

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Susie, another faith-based question for you, and as always I apologise if this is in any way offensive to ask:
    I was just out for my run and saw two little girls (maybe 4-5 years old) both wearing the hijab. This confuses me when I see it, because I always thought girls transitioned when they began their periods i.e. became a woman. Is that not right? Is it different denominations of Islam have different rules. Or is it not rules but guidelines?

    We're required to cover when we reach puberty, and not before. Puberty is defined by beginning one of three things, whichever comes first: Reaching the age of fifteen, beginning menstruation (or having wet dreams, for boys), or growing pubic hair (TMI? Sorry... Just trying to be thorough!). However, a lot of little girls actually want to wear the scarf, just like some little girls want to wear make up, so they can be like their mother/role model/whatever.

    Also, it's encouraged in Islam to try to foster a love for modesty and covering up in children who are younger than the age of puberty, because that way it doesn't become a difficult transition when they get older. :) As you know, teens tend to rebel, and it would be a bad time for a parent to very suddenly enforce the scarf at that age. ;)

    So as you thought, younger girls aren't at all required to cover up, but they either wanted to do so or their parents encouraged them to do so from a young age. Usually the younger children don't wear it all the time, just when they feel like it, kind of like a little girl in dress-up clothes. :)

    Also, I could have sworn I just told everyone to stop apologizing every time they ask me a question... I'm beginning to feel a little bit like a pariah!

    I don't believe I have ever apologized. ;)

    Edited to add the winky guy as I realized that made me sound like I was being b**chy when I was trying to be funny. Dry humor does not come across well online...

    I am still waiting for someone to invent a "sarcasm" font.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited June 2015
    I mentioned before how much I love hot sauce... I bought a bottle of Frank's last week and already it's almost gone. Frank's hot sauce isn't very spicy at all (I could probaby drink the whole bottle and not get much of a burn) but it's DELICIOUS to me. It just tastes so good. I've been pouring it onto a spoon and eating it on its own :neutral:

    I told my mom that I had bought some and she said ''Awww man, we brought you up two bottles!'' So now I have a lot of Frank's... it'll be gone soon enough :lol:
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok so folks that remember the litany of cats in my life... Porch Kitty showed up today with...3 kittens. God help me.

    Lol! I bet they're adorable though
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    GUYS, I JUST DID TWENTY PUSHUPS, IN. A. ROW!!! (Yep. I'm that excited about it. :D )

    *applauds!* Awesome!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited June 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Jumping in on the name thing- I am Cecilia, named after my grandfather Cecil. One of my first bosses called me CC, which I morphed to Ceci. (My family calls me C-ya) My married name is of Greek origin and I love that I have a unique name!

    I named my daughter Samantha (would have been Samuel if a boy), because I wanted a Sam. (She goes by Sami now.)

    I love the name Cecilia! So pretty! I don't have kids or pets so I name my cars :) My first car in high school and college was named Goldie because she was gold, I know real original! My second car was named Grace because she was the color grey and my car now her name is Cecily! I call her Cess the sesspool haha even though I keep her very tidy! I named her Cecily because she's a Civic! My next car is going to be a Buick Encore and I've already decided to name her Bianca <3

    PS. My dad said cars are always girls so I've always just named them girls names!

    Fun fact: In Arabic we don't have a gender neutral word like "it" to call objects, so all objects have a gender and are either male or female, so we call them he or she depending on which gender the word falls under. Cars are, in fact, female. ;)

    That is cool. Do you get to pick the gender? So can you decide a car is female and a table male? And someone else decide the reverse? Or is everyone aligned?

    I'm guessing they are always the same. In Spanish, they have the same thing like "el sol" and "la cucaracha" if you see "el" in front of something, it's masculine, "la" for feminine.

    But who made the decision?? Who got to pick?

    Fun fact: English used to have gendered articles too but its declensions have simplified as it has evolved. Unsurprising considering that both the germanic and latinate parent languages of English have them too, for the most part.

    Declensions in general (that's grammatical gender, case, and number) have always been a feature of language but in my understanding, it's anyone's guess how that stuff really began. The theory behind it is fascinating though. I have a modern languages (Spanish/French major) degree so the historical stuff is not something I know a ton about, but it's definitely interesting.

    ETA: If you're really interested, this Wikipedia article is pretty good:
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I do not ever reveal my name online because it is ridiculously unique (I'm serious; I was named after my mom's best friend from high school) and I'm paranoid that someone who knows me will see it and know it's me.
    Oh god, the idea of someone I know in real life recognizing me online scares me. I think I'd deactivate and remake if that happened here. :s

    Why? Don't most people have Facebook? I'm surprised I don't have stalkers or anything because I'm so lax about information about myself. It's a blessing and a curse I'm so naive and want to believe everyone is good! You'd think after working with juveniles, being a corrections officer, and now working in child support I'd be the exact opposite!
    My only experiences with Facebook come from a fake account I set up to get emails about movie screenings and trying to fix something for my parents. I'm a fairly quiet and reserved person outside the 'net. It's just weird to think of people used to that side of me more open.

    Ahh okay I see now! I'm the same here, there, everywhere haha Loud and I love to talk!

    I'm actually the only Sawsan Al-Hadhrami on Facebook (at least I was as of last year or so), so the whole world can find me. But I don't really care, because I share next to nothing online (except in this thread... I share way too much in this thread!) and so I just use my real name everywhere. I've got nothing to hide, at least nothing in what I share online!

    I facebook stalked you :p . Those cookies look AWESOME!

    I just did too, and they do! And I sent a friend request. :)

    This is scary. This thread is moving into real life? I wonder if I need therapy?

    16 almost 17 years ago I was on a a similar (but different) thread of sorts. Some of the women from this ivillage thread over time formed a yahoo group. There has been some attrition but nearly 17 years later we still check in nearly daily with each other. All of us have met some of us but we have never managed yet to all get together. We know each other's phone numbers and home addresses. It was carefully screened and we took time to get to trust each other but sometimes internet does move very nicely into real life.

    We have been there through good and bad times and really have some great friendships.

    I have a lot of friends from Weight Watchers online from 5 years ago or so. I've met several of them online and still keep in touch via Facebook and make it a point to get together when we're near each other's hometowns.
    Some of them I had never met in person until this past year and had to tell my husband, "Hey, while we're in X, we're going to get together with my friend." How do you know your friend? Ummmm, I've actually never met her, I know her online. LOL
    Some of my dearest friends.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I confess that I'm ashamed of myself for not watching "Breaking Bad" sooner. I tried once before, watched the first few episodes, and thought it was boring, but this time around (thank you, Netflix), I really got into it and have joined the "OMG, such an amaaaaazing show" camp. At Target yesterday, I bought a Jesse Pinkman Funko Pop! vinyl figurine and then promptly went onto Amazon and bought a Heisenberg one. So glad to see that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul won multiple Emmys because they are awesome!

    There is absolutely no purpose to this post but thought I'd share anyway ;)

    I just heard yesterday that they're making a "Breaking Bad" vodka... I think it might only be available in California right now though.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MilicaX wrote: »
    I have a drug problem.

    Seek help sooner rather than later! Trust me. 11 days in detox, 35 days in rehab and a move to a place I didn't know a soul and now 8 years clean!!

    Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment! I have four people in my life right now struggling with addictions. It's so very painful to watch them spiral down because there's nothing we can do. It's up to them to want to change. Two of them have been in rehab multiple times. The other two are in and out of jail. Two of these four people have babies under the age of one.

    It's very encouraging to hear from someone like you who came out victorious!

    I am sorry to hear about your friends. Hugs to you. I hope they find the help they need. I wish I could show those people just how wonderful life can be afterwards if they could just believe in themselves enough to know they deserve to be happy.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited June 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Jumping in on the name thing- I am Cecilia, named after my grandfather Cecil. One of my first bosses called me CC, which I morphed to Ceci. (My family calls me C-ya) My married name is of Greek origin and I love that I have a unique name!

    I named my daughter Samantha (would have been Samuel if a boy), because I wanted a Sam. (She goes by Sami now.)

    I love the name Cecilia! So pretty! I don't have kids or pets so I name my cars :) My first car in high school and college was named Goldie because she was gold, I know real original! My second car was named Grace because she was the color grey and my car now her name is Cecily! I call her Cess the sesspool haha even though I keep her very tidy! I named her Cecily because she's a Civic! My next car is going to be a Buick Encore and I've already decided to name her Bianca <3

    PS. My dad said cars are always girls so I've always just named them girls names!

    Fun fact: In Arabic we don't have a gender neutral word like "it" to call objects, so all objects have a gender and are either male or female, so we call them he or she depending on which gender the word falls under. Cars are, in fact, female. ;)

    That is cool. Do you get to pick the gender? So can you decide a car is female and a table male? And someone else decide the reverse? Or is everyone aligned?

    I'm guessing they are always the same. In Spanish, they have the same thing like "el sol" and "la cucaracha" if you see "el" in front of something, it's masculine, "la" for feminine.

    But who made the decision?? Who got to pick?

    Fun fact: English used to have gendered articles too but its declensions have lessened as it has evolved. Unsurprising considering that both the germanic and latinate parent languages of English have them too, for the most part.

    Declensions in general (that's grammatical gender, case, and number) have always been a feature of language but in my understanding, it's anyone's guess how that stuff really began. The theory behind it is fascinating though. I have a modern languages (Spanish/French major) degree so the historical stuff is not something I know a ton about, but it's definitely interesting.
    I took an Old English class in University and suffered. So many different cases to memorize. It was pretty difficult, but fascinating. And we got to read The Hobbit, which I adore! :smiley:

    EDIT: Confession: I have been editing so many of my posts because I notice typos all over the place. I can't believe this and am so irritated at myself- I HATE BAD SPELLING/GRAMMAR! My keyboard is a little bit stuck, so at least I can pass some blame onto it ;) (Also, I just had a glass of champagne).

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Susie, another faith-based question for you, and as always I apologise if this is in any way offensive to ask:
    I was just out for my run and saw two little girls (maybe 4-5 years old) both wearing the hijab. This confuses me when I see it, because I always thought girls transitioned when they began their periods i.e. became a woman. Is that not right? Is it different denominations of Islam have different rules. Or is it not rules but guidelines?

    We're required to cover when we reach puberty, and not before. Puberty is defined by beginning one of three things, whichever comes first: Reaching the age of fifteen, beginning menstruation (or having wet dreams, for boys), or growing pubic hair (TMI? Sorry... Just trying to be thorough!). However, a lot of little girls actually want to wear the scarf, just like some little girls want to wear make up, so they can be like their mother/role model/whatever.

    Also, it's encouraged in Islam to try to foster a love for modesty and covering up in children who are younger than the age of puberty, because that way it doesn't become a difficult transition when they get older. :) As you know, teens tend to rebel, and it would be a bad time for a parent to very suddenly enforce the scarf at that age. ;)

    So as you thought, younger girls aren't at all required to cover up, but they either wanted to do so or their parents encouraged them to do so from a young age. Usually the younger children don't wear it all the time, just when they feel like it, kind of like a little girl in dress-up clothes. :)

    Also, I could have sworn I just told everyone to stop apologizing every time they ask me a question... I'm beginning to feel a little bit like a pariah!

    I don't believe I have ever apologized. ;)

    Edited to add the winky guy as I realized that made me sound like I was being b**chy when I was trying to be funny. Dry humor does not come across well online...

    I am still waiting for someone to invent a "sarcasm" font.

    Yes! I think that's why I overuse 'LOL'.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok so folks that remember the litany of cats in my life... Porch Kitty showed up today with...3 kittens. God help me.

    Oh no! I went through a period where every animal I had was somehow pregnant. I rescued a cat whose owners just moved out of our apartment building and left her - she gave birth to three kittens about a month later.

    Then, I adopted a hamster from the pet store. The next morning I heard a strange noise and low and behold she had given birth overnight, which was weird because they supposedly separate them by gender in the store. I guess I can't blame them though - because it's pretty hard to tell. After they were weaned I bought a separate cage for the boys, and one of the girls still somehow got pregnant again before I could find homes for all of them. I felt like a hamster mill.

    Same with the hamster for me! My college boyfriend and I got one as a pet (my boyfriend picked it out..thought he was so cute because he was so happy and "dancing" along the side of the cage). Anyway, 2 weeks later, we woke up to find 9 babies in the cage with "him" (obviously not a him!). We called the pet store to see what we could do and they said "Sorry, we don't take animals from local breeders"...Umm, noooo...we didn't breed anything! You sold us a pregnant hamster. Apparently, hamsters are only pregnant for 2 we laughed that the reason our hamster seemed so happy and dancing in the cage was because it had just mated with another!
    Anyway...we ended up with 10 hamsters! :(

    This made me laugh, similar thing happened to my parents when I was about 6. They bought us our first family pets, 2 rats (hated the idea at the time but they were lovely little things). A few weeks after my parents heard me shrieking from downstairs because there were 'fat pink things' in the cage. My brother and I tried to convince my parents to keep the 7 babies but in the end they gave the 2 originals and some of the babies back and we kept 4 haha.

    On an unrelated note, confession for today; I went out for lunch with some Uni friends to celebrate the end of term, only had mushroom soup and half a baguette, but guestimated towards the higher end calorie wise just to be safe. Had every intention of coming home to work out and burn it off as the guestimation was eating into my daily allowance, but I'm now at home with my stomach feeling rubbish :( hopefully I'll have perked up enough to do it later, but it's not looking good.

    On the plus side, I got an essay back today and I got a pretty good grade, so at least something good has come from today haha

    Haha! I think pet stores clearly need to do a better job separating the rodents! And nice job on the essay grade...think of your lunch as a nice treat for doing well..(if you don't end up working out)!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok so folks that remember the litany of cats in my life... Porch Kitty showed up today with...3 kittens. God help me.

    Oh no! I went through a period where every animal I had was somehow pregnant. I rescued a cat whose owners just moved out of our apartment building and left her - she gave birth to three kittens about a month later.

    Then, I adopted a hamster from the pet store. The next morning I heard a strange noise and low and behold she had given birth overnight, which was weird because they supposedly separate them by gender in the store. I guess I can't blame them though - because it's pretty hard to tell. After they were weaned I bought a separate cage for the boys, and one of the girls still somehow got pregnant again before I could find homes for all of them. I felt like a hamster mill.

    Same with the hamster for me! My college boyfriend and I got one as a pet (my boyfriend picked it out..thought he was so cute because he was so happy and "dancing" along the side of the cage). Anyway, 2 weeks later, we woke up to find 9 babies in the cage with "him" (obviously not a him!). We called the pet store to see what we could do and they said "Sorry, we don't take animals from local breeders"...Umm, noooo...we didn't breed anything! You sold us a pregnant hamster. Apparently, hamsters are only pregnant for 2 we laughed that the reason our hamster seemed so happy and dancing in the cage was because it had just mated with another!
    Anyway...we ended up with 10 hamsters! :(

    That is EXACTLY what happened with my hamster! She was the only one happy and moving around, all the other ones were asleep. I just thought she was lively :smiley:

    So funny! I guess we all know now NOT to get the happy/excited ones unless we're looking for an entire family!

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Another slightly embarrassing confession:

    If I have alcohol in my hand, I will spend no time at all drinking the whole thing. I don't do it on purpose, I guess I'm just a fast drinker! Everyone is always telling me to slow down, which is a little bit embarrassing :lol: I just poured myself champagne and drank the thing like I would a soft drink, forgetting it contained alcohol!! Guess practice makes perfect :/ I don't know how people drink so slowly.

    ... I will make myself sick one day.

    If I don't put my drink down I will finish it quickly too. I make a point to set it down every couple sips.

    I either fly through my drink, or it takes me FOREVER to finish something. I also prefer virtually everything (iced and hot) at near room temperature. I'm weird.

    Nope, I drink everything (except white wine) at room temperature. Everyone thinks I am weird too!

    You, I like.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    I confess that one time I was shopping at a grocery store while I was in college & dropped a bunch of coins. As I was scurrying to pick up change I thanked someone for helping me to pick some of it up. It turns out it was me & I saw myself in a reflection & thought it was someone else. So embarrassing haha.

    so funny
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    Sounds reasonable to me!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Another slightly embarrassing confession:

    If I have alcohol in my hand, I will spend no time at all drinking the whole thing. I don't do it on purpose, I guess I'm just a fast drinker! Everyone is always telling me to slow down, which is a little bit embarrassing :lol: I just poured myself champagne and drank the thing like I would a soft drink, forgetting it contained alcohol!! Guess practice makes perfect :/ I don't know how people drink so slowly.

    ... I will make myself sick one day.

    If I don't put my drink down I will finish it quickly too. I make a point to set it down every couple sips.

    I either fly through my drink, or it takes me FOREVER to finish something. I also prefer virtually everything (iced and hot) at near room temperature. I'm weird.

    Nope, I drink everything (except white wine) at room temperature. Everyone thinks I am weird too!

    the only thing I can't drink at room temperature is Pepsi, which is ok because I really do not like it. My favorite is the arizona arnold palmer 0 calorie at room temperature, yum.

    Okay, I like you too.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    TOM started yesterday, which explains why I was so emotional and sensitive this weekend. Two weeks from now I have a bridal shower, elementary (grade school) reunion and a 5k race. I will not binge eat during TOM dammit, I guess there is a lot of tea and gum in my future lol

    Not sure if you prefer fruity or minty gum but I just got the Sugar Free Juicy Fruit Strawberry Starburst flavored gum yesterday...and it definitely helped me not binge last night!!!

    Does the flavor last longer than 28.9 seconds? :wink:

    Well, to be fair...I always have to chew 2 pieces at the same time..for ultimate flavor/juiciness (with all gum..not just this one). But yeah, I would say it did last a decent amount of least 30.5 seconds ;)
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I do not ever reveal my name online because it is ridiculously unique (I'm serious; I was named after my mom's best friend from high school) and I'm paranoid that someone who knows me will see it and know it's me.
    Oh god, the idea of someone I know in real life recognizing me online scares me. I think I'd deactivate and remake if that happened here. :s

    Why? Don't most people have Facebook? I'm surprised I don't have stalkers or anything because I'm so lax about information about myself. It's a blessing and a curse I'm so naive and want to believe everyone is good! You'd think after working with juveniles, being a corrections officer, and now working in child support I'd be the exact opposite!
    My only experiences with Facebook come from a fake account I set up to get emails about movie screenings and trying to fix something for my parents. I'm a fairly quiet and reserved person outside the 'net. It's just weird to think of people used to that side of me more open.

    Ahh okay I see now! I'm the same here, there, everywhere haha Loud and I love to talk!

    I'm actually the only Sawsan Al-Hadhrami on Facebook (at least I was as of last year or so), so the whole world can find me. But I don't really care, because I share next to nothing online (except in this thread... I share way too much in this thread!) and so I just use my real name everywhere. I've got nothing to hide, at least nothing in what I share online!

    I facebook stalked you :p . Those cookies look AWESOME!

    I just did too, and they do! And I sent a friend request. :)

    This is scary. This thread is moving into real life? I wonder if I need therapy?

    16 almost 17 years ago I was on a a similar (but different) thread of sorts. Some of the women from this ivillage thread over time formed a yahoo group. There has been some attrition but nearly 17 years later we still check in nearly daily with each other. All of us have met some of us but we have never managed yet to all get together. We know each other's phone numbers and home addresses. It was carefully screened and we took time to get to trust each other but sometimes internet does move very nicely into real life.

    We have been there through good and bad times and really have some great friendships.

    I have a lot of friends from Weight Watchers online from 5 years ago or so. I've met several of them online and still keep in touch via Facebook and make it a point to get together when we're near each other's hometowns.
    Some of them I had never met in person until this past year and had to tell my husband, "Hey, while we're in X, we're going to get together with my friend." How do you know your friend? Ummmm, I've actually never met her, I know her online. LOL
    Some of my dearest friends.

    When I call some of my friends from my Marine wives Facebook group, I'll say "Hey, it's Kristen from the internet." LMAO
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    Oh that is funny! Well, only because you have to deal with it and I don't. My husband spends way too much time home alone now that he's retired. He talks to himself constantly and when he's not talking he's whistling. He now does this out in public. Drives me nuts. Seriously??? Shhhhhh. It's like walking around in public singing. Can you please NOT call attention to us for no reason?

    Whistlers grate on my nerves! Especially if they're shrill.

    There's an old man who shops at my store who sings & it's adorable & hilarious all at the same time. The one day he went around singing The Star Spangled Banner. Now there's another old man that brings a piccolo in that sounds freaking awful! Makes me want to ram the piccolo down his throat.

    Are we twins? I thought I was the only one!! My dad whistles ALL the time, I can't handle it!! Especially when he does it in the car! GRRR whistling for me is like nails on a chalk board for someone else :#

    Me too! I'm so glad I'm not alone with this, but my husband is a non-stop whistler. Yes, he know it drives me insane, but it's definitely one of those "pick your battles" things, so I try to just deal with it. However, if I know something annoys him I don't purposely do it. :(

    I hear you! I love my dad dearly but I too have to pick my battles. Some days he'll catch himself and say oops sorry Laura! If he doesn't I just let him go on his merry way because I do know he tries not to but sometimes can't help himself!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Confession: I'm not on facebook as I don't often (this thread exception) put much online. I felt that with my career I may at some point need a high security clearance and just felt as I have friends of all types I didn't want to be judged by their opinions (especially as I might not share their opinions) I have a LinkedIn and a twitter and they are strictly professional.

    Background: I am very middle of the road politically. I took a quiz and am really not any particular party. I read up and vote on each thing individually and ignore the sound bites and hype and noise. I was on Facebook for a short time. Every time my aunt posted to my page trying to get dramatically far to one side politically I'd make a donation in her honor to the person she opposed.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited June 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Susie, another faith-based question for you, and as always I apologise if this is in any way offensive to ask:
    I was just out for my run and saw two little girls (maybe 4-5 years old) both wearing the hijab. This confuses me when I see it, because I always thought girls transitioned when they began their periods i.e. became a woman. Is that not right? Is it different denominations of Islam have different rules. Or is it not rules but guidelines?

    We're required to cover when we reach puberty, and not before. Puberty is defined by beginning one of three things, whichever comes first: Reaching the age of fifteen, beginning menstruation (or having wet dreams, for boys), or growing pubic hair (TMI? Sorry... Just trying to be thorough!). However, a lot of little girls actually want to wear the scarf, just like some little girls want to wear make up, so they can be like their mother/role model/whatever.

    Also, it's encouraged in Islam to try to foster a love for modesty and covering up in children who are younger than the age of puberty, because that way it doesn't become a difficult transition when they get older. :) As you know, teens tend to rebel, and it would be a bad time for a parent to very suddenly enforce the scarf at that age. ;)

    So as you thought, younger girls aren't at all required to cover up, but they either wanted to do so or their parents encouraged them to do so from a young age. Usually the younger children don't wear it all the time, just when they feel like it, kind of like a little girl in dress-up clothes. :)

    Also, I could have sworn I just told everyone to stop apologizing every time they ask me a question... I'm beginning to feel a little bit like a pariah!

    I don't believe I have ever apologized. ;)

    Edited to add the winky guy as I realized that made me sound like I was being b**chy when I was trying to be funny. Dry humor does not come across well online...

    I am still waiting for someone to invent a "sarcasm" font.

    Yes! I think that's why I overuse 'LOL'.

    I vaugely remember seeing this on like, tumbler. It was something like making every other letter italics.

    Oh, really? (actual interest) became Oh, really? (seriously?)

    ETA: That was WAY too much work.