'm about ready to go back to my big enough to hold a small wallet, card case, iPhone, smokes and keys.

    The digging thing is driving me mental.

    I hate big bags. I always lose things. I stay smaller.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    I second this! I have a whole collection of beautiful shoes, which, when not on my feet, live in clear plastic boxes, so i can admire them. I have a wall of shoes**. I often wear all black outfits, and set them off with fabulous red shoes (i have about 10 pairs of red ones)

    **i may also have a shoe addiction. Please don't ask about my handbags.

    For the past several years hubby and I were getting out of debt and accumulating savings so shopping for unnecessary items was a no no. My shoe collection consists of two pairs of casual sneakers, one pair of outdoor gym shoes, one pair of indoor gym shoes, one pair of winter boots, one pair of water shoes, one pair of flip flops (which are in my gym bag for showering purposes because shower floors are gross), one pair of steel toes, one pair of black summer sandals, and one pair of slip on Sketchers that have holes in them for gardening. Oh and I have one pair of black flats that are glued together on the bottom at work and one pair of black slip on heals at work which are very worn to the point they should be replaced.

    I just bought my first pair of white sandal heels last week and I got them on sale... I feel so pretty in them.

    I admit that when I was at my heaviest, I didn't have the confidence to wear any pretty clothes so I didn't buy anything nice. Buying those white sandals was so liberating.

    I confess that I don't understand anybody's obsession with hand bags. It is just a bag!

    You go wash your mouth out with soap right now, young lady!

    It's not just a bag, it's a gateway drug to hoarding :( I would have more of them, but they tend to get bigger, and the bigger they get, the more crap I carry around in them. Every 6 months or so I have to reset and go back to using one that will barely hold just a wallet, phone and keys.

    I do that exact same thing. Right now I'm using a bag that is probably the size of an 8X10 notebook, and I can fit quite a lot in. I've actually been proud of myself for not going bigger than this, because I've seen some amazing hobo bags that I could probably fit my child into. I have my small purses hung up, waiting for me to get sick of digging. :wink:

    My last three bag purchases have been big for me. I'm about ready to go back to my big enough to hold a small wallet, card case, iPhone, smokes and keys.

    The digging thing is driving me mental.

    I'm getting ready to switch as well. I have the cutest small kelly green purse that I like to use in the summer. The only thing stopping me is that I really like my (large) wallet, and there is no way it will fit in the small bags.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Just checking in to say that I'm sorry a few of you are having such a hard time (Italian_Buju, noaddedsugar especially - thinking good thoughts for both of you.) Also that I'm happy for those of you reporting weight-loss success. Awesome job!

    I cut back my calories more this week because I'm still feeling fluffy from last month...hopefully that'll all be back to normal soon. Being shortish and small-framed is awful sometimes because every pound is so obvious. Even at five pounds heavier than where I like to stay, I feel like my arms are gigantic and my thighs are rubbing and there's muffintop hanging over my waistband.

    It's a good day at work today because we've just switched to a shorter workweek, so I'm out of here at 2PM every Friday now :) I'll have time to go home and do a couple loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms before anyone else is home, and I am very excited about it because it'll leave me more free time on the weekends if I don't have to do that stuff on Saturday morning.

    Erm, pretty sure that's not at ALL what we saw in your wedding pictures! Well, I hope that feeling goes away soon. Enjoy your early Friday off!

    That's nice of you to say and was helpful to read today, particularly as I have my photo proofs back and I can barely look at them because of my arms and chest. Should have stayed a little extra thin and just taped my dress to me instead of gaining enough weight to make it fit, haha. Oh well. There are some close ups I can stand where there are flowers blocking my cleavage, so that'll be good enough.

    I feel like I missed the lesson they taught every other woman my age about standing with your arms out in photos so the fat isn't squished against your side. All the women in my group photos are doing that hand-on-hip skinny-arm pose and there I am like the great white whale in the middle :tongue:
    My two cents are that I think you are breath-takingly beautiful. You have this really charming and adorable beauty :) Don't be so hard on yourself, you don't deserve that! :tongue:

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.

    Me too! Seriously there are five other stalls open down the line and you take the one right next me? Okay creep-o...

    Ugh! Happens all the time at work! I hate it!

    I just remembered a study that I heard about in 1st or 2nd year psych about bathroom stall selection... assuming availability of empty stalls, introverts will tend to choose stalls at the ends whereas extroverts will choose stalls in the middle.

    See, now elsewhere in this forum I'd immediately be taken to task for not providing peer-reviewed citations to back that up, and someone would dig up (and post links to) a dozen studies refuting the findings of the original one, and here I can just toss it out there as an amusing little tidbit of trivia.

    and when i read that i think dude! i stick to the ends! this makes sense!!

    i was in one of those snarky threads where they were jumping all over this dude for saying he read something in an article, but then couldn't produce it to prove what he said was true and then the mob took over to "prove him wrong." i x'd outta that one pretty fast, but it made me absolutely terrified to post anything.

    I always stick to the end. Handicap if I can (and not likely to be needed). I need the space. :) So there, qualitative research of a few, and there is a professor on this thread so its 'peer reviewed'.

    Ha! I think I'm the only prof that has at least admitted it here. So yeah, with my official Dr. Jo hat on, my reviewer recommendation is 'accept'. (Although I'm uber-quant, I study interpersonal political disagreement, so maybe there's a way for me to seem like an authoritative reviewer for this :wink: ).
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,712 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm starting to get annoyed with eating my two snacks at work. I'd rather ignore the hunger and headaches than eat.

    I also have to send my mother a photo of every meal so she knows I'm eating. Though she has asked me twice if I'm lying to her about whether or not I actually eat it. (I do eat my food, btw).

    Is the actual food you dislike? The interruption to your work day? Or eating period? I know you are struggling with this so I'm just wondering what specifically the issue is so that maybe we can offer some help. Maybe just drink 2 quick protein drinks in place of those 2 snacks? Quick, easy, yet nourishing.

    Remember, you just reached your new PR - the better you take care of yourself the sooner you'll reach your next one!

    The only thing about the food that annoys me is I have yet to find something that takes the edge off of the hunger for longer than 20 minutes after I eat it. I'd rather eat nothing than eat something only to be hungry again almost immediately.

    But as it stands today, I had a meltdown in front of my dad about how I pretty much can't even say I'm skirting along the edge of an eating disorder, and that I'm in fact beginning to just lose. I skipped dinner last night on purpose (which when my mom found out she was pretty devastated) and I'm just starting to feel apathetic about eating at all. I'm also pissed and sad because I found myself in this place and can't quite seem to climb back out.

    I am going to make an appointment with their GP so at least I'll have a doctor (mine up and left for 'personal reasons' and I just never found another).

    I also ended up going to urgent care tonight. I may have my first UTI or a kidney infection. I'm on antibiotics and will find out in a few days what my cultures were.

    And @Italian_Buju, I'm a few pages behind, but I'm so sorry about your degu. :disappointed: I kept secretly hoping he'd bounce back. My cat did that when she was 18, looked like she was about to pass, but perked back up until her kidneys finally gave out at 19.

    I'll be thinking of you! :heart:

    Well, definitely UP your water intake! Hopefully whatever infection you have clears quickly. Depending on what types of foods you like and currently eat, I'd suggest nuts or a slice or two of cheese or cottage cheese, maybe? Those things tend to be filling. Fat and protein is the key for me.

    I'm glad you're going to a new doctor. I hope they can help. As far as being apathetic towards food and eating, I can relate. I eat for fuel. I don't get excited about food and sometimes I'd rather not eat then go through the trouble of making something for myself. Lazy. But, I know I really like my weight lifting routine and the current progress I've made on the step mill, so I make sure I eat anyway so that I have fuel and energy.

    Keep us posted as to how you are and what the doctor says!

    I don't even really like eating for fuel. I'm just terrified of gaining the weight back. :anguished:

    But you're still running and marathon training, right? I know this is a complicated and emotional issue, but if you can just convince yourself that it's okay to eat since you are so active I think you will quickly see that you won't gain that weight back.

    I do understand the fear. I shared on another thread recently that the only time I carried around extra weight was my Freshman and Sophomore years of high school. I just wasn't as physically active anymore. I lost that weight and have been maintaining for years, but those two short years really affected me. I remember exactly how I felt and that I never want that to happen again.

    It took me a while to understand that I have control over that and it's not going to happen again because I'm conscious of it. Give yourself time to adjust to the new you.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: When I am at work and have to go #2, I take my phone with me so I can't read this thread :wink:


    I hate when I have to poop really badly & someone is in the stall right next to me.

    Is is funny b/c it is so true!!

    I also hate (and I am not sure if I have posted this here or in the "Things That Make You Irrationally Angry" thread when there are multiple open stalls and you give yourself some space and someone take the stall right beside you. Okay, this just downright pisses me of when people do this.

    Me too! Seriously there are five other stalls open down the line and you take the one right next me? Okay creep-o...

    Ugh! Happens all the time at work! I hate it!

    I just remembered a study that I heard about in 1st or 2nd year psych about bathroom stall selection... assuming availability of empty stalls, introverts will tend to choose stalls at the ends whereas extroverts will choose stalls in the middle.
    See, now elsewhere in this forum I'd immediately be taken to task for not providing peer-reviewed citations to back that up, and someone would dig up (and post links to) a dozen studies refuting the findings of the original one, and here I can just toss it out there as an amusing little tidbit of trivia.

    and when i read that i think dude! i stick to the ends! this makes sense!!

    i was in one of those snarky threads where they were jumping all over this dude for saying he read something in an article, but then couldn't produce it to prove what he said was true and then the mob took over to "prove him wrong." i x'd outta that one pretty fast, but it made me absolutely terrified to post anything.

    I'm definitely extroverted and I prefer the stalls on the end!

    I do too. I also remember reading somewhere that the first stall is usually the cleanest because people tend to bypass that one in favor of one farther from the door. And no, I don't have sources to cite so back offa me!

    That's the one I always choose!

    I go to the last one, most people don't want to walk that far (if you are in a big bathroom!). Or the handicap if no one is waiting for it. I love that it has its own sink usually. Although the higher toilet can be problematic if you are choosing not to sit down. :wink:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Maybe we should make a group..?
    I'll do it if everyone's in. Let me know what you think.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't see it as stickied...
    It's part of the list in the top sticky.

    I'm in for a group!

    Me too, if you'll have me.

    Ha, like we would leave you behind!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    So I don't own a page:

    Happy birthday to the birthday duo!

    I hope @noaddedsugarx & grandma are doing well.

    Congratulations to @pofoster21!

    Sending happy thoughts to @Italian_Buju.

    And both congratulations on the three days and cute puppies to @KylerJaye.

    And sorry if I missed anything!