

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    OMG! So, if you Google "shark eating chocolate powder while wearing a trash bag" several of the profile pics from this thread show up! @riderfangal, @Tubbs216, @m1xm0d3, @kelly_c_77
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I have a rant today:

    I am having a "I hate diabetes' day.....not that I ever love it, but today it is really upsetting me.

    This morning I slept in, it was the first day I did not have to get up and make lunch for my son. I came online for a bit and then noticed it was getting late and I had to get to my PT appt. So, I just had some toast for breakfast, LIKE A NORMAL PERSON MIGHT. I got into the shower,, and was so dizzy I nearly fell over. I felt sick for a long while. When I got to the office, I check my blood sugar and it is literally three times what it should be.

    Why? Not because I did not take my shot or because I ate too much sugar....but because I did not have enough protein to slow the speed of the carbs in the rye toast (which has a lower GI level, which is why I eat it instead of my beloved "Italian" bread).

    I have been sick all day because of that one mistake. It is after 6pm and I have not even been able to eat anything yet and I never made it to the gym. Even though my blood sugar is normal now, the rush high and crash low has made me tired and sick. I have a headache and just want to go to bed....

    But, I must go put in the laundry now, and clean the kitchen, and deliver packages for our meeting next week.....UGH

    That sounds horrible. Sorry I don't even know what else I can say. I just feel bad that you have to go through stuff like that...

    Thanks, I am feeling much better today......90% of the time I am good, and I have had it so long it is just a part of life, like any other problem people have....but one in a while it makes me cranky :confounded:
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I love being naked! When I am home alone or just with the SO, I often am sans clothes.

    I know I stated it really early on in the thread too, but I also swim at the Y in the winter and have no problem using the public showers and change seriously, we are not in there to check each other out, if you don't like it, don't look.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    So I confessed yesterday that I ate too much Wed night and skipped my workout yesterday morning. I had such a good run this morning! I felt so good that I even pushed it and went a little bit farther than I usually do. I'm seriously thinking that I will move my Thur workout to Sat.

    Confession for today: I don't feel like doing any actual work today...

    BTW Congrats on 1000 everyone! You guys are awesome and super great :) and I appreciate all of your advice, insight and humor!!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Morning all. Just checking in. Meds taken. Am now going to walk up to Charlie's school to do swimming with his class. I do it every friday.

    Sounds fun:). How hot is it in England during the summer?

    Hah not very at the moment! It depends. It can vary but if it gets above about 23-25 celcius we view it as a heat wave and start panicking. It's not gotten above about 16 celcius where I live though, and that's below average even for us.

    It's a glorious heatwave in the south. 22 today
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Okay question for my super great peeps: when I comment on someone's page here and then others respond, I get ALL of those notices on my phone. Is there a way to cancel that? Do I do it on the website or on my phone? Sorry, but I'm not a app-literate as I'd like to be. I mainly use the website.

    On the iphone app it's under settings, push notifications - then just opt out of the ones you don't want.

    Found it! Super fab, thank you so much!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I just had the BEST NSV so far! Doing my lunch time weight training and I was sharing the squat rack with a personal trainer. So far I can squat 50Kg and he asked me if I'm going any higher to which I replied "No, I thought I would stay at 50Kg and check my form is ok and I'm comfortable before I go higher." To which he said "Pffft your form is better than most men in this gym!" I was like :open_mouth:Really?! Made my day! :lol:

    I just had to share it with you all, because that has actually made the lack of movement on the scales completely worth it. :smile:

    Well done, that is awesome, so proud of you!!!

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Okay question for my super great peeps: when I comment on someone's page here and then others respond, I get ALL of those notices on my phone. Is there a way to cancel that? Do I do it on the website or on my phone? Sorry, but I'm not a app-literate as I'd like to be. I mainly use the website.

    There should be a way. I've never bothered since I have so few friends that the notifications aren't annoying, but I'm almost sure that you'd find a "Notification Preferences" in the app settings. :)You can't do it on the website because the phone app notifications are totally separate from the website.

    Precisely what I needed! Thanks a million, my exotic friend!

    Did it work for you? I need to do the same thing.

    Worked like a charm! It always throws me off when my phone lights up at night with no sound or when it's on my desk all day and the screen is going on and off. Can't be good for the battery power. Plus, this site is my very own secret in real life. I don't want notifications popping up on my phone and someone in my family see it.

    Not that it's a bad thing! On the contrary. This thread has done wonders for me.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    OMG! So, if you Google "shark eating chocolate powder while wearing a trash bag" several of the profile pics from this thread show up! @riderfangal, @Tubbs216, @m1xm0d3, @kelly_c_77

    Bahaha! Just had to look for myself!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Feels good to be wearing clothes that truly fit again. No more sucking in my gut or keeping the top button of my pants unbuttoned! I am donating all of my oversized clothes so I have nothing to swell into down the road.
    Good for you! That's awesome.

    Thanks! I am almost down 50, even though MFP says like 38 cuz I didn't record the last gain over winter. Roomy clothes are awesome! (And by roomy, I mean properly fit as opposed to squeezing into while simultaneously cutting off circulation ;))

    Way to go! That's awesome and I'm sure your clothes and circulation are thanking you. :wink:

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Why are we not on page 1000 yet? I'm supposed to be leaving work soon!

    Really, I'm about 15 minutes from where I'm interviewing, and need 5 minutes to change my pants/shoes, so even getting there 15 minutes early, I don't have to leave for half an hour.


    I am sure it is over by now, but I hope it went great!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I log everything. Meticulously. But i went to a wedding yesterday and ignored every single hor doeuvre i ate.

    Wedding calories are burned off on the dance floor. Welcome!

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Yay! @BZAH10, you topped page 1000! Super great!!!

    Ah! My greatest accomplishment for a long time! I'm super happy!

    Yayyyyy!!!! :)

    Thanks! Have you completely recovered from whatever sickness you had? It sounded really bad. Hoping it is gone by now.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    OMG! So, if you Google "shark eating chocolate powder while wearing a trash bag" several of the profile pics from this thread show up! @riderfangal, @Tubbs216, @m1xm0d3, @kelly_c_77

    Bahaha! Just had to look for myself!

    And now, I need to make these:
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Morning all. Just checking in. Meds taken. Am now going to walk up to Charlie's school to do swimming with his class. I do it every friday.

    Sounds fun:). How hot is it in England during the summer?

    Hah not very at the moment! It depends. It can vary but if it gets above about 23-25 celcius we view it as a heat wave and start panicking. It's not gotten above about 16 celcius where I live though, and that's below average even for us.

    It's a glorious heatwave in the south. 22 today

    Your high temp is lower than our low temp today. Looks like we are only get up to 96F today. It's been 100F or higher all week...could be worse. That's what @Susieq_1994 tells me!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    So, for dinner last night I had Cheese Nips and a handful of chocolate eggs leftover from Easter. And beer. Yay!
    You had chocolate leftover from Easter? How?!

    Seriously, tell me how.

    I was as shocked as you guys. For Easter, my BIL gave my son a cardboard egg "thing" with candy in it and it's been sitting on his dresser since then. I assumed it was empty, because candy + my kid, or filled with Legos or something. But lo, it was not! I need to clean up in there more often.
    Aha! So, it was not known that there was leftover candy...makes a little more sense now. And yes, go clean out his closet and see what you find!

    I still have Easter candy left. As a matter of fact, I haven't touched my dark chocolate bunny yet. I know it's there, I just don't use calories on candy very often. I'd rather use them on fries or bacon cheeseburgers.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I have a rant today:

    I am having a "I hate diabetes' day.....not that I ever love it, but today it is really upsetting me.

    This morning I slept in, it was the first day I did not have to get up and make lunch for my son. I came online for a bit and then noticed it was getting late and I had to get to my PT appt. So, I just had some toast for breakfast, LIKE A NORMAL PERSON MIGHT. I got into the shower,, and was so dizzy I nearly fell over. I felt sick for a long while. When I got to the office, I check my blood sugar and it is literally three times what it should be.

    Why? Not because I did not take my shot or because I ate too much sugar....but because I did not have enough protein to slow the speed of the carbs in the rye toast (which has a lower GI level, which is why I eat it instead of my beloved "Italian" bread).

    I have been sick all day because of that one mistake. It is after 6pm and I have not even been able to eat anything yet and I never made it to the gym. Even though my blood sugar is normal now, the rush high and crash low has made me tired and sick. I have a headache and just want to go to bed....

    But, I must go put in the laundry now, and clean the kitchen, and deliver packages for our meeting next week.....UGH

    That sounds horrible. Sorry I don't even know what else I can say. I just feel bad that you have to go through stuff like that...

    Thanks, I am feeling much better today......90% of the time I am good, and I have had it so long it is just a part of life, like any other problem people have....but one in a while it makes me cranky :confounded:

    Can't blame you. You have a very severe case. Always having to pay that close attention to everything is exhausting in itself. Hoping one day things improve for you!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Feels good to be wearing clothes that truly fit again. No more sucking in my gut or keeping the top button of my pants unbuttoned! I am donating all of my oversized clothes so I have nothing to swell into down the road.
    Good for you! That's awesome.

    Thanks! I am almost down 50, even though MFP says like 38 cuz I didn't record the last gain over winter. Roomy clothes are awesome! (And by roomy, I mean properly fit as opposed to squeezing into while simultaneously cutting off circulation ;))

    Woohoo! That's awesome! Do you ride to work all summer?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Morning all. Just checking in. Meds taken. Am now going to walk up to Charlie's school to do swimming with his class. I do it every friday.

    Sounds fun:). How hot is it in England during the summer?

    Hah not very at the moment! It depends. It can vary but if it gets above about 23-25 celcius we view it as a heat wave and start panicking. It's not gotten above about 16 celcius where I live though, and that's below average even for us.

    It's a glorious heatwave in the south. 22 today

    Your high temp is lower than our low temp today. Looks like we are only get up to 96F today. It's been 100F or higher all week...could be worse. That's what @Susieq_1994 tells me!

    Could be a heck of a lot worse. I WANT THAT 22! :o
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    OMG! So, if you Google "shark eating chocolate powder while wearing a trash bag" several of the profile pics from this thread show up! @riderfangal, @Tubbs216, @m1xm0d3, @kelly_c_77

    That is spectacular!