

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Ugh, can I just go to bed now? I've been struggling all day. I feel like I've been run over by an 18 wheeler, and I have so much to do, but I can't bring myself to do it. Hubby told me to not even bother with cooking dinner tonight and we'll eat Wendy's instead. Total housewife/mom fail today...

    I hope tomorrow is a better day
  • michelefm1l
    michelefm1l Posts: 31 Member
    Wow, all of these are fun to read!! And it's good to see that I'm not the only one. I have to admit that I've been guilty of eating after midnight and counting it for the next day and if it's right before my monthly cycle, I can be found eating everything in sight. It once was an entire bad of chocolate chips, felt sick for days.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Where have @m1xm0d3 and @FluffySandwich been? They're both MIA...unless I've missed some posts??

    @m1xm0d3 just posted on his wall that his grandmother had passed and that's why hes been MIA. In case any of you don't have him on your list.

    Oh yikes! Ok, hadn't checked the home page in a bit so I missed his update! :(

    @m1xm0d3 sorry about your loss:(.

    Yes. My sympathies.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!! There has been 1,788 posts since I left I love you all and I'll try my best to catch up but no promises! I've missed this thread and the batcave and all of you tons! I had the BEST trip of my life!! Took tons of pictures I'll post a few in the batcave, so happy to be back and hope things are going well for everyone <3

    So glad you had a great trip!! Welcome back!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I gotta get in on page 1500!!! I can't believe we've kept this going for 1500 pages, yous guys!

    I love you all, good day!

    I keep meaning to ask have you seen the step daughter lately? How are things on that end?

    She came over (for the first time in 3 weeks) last Thursday with her new boyfriend. I had NO idea she was coming because she didn't bother telling anyone beforehand. I was not up for having a house full of people after coming home from a major workout, so I separated myself from everyone as long as I could by taking a shower. My mother was also at my house when I got home. When I got out, my mom was gone, but SD and BF were still there, and stayed for a long time of which she never introduced me. I didn't really care I was just hungry and wanted them to leave so we could eat dinner and run our already scheduled errands.

    I try not to talk about that relationship because it isn't much of one and I just get upset when I think about it too much. I do appreciate you asking though.

    I realized the above statement made me sound like a total jerk, but she never lets us know she's coming so we can properly plan something, she just shows up with a tagalong.

    I hate, hate, hate unexpected company especially when I am hungry or have things planned to do. She sounds like she hasn't changed any.

    Sorry if I upset you with my asking. Just tell me to butt out lol

    Me too, @MoHousdon and @riderfangal. We moved into our apartment three years ago, it has one of those buzzers you have to connect to a phone line and we had problems with getting it hooked up...three years later, we haven't ever gotten it fixed because it means no one can show up unexpectedly. I mean, someone can show up and call one of us, but if we don't answer or whatever we're safe, haha. It is SO WORTH the minor inconvenience of having to go down to the lobby to meet visitors.

    Hah my front doorbell doesn't work either and I haven't bothered to fix it. Oops you knocked must have been upstairs and didn't hear you >:)

    My front doorbell works just fine and I can still pull it off.

    "Oops, I didn't know you were coming, I must've been in the basement/back yard and didn't hear the doorbell."

    "But the dogs barked like crazy..."

    "The dogs bark ALL the time, I just tune them out."

    I hide if anyone comes to my door like delivery men. It feels really intrusive. I don't like anyone in my house.

    If I'm home alone, I panic like crazy if anyone knocks on the door (It's always a mistake of some sort, since we have a non-existent social circle), so I run veeeeery quietly into our bedroom and shut the door until they go away. :p

    I don't like anyone in my house either. Not even to visit. Go away, this is my space! :D Luckily, I never have any visitors anyway.

    Me either. It took me years to redo the kitchen and bathroom because I didn't want anyone in my condo. Every once in a while I have my friend and her husband over (like every two years) and I am stressed out the whole time. And they are my best friends and great. It's all me.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 How was your ride last night? Was that your first ride since being on restrictions?

    It was! Thanks for asking! It was ok. I was a bit annoyed. It takes me an hour and twenty minutes to get there. I rush to get tacked up. Get into the ring. My instructor maybe teaches me 20 min, we take a break, she starts talking to someone and 15 minutes later Tex thinks he is done and it's now quarter to 9. She was like you can be done with that when I comment Tex thinks he is done (horses can get cranky if you start again after they think they are done) and we finish. So a whopping 20 min lesson. Then take care of horses, etc. and I am getting home at 11.

    Then my contacts bothered me, I have vivid red eyes today, they hurt, so my head hurts so I skipped ride tonight and am in a dark room resting my eyes. Sort of. I couldn't resist checking on you all.

    Sigh? Rant over. I will try again tomorrow!

    That sounds more than a bit annoying... more like a total rip-off. Hope your next lesson lasts the full time slot.

    I used to have the same issues with my contacts, a combination of working at a computer monitor all day, over-wearing my contacts (from the minute I got up until just before I went to bed) and apparently my eyes' decreasing tolerance for contact lenses in general. Even drops weren't helping.

    I got Lasik. But I think it was you that mentioned you'd never have that done?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Charlie. We've had a manic party afternoon and I've just left, as I have to make the drive back to London tonight. He's had a brilliant day and is busy telling everyone he's 3.

    That is so cute!!! Nowadays when my daughter meets new people, the first thing she says is 'I am five.'

    My friend Heather's daughter is 4 and introduces herself, "My name is Maggie Lucille and I am a leader."

    When I was 3-4 I introduced myself, "My name is Sawsan. S-A-W-S-A-N." To everyone. :p I was absolutely obsessed with my name being spelled right, apparently...

    That is do cute. Is it an unusual name in Oman? And how is your back? Did you ever make it to the movies?

    Well, I lived in the United States at the time, so it was an extremely rare name. ;) It's actually an uncommon name in Oman as well, but it's extremely common in Sudan (I know like... Three Sudani ladies with my name, and that's with my very limited social circle!) and fairly common in Saudi Arabia.

    My back is finally starting to improve, and we went to Bahrain today! We saw Inside Out, and I LOVED it. It was amazing and super great! I didn't even need painkillers today, and that's with 5 hours in the car and two hours of sitting in the movie theater. :)

    Super great news! Where did you live in the U.S.? I knew your mom was from here but not that you had lived here. And how old were you when you were here?

    I lived there from age two until I was five, while my dad got his Bachelor's degree. We lived in St. Louis , but drove down to Florida several times to visit my grandparents. Both my older sister and my youngest brother were born there, while my brother and I (the middles :p) were born in Oman in between trips.

    Think you'll ever come back? I know you said once you doubted it but you are very young.... You might enjoy it!

    Honestly, I'm sure I would hate it. It would be a constant and unending panic attack for me--my husband got a scholarship from his company to study for his Master's degree in the United States and got accepted from three different institutions, but I panicked so horrifically about it that I had a three-month-long FND flare-up and failed the medical evaluation and the whole thing was cancelled. That's why he's studying here in Saudi Arabia instead--because of me. :-/
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Where have @m1xm0d3 and @FluffySandwich been? They're both MIA...unless I've missed some posts??

    @m1xm0d3 just posted on his wall that his grandmother had passed and that's why hes been MIA. In case any of you don't have him on your list.

    Oh yikes! Ok, hadn't checked the home page in a bit so I missed his update! :(

    @m1xm0d3 sorry about your loss:(.

    Yes. My sympathies.

    My condolences. Losing a grandparent is very hard.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Charlie. We've had a manic party afternoon and I've just left, as I have to make the drive back to London tonight. He's had a brilliant day and is busy telling everyone he's 3.

    That is so cute!!! Nowadays when my daughter meets new people, the first thing she says is 'I am five.'

    My friend Heather's daughter is 4 and introduces herself, "My name is Maggie Lucille and I am a leader."

    When I was 3-4 I introduced myself, "My name is Sawsan. S-A-W-S-A-N." To everyone. :p I was absolutely obsessed with my name being spelled right, apparently...

    That is do cute. Is it an unusual name in Oman? And how is your back? Did you ever make it to the movies?

    Well, I lived in the United States at the time, so it was an extremely rare name. ;) It's actually an uncommon name in Oman as well, but it's extremely common in Sudan (I know like... Three Sudani ladies with my name, and that's with my very limited social circle!) and fairly common in Saudi Arabia.

    My back is finally starting to improve, and we went to Bahrain today! We saw Inside Out, and I LOVED it. It was amazing and super great! I didn't even need painkillers today, and that's with 5 hours in the car and two hours of sitting in the movie theater. :)

    YAY!!! I'm so glad to hear your back is getting better!! I want to see Inside Out, too. I rarely go to the movies as it's such an expensive date here and I nearly always leave the theatre with a headache. I think I'm easily over-stimulated by loud audio and whatnot and it gives me a splitting headache. The last movie I saw in the theatre was... ummm.... Les Miserables a couple years ago. Heh... I'm a weirdo.

    The last film I saw in the cinema was Les Misérables too! We can be weirdos together.

    Last film I saw in a cinema was...The Other Boleyn Girl, about 10 years ago ! I hate going to the cinema. I'd rather sit in my pajamas, on my comfy sofa, with popcorn and drinks, with the ability to pause for wee breaks.

    I love the cinema! At times I go nearly weekly and will occasionally take in a double feature!
    Me too. I don't go as often as you, but I do go probably monthly. We have a great second run cinema near us and I'll happily pay $5 to see pretty much anything there. I also am quite happy to see a movie by myself.

    On Tuesdays movies are only $5.20. That is why I mostly go on Tuesdays. There is also a rewards program where you get 100 points for every movie ticket you buy, and 1,000 gets a free movie ticket, so I save them up for when I go on a full price night. The program also gives you a 10% discount on snacks!

    There are times I go a month or even two without going cuz I am kinda picky about what movies I see.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Conversation between me and my sister:

    Me: "I'm really liking jogging! It's fun with the zombie app. Though my lower back is a little sore."

    Sis: "Sounds like you might want to do some core exercises to help take the strain off your back..."

    Me: "I'd rather take ibuprofen every day than do crunches." :wink:

    ARGH! Confession: It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when people assume you have to do crunches to work your core. (No judgement on you, @jthurman3) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO CRUNCHES TO WORK YOUR CORE!!! :s

    Sorry, pet peeve.

    Confession #2: I NEVER do crunches.

    I always hated doing crunches in school for the Presidential Fitness test & climbing the rope. I could never climb that stupid thing!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!! There has been 1,788 posts since I left I love you all and I'll try my best to catch up but no promises! I've missed this thread and the batcave and all of you tons! I had the BEST trip of my life!! Took tons of pictures I'll post a few in the batcave, so happy to be back and hope things are going well for everyone <3

    Welcome back @LBuehrle8 glad to hear you had a good trip. Cannot wait to see the pictures.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    So... I picked up some muffin thingies in my pantry yesterday and saw that they had these tiny (REALLY tiny) bugs on them. I freaked and threw all of them away. Then I noticed that there were more crawling around in there. I started inspecting items in my pantry and found them on a couple more things. They are really hard to spot because they are so small. I would have thought they were just spilled spices or something if I hadn't noticed them moving.

    Has anyone ever had this problem? I think I'm going to have to throw away EVERYTHING in my pantry... including my entire stock of spices, and I don't want to do that. I investigated them and don't SEE any bugs in there, but who knows? There could be eggs... ughh. I looked up advice and learned that most of the time these bugs are introduced into your home via goods that are not stored properly at the grocery store. :(
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Ugh I weighed myself this morning. Why did I do that? I knew I wasn't going to like what I saw.

    I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant with a fairly obvious bump now. I know logically I should be putting on weight. And I think most of the weight I've put on is bump- and boob-centric. I just worry I'm putting on too much, too fast. At this rate I will be enormous by the time I give birth. And I don't know how to slow it down since I've not been eating for two. Sure, my diet has relaxed from when I was losing weight before, but it's not terrible. It's all very well the midwife saying just don't put on weight too fast, but I have no idea how to actually apply that in real life.

    I'm finding it hard to adjust to my body changing so fast since I didn't have a bump at all 4 weeks ago, and now none of my clothes fit. Takes me 4 attempts to get dressed every morning as even the stuff that fits just irritates me. I'm waiting for this supposed 2nd trimester bloom to start...

    I'm having a woe-is-me day. I'm happy to be pregnant really. Thanks for putting up with my rant!

    What's a 2nd trimester bloom? Could you find some sort of chart or information on roughly how much weight you should gain? I feel for you, I hate vague advice.

    The advice for someone whose BMI is overweight is to gain 15-25 pounds at most. I'm already at 15 pounds gained and only halfway through the pregnancy, and you put on more towards the end, so I feel like I'll easily blow 25 pounds out of the park. In my defense, I've always felt like BMI as a measure of 'overweightness' is a bit rubbish. As a shorty my BMI always struck me as very high for my size. It was about 28 when I was a UK 12. I got down to a UK size 10 once and it was still about 26. Even so, if I put on another 15-20 pounds in the next 20 weeks, which I feel I could very easily do at my current rate, it will be 'too much' according to the NHS.

    The advice seems to assume I am currently eating nothing but cake and chips and double portions at that. I'm not. I know not to eat for two, and I know what healthy eating looks like - I lost weight healthily before getting pregnant. Your hormones go crazy and your metabolism changes during pregnancy and what worked before does not work the same way now. I'm trying to not let it bother me and go with the flow but it's not easy.

    I guess in summary, I just dislike feeling out of control and out of sync with my body. Better get used to it I guess!

    Don't be so hard on yourself while you are pregnant!! Do not over do it, but you can get back to it after birth. Sometimes during pregnancy you cannot control what you gain, you have no idea how much of that is baby!!

    When I was pregnant with my son, I was already heavy, around like 220lbs or so. I was gaining weight at a faster rate than my OBG wanted and he hassled me for it. I ate a DR prescribed diabetic diet to a tee because I was so scared of something bad happening to baby.

    By the time I went to give birth, I had gained 72 pounds, and my DR accused me of lying and eating more than I should have etc. When they weighed me after birth, I lost 57 pounds giving birth. Mind you, I had a 12lbs baby and a 10lb placenta. I made sure when my OBG came in the next morning I let him know that I only actually gained 15lbs.

    Just saying, since I never had kids it didn't occur to me that the placenta could weigh that much. It makes sense but it surprised me! Lol

    well, they don't normally. My DR was pretty floored, he held it up for everyone to see :s
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Just need to vent for a moment:

    I hate diabetes. Been struggling to get below 140 (currently cruising between 150-170 even with more correction insulin than normal and upped basal rates), and I can't eat any "real food" until I get to a lower level (unless I want to deal with BG readings in the 200s+). My head's killing me because of these highs, I'm sick of low-carb protein shakes and am starving, and I want to curl into a corner and cry.

    I feel ya! Did a DR put you on low-carb shakes??
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I haven't been very active recently, but I have been reading along. Am struggling a bit at the moment, for no particular reason. I really need to get back to exercising, but seem to have mislaid my motivation.

    Me too! Hopefully now that stitches are out and I am green lighted to exercise again I'll get my mojo back. Anything I can do to help?

    Great to hear your stitches our out! Any big races coming up?

    Ironman Wisconsin in 3 weeks. Yikes! Why why why don't I train?!!! (That procrastination piece I mentioned).

    Ah! I am sure you'll do super great. I wonder if they give any cheese out during the race :D? You should rock a Cheese head hat!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited August 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am going to do a bit of grumbling, so please feel free to skim on by.

    My work is really ticking me off this week. A coworker is on holiday, and she is the only one who knows how to do her job. They refuse to ever train anyone, but then I'm expected to know how to do everything when she's away. I have people coming up to me constantly to ask where things are kept, if certain things are done, etc. and I want to yell at them I DON'T KNOW! There is one tiny task she showed me how to do, and I was shown the day before her holiday started. She knew she was going to be away, why couldn't she have started training me on it a week or two before? I kind of feel like its a job security thing for her, if no one else knows her job, she can't be replaced.

    Okay, venting over.

    This is probably absolutely the case. I feel this way about my job and manager right now. I swear she Is deliberately not letting me get engaged in stuff so I am invisible. Incredibly frustrating. I keep trying to find opportunities to make myself visible but they are hit or miss. It's really messing with my self esteem like what... You don't think I am good enough? But I believe it's more a function of mismanagement and fear.

    I purposely call praise out on my staff and talk up their accomplishments every time I can. It is a win-win. I'd say you are correct in naming the insecurity and mismanagement and fear.

    I thought I already posted this but it showed up as if I didn't so ignore if this is a double post (switching between phone and computer.)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!! There has been 1,788 posts since I left I love you all and I'll try my best to catch up but no promises! I've missed this thread and the batcave and all of you tons! I had the BEST trip of my life!! Took tons of pictures I'll post a few in the batcave, so happy to be back and hope things are going well for everyone <3

    So glad you had a great trip!! Welcome back!!

    HUGS and welcome back.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I gotta get in on page 1500!!! I can't believe we've kept this going for 1500 pages, yous guys!

    I love you all, good day!

    I keep meaning to ask have you seen the step daughter lately? How are things on that end?

    She came over (for the first time in 3 weeks) last Thursday with her new boyfriend. I had NO idea she was coming because she didn't bother telling anyone beforehand. I was not up for having a house full of people after coming home from a major workout, so I separated myself from everyone as long as I could by taking a shower. My mother was also at my house when I got home. When I got out, my mom was gone, but SD and BF were still there, and stayed for a long time of which she never introduced me. I didn't really care I was just hungry and wanted them to leave so we could eat dinner and run our already scheduled errands.

    I try not to talk about that relationship because it isn't much of one and I just get upset when I think about it too much. I do appreciate you asking though.

    I realized the above statement made me sound like a total jerk, but she never lets us know she's coming so we can properly plan something, she just shows up with a tagalong.

    I hate, hate, hate unexpected company especially when I am hungry or have things planned to do. She sounds like she hasn't changed any.

    Sorry if I upset you with my asking. Just tell me to butt out lol

    Me too, @MoHousdon and @riderfangal. We moved into our apartment three years ago, it has one of those buzzers you have to connect to a phone line and we had problems with getting it hooked up...three years later, we haven't ever gotten it fixed because it means no one can show up unexpectedly. I mean, someone can show up and call one of us, but if we don't answer or whatever we're safe, haha. It is SO WORTH the minor inconvenience of having to go down to the lobby to meet visitors.

    Hah my front doorbell doesn't work either and I haven't bothered to fix it. Oops you knocked must have been upstairs and didn't hear you >:)

    My front doorbell works just fine and I can still pull it off.

    "Oops, I didn't know you were coming, I must've been in the basement/back yard and didn't hear the doorbell."

    "But the dogs barked like crazy..."

    "The dogs bark ALL the time, I just tune them out."

    I hide if anyone comes to my door like delivery men. It feels really intrusive. I don't like anyone in my house.

    If I'm home alone, I panic like crazy if anyone knocks on the door (It's always a mistake of some sort, since we have a non-existent social circle), so I run veeeeery quietly into our bedroom and shut the door until they go away. :p

    I don't like anyone in my house either. Not even to visit. Go away, this is my space! :D Luckily, I never have any visitors anyway.

    Me either. It took me years to redo the kitchen and bathroom because I didn't want anyone in my condo. Every once in a while I have my friend and her husband over (like every two years) and I am stressed out the whole time. And they are my best friends and great. It's all me.

    My ex always complained when I had people over. I am trying to be more welcoming. My parents always have an open door policy and I want my kids to have their friends over. I'm trying to encourage my neighbors to drop by. I'm trying to be more social in general....that said, I LOVE my own company and must have some alone time.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Just need to vent for a moment:

    I hate diabetes. Been struggling to get below 140 (currently cruising between 150-170 even with more correction insulin than normal and upped basal rates), and I can't eat any "real food" until I get to a lower level (unless I want to deal with BG readings in the 200s+). My head's killing me because of these highs, I'm sick of low-carb protein shakes and am starving, and I want to curl into a corner and cry.

    That sounds miserable. I assume the shakes are on doctor's orders?

    Nope. It's because I experience wicked post-meal highs if my pre-meal BG is elevated. I could have 30g of carbs when I'm at 100 and only go to 160 1-2 hours later, while the exact same meal would send me to at least 220 if my pre-meal BG was 120. Just yesterday, I had some cottage cheese and carrots for lunch (about 17g net carbs, with roughly 63% of the calories coming from fat and protein), and it sent me from 119 to 200 within two hours, while it didn't spike me at all the day prior (starting BG around 95).

    At least with the protein shakes, the macro distribution doesn't cause me to experience huge spikes (it works pretty well with the timing of my insulin). I could have one while I'm at 140 and might only go up to 170, while eating a similar number of carbs elsewhere might send me into the 250s.

    What's frustrating me is that I'm taking more insulin than normal (I typically correct a 140 reading with 0.33 units of insulin. I took 0.75 units for a 140 reading today and did not come down one bit during the four hours after correcting), and I have absolutely no clue as to why I'm suddenly more insulin resistant. I don't know if I am coming down with something, or if I have been honeymooning for the past two years and am now starting to come out of it.

    Edit: And it finally is starting to come down! The stuffed bell peppers in the refrigerator are calling my name! *happydance*

    I assume you are a type two then, only have had it two years? You really should not be just drinking low carb shakes, you are gonna make it worse because your body is gonna start to think that is normal and when you go back to regular eating you will be back at square one!

    Being Canadian, my numbers read different, but I just looked up on the U.S. site and it says that 80-130 before a meal is normal and about 180 two hours after a meal. So if you are 120 before your meal, that is normal. If this has only been going on a couple of days, you could very well be coming down with something, but if it has been going on longer than that, you really need to see a DR asap.

    And please, start eating normally!!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Wow, all of these are fun to read!! And it's good to see that I'm not the only one. I have to admit that I've been guilty of eating after midnight and counting it for the next day and if it's right before my monthly cycle, I can be found eating everything in sight. It once was an entire bad of chocolate chips, felt sick for days.
